| Thomas Henry Dyer - 1865 - 516 oldal
...Vertebrate Animals. By RICHARD OWE-V, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. £3 13s. 6i The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man ; Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir Jons LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, revised, with 25 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 16>. The Primitive... | |
| Manley Hopkins - 1866 - 604 oldal
...Condition of Savages. By Sir JOHN I.niBOCE. Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16*. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : containing...the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Mode of Living nf the Savages in the North of Europe during the Stone Age. ByJ3>,EV NILSBOX. With 16 Plates of Figures... | |
| Bernhard von Cotta - 1866 - 484 oldal
...of GREAT BRITAIN. By JOHKEVAXS, FRSFSA With 2 Plates and 476 Woodcuts. Svo. price 28*. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir JOHN LCBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16*. BIBLE ANIMALS; being a Description... | |
| Charles Hewitt Moore - 1867 - 188 oldal
...GREAT BRITAIN. By JOHN EVANS, FRSFSA With 2 Plates and 476 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 28s. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN; Mental...The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing * Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Mode of Living of the Savages in the North of... | |
| James Anthony Froude - 1883 - 438 oldal
...Animal Life on the Earth. By A. NICOLS, FRGS With 12 Illustrations. Crown Svo. y. 6i/. The Origin of Civilisation, and the Primitive Condition of Man ; Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir J. LURBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Fourth Edition, enlarged. Svo. Woodcuts, iSs. Proctor's Light Science for Leisure... | |
| Sabine Baring-Gould - 1868 - 254 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHABD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. £3 1 3s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...Condition of Savages. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS With 25 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : containing a Description... | |
| Francis Bacon - 1868 - 486 oldal
...of 700 Illustrations engraved on Wood, 1 coloured and 21 full size of page. 8vo. 21s. The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man ; Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir Joox LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, revised, with 25 Woodcuts. 8v». price 16s. The Primitive... | |
| John William Donaldson - 1868 - 790 oldal
...Animal Life on the Earth. By A. NICOLS, FRGS With 12 Illustrations. Crown 8vo. JJ. 6J. The Origin of Civilisation, and the Primitive Condition of Man ; Mental and Social Condition of Savages. By Sir J. LuituocK, Bart. MPFRS 8vo. Woodcuts, 1 8s. Light Science for Leisure Hours ; Familiar Essays on... | |
| John Mitchell (F.C.S.) - 1868 - 840 oldal
...Animals. Bv Ricnjk.ui>" OWKN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. £3 13s. 6tl. 'he I»rimitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia, Containing a Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Mcxie of Living of tlic Savages in the North of Kurojw during the Stone Age. By SVKS Nti-sso>'. With... | |
| Justinian I (Emperor of the East) - 1869 - 652 oldal
...Globe. By the same Author. With 8 Chromoxylographs, 3 Maps, and 80 Woodcuts. 8vo. 21s. The Origin of Civilisation and the Primitive Condition of Man ;...Savages. By Sir JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, revised, with 25 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 16». The Primitive Inhabitants of Scandinavia. Containing a... | |
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