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" The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : containing a Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs, and Mode of Living of the Savages in the North of Europe during the Stone Age. By SYEN NIISSON. "
The Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith: A Selection of the Most ... - 10. oldal
szerző: Sydney Smith - 1869 - 355 oldal
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

Pau and the Pyrenees

comte Henri Russell - 1871 - 144 oldal
...VEBTEbrate Animals. By RICHARD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodouts. 3 vols. 8vo. £3 1 3s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. 8vo. price 16s. The PBIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : containing a Description of the Implements, Dwellings, Tombs,...

The History of Israel ...: The history of Ezra and of the hagiocracy in ...

Heinrich Ewald - 1874 - 568 oldal
...of Europe during the Stone Age. By SVES X ji - i •%, 8vo. Plates and Woodcuts, 18s. The Origin of Civilisation, and the Primitive Condition of Man ;...Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. 8vo. 1 6s. 11 An Exposition of Fallacies in the Hypothesis of Mr. Darwin. By CK BBEK, MDFZS With 36 Woodcuts....

Hungarian Celebrities

Walter James Wyatt - 1871 - 350 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHAKD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £31S*.6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the Implements,...

Eucharis, a poem, 213. kiadás

Francis Reginald Statham - 1871 - 152 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHARD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £3 1 3s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN :...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA : containing a Description of the Implements,...

The Theory of the Modern Scientific Game of Whist

William Pole - 1871 - 152 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHAED OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £3 1 3s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. NEW WORKS PUBLISHED BT LONGMANS AND "CO. 13 ffiLE ANIMALS ; being a Description of...

The Leaders of Public Opinion in Ireland:: Swift--Flood--Grattan--O'Connell

William Edward Hartpole Lecky - 1871 - 388 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHARD OWBN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £313s. W. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the Implements,...

Sermons on various subjects

James J. Murphy - 1871 - 388 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHABD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. S vols. Svo. £3 1 3s. (lit. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LuBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the Implements,...

A Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans

William Anderson O'Conor - 1871 - 144 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHABD OWEN, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. 8vo. £3 1 3s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the Implements,...

The Dublin Practice of Midwifery

Henry Maunsell - 1871 - 372 oldal
...VERTEbrate Animals. By RICHABD OWBS, FRSDCL With 1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £3 13s. 6d. The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 Woodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the Implements,...

Authority and Conscience: a Free Debate on the Tendency of Dogmatic Theology ...

Conway Morel (pseud. [i.e. Charles Zachary Macaulay.]) - 1871 - 340 oldal
...1,472 Woodcuts. 3 vols. Svo. £3 1 5s. ii(/. NEW WORKS Ptf BUSHED BT LONGMANS A.SD CO. 1S The ORIGIN of CIVILISATION and the PRIMITIVE CONDITION of MAN ;...JOHN LUBBOCK, Bart. MPFRS Second Edition, with 25 \Voodcuts. Svo. price 16s. The PRIMITIVE INHABITANTS of SCANDINAVIA: containing a Description of the...

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