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" Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers. Black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside— Black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses! "
Littell's Living Age - 378. oldal
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Practical Grammar, Based Upon the Text of Longfellow's "Evangeline" and a ...

William Christopher Sayrs - 1903 - 384 oldal
...his cheeks as brown as the oak leaves. Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers ; 65 Black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the...the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide Exercise 11 1. In what direction was the home of Bellefontaine from the village ? 2. What made Evangeline...

Language Lessons from Literature: Book I-II, 2. könyv

Alice Woodworth Cooley, William Franklin Webster - 1903 - 456 oldal
...White as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak leaves." From " Evangeline." " Black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside." From " Evangeline." " Brown as a nut was his face, but his russet beard was already Flaked with patches...

A Latin Grammar

William Gardner Hale, Carl Darling Buck - 1903 - 406 oldal
...the second it is for the sound only. Columns of pale blue smoke, || like clouds of incense arising. Sweet was her breath as the breath || of kine that feed in the meadows. 2 Technically called fenthemimeral, ie after the fifth half. Technically called hephthemimeral, ie...

Evangeline, a Tale of Acadie

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1904 - 124 oldal
...with snowflakes ; Whit© as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers;...her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the Avayside, 66 Black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown shade of her tresses! Sweet was her...

Biennial Report of the Superintendent of Public Instruction of ..., 17-19. kötet

1904 - 938 oldal
...of a paragraph? 9. Scan, tell the kind of meter, and explain the figures of speech in the following: "Black were her eyes as the berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside." "Not failure, but low aim, is crime." 10. What are the essential differences between poetry and prose!...

Fifth Reading Book

William T. Vlymen - 1904 - 520 oldal
...berry that grows on the thorn by the wayside. Black, yet how softly they gleamed beneath the brown Sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in the meadows. Fairer was she when, on Sunday morn, while the bell from its turret Sprinkled with holy sounds the...

The Lamp: A Review and Record of Current Literature, 29. kötet

1904 - 582 oldal
...language majestic. Never should visions so fair be writ in hexameter verses. Then quoting the line: Sweet was her breath as the breath of kine that feed in meadows, the editor playfully exclaims: "O, Mr. Longfellow! was ever maiden of Arcadie so libelled...

The Chief American Poets: Selected Poems by Bryant, Poe, Emerson, Longfellow ...

Curtis Hidden Page - 1905 - 740 oldal
...with snow-flakes; White as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers....the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide 50 Flagons of home-brewed ale, ah 1 fair in sooth was the maiden. Fairer was she when, on Sunday morn,...

The Chief American Poets: Selected Poems by Bryant, Poe, Emerson, Longfellow ...

Curtis Hidden Page - 1905 - 730 oldal
...with snow-flakes; White as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers....the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide 50 Flagons of home-brewed ale, ah ! fair in sooth was the maiden. Fairer was she when, on Sunday morn,...

Longfellow's Evangeline: kritische ausgabe mit einleitung, untersuchungen ...

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow - 1905 - 196 oldal
...snow-f lakes; White as the snow were his locks, and his cheeks as brown as the oak-leaves. 65 Fair was she to behold, that maiden of seventeen summers....the harvest heat she bore to the reapers at noontide 70 Flagons of home-brewed ale, ah! fair in sooth was the maiden. Fairer was she when, on Sunday morn,...

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