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" Every mass of alloyed gold is supposed to be divided into 24 equal parts ; thus the standard for coin is 22 carat fine, that is, it consists of 22 parts of pure gold and 2 parts of alloy. "
British Almanac and Family Cyclopaedia - 96. oldal
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

New Universal Self-pronouncing Dictionary: With an Encyclopedic Appendix

William Joseph Pelo - 1925 - 684 oldal
...Weight 24 grains = 1 pennyweight. 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce. 12 ounces = 1 pound. Circular Measure 60 seconds = 1 minute. 60 minutes = 1 degree. 30 degrees = 1 sign. 360 degrees = 1 circle or circumference. Cubic Measure 1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot. 27 cubic...

Tate's Modern Cambist: A Manual of the World's Monetary Systems, the Foreign ...

William Tate, William Frederick Spalding - 1926 - 520 oldal
...1 cwt.; 20 cwt. = 1 ton. 24 grains = 1 pennyweight; 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce; 12 ounces = 1 pound. 60 seconds = 1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 degree; 30 degrees = 1 sign ; 12 signs = 1 circle or circumference. 1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot; 27 cubic feet = 1 cubic...

The New Standard American Business Guide: A Complete Compendium of how to Do ...

Edward Thomas Roe - 1927 - 552 oldal
...f * 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds ...... 1 solar year Circular 60 second* ......... 1 minute. 60 minutes .......... 1 degree. 30 degrees.............. 1 sign. 90 degrees. . ........ 1 quadrant. 4 quadrants ...... I • rjrr|f. 360desreea ........ f I circle A convenient method of finding the...

Handbook for Lumber and Building Material Merchants ...

Northeastern Retail Lumbermens Association, Inc. (Rochester, N.Y.) - 1929 - 256 oldal
...square yards 1 square rod 40 square rods 1 rood 4 roods 1 acre 640 acres 1 square mile CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds 1 minute 60 minutes 1 degree 30 degrees 1 sign 90 degrees 1 quadrant 4 quadrants 12 signs or 360 degrees 1 circle SURVEYORS' MEASURE 7.92 inches 1 link 25 links 1 rod 4...

Symbols, Sex, and the Stars

Ernest Busenbark - 1997 - 420 oldal
...both figures having important places in calculations of the equinoctial precession. CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 degree 30 degrees = 1 sign 360 degrees = circumference or circle 1 Decan = 10 clays 1 Dodecan = 5 clays 72 " = 360 clays MUNDANE...
Korlátozott előnézet - Információ erről a könyvről

The New York Times Practical Guide to Practically Everything: The Essential ...

Amy D. Bernstein, Peter W. Bernstein - 2006 - 862 oldal
...navigating, astronomy, geography, figuring latitude and longitude, and computing differences in time. 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes = 1 degree 30 degrees = 1 sign 45 degrees = 1 octant 60 degrees = 1 sextant 90 degrees = 1 quadrant = 1 right angle 1 80 degrees =...
Korlátozott előnézet - Információ erről a könyvről

The British Almanac

1840 - 370 oldal
...standard, used fur watch-cases, &c., is 18 carats fine, 5. ANGULAR MEASURE; OB, DIVISIONS OF THE PIRCI.K. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes =1 Degree 30 Degrees...Circumference Formerly, the subdivisions were carried onbv sixties; thus, tho second was divided into' 60 thirds, the third into 60 fourths, &c. At present...

The British Almanac

1873 - 424 oldal
...fine, that is, it consists of 22 parts of pure gold, and 2 parts of alloy. 5. ANGULAR MEASURE. OR, DIVISIONS OF THE CIRCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60...Quadrant 360 Degrees, or 12 Signs — 1 Circumference 6. MEASURE OF TIME. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes =± 1 Hour 24 Hours = 1 Day 7 Days = 1 Week 28...

British Almanac and Companion, 45. kötet

1872 - 426 oldal
...consists of 22 parts of pure gold, and 2 parts of alloy. 5. ANGULAR MEASURE. OR, DIVISIONS OF THE CIBCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes = 1 Degree 30 Degrees...Quadrant 360 Degrees, or 12 Signs — 1 Circumference 6. MEASURE OF TIME. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes = 1 Hour 24 Hours = 1 Day 7 Days = 1 Week 28 Days...

The British Almanac

1871 - 430 oldal
...fine, that is, it consists of 22 parts of pure gold, and 2 parts of alloy. 5. ANGULAR MEASURE; OR, DIVISIONS OF THE CIRCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60...Degrees = 1 Sign 90 Degrees = 1 Quadrant 360 Degrees, or 1 2 Signs = 1 Circumference 6. MEASURE OF TIME. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes = 1 Hour 24 Hours...

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