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" Every mass of alloyed gold is supposed to be divided into 24 equal parts ; thus the standard for coin is 22 carat fine, that is, it consists of 22 parts of pure gold and 2 parts of alloy. "
British Almanac and Family Cyclopaedia - 96. oldal
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

Lessons in Business: A Complete Compendium of how to Do Business by the ...

Edward Thomas Roe - 1916 - 518 oldal
...„„_ 12 calendar months f J 365 days, 5 hours, 48 minutes, and 49 seconds 1 solar year. Circular 60 seconds 1 minute. 60 minutes 1 degree. 30 degrees. '. 1 sign. 90 degrees l quadrant. 4 quadrants t . „•_ , 360 degrees If 1 <arcle A, convenient method of finding. the...

Engineer Field Manual ...: I. Reconnaissance. II. Bridges. III ..., 1-7. rész

United States. War Department - 1917 - 542 oldal
....2012 7920 660 220 40 10 1 .125 160923 1609 1.609 63360 5280 1760 320 80 8 1 TABLE V. ClRCULAR MEASURE. 60 seconds = 1 minute. 60 minutes = 1 degree. 30 degrees = 1 sign. 90 degrees=l quadrant. 4 quadrants = 12 signs = 360 degrees = 1 circle. I TABLE Vi. APPROXlMATE METRlC...

Engineer Field Manual ...: I. Reconnaissance. II. Bridges. III ..., 1-7. rész

United States. War Department - 1917 - 560 oldal
...160925 1608 1.609 63360 5280 1760 320 80 8 1 604 ENGINEER FIELD MANUAL. TABLE V. CiRCULAR MEA8UBE. 60 seconds = 1 minute. 60 minutes = 1 degree. 30 degrees = 1 sign. 90 degrees=l quadrant. 4 quadrants = 12 signs 360 degrees = 1 circle. TABLE Vi. APPROXlMATE METRlC EQUlVALENT8....

Hopkins and Underwood's Arithmetic, 2. könyv

John William Hopkins - 1918 - 392 oldal
...pennyweight (pwt.) 20 pennyweights = 1 ounce (oz.) 12 ounces = 1 pound (Ib.) PAPER MEASURE CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds (") = 1 minute (') 60 minutes = 1 degree (°) 30 degrees = 1 sign (S.) = 1 circle (C.) or circumference = 1 circumference NAUTICAL MEASURE = 1 fathom = 1 cable length...

The Handbook of Industrial Oil Engineering: A Reference Book of Data ...

John Rome Battle - 1920 - 1280 oldal
...days = 1 month in computing interest); 365 days= 1 year; 366 days = 1 leap year. CIRCULAR MEASURE. — 60 seconds =1 minute; 60 minutes = 1 degree; 30 degrees = 1 sign; 90 degrees = 1 quadrant; 4 quadrants =12 signs, or 360 degrees = 1 circle. LONG MEASURE.— 12 inches = 1 foot; 3 feet = 1 yard;...

The Handbook for Practical Farmers: Dealing with the More Important Aspects ...

Hugh Findlay - 1920 - 586 oldal
...computing Interest.) 305 days ............... 1 year 366 days ............... 1 leap year CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds .............. 1 minute 60 minutes ............................... 1 sign 90 degrees .............. 1 quadrant 4 quadrants, 12 signs, or 380 degrees ........ 1 circle MARINER'S MEASURE 8 feet .............. 1 fathom...

The Handbook for Practical Farmers: Dealing with the More Important Aspects ...

Hugh Findlay - 1920 - 584 oldal
...month (30 days, 1 month in computing interest) 365 days 1 year 366 days 1 leap year CIRCULAR MEASURE 00 seconds 1 minute 60 minutes 1 degree 30 degrees 1 sign 90 degrees 1 quadrant 4 quadrants, 12 signs, or 360 degrees 1 circle MARINER'S MEASUBB • 6 feet Jfalhom ,, 120 fathoms...

The Chemical Resistance of Engineering Materials

Marston Lovell Hamlin, Francis Mills Turner - 1923 - 280 oldal
...drams 1 ounce 1 6 ounces 1 pound 112 pounds 1 hundredweight 20 hundredweights 1 ton Circular Measure 60 seconds 1 minute 60 minutes 1 degree 30 degrees 1 sign 12 signs . . .1 circle or circumference Cubic Measure 1728 cubic inches 1 cubic foot 27 cubic feet...

Winston's Cumulative Loose-leaf Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive ..., 10. kötet

Charles Morris - 1923 - 520 oldal
...long ton 24 grains = 1 pennyweight 20 pennyweights •= 1 ounce 12 ounces = 1 pound CIRCULAR MEASURE. 60 seconds = 1 minute 60 minutes - 1 degree 30 degrees = 1 sign 360 degrees - - 1 circle or circumference CUBIC MEABURE. 1,728 cubic inches = 1 cubic foot 27 cubic...

The 20th Century Almanac: A Complete Calendar from 1900 to 2000, with a ...

1923 - 142 oldal
...days 100 years ** 1 minute — l hour - l day l week 1 year 1 leap year — 1 century CIRCULAR MEASURE 60 seconds — 1 minute 60 minutes - 1 degree 30 degrees - 1 sign 12 signs 1 , ,,1ri,lA 360 degrees/ clrcle MISCELLANEOUS TABLE 12 units — 1 dozen 12 dozen (144) —...

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