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" In the civil war existing between Spain and the Spanish provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to be equally open to both parties, and on... "
The Monthly magazine - 83. oldal
szerző: Monthly literary register - 1820
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

Boletin de los archivos de la Republica de Cuba, 26-27. kötet

1927 - 640 oldal
...provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enf orce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to be equally open to both partios, and on the same conditions, and our citizens have been equally restrained from interfering...

Old South Leaflets, 6. kötet,126-150. kiadás

1788 - 568 oldal
...Provinces in this hemisphere the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to...citizens have been equally restrained from interfering in favor of either to the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war, however, has operated manifestly...

Annual Register, 61. kötet

Edmund Burke - 1820 - 896 oldal
...provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care haa been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to...has operated manifestly in favour of the colonies. Buenos-Ayres still maintains unshaken the independence which it declared in 1816, and has enjoyed since...

British and Foreign State Papers

Great Britain. Foreign Office, Great Britain. Foreign and Commonwealth Office - 1834 - 1142 oldal has been taken to enforce the Laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our Porls hare continued to be equally open to both Parties, and...has operated manifestly in favour of the Colonies. Bnenos Ayres still maintains unshaken the independence which it declared in 1816, and has enjoyed since...

Annual Register, 62. kötet,2. kiadás

Edmund Burke - 1822 - 776 oldal
...provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to...the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war j however, has operated manifestly in favour of the colonies. Buenos Ayres still maintains unshaken...

New Monthly Magazine, and Universal Register, 13. kötet

Thomas Campbell, Samuel Carter Hall, Edward Bulwer Lytton Baron Lytton, Theodore Edward Hook, Thomas Hood, William Harrison Ainsworth, William Ainsworth - 1820 - 666 oldal
...provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality Our ports have continued to be...been equally restrained from interfering in favour of cither, to the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war, however, has operated manifestly in...

The Statesman's Manual: Containing the Addresses and Messages of ..., 1. kötet

United States. President - 1858 - 802 oldal
...has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial neutrality. Our ports have been equally open to both parties, and on the same conditions,...citizens have been equally restrained from interfering in favor of either, to the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war, however, has operated manifestly...

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