Jubal struck the chorded shell, His listening brethren stood around, And, wondering, on their faces fell, To worship that celestial sound. Less than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly and so... Specimens of the British Poets ... - 218. oldalszerző: British poets - 1809Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről
| Johann Gottfried Herder - 1828 - 988 oldal
...around. And wond'ring on their faces fell To worship that celestial sound; Less than a God, they thought, there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so- sweetly and so well. 2i;i bet arflbifchen "Potfie i ft bcfanntcrmaßtn ba| iMfdic «SclbnimaaS fpát entftanbrn. frine ГЬг... | |
| Johann Gottfried Herder - 1829 - 630 oldal
...And wond'ring on their faces fell Tit worship that celestial sound; Lefs than a God, they thought, there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly And so well. 58el bet (irabtfdKii spoejtc t ft befanntermopen baë eleentUd) prcfobffdje ©clbenmeß fpât ent(l«nfcen.... | |
| Thomas Curtis - 1829 - 798 oldal
...shell before him, From the sands in safety bore him. Dryden's Albion. Less than a god they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly. Dryden. Whatever we fetch from underground is only what is lodged in the ¡MI of the earth. Locke.... | |
| 1830 - 308 oldal
...around, And wondering on their faces fell To worship that celestial sound. Less than a God they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell...so well ! What passion cannot music raise and quell ! DKYDEN, 1st Music Ode. can only be effected at that period of the history of civilization when rudeness... | |
| Constable and co, ltd - 1830 - 412 oldal
...their faces fell, To worship the celestial sound : Less than a God they thought there scarce could dwell, Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly and so well." The Padre Martini, -j- in his " Storia della Musica," imagines, with a great show of reason, • Genesis... | |
| John Dryden - 1832 - 342 oldal
...celestial sound. Less than a God they thought there could not Within the hollow of that shell, [dwell That spoke so sweetly and so well. What passion cannot Music raise and quell ? 1n. The trumpet's loud clangor ss Excites us to arms, With shrill notes of anger, And mortal alarms.... | |
| James Montgomery - 1833 - 348 oldal
...And, wondering, on their faces fell, To worship that celestial sound ; Less than a god they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly and so well." DRYDEN. To return to the general subject : the hemistichs of Lamech, on which we have commented, are... | |
| James Montgomery - 1833 - 368 oldal
...And, wondering, on their faces fell, To worship that celestial sound ; Less than a god they thought there could not dwell Within the hollow of that shell, That spoke so sweetly an*l so well." DBYDKK. To return to the general subject : the hemistichs of Lamech, on which we have... | |
| James Strange French, Timothy Flint - 1836 - 272 oldal
...impended might pass away, and peace and happiness crown the evening hours of Oloompa. CHAPTER XXIII. " The double double double beat Of the thundering drum Cries, hark ! the foes come : Charge, charge ! — 't is too late to retreat." DRYDEN. THE spot where Oloompa left Rolfe and his party, and which... | |
| John Dryden - 1837 - 482 oldal
...celestial sound. Less than a God they thought there could not Within the hollow of that shell, [dweU That spoke so sweetly and so well. What passion cannot Music raise and quell? ni. The trumpet's loud clangor Excites us t<i arms, With shrill notes of anger, And mortal ularms.... | |
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