A light broke in upon my brain, — It was the carol of a bird; It ceased, and then it came again, The sweetest song ear ever heard, And mine was thankful till my eyes Ran over with the glad surprise, And they that moment could not see I was the mate... Littell's Living Age - 399. oldal1849Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 310 oldal
...I was the mate of misery ; But then by dull degrees came back Mv senses to their wonted track, 260 I saw the dungeon walls and floor Close slowly round...But through the crevice where it came That bird was pcrchfd, as fond and tame, And tamer than upon the tree ; A lovely bird, with azure wings, And song... | |
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1823 - 368 oldal
...Ran over with the glad surprise, And they that moment could not see I was the mate of misery ; But then by dull degrees came back My senses to their wonted track, I saw the dungeon walls and Roof Close slowly round me as before, I saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it before had done,... | |
| Louise Swanton-Belloc - 1824 - 400 oldal
...misery ; But then by dull degrees came back My senscs to their wonted track , I saw the dungcon vvalls and floor Close slowly round me as before ; I saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it before had donc ; coutumées. Je vis les murs du cachot se refermer lentement sur moi ; je vis la pâle lueur... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1824 - 322 oldal
...t And they that moment could not see. I was the mate of misery; But then hy dull degrees came hack My senses to their wonted track, I saw the dungeon walls and floor Close sloi^y round me as hefore, I saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it hefore had done, Bnt through... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1825 - 1016 oldal
...Ran over with the glad surprise, And they that moment could not see I was the mate of misery ; But then by dull degrees came back My senses to their...But through the crevice where it came That bird was perch'd, as fond and tame, And tamer than upon the tree ; A lovely bird, with azure wings, And song... | |
| George Clinton - 1825 - 826 oldal
...Kan over with the glad surprise, And they that moment could not see I was the mate of Misery : But then by dull degrees came back My senses to their wonted track ; I saw tlic dungeon walls and floor Close slowly round me as before ; I saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping... | |
| George Gordon Noël Byron - 1826 - 804 oldal
...misery ; But then by dull degrees ramc back My senses to their wonted track, I saw the dungeon-walls and floor Close slowly round me as before, I saw the...But through the crevice where it came That bird was perch'd, as fond and tunic, And tamer than npon the tree ; A lovely bird, with azure wings. And song... | |
| George Gordon Byron Baron Byron - 1826 - 466 oldal
...mate of misery; But then hy dull degrees came hack My seuses to their wouted track, I saw the dungeou walls and floor Close slowly round me as before, I...saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it before had doue, But tbrongh the crevice where it came That hird was perch'd, as foud and tame, And tamer than... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1826 - 860 oldal
...Ran over with the glad surprise. And they that moment could not sea I was the mate of misery ; But then by dull degrees came back My senses to their wonted track, I saw the dungeon-walls and floor Close slowly round me as before, 1 saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it... | |
| George Gordon N. Byron (6th baron.) - 1827 - 888 oldal
...Bui then by dull degrees came hack My senses to their wonted track, I viw the dungeon walls and tloor Close slowly round me as before, I saw the glimmer of the sun Creeping as it before had done. Hut through the crevice where it came That bird was perch'd, *s fond and tame. And tamer than upon... | |
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