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The Government of World Cities: The Future of the Metro Model

L. J. Sharpe - 1995 - 258 oldal
This collection of essays, examining the various governments of the world's largest cities, describes how the "metropolitan model" (local government) succeeds or fails in each ...

Evaluation in Planning: Facing the Challenge of Complexity

Nathaniel Lichfield - 1998 - 398 oldal
Papers from a September 1996 workshop provide a picture of the state of research in urban and regional planning evaluation, covering aspects such as methodological issues ...
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Handbook of Public Administration, Second Edition

W. Bartley Hildreth, Gerald J. Miller, Jack Rabin - 1997 - 1274 oldal
This bestselling reference examines all major areas in public administration from the enlightening perspectives of history and the five "great" concepts or theories framing ...
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Koordination in Der Regionalplanung

Dietrich Fürst, Ansgar Rudolph, Karsten Zimmermann - 2003 - 184 oldal
Raumplanung ist im Wesentlichen Koordination von Raumnutzungen. Dabei geht es um Abwägen und Konfliktregelung, aber auch um zukunftsbezogenen Steuerung. In der Praxis kann ...
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The Art of Governance: Analyzing Management and Administration

Patricia W. Ingraham, Laurence E. Lynn Jr. - 2004 - 260 oldal
Public administration has evolved into an extraordinarily complex form of governance employing traditional bureaucracy, quasi-government public organizations, and collaborative ...
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Sustainable Development on the North Atlantic Margin: Selected Contributions ...

Reginald Byron, James A. Walsh, Proinnsias Breathnach - 1997 - 388 oldal
The aim of this book is to bring together a wide range of experiences from a variety of disciplinary backgrounds to issues concerned with sustainable development in diverse ...

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