The British Almanac: Containing Astronomical, Official and Other Information Relating to the British Isles, the Dominions Oversea and Foreign CountriesStationers' Company, 1851 |
Részletek a könyvből
6 - 10 találat összesen 36 találatból.
179. oldal
... Bill to abolish all franchise in Ireland resting on occupation , and to substitute for it a simple Rating ... read a second time . Feb. A Bill for shortening the Language of Acts of Parliament , brought in by Lord Brougham , was ...
... Bill to abolish all franchise in Ireland resting on occupation , and to substitute for it a simple Rating ... read a second time . Feb. A Bill for shortening the Language of Acts of Parliament , brought in by Lord Brougham , was ...
180. oldal
... Bill was then read a second time . The dropped debate on the Irish Chancery Reform Bill was resumed . Mr. J. Stuart's amendment to read the bill a second time this day six months gave rise to much discussion , and was ultimately withdrawn .
... Bill was then read a second time . The dropped debate on the Irish Chancery Reform Bill was resumed . Mr. J. Stuart's amendment to read the bill a second time this day six months gave rise to much discussion , and was ultimately withdrawn .
181. oldal
... bill was consequently lost . Mr. Halsey moved the second reading of the Small Tenements Rating Bill . Mr. P. Scrope ... read a second time , as was also Mr. Southeron's Tenants at Rack Rent Relief Bill . ( LORDS . ) The Slave Trade ...
... bill was consequently lost . Mr. Halsey moved the second reading of the Small Tenements Rating Bill . Mr. P. Scrope ... read a second time , as was also Mr. Southeron's Tenants at Rack Rent Relief Bill . ( LORDS . ) The Slave Trade ...
182. oldal
... read a first time . ( LORDS . ) The Earl of Mountcashel , in moving for papers , Feb. brought under their lordships ... Bill to regulate the appointment of Chaplains in Foreign Parts . ( COMMONS . ) Lord R. Grosvenor , in moving ...
... read a first time . ( LORDS . ) The Earl of Mountcashel , in moving for papers , Feb. brought under their lordships ... Bill to regulate the appointment of Chaplains in Foreign Parts . ( COMMONS . ) Lord R. Grosvenor , in moving ...
183. oldal
... Bill was read a second time , as were also the Irish Turnpike Road and Bridge Trusts , and the Scotch Titles of Religious Congregations Bills . ( LORDS . ) The Commons Inclosure Bill , and , on the motion March of Lord Brougham , a Bill ...
... Bill was read a second time , as were also the Irish Turnpike Road and Bridge Trusts , and the Scotch Titles of Religious Congregations Bills . ( LORDS . ) The Commons Inclosure Bill , and , on the motion March of Lord Brougham , a Bill ...
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Gyakori szavak és kifejezések
14 Victoriæ 15th passes aftern amend amount appointed April Bart Bill passed Committee Bill was read Bishop Board borough Bridge British Capt Charles Church clauses Clerk College colonies Commissioners COMMONS Company constellation cotton County Court Court of Chancery cwts Dublin Duke Earl East India England exceeding Exchequer Foreign George Harbour Hebrew Calendar Henry Holyhead House India Ireland Irish James John July land Liverpool London Lord Lord Brougham Marquess Marquess of Lansdowne ment miles month morn motion Office Pall Mall parishes Parliament persons Plen Pres Railway read a second read a third regulate repeal route Royal Russell Scotland second reading Sessions ship SOCIETY Somerset House South Southampton Stamp Duties steamers Stevinus Street Sunday Thomas tion tons Trinity United Kingdom Uranus usury Visc West William دو وو
Népszerű szakaszok
11. oldal - Thou shalt not lend upon usury to thy brother; usury of money, usury of victuals, usury of any thing that is lent upon usury : unto a stranger thou mayest lend upon usury ; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury...
99. oldal - And be it further enacted, that this act shall be deemed and taken to be a public act, and shall be judicially taken notice of as such by all judges, justices, and others, without being specially pleaded.
99. oldal - in all Acts, words importing the masculine gender shall be deemed and taken to include females, and the singular to include the plural, and the plural the singular, unless the contrary as to gender and number is expressly provided...
72. oldal - By this Act, also, offences committed on the high seas within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England are to be tried in this court.
92. oldal - ... grain. By comparing the number of grains in the Avoirdupois and Troy pound and ounce respectively, it appears that the Troy pound is less than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 14 to 17 nearly ; but the Troy ounce is greater than the Avoirdupois, in the proportion of 79 to 72 nearly.
130. oldal - An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing, and contingent and other Expenses of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain and Ireland; to grant Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Paymasters, Quartermasters, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Surgeons' Mates, and Serjeant Majors of the Militia ; and to authorize the Employment of the Non-commissioned Officers.
100. oldal - An Act to make more effectual provision for regulating the police of towns and populous places in Scotland, and for paving, draining, cleansing, lighting, and improving the same," and of the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act, 1862.
91. oldal - Tun ; but these may be considered rather as the names of the casks in which such commodities are imported, than as expressing any definite number of gallons. It is the practice to gauge all such vessels, and to charge them according to their actual content Flour is sold nominally by measure, but actually by weight, reckoned at 71b.
91. oldal - Sq. Yards = 1 Perch or Rod 40 Perches = 1 Rood 4 Roods = 1 Acre 640 Acres = 1 Sq. Mile 3. MEASURES OF SOLIDITY AND CAPACITY. DIVISION I. — SOLIDITY. 1728 Cubic Inches — 1 Cubic Foot 27 Cubic Feet = 1 Cubic Yard DIVISION
100. oldal - ... schoolmaster's house, garden, and playground, or as a college, academy, or seminary, with or without grounds for air, exercise, or recreation, or as a hall or rooms for the meeting or transaction of the business of such congregation or society or body of persons, and wherever the conveyance, assignment, or other assurance of such property has been or may be taken to or in favour of a trustee or trustees to be from time to time appointed, or of any party or parties named in such conveyance, assignment,...