4 Th. 6240. 5 Fr. in Per. 6 Sa. 7 C 8 Mo. 9 Tu. 10 W. 68. HARRIET M. KIMBALL. Farmer's Calendar. Nor much time to lose now. The swedes must come out of the ground and be stored soon, or you will get caught by the frost. were pulled last Fine. Mangolds 6h C. Very low tides. 7th and 8th. Execution of Captain Fry, in 8. Steamer Virginis, at 11 Th. St. Martin. 6. 12 Fr... 13 Sa. in Perigee. cold. 14 C 25th Sunday after Trinity. 19 Fr. 20 Sa. month, I suppose. It is not safe to leave them quite so late as this, though now and then we have a year when the mild, gray days of the Indian summer visit us even later. There are many little odd jobs that must be done to get ready for the winter. Grows Where the cellar is apt to freeze it is to be banked up. Don't put the earth up over the sills, or it will set them to rotting. Put hay, or straw, or tan-anything to save the wood-work. Cows ought to be put in the barn and well fed as the cold weather comes on, or they shrink in milk. Feed out the pumpkins now, and break the sudden change from grass to hay. Apples are good for stock. Do not fear to feed them freely, but it is safe to cut them to prevent the danger of choking. Trim grape vines after the leaves have fallen. They 19th. Wm. M. Tweed, convicted, in New York, of corrupt practices, for which 6. with gusty and piercing winds. Οr. 6 21 C 26th Sun. af. collision with 23 Tu. (French steamer Ville du Havre sunk by 24 W. lost, 1873. a British ship, 226 lives 624 British troops evacuate New 25 Th. 1875. DECEMBER, Twelfth Month. Astronomical Calculations. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. 's Declination. m. h. m.h. D First Quarter, 5th day, 9h. 12m., evening, W. Day of Day of Day of Fast. Sun Moon's Age. m. m. 356 22 W. 7 27 430 9 9 9 9 357 23 Th. 7 28 431 9 30 1 126 82 84 sec. kn. 14 legs 449 9 27 551 10 16 65111 6 sets 11 58 59 0 50 612 1 40 719 2 28 322 44 54 rei. morn. 5 53 3 Inc. 223 5 6 rei. 031 6 35 300224 647 rei. 136 716 30 0 125 748 sec. 240 7 58 3 44 8 41 Farmer's Calendar. EVERY farmer and every farmer's boy ought to learn to appreciate the value of time. The winter gives relief to the tired muscles, and the evenings invite to study and mental culture. It is a sad mistake to let them go by without getting from them a harvest of thought and growth equal to and of far greater worth than that you have compelled from the too reluctant earth through the long days of summer. Knowl edge is power, and it always will be in a civilized community; and so we must give up mind and heart, so far as we can, to the acquisition of knowledge, and to discipline, and train, and develop the chores to do, and the stock in the barn to take care of. Feed out the English turnips now, when it will be time to begin on the swedes. They have a cheap all the faculties. But there are root-cutter now that will chop them up fine enough to feed to sheep in an incredibly short time. All the labor we can do by ma sup. chine-power saves the wear and 25 Sa. CHRISTMAS DAY. 26 C 1st Su. af. Chr. St. Stephen. 27 Mo. St. John, Evangelist. 6۲۰ 28 Tu. Holy Innocents. High tides. 29 W. 69. 27th. runs low. 30 Th. 28th. Macaulay died, 1859. 31 Fr. 6৫. tear of muscle, and leaves us more leisure to devote to other pursuits. We depend a good deal on the woodpile in winter, and it will not do to neglect that. Dry and well-seasoned wood costs less than green, for it is Pleasant. better and more economical. COURTS OF THE UNITED STATES. (Corrected Sept. 1874.) SUPREME COURT. -At Washington. Court comes in 2d Monday in October. The Supreme Court of the United States consists of one Chief and eight Associate Justices. There are nine judicial circuits, and to each of these is assigned one of the justices. By a law passed in 1869, there are also nine Circuit Judges, each of whom is to reside in his Circuit. The Circuits and Justices are as follows: First Circuit (Maine, N. H., Mass., R. I.), Nathan Clifford, of Portland, Me., Asso. Justice. Second (Vt., Conn., N. Y.), Ward Hunt, of Utica, New York, As. J. Third (Penn., N. J., Del.), Wm. Strong, of Philadelphia, Pa., As. J. Fourth (Md., Va., W. Va., N. C., S. C.), Morrison R. Waite, of Ohto, Chief Justice. Firth (Geo., Fla., Ala., Miss., La.. Tex.), Joseph P. Bradley, of Newark. N. J.. As. J. Sixth (Ohio, Mich., Ken., Tenn.), Noah H. Swayne, of Columbus. O., As. J. Seventh (Ind., Ill., Wis.), David Davis, of Bloomington, Ill., As. J. Eighth (Min., Iowa, Mo., Kan., Ark., Neb.), Samuel F. Miller, of Keokuk, Iowa, As. J. Ninth (Cal., Oregon, Nev.), Stephen J. Field, of San Francisco, Cal., As. J.; Clerk, D. W. Middleton, Washington, D. C. UNITED STATES CIRCUIT COURTS IN at Bangor, 4th Tues. in June. In NEW THE FIRST AND SECOND EASTERN CIR- HAMPSHIRE - at Portsmouth, 3d Tues. CUITS.IN MAINE - at Portland, 23d Apr. and 23d Sept. In N. HAMPSHIRE at Portsmouth, May 8, and at Exeter, Oct. If the days happen on Sunday, the in March and Sept.; at Exeter, 3d Tues. in June and Dec. In MASSACHUSETTS at Boston, 3d Tues. in Mar., 4th Tues. in June, 2d Tues. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec. In CONNECTICUT - at Hartford, 4th Tues. in May and Nov.; at N. Haven, 4th Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In RHODE ISLAND - at Newport, 2d Tues. in May and 3d Tues. in Oct.; at Providence, 1st Tues. in Feb. and Aug. In VERMONT Windsor, 3d Tu. May: Rutland, 1st Tu. Oct.; Burlington, 4th Tues. Feb. U. S. District Courts have jurisdiction in bankruptcy cases, and are always open for such business. COURTS IN THE STATE OF MAINE. (Corrected 1874.) SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. LAW | ver, last Tu. Feb. and 2d Tu. Sept. Sag TERMS. - Augusta, 4th Tues. May. Portland, 3d Tu. July. Bangor, 3d Tu. June. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. CIVILAND CRIMINAL ACTIONS.- Androscoggin Co., Auburn, 3d Tu. Jan., Ap., and Sep. Aroostook Co., Houlton, last Tu. Feb., 3d Tu. Sep. Cumb. Co., Civil only, Portland, 2d Tu. Jan., Apr., and Oct. Franklin Co., at Farmington, 1st Tu. Mar.and 4th Tu.Sept. Hancock Co., at Ellsworth, 2d Tu. Ap. and Oct. Kennebec Co., at Augusta, 1st Tu. Mar., 1st Tu. Aug., 3d Tu. Oct. Knox Co., at Rockland, 2d Tu. Mar. and Dec., 3d Tu. Sept. Lincoln Co., at Wiscasset, 4th Tu. Ap., 4th Tu. Oct. Oxford Co., at Paris, 2d Tues. Mar., 3d Tues. Sept., and 1st Tues. Dec. Penobscot Co., at Bangor, Civil Actions, 1st Tues. in Jan., April, and Oct.; Criminal Actions, 1st Tues. Feb. and 2d Tu. Aug. Piscataquis Co., at Do adahoc Co., at Bath, 1st Tu. Ap. and 3d Tu. Aug. and Dec. (Dec. term for Civil Actions only.) Somerset Co., at Skowhegan, 3d Tu. Mar., Sept., and Dec. Waldo Co., at Belfast, 1st Tu. Jan., and 3d Tu. in Ap. and Oct. Washington Co., at Machias, 1st Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Oct.; and at Calais, 4th Tu. Ap. York Co., Saco, 1st Tu. Jan.; Alfred, 3d Tu. May, and 3d Tu. Sept. THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR CUMBERLAND COUNTY has exclusive jurisdiction in civil actions from $20 to $500, and concurrent jurisdiction with S. J. Court in actions exceeding $500, and criminal jurisdiction in all actions. Court sits for trial of civil actions exclusively, 1st Tu. of Feb., Mar., Apr., Oct., Nov., and Dec.; and for civil and criminal cases, 1st Tues. of Jan., May, and September. COURTS IN THE STATE OF VERMONT. (Corrected SUPREME COURT. - Gen.term at Montpelier in Oct. or Nov. Middlebury, 1st Mo. af. 3d Tu. Jan. Rutland, ist Mo. af. 4th Tu. Jan. Manchester, 2d Tu. after Sept. 1874.) COUNTY COURTS. Middlebury, 1st Tues. in June, and 2d in Dec. Rutland, 2d Tues. in Mar. and Sept. Manchester, 1st Tues. in June, and Bennington, 1st Tues. 4th Tues. in Jan. Newfane, Mon. follow-in Dec. Newfane, 2d Tues. in April and ing 2d Tues. aft. 4th Tues. in Jan. Wood- Sept. Woodstock, 4th Tues. in May, and stock, 1st Thurs. aft. 4th Tu. next aft. 4th 1st in Dec. Chelsea, 1st Tu. in June, and Tu. in Jan. Chelsea, 6th Tu. aft. 4th Tu. 3d in Dec. Burlington, 1st Tues. in April, in Jan. Burlington, 1st Tu. in Jan. St. and 4th in Sept. St. Albans, 2d Tues. in Albans, 1st Mon. aft. 2d Tu.in Jan. North April and Sept. North Hero, last Tues.in Hero, st Fri. aft. 3d Tues. in Jan. Hyde Feb. and Aug. Hyde Park, 4th Tues. in Park, 3d Tues. in Aug. Montpelier, 2d May, and 4th in Dec. Montpelier, 2d Tu. Tues. in Aug. Irasburg, 1st Thurs. next in Mar. and Sept. Irasburg, ist Wed. aft. 3d Tues. in Aug. St. Johnsbury, 1st after 1st Tues. in Sept and 1st Tu. in Feb. Thurs. next aft. 4th Tues. in Aug. Guild- St. Johnsbury, 1st Tues. in June and Dec. COURTS IN THE STATE OF NEW HAMPSHIRE. (Corrected 1874.) SUPERIOR COURT OF JUDICATURE. Two terms are held each year, on the 1st Tu. of June and the 1st Tu. of Dec., both at Concord. CIRCUIT COURT. - At Portsmouth, 3d Tues. Oct., and Exeter, 3d Tues. Jan. and 2d Tu. of April, for Co. of Rockingham. At Dover, 2d Tues. of Feb., and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. of Strafford. At Laconia, 4th Tues. of Mar., and the 4th Tues. of Sept., for the Co. of Belknap. At Ossipee, 3d Tu. Ap. and Oct. for Co. of Carroll. At Concord, 1st Tues. of Oct., and 1st Tues. of April, for Co. of Merrimack. At Amherst, 1st Tues. of May, at Manchester, Ist Tues. of Jan., and at Nashua, 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. of Hillsborough. At Keene, 1st Tues. of April and 3d Tues. of Oct., for Co. of Cheshire. At Newport, 4th Tues. of Jan. and 1st Tues. of Sept., for Co. Sullivan. At Haverhill, 4th Tues. of Mar. and 4th Tues. Sept., for the West. Jud. Dist., and at Plymouth, 1st Tues. of May and Nov. for the Eastern Jud. Dist., Grafton Co. At Colebrook, 1st Tu. of Feb. and 3d Tu. Aug., for Nor. Ju. Dist. Coös. At Lancaster, 4th Tu. of Apr. and 1st Tu. of Nov. for South. Jud. Dist. of Coös. PROBATE COURTS. ROCKINGHAM CO.: Exeter, Wed. next after 1st Tues. of Apr., Wed. next after 3d Tues. of Feb., Mar., and Aug, and Wed. next after 2d Tues. of each other month. Portsmouth, 3d Tu. Mar., and 2d Tu. Jan., May, July, Sept., and Nov. Derry, 3d Tues. Feb. and 2d Tues. June and Oct. Raymond, 1st Tues. April, 3d Tues. Aug., and 2d Tues. Dec. STRAFFORD Co.: Dover, 1st Tues. of Jan., Mar., May, Aug., and Oct. Rochester, 1st Tues. of July and Dec. Farmington, 1st Tues. of Apr. and Sept. Somersworth, 1st Tues. of Feb., June and Nov.-BELKNAP CO.: Laconia, 3d Tues. of every month. - CARROLL CO.: Conway, 1st Tu. Jan., May, and Sept.; West Ossipee, Ist Tues. Feb., June, and Oct.; Ossipee Corner, 1st Tues. March, July, and Nov.; Wolfeborough Junction, Ist Tues. April, August, and Dec. - MERRIMACK CO.: Concord, 4th Tues. of every monthr; Franklin, 20 Tues. of Feb., May, Aug. and Nov.- HILLSBOROUGH CO.: Manchester, 4th Tues. of Jan., March, May, July, Sept. and Nov. Nashua, 4th Tues. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Hillsboro' Bridge, Frid. after 4th Tues. Jan. Francestown, Frid. after 4th Tues. April, July and Oct. Amherst, Frid. aft. 4th Tues. Feb., June, Sept. and Dec. Peterborough, Frid. aft. 4th Tu. of May and Aug. Mason Village, Frid. after 4th Tues. of March and Nov. - CHESHIRE CO.: Keene, 1st and 3d Fri. every month. - SULLIVAN CO.: Newport, last Wed. of Feb., April, June, Aug., Oct. and Dec. Claremont, last Wed. of Jan., Mar., May, July, Sept. and Nov. - GRAFTON Co.: Lisbon, 3d Tues. of Ap. and Oct. Plymouth, 1st Tu. of May and Nov. Canaan, 1st Tu. of June and Dec. Haverhill, 3d Tu. March and Sept. Bristol, 3d Tu. July. Littleton, 3d Tu. Jan. Wentworth, 3d Tu. Aug. Orford, 3d Tu. Feb. Lebanon, 1st Tues. March and Sept. Coös Co.: Colebrook, 1st Tues. of Feb. and Sept. Lancaster, 1st Tues. of Jan., March, May, July, and Nov. COURTS IN THE STATE OF CONNECTICUT. (Corrected 1874.) SUPREME COURTS. -1st District (Hart- | April, 3d Tues. Sept., and 1st Tu. Nov.; ford, Tolland, and Middlesex Cos.) - 4th Tu. in Feb., and 2d Tues. in Sept. 2d District (New Haven Co.) - 1st Tues. in April, and 2d Tues. in Nov. 3d District (N. London and Windham Cos.)-2d Tu. in March, and 4th Tues. in Oct. 4th District (Litchfield and Fairfield Cos). At Bridgeport, last Tues in Jan, and 2d Tu. in Oct.; at Litchfield, 2d Tu. in June. The place where each term of the Court shall be held, in each judicial district, is designated by the chief judge. SUPERIOR COURTS. - At Hartford, 2d Tues. in March, 1st Tues. in July, 4th Tues. in Sept., and 3d Tues. in Dec., and for crim, business only, 4th Tu. in Aug. and 1st Tu. in Dec. and March. At New Haven, 1st Tues. in March, 2d Tues. in May, 1st Tues. in Sept. 2d Tues. in Oct., and 3d Tues. in Dec., and for crim. business only, Ist Tu. in Jan., April, July, and Oct. At Waterbury, for civil business only, 1st Tu. in Feb. and June. At Norwich, last Tues. in March, and 3d Tues. in Nov. At New London, 3d Tues. in Jan. and 2d Tues. in Sept.; at Brooklyn, 1st Tues. in Jan., 3d Tues. in Apr., 4th Tues. in Aug., 1st Tues. in Nov.; at Litchfield, 4th Tu. Jan., 2d Tu. at Middletown, 1st Tues. Feb., 3d Tu. in July, and 1st Tues. in Dec.; at Haddam, 2d Tues. in April, and 2d Tues. in Oct.; at Tolland, 1st Tues. in Feb., 2d Tues. in April, 1st Tu. in Sept., and 1st Tues. in Dec.; at Danbury, 1st Tu. June, 4th Tu. Aug., and 3d Tu. Oct.; at Bridgeport, 3d Tues. in Feb., 1st Tues. In Mar., 4th Tu. in Aug., 3d Tu. in Oct., and 2d Tu. in Dec. COURTS OF COMMON PLEAS.-At Hartford and New Haven, 1st Mon. in each month except July and Aug. Fairfield Co.- At Bridgeport, st Mon. Mar., June, Sept., Nov., and Dec., and 1st Tu. April; at Danbury, 1st Mon. Jan., Feb., May, and Oct.; also, an adj. term at Stamford, 2d Mon. Dec. and 2d Mon. May, for the trial of court cases only. New London Co.-New London, Ist Tues. of Apr. and Aug. Norwich, 1st Tues. Feb. and Oct. A DISTRICT COURT, for the towns of Barkhamstead, Bridgewater, Canaan, Colebrook, Cornwall, Kent, New Hartford, New Milford, Norfolk, No. Canaan, Salisbury, Sharon, and Winchester, is held at Winchester, 1st Mon. Jan., May, Oct; at Canaan, 'st Mon. Mar., Aug., and Nov.; at New Milford, 1st Tu. Apr., and 1st Mon. Sep. and Dec. |