

JANUARY, First Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

's Declination.

m. Days. d. m.

[blocks in formation]

6 22 26 12 21 33 18 20 25 24 19 4 30 17 30

► First Quarter, 5th day, 4h. 43m., evening, E.
O Full Moon, 13th day, 11h. 39m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 21st day, 3h. 47m., evening, E.
• New Moon, 28th day, Oh. 43m., evening, W.

Day of

Day of

Day of





[blocks in formation]



৩ Age.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

1 W. 7 304 389 80 54200 legs 7382 38

2 Th. 7 304 3999065314 14 feet 857 335

3 Fr. 7 304 40 9 1007 54 24 22 feet 10 13

4 Sa. 7 30441 91108553

33 feet 11 24

4 28

5 17

034 650

143 736 2518 24 357 9 14

5 3 10 5

6 4 10 56

6 59 11 48

5 S. 7 304 42 91209664442 h'd morn. 64 6 Μ. 7 304 43 9 13 010 67 54 54 h'd 7 Tu. 7 30 4 44 9 14 011 7864 6 n'k 8 W. 7 304 45 9 15 01279 74 73 n'k 9 Th. 7 30 4 46 9 16 0 13 810 818 arm IO 10 Fr. 7 29 4 47 9 18 015 811 94 94 arm II 11 Sa. 7 29 4 48 9 19 016 8 12 10 10 arm 12 12 S. 7 294 50 9 21 0 18 913 103 114 br. 13 13 Μ. 7 28 4 51 9 23 0 2090 112 112 br. 14 14 Tu. 7 284 52 9 24 0 21 10 15 15 15 W. 7 274 53 9 26 0 2310160104 h'rt 16.16 Th. 7274549270241017 1 1 bel. 17 17 Fr. 7 26 4 55 9 29 0 26 11 1814 18 18 Sa. 7 25457 932029 1119 24 19 19 S. 7 25 4 58 9 33 0 30 11 20 3 20 20 Μ. 72445993503211 21

rises morn.

0 h'rt

544 0 38

[blocks in formation]

24 24 Fr. 7 215

4943040 12 25

747 thi.

318 8 6



25 25 Sa. 7 20 5 5 9 45 0 42 13 26 84 84 thi.
26 26 S. 72056946043 13 27 94 94 kn.
27 27 Μ. 7 195.89 490 46 13 28 10 10 kn.
28 28 Tu. 71859951048 13 11 11
29 29 W. 7 17 5 11 9 54 0 5113 1112 -
30 30 Th. 7 16 5 12 9 5605314 2010 feet



5 42 10 8

6 45 11 13

sets 0 18

730 119

850 2 15

[merged small][merged small][graphic]
[blocks in formation]

The year we now anew begin,
And outward gifts received be;

Renew us also, Lord, within,

And make us New Year's gifts to Thee!

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.


Farmer's Calendar.

aine A HAPPY NEW YEAR! Well,

1 W. Circum. in Per. Mass and Maine

2 Th.

3 Fr.

4 Sa.

5 E

6 Mo.

7 Tu.



69. High ti. Colder. make it so.

One thing is sure,

Length of night 14h. 50m.

and that is, that the year will

never come to you again. If

Bat Bat Prince Princ 5th.gr. elon. W. you are twenty now, with all the 2d Sund. after Christmas, possibilities for culture, for menEpiphany. Low tides. 6. tal and moral growth, you will James Fisk, Jr., died, 1872-shot on the never be twenty again. If you 6th, by E. S. Stokes, in New York. are thirty, just entering upon the Grows threshold of mature manhood or womanhood, it is the last time

9 Th. Gen. H. W. Halleck died, 1872.

10 Fr.

11 Sa.

warmer, you can say this. Every year

with signs of snow, ought to bring us all to a higher and better life, and that the way

12 E Ist Sun. af. Epiph. Cru.hi. to be truly happy is to fill up every

18 Mo. 6. High tides. 14 Tu. 6.

15 W.

16 Th.

17 Fr.

18 Sa.

in Apogee.


passing hour with something use

Cold again. ful. Let us not wait for some nobler and higher work to do, but

Extreme take hold of the duty that lies

18th. King

nearest. It is the humble work

in 8.0.{liam of that makes life noble. Even the Daniel, Daniel Webster Prussia proc. Emp. of Germany, 1871. daily chores about the house, 19 E 2d Su. af. Ep. Very low ti. done with the right motive, will 20 Mo. John Howard died, 1790. cold. fill up and round out our lives. 21 Tu. 68. Louis XVI. beheaded, 1793. our kindly care, and testify by

More pleasant.

The dumb animals thrive under

their looks to the quality of our work. They do far better in the barn, with feed enough, than out in the cold, driving wind. Study their wants. Deal gently with them. It does no good to strike

22 W. 23 Th. 8. William Pitt died, 1806. 24 Fr. Snow storm. 25 Sa. Conversion of St. Paul. 26 E 3d Su. af. Epiph. Cr. low. 27 Mo. 6. 62/ C. in Aph. them, or to use them harshly. It in Perigee. (Treaty for capitu- teaches them to fear and hate Very hi. tides. signed, 1871. you, and ten chances to one they 6. Rain with sleet. Make friends of them, for it is Amend. to Const. prohibiting slavery in the U. S. passed House of Reps., 1865. better to rule by love than fear.

28 Tu.

29 W.

30 Th.

31 Fr.

lation of Paris

have no idea what it means. 1873.

FEBRUARY, Second Month.

Astronomical Calculations.


Days d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m.

's Declination.

[blocks in formation]

m. h.

D First Quarter, 4th day, 5h. 22m., morning, E.
Full Moon, 12th day, 6h. 49m., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 20th day, 6h. 39m., morning, W.
New Moon, 26th day, 10h. 38m., evening, W.

Length Day's

Rises. Sets. of Days. Incre.


m. h.





m. m.

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

"It is impossible too often to inculcate the momentous truth that the character is not formed by passive impressions, but by voluntary actions; and that we shall be judged hereafter, not by what we have felt, but by

FEBRUARY hath 28 days.


[blocks in formation]

And though abroad the sharp winds blow,
And skies are chill, and frosts are keen,
Home closer draws her circle now,
And warmer glows her light within.

Aspects, Holidays, Events,
Weather, &c.

[blocks in formation]


Farmer's Calendar.

WARM stalls are better for Puri. of V. Mary. stock than the lee side of a fence. [Candlemas Day. Warmth is equal to a certain

4 Tu. Length of night 13h. 52m. 5 W. Sir Robert Peel born, 1788.

6 Th. Low tides.

7 Fr.


amount of food. Cattle cannot grow when all of a tremble with the cold, nor can the hens lay, or the cows give milk. The Drifting chores must be done, of course, and then just think how the wood-pile is likely to hold out. You won't want to stop the busy work of spring and summer to run and get up wood, and now is the best time for that. But do not fail to snatch all the odd

8 Sa. runs high. 9 E Septuagesima Sunday. 10 Mo. 6. {Queen Victoria married, 11 Tu. Cin Apogee.



12 W. 64. High tides.
13 Th. Talleyrand born, 1754. Blustering
14 Fr. St. Valentine. 8210.

15 Sa. 16th. Dr. Kane died, 1857. and cold.

16 E Sexagesima Sunday.

17 Mo.

18 Tu.

19 W.

20 Th.

gr. hel. lat. S.

moments you can now for read

ing and study. Read the best books, and read them well, books that excite thought and wake up the mind, - and when they are read, think them over and over again till they get to be your own, a part of your very There are so many well

68. Very low tides.
Bernard Barton Qua- Pleasanter,
17th. French National Assembly app. being.
Thiers head of the Government, 1871.

Fr. aud Ger. signed, '71.

21 Fr. 6 sup. with some written books on farming and the Washington natural sciences closely linked 22 Sagr. elong. E. with the facts of every-day life 23 E Quinq. or Shrove S. Cr.lo. that it is not hard to get such as 24 Mo. St. Matthias. 6২৫. clear you need. It is a good plan to 25 Tu. Shrove Tuesday. 26th. Prelim. peace bet. take up some line of thought and 26 W. Ash Wednesday. in Per. days. study, and follow it through to the end, so as to know every27 Th. Very h. t. 6 C. 6thing that bears upon it. Every 28 Fr. { in Fr. Ass. ontms of peace; treaty farmer ought to know the names and Alsace and Lorraine ceded by Fr. and properties of the plants that meet his eye in his daily walks through the summer. A well-stored mind is the first requisite to a happy and useful life. Knowledge is power.

rat. Mch. 1,71-$1000,000,000 to be pd.,


MARCH, Third Month.

Astronomical Calculations.

Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d. m. Days. d.

('s Declination.



[blocks in formation]

D First Quarter, 5th day, 8h. 41m., evening, W.
Full Moon, 14th day, 1h. Om., morning, W.
Last Quarter, 21st day, 5h. 36m., evening, E.
New Moon, 28th day, 8h. 10m., morning, E.

[blocks in formation]

72 13 Th. 6 15 6

73 14 Fr. 6 136

74 15 Sa 6 12 6

75 16 S. 6 10 6

1 11412 38 10 12 9194 h'rt

2 1143 2 40 10 13 10 101 h'rt

4 1147 2 44 10 14 102 11 bel.

5 11 50 2 47 10 15 114 113 bel.


7 11 55 2 52 917 040 rei.

8 11 582 55 918 02 14 rei.

6 211 34

842 137

9 47 2 19

76 17 Μ. 6 86 9 12 1258 819 14 13 sec. 77 18 Tu. 6 76 10 12 33 0 820224 sec. 78 19 W. 6 5 6 12 12 734 821 22 3 thi. morn. 352

10 55 34

79 20 Th. 6 361312103772234 thi. 0 3444

5 5 10 7

5 37 10 51

rises morn.

0 bel.

6 36 0 15


So 21 Fr. 6 16 14 12133 10 723 41 42 thi.

113 5 40

[blocks in formation]

89 30 S. 5 466 24 12383 35 42일 04 n'k

912 20

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