
Number Seventy-Nine.







Being third after BISSEXTILE or LEAP YEAR, and (until July 4) 95th of American Independence.

FITTED FOR BOSTON, BUT WILL ANSWER FOR ALL THE NEW ENGLAND STATES. Containing, besides the large number of Astronomical Calculations, and the Farmer's Calendar for every month in

the year, a variety of



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Sold by the Booksellers and Traders throughout New England. [Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year 1870, by BREWER & TILESTON, in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington.]


Another year is gone, with its opportunities. Whether we have used or neglected them, they are gone. But if the past is no longer ours, we have still the present, and the golden future. The world is new again with another year, which is just beginning. May our readers make good use of this year! We have to thank our patrons for their continued favor, and hope we may merit it in some measure. The tides are given, as heretofore, on the quarter hour nearest the actual time. A distinction in the tides is given, in the right hand calendar pages, into low and very low, high and very high. A tide table for different ports is given on page 47. Our agricultural articles are especially recommended to our farming friends. The schedule of Stamp Duties, pp. 42 and 43, contains the corrections of the law of 1870. Our readers will please bear in mind that the Almanac goes to press in September, and that alterations in the various tables may occur after that time.

Copies of this Almanac of the years 1793, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 1805, 16, 17, 19, 20, '21, are wanted. Address the publishers.

We close in the words of the founder of this Almanac, - " It is by our works, and not by our words, we would be judged: these, we hope, will sustain us in the humble though proud station we have so long held....

Dr. Thomas.

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There has been a slight change in the

Meeting of Friends which is held at Newport, beginning with Select, the 2d sixth day in the 6th mo., at 9 A. M. For business on 7th day, at 9 A. M. Public meetings for worship on first day at Newport and Portsmouth, at 10 A. M. and 4 P.M. The Yearly Meeting is composed of the Quarterly Meetings of Rhode Island, Salem, Sandwich, Falmouth, Smithfield, Vassalborough, Dover, and Fairfield, which are held as follows:

Rhode Island: 1st fifth day, 2d mo., at Providence; 1st fifth day, 5th mo., at East Greenwich; 1st fifth day, 8th mo., at Newport, and 1st fifth day, 11th mo., at Fall River. Salem: 3d fifth day, 1st mo., at Salem; 4th fifth day, 5th mo., at Amesbury; 3d fifth day, 8th mo., at Lynn, and 3d fifth day, 10th mo., at Weare. Sandwich: 1st fifth day, 4th and 12th

mo., at Falmouth, and 1st fifth day, 10th
mo., at Sandwich, Mass. Falmouth: 5th
day before the 1st sixth day in the 2d and
9th mos., at Windham; 6th month at
Westbrook, and 11th mo. at Durham.
Smithfield: 2d fifth day, 2d mo., at Wor-
cester; 2d fifth day, 5th mo., at North-
bridge; 2d fifth day, 8th mo., at Bolton;
2d fifth day, 11th mo., at Smithfield. Vas-
salborough: 2d sixth day in the 2d and
9th mos. at Vassalborough, and in the 5th
and 11th mos. at East Vassalborough.
Dover: 4th fifth day, 1st mo., at Roches-
ter; 4th mo. at Dover; 8th mo. at North
Berwick, and 10th mo. at Sandwich.
Fairfield: 4th day before the 2d sixth
day, in the 2d and 9th mos., at Manches-
ter; on 4th day before the last 6th day in
the 5th mo., and 4th day before the 2d
sixth day in the 11th mo. at Fairfield.
(Corrected 1870.)


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ECLIPSES, &c., FOR 1871.

THERE will be four Eclipses this year; two of the SUN, and two of the MOON. I.-A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, January 6th, partly visible in the eastern part of the United States. At Boston the Moon rises eclipsed and leaves the shadow at 6h. 3m. P. м.

II.-AN ANNULAR ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, June 17th, visible in Australia. Not visible in the United States.

III.-A PARTIAL ECLIPSE OF THE MOON, July 2d, visible in the Pacific Ocean

and Eastern Asia. Not visible in the United States.

IV.-A TOTAL ECLIPSE OF THE SUN, Dec. 11th, visible in Australia and Southeastern Asia. Not visible in the United States,

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d. h. m.

sets 5 8 52 Ρ. Μ. sets 12 4 45 Α. Μ. 24 sets 20 11 8 P. M. hsets 27 10 46 Р. М.

PLANETS, 1871.


d. h. m.

sets 5 9 1 Р. М. sets 12 2 28 Α.Μ. 24 sets 20 9 37 Р. м. hsets 27 9 16 Р. м.

d. h. m.

sets 4 10 29 Р. М. sets 11 0 42 Α. Μ. 24 sets 19 8 7 Ρ. Μ. h sets 25 7 46 Р. М.

d. h. m.

sets 4 10 1 P. M. sets 10 11 11 Р. М. 4 rises 20 4 35 Α. Μ. hrises 27 3 14 Α. Μ.

d. h. m.

sets 4 8 54 Ρ.Μ. sets 9 9 50 Р. М. 24 rises 19 2 7 Α. Μ. h rises 26 1 47 Α. м.


d. h. m.

sets 3 7 1 P. м. sets 9

8 37 р. м. 24 rises 19 0 34 Α. м. hrises 25 0 14 Α. Μ. OCTOBER.

d. h. m.

rises 4 5 12 Α. м. sets 7 7 45 Р. М. 24 rises 18 10 51 Р. М. hrises 24 10 33 Р. М. NOVEMBER. d. h. m.

rises 3 3 12 Α. Μ. sets 9 7 14 Р. м. 24 rises 17 9 3 P. м. rises 23 8 38 Ρ. Μ. DECEMBER. d. h. m.

rises 3 3 12 Α. Μ. sets 9 7 7 P. M. 24 rises 17 6 56 Р. м. h rises 23 6 29 Р. М. VENUS wiil be Evening Star until Sept. 22d, then Morning Star the rest of the year. MARS will be Morning Star until March 19th, then Evening Star the rest of the year. JUPITER will be Evening Star until June 30th, then Morning Star the rest of the year. SATURN will be Morning Star until June 28th, then Evening Star the rest of the year.

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Conjunction, or in the same degree.

8 Opposition, or 180 degrees.

Dragon's Head, or Ascending Node.

Dragon's Tail, or Descending Node.


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BATES, LEWISTON, ME. - Com., last Wed. June. Vac., 8 w. fm Com.; 6 w. fm Tu. bef. last Th. Nov.; 1 w. in Spring.

BOWDOIN, BRUNSWICK, ME. - Com., 2d Wed. July. Vac., 7 w. from Com.; 6 w. from Wed, before last Th. Nov. Spring Vac., 1 w.

COLBY UNIVER., WATERVILLE, ME. Com., 1st. Wed. Aug. Vac., fm com., 4w.; fm 2d w. Dec. 8w.; fm Ist Wed. May, 1 w.

MAINE WESLEYAN SEM. AND FEMALE COLL., KENT'S HILL, ME. - Three terms 13 w. each. Com., 2d Mon. Aug.; last Mon. Nov.; 2d Mon. March.

STATE INDUSTRIAL COLLEGE (AGR.), ORONO, ME. Sp. term com., Jany. 26; clo., Ap. 26, 1 w. vac. Sum. term com., May 4; clo., Aug. 2, 4 w. vac. Fall term com. Aug. 31; clo., Nov. 29, 8 w. vac.

DARTMOUTH, AT HANOVER, N. H. Com., last Thurs. but one of July. Vac., 6 w.fm Com.; 6 or 7 w. fm Thanksgiving; 2 w. from last Thurs. but one in Apl.

MIDDLEBURY, MIDDLEBURY, VT.Com., Th. aft. 2d Wed. Aug. Vac.4w.; 8 w. fm last Wed. Nov.; fm last Tu. Ap, 2 W. NORWICH UNIVERSITY, NORTHFIELD, Ѵт. - Com., 2d Th. in July, Vac., 7 w. Christmas term, 16 w. Vac., 5 w. Easter term, 24 w.

RIPLEY FEM. COLLEGE, POULTNEY, VT. -year beg. 22d Sept., con. 37 w.; winter vac., 2 w.; spr. vac., 1 w.; sum. vaca. 12 w. UNIVERSITY OF VERMONT, AND STATE AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE, AT BURLINGΤΟΝ. - Com., 1st Thurs. in Aug. Vaca., Com. 4 w.; from Wed. before Thanksgiving, 8 w., and 1 w.from 2d Wed. in May. AMHERST, AMHERST, MASS. - Com., 2d Th. July. Vac., 6 w.fm Thanksgiving; 7 w. fm com.; recess 1 w. fm Wed. prev. 1st Th. in April.

BOSTON COLLEGE, BOSTON, MASS. Two sessions, beginning on 1st Mon. of Sept., and 1st Mon. of Feb.

COLLEGE OF THE HOLY CROSS, WORCESTER, MASS. - Com., latter days June; 2 terms 21 w. each; year begins ist Mon. Sept.

HARVARD, CAMBRIDGE, MASS.-Acad. year begins Thurs. after last Wed. Sept., ends at Com., last Wed. June; recess fm 24 Dec. to Jan. 6, inclusive.

TUFTS COLL. COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS.-Two tms, 20 w. each, and 2 vac. 6 w. each. The year beg. at Com., 2d Wed. July, followed by 1st vac.

WILLIAMS, WILLIAMSTOWN, MASS. -Com., last Th. Jun. Vac., 9w.af. Com.; 2w.fm Tu. bef. Chr., 2w. fm last Tu. Mch. BROWN, PROVIDENCE, R.I.-Com., last Wed. June; 1st rec., Thanksgiving week; 2d do., last w. in Ap. Vac., 3d Th. Jan. to 2d Frid. Feb.: 1st Wed. July to Com.

TRINITY, HARTFORD, CONN. - Com., 2d Th. af. July 4th. Vac., 9 w.fm Com.; 4 w. fm Th. bef. Christmas.

WESLEYAN UNIV. MIDDLETOWN, CT. -Com., 3d Th. of Jul. Va., 8 w. fm Com., and 2 w. fm Dec. 14; 3 w. fm Mch 22.

YALE, NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Com. last

Th. but 1 in Jul. Vac., 8w.fm Com.; 2 w bef. 1st Wed. Jan., 2 w. bef. last Wed. Ap. THEOLOGICAL SCHOOLS. THEO. SEM. BANGOR, ME. (Or. Cong.) -Ann. last Th. Jul.; vac. 12 w. fm ann. VT. EPIS. INSTITUTE, BURLINGTON, VT. - Acad. yr. 44 w.fm 2d Wed. Oct.

THEO. SEM. (Ortho. Cong.) ANDOVER, MASS. - Anni. Thurs. bef. July 4; vaca. 9 w. after anni., and 3 w. in spring.

BOSTON THEO. SEM. (Metho.), BOSTON. - Sem. year beg. Sept. 13; Com. June 7. EPISCOPAL THEO. SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Year begins 3d Wed. in Sept., ends 1st Wed. in July.

NEWTON THEO. INST., NEWTON CENTRE, MASS. (Bapt.) - Ann., 2d Wed.Jun. Vac. fm ann. to Fri. af. 1st Wed. Sep., and 1 w. from last Wed. Jan.

THEO. SCHOOL, CAMBRIDGE, MASS. (Unitar.) -Terms, same as Harv. Coll. TUFTS COLLEGE THEO. SCHOOL, COLLEGE HILL (MEDFORD), MASS. (Univ.)School year beg. 3 w. after College year; consists of two terms, 20 w. each.

BERKELEY DIV. SCHOOL (Epis.), MIDDLETOWN, CONN. - Year beg. 1st Wed. Oct.; ends about the 1st June. Recess Christmas and Easter.

THEO. DEPT. YALE COLL., NEW HAVEN, CONN. (Ortho. Cong.)-Year beg. Sept. 14; cont. till 3d Thurs. May.

THEO. INST. OF CONN., HARTFORD. -Acad. yr fm 1st Th. Oct. to 2d Wed. Jun. MEDICAL SCHOOLS.

MED. SCH. OF ME., BOWDOIN COLL., BRUNSWICK, ME. - Beg. Feb. 24, lsts 16 w. MED. DEP. DART. COLL., HANOVER, N. H. - Beg. 1st Th. Aug., cont. 14 w.

VT. MED. SCH., BURLINGTON, VT.Medical lect. beg. 1st Th. Mch., con. 16w. N. E. FEMALE MED. COLL., BOSTON. - Com. 1st Wed. Nov., and con. 17 w.

MED SCH. OF HARV. COLL., BOSTON.Wint. course beg. 1st Wed Nov., lasts 17w. Sum.ses.com.close wint. course, ends in Nov., with va. w. fm mid.Jul. to mid. Sep. DENTAL SCH., HARV. COL., BOSTON.Lectures beg. 1st Wed. Nov., last 4 mo. BOSTON DENTAL COLLEGE. - Com. about 1st Nov. and cont. about 4 mos.

MED. INST. OF YALE COLLEGE, NEW HAVEN, CONN.-Course beg. 3d Th. Sept., cont. 17 w.; summer session beg. 2d Wed. Feb., cont., except recess of 1 w. in May, till last Wed. but 2 in July.


LAW SCHOOL, AT CAMBRIDGE, MASS. - Terms same as Harvard College. LAW SCHOOL, NEW HAVEN, CONN. - Terms begin Feb. 15, and Sept. 15.


CHANDLER SCIEN. DEPT., and N. Η. COLL. OF AGRI. AND THE MECH. ARTS, DARTMOUTH COLL., HANOVER, N. H. Terms of both same as Dart. Coll., ex. that sum. term is omitted in Agricul. Coll.

UNIVER. OF VT., BURLINGTON, has also a scientific and agricultural course.

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