
what I have said, is further confirmed by these words used by the child, "I heartily thank our heavenly Father, that he hath called me to this state of salvation." This explanation should be repeated from time to time, until the Catechist is satisfied that it is impressed on the child's memory.

It is not my intention to enter on the question, whether the form of the Catechism is the best that could be devised, but as it is enjoined by our Church to be learned by all young persons before they are confirmed, it would be convenient if all Church of England Teachers taught their scholars, who are members of that Church, this Catechism, with proper explanation. And, for myself, I can say that I find it a very convenient medium of instruction in the doctrines and duties of Christianity.


Allow me to add a word on a prevailing erroneous opinion respecting sponsors, namely, that they promise that the child shall renounce the devil and all his works," &c. Now, by examining the words of the Catechism, and of the Baptismal Service, it will be found that they promise no such thing; they give the answers in the name of the child; the same answers, in substance, as the child would himself have to give, if he were of riper years; the only difference being, that in the former case the last answer is, “I will,” (which means I am willing,) and in the latter, "I will endeavour so to do, God being my helper," both answers meaning the same, the latter being only fuller.

Oct. 4.

I am, Rev. Sir, yours respectfully,



A Village seven miles from London, Oct. 13, 1845. REV. SIR, I wish to thank "Frank" for the extract given from the Rev. Charles Bridges excellent work on "Christian Ministry." I think, with him, that it is a matter of great importance that teachers should meet together occasionally to pray unitedly that God would, of his infinite love, pour out a blessing upon their labours. I was also much pleased with the extract from the preface of the "Scripture Outlines," by the Rev. Montague Randall.

I lament very much that where I am located our Teachers' Meetings are so few and far between, (perhaps not two in a year,) although our beloved pastor is a faithful minister of Christ, and we have six schools in our parish, many gratuitous as well as paid teachers. I trust that ere long the importance of these Meetings will be felt.



REV. SIR, I am a Sunday-school Teacher in a distant county, and beg to thank you for your useful little publication, the "Teacher's Visitor." Perceiving, from time to time, that you have not disdained the communications of Teachers like myself, I venture to send a contribution.

Being the Vicar's daughter, I have lately had to instruct a class of thirty girls, belonging to our Sunday-school, previous to their confirmation, and, for that purpose, have arranged such Scripture references as appeared to illustrate the three baptismal vows.

I send the first of these, and if you think it may be of any use to such of my fellow-labourers as may be in similar circumstances, I will send the other two. I remain, your obedient Servant,

No. I.

E. M. P.

"First, that I should renounce the devil and all his works; the pomps and vanities of this wicked world, and all the sinful lusts of the flesh."

Who is the Devil?

A fallen angel.-2 Pet. ii. 4.

His final destination.-Rev. xx. 10.
Who will share it ?-Matt. xxv. 41.

He reigns in the ungodly.-Eph. ii. 2.

He hates mankind.-1 Peter. v. 8.

He deceives and accuses them.-Rev. xii. 9, 10.

He has undisturbed possession of the natural heart.-Luke ii. 21. What is meant by the world?

All whose thoughts are occupied by present things, and are not united to God by faith.-1 John v. 19.

Believers obliged to be in it.-John xvii. 15.

But must not be of it.-John xvii. 16. James iv. 4. 1 John ii. 15, 17. James i. 27. Gal. vi. 14.

Its pomps and vanities contrived by Satan to satisfy the carnal mind.

Some of them :

Love of dress.-1 Tim. ii. 9, 10. 1 Pet. iii. 3, 4.

Love of pleasure.—1 Tim. v. 6.

Love of money.-1 Tim. vi. 9, 10.

Love of human applause.-Prov. xxix. 25. John xii. 42, 43.
What is meant by the flesh ?

Our natural desires, which reign unrestrained in the ungodly.Rom. viii. 7. Eph. ii. 3. 1 Peter. ii. 11. Gal. v. 19-21.

These desires born in believers, as well as others.-Rom. vii. 18.

But, through grace, they do not yield to them.-Rom. viii. 4, 12, 13. Gal. v. 24.

Their strength from God.-Gal. v. 16-18.

Comparative destiny of those who follow the flesh and the Spirit. -Gal. vi. 7, 8. Rom. viii. 1.

Pembroke, October 8th, 1845.


Oct. 3, 1845.

REV. SIR,-Knowing the importance, and feeling the same, of a word of exhortation from your valuable "Teacher's Visitor," I should be again most happy to see a few words addressed particularly to Sunday-school Teachers on the importance of early attendance at School. There are cases, for instance, in a School where I am placed, of sometimes only the Superintendent and myself in time when the School is opened. Now, what can teachers expect from those committed to their charge, if they come time after time, and find their teacher is not in time, especially as I know some children who go to school without their breakfast to be in time. It, of course, makes them quite negligent, and mind not whether they are in time or not. And again, where few or no teachers are in school, noise and confusion is sure to ensue; and who can say a day badly begun is not sure to end the same. It is an old saying, 66 Where there is a will, there is a way." I know a teacher who works hard all the week, is obliged to be up very late at night, and for six or seven years was never known to be late for the opening of school. Surely, if such as these are to be found, there is little reason to think but that teachers generally may be in time if they will. A SUNDAY-SCHOOL TEACHER.

Yours, faithfully,


REV. SIR,-The writer, with the assistance of his fellow-teachers in our Church Sunday-school, are endeavouring to establish, for the use of the children and adults attending the school, a Lending Library, and would feel truly glad, through the medium of your valuable little work, which is highly prized among us,-"The Teacher's Visitor"-to receive any information thought necessary for the beginners in such a work. Probably, if you would give this note a place in its pages, some useful rules and hints may appear. Aug. 22, 1845. T. C.


FEMALE SUPERINTENDENTS OF SUNDAY-SCHOOLS. REV. SIR,-I am a teacher in a Sunday-school in Hampshire, which is under the conduct of a gentleman superintendent, and two secretaries-one for the boys, the other for the girls. Now, the inconvenience arising from not having a lady as superintendent, exclusively for the girls, has been most seriously felt by myself, and a few others, and has prompted me to ask your advice, the favour of which will much oblige Yours faithfully,



"There are many devices in a man's heart; nevertheless the counsel of the Lord that shall stand."

WE step out of the usual order of our monthly narration, to say a few words on the present Ecclesiastical movement towards Rome, in the Church of England. We purposely abstain from introducing much controversial matter in these remarks generally, feeling that the class for whose benefit this publication is intended, will best perform their work with minds as little engrossed with topics of that nature as possible. Fidelity, however, to the little we assume, and the notoriety of the events to which we allude, and the probable good to be derived from a brief notice of them, make our caution in the present case unnecessary.

The supreme head of the Tractarian party in the Church, Mr. Newman, has at length seceded to Rome, and carried with him or preceded a few of the extreme thinkers of the sect, of whom Mr. Oakeley is perhaps the most influential. Right-minded men cannot but rejoice, on the very first view of the case, that persons who hold doctrines essentially Popish, and contrary to the formularies of our Church, should throw off the mask, and join that communion where they are taught. The murrain may be deadly and contagious, but at any rate it is then known; and it is no longer a poison draught labelled, "cordial and specific," but has, at least, received its right designation, and unfolded its real character. But the secessions are comparatively few, and they drop off like the autumn leaves in this calm and frostless season-reluctantly and slowly. In dissecting the catalogue of those who have already left, we find the names of few influential, wise, or old-standing men in the Church. More than one may be asterisked, as having escaped not more than five or six years from their undergraduateship in the University, which materially lessens the importance of the catalogue of conversions

which has been recently put forward. More than one, we doubt not, can be traced, whose acquaintance with the distinctive theology of the English Church has been gained from few other sources than the "Tracts for the Times;" or, "No 90;" whose reading in divinity, and Ecclesiastical antiquity, has been neither broad, extensive, or discriminating. Of their good intentions, and worth of character, we say nothing: of that the Searcher of hearts alone can know. But what else could be expected of men whose experience had not been enlarged by time, whose judgments had probably been weakened and corrupted by partial and controversial studies, whose minds had not been stocked with a good anti-papistical store of positive truth, than that, when their leaders blew the trumpet of secession, they should follow, and be convinced that their step was right, because their motives (may be) were sincere and their intentions laudable?

A natural consequence of the fact we have stated, and an indirect evidence of its truth, is, that these clergymen or laymen of the University have carried with them very few of their friends or congregations. Had they been laborious clergymen of many years standing in the Church, and influential in their several spheres, we should have seen the schism spread itself rapidly and deeply among their flocks; but now, with the exception of a few from Mr. Oakeley's chapel, and Mr. Cape's, of Bridgewater, (who seceded some four months ago,) men remain as they were. Let our readers, then, give ONLY ITS DUE WEIGHT to the lists of those who have entered the Romish communion. We are expecting some full manifesto from Mr. Newman, detailing the reasons of his separation, but we suspect that the grounds of secession with the various persons who compose it are almost as various as the persons themselves. Some will say that the step was necessary, because they discovered that they could not hold all Roman doctrine, and remain consistent members of the English Church; others that they were driven out, because she possesses none of the marks of an apostolical and Catholic Church; others, again, because her succession is at the least doubtful, if not positively interrupted; some that her articles breathe the spirit of an ambiguous inconsistency; and others may hope to find peace and a refuge in the penances and confessional, the sacrifices and priestly virtue, the gorgeous ceremonial and affecting services, the seeming unity and semblance of Catholicity in the Romish Church, which they could not find, because they did not seek it aright, in humiliation of soul, and God's well-owned sacrifices, a broken and contrite spirit, in prayer and spirituality, in faith and

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