

From THE GUARDIAN, July, 1887.

"We find, however, in the notes on St. Luke and the Acts the same freshness in thought and style, the same direct and independent consideration of the themes brought up on the sacred pages, the same knowledge of what has been said by others, the same masterly use, alike without subservience and without neglect, of the great and varied stores which our predecessors have left to us of these days who study the New Testament. The result is that Mr. Sadler's Commentary is decidedly one of the most unhackneyed and original of any we have. It will often be found to give help where others quite fail to do so, and its special value will be to the preacher or teacher who has to give oral and practical instruction; Mr. Sadler's strong point being decidedly in pointing the application to contemporary thought and to life, its trials and its duties, of the divine words with which he has to deal."

From CHURCH BELLS, July 8th, 1887.

"We can hardly imagine a commentary better adapted than Mr. Sadler's for giving to the reader an antidote to that unsettling influence which is now going about in the world, making people have a different set of religious opinions every month or so."


"There is vigour and freshness about his writings which makes it a pleasure to read them, while there is certain to be much that is instructive, and their tone and tendency are equally certain to be sound and edifying. This short commentary on the Acts of the Apostles is no exception to the rule, and it well supports the established reputation of its author."

From THE CHURCH TIMES, August 26th, 1887.

"Prebendary Sadler's useful commentary on the New Testament is advanced another important stage by the issue of this volume on the Acts of the Apostles, a part of Scripture whose interest and value seems to increase daily, as investigation into the beginnings of the Christian Church are pressed on with fresh vigour, alike by those who wish to prove Christianity a mere human evolution out of materials lying to hand in the Augustan era, and those who accept it as a divine revelation. Much of the work which has been done of late years in connexion with the Acts and other Pauline records has been devoted chiefly to the externals of history, geography, antiquities, and the like, rather than to the religious teaching which they contain; and this fact makes a gloss from a theologian like Mr. Sadler all the more welcome."


From CHURCH BELLS, May 18th, 1888.

"Mr. Sadler carries on his work with unabated vigour, and now we have some hope of his being able to give us a commentary on the whole of the New Testament. Undoubtedly such a work when completed will be of great value, as giving a well-thought-out exposition of the whole of the sources from which we derive the history of the founding, as well as the doctrines, of the Christian Church, and this, too, an exposition which supplies, not the mere personal opinions of its writer, although it is everywhere tinged by his individuality, but the historical meaning of the teaching of individual writers and of the Church at large. The introduction' to the present volume is excellent, giving all the requisite information without any unnecessary waste of words."

From THE CHURCH TIMES, June, 1888. .

"There are three excursuses at the end of the volume, on Justification, on Election, and on the Christology of St. Paul, all carefully written, but with most pains bestowed upon the second. We do not know a better book than this Commentary to put into the hands of an intelligent Evangelical who is beginning to doubt the soundness of the system he has heretofore accepted, and is striving to find his way out and up into a higher and clearer atmosphere."


"We hail with pleasure this addition to the Commentary on the New Testament. We think this volume will certainly sustain the high position which Mr. Sadler has gained as a practical interpreter of Holy Scripture."

From THE IRISH ECCLESIASTICAL GAZETTE, April 18th, 1890. Incomparably the best Commentary on the New Testament extant."

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From THE BANNER, May 23rd, 1890.

"Ordinary readers could hardly have a better exposition of the sacred books."

From THE LITERARY CHURCHMAN, February 6th, 1891.

"This volume will be found to present all the characteristic excellences of Mr. Sadler's method; and it would be hard, indeed, to find any points of objection to these terse, thoughtful, Church-like notes."

Uniform with the Church Commentary.

Second edition. Crown 8vo, 5s.





This book, a book of suggestions rather than of mere divisions, or skeletons as they were formerly called, has been composed with a view to meeting the objection heard on all sides that sermons at the present day are very deficient in setting forth Christian doctrines.

From THE GUARDIAN, April 12th, 1893.

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"It is easy to prophesy a considerable sale for this volume. meet here all the well-known characteristics of his writings. The style is straightforward and vigorous. There is never any doubt about his meaning. His remarks are always pointed, and the arrangement of his material is excellent."

From THE CHURCH TIMES, February 17th, 1893.


"This volume differs in three respects from most similar volumes: (1) It aims, primarily, at supplying sketches of sermons on Christian Doctrine, couched in clear, definite language. (2) It is a book of suggestions, rather than of mere divisions or skeletons.' (3) It includes lists of texts and subjects for courses of Lenten and other sermons. The well-earned reputation of its author will be a sufficient guarantee for the soundness and usefulness of the work."

From CHURCH BELLS, December 16th, 1892.

They are adequate, and they are helpful; they set forth the elementary teaching of the Church's seasons, the redemption, salvation, and sanctification of mankind. Each Sunday of each Church season has several appropriate texts and heads of discourses, and these are rich in wise suggestions as to helpful teaching. There is much simplicity and strong meat for learners. Prayer-book lines are made the rule throughout the best rule of all."

From THE ROCK, November 4th, 1892.

"We should think that it would be difficult to find anywhere such a real help for preachers as these outlines afford. . . . Such depth of spiritual teaching is seldom to be found."

From THE IRISH ECCLESIASTICAL GAZETTE, Nov. 11th, 1892. "This should be among the most popular and useful of Prebendary Sadler's writings."

From THE CLERGYMAN'S MAGAZINE, December, 1892. "These outlines are both Evangelical and doctrinal. They occupy exactly one page of the book, and therefore afford ample opportunity for the preacher's own powers of expansion."



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