
fick of various diftempers, brought them to him. And he, laying his hands on each of them, cured them.

R. Thanks be to God. R. Deo gratias.

V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy fpirit.


Let us pray. Refpice.

OOK down, we befeech thee, O Lord, on this thy fervant labouring under this bodily infirmity, and refrefh his [or her] foul, which thou didft create that being amended by thy chaftisements, he [or fhe] may find himself [or herself] cured by thy heavenly medicine. Thro' Chrift our Lord. R. Amen.

When he ftretches forth both hands over the head of the fick perfon.

Pr. They fhall lay their hands upon the fick, and they fhall be cured. May Jefus the Son of Mary, the Saviour and Lord of the world, by the merits and interceffion of the holy Apoftles, Peter and Paul, and of all the Saints, be merciful and propitious to thee. R. Amen.

V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy fpirit.


Let us pray. Dominus fefus.

AY the Lord Jesus Christ be with thee to defend thee may he be within thee, to preserve thee: may he go before thee, to lead thee: may he be behind thee, to bless thee: who with the Father and the Holy Ghoft, in perfect unity of Godhead, liveth and reigneth for ever and ever. R. Amen.



AY the bleffing of God the Father almighty, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, come down upon thee, and remain with thee for ever. R. Amen.


When the Priest brings the bleffed facrament into the room where the fick perfon is, he fays :

Pr.Poufe. R. And

Eace be to this Pr. AX huic domui,

to all that dwell therein.


R. Et omnibus

habitantibus in eâ.

Then placing the bleffed facrament on a corporal on a table, with a lighted taper, he adores it on his knees, and all the reft remain kneeling. Then he fprinkles the fick perfon and the room with holy water, faying:

Anth. HOU fhalt fprinkle me, O Lord, with

Thyffop, and I fhall be cleanfed: thou

fhalt wath me, and I fhall become whiter than fnow, Pf. 50. Have mercy on me, O God, according to thy great mercy; and according to the multitude of thy tender mercies blot out my iniquity. V. Glory. Anth. Thou fhalt.

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made both heaven and earth. V. O Lord, hear my prayer. R. And let my cry come unto thee. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy spirit.


V. Adjutorium noftrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit cœlum & terram. V. Domine, exaudi orationem meam. R. Et clamor meus ad te veniat. V. Dominus vobifcum. R. Et cum fpiritu tuo.


Let us pray. Ear us, O holy Lord, Father almighty, eternal God, and vouchfafe to fend down thy holy angel from heaven, to guard, cherish, protect, vifit and defend all that dwell in this house. Thro Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

Here the fick perfon, if he hath not before done it, makes his confeffion in private, and the Priest gives him abfolution. Then either the fick perfon, or fome one in his name fays the Confiteor. And the Priest

having faid, Mifereatur tui, &c. and Indulgentiam, Abfolutionem, &c. as in Ordinary of the Mass, p. xiii. takes the facred Hoft in his hand, and shewing it the fick perfon, Jays: Pr. Behold the lamb of God; behold him that taketh away the fins of the world. And then adds thrice: Lord I am not worthy thou shouldft enter under my roof: speak but the word, and my foul fhall be healed."


When he gives the Eucharift, he fays:


Eceive, dear brother, [or fifter] as a provifion for thy journey, the body of our Lord Jefus Chrift, to defend thee from the wicked enemy, and bring thee to life everlasting. R. Amen.

But if the Eucharist be not given by way of Viati cum, the Priest fays, as ufual :

Pr. AY the body of our Lord Jefus Chrift preferve thy foul to eternal life.


Then the Priest washes his fingers in fome liquid, which is given the fick per fon by way of Ablution, or thrown into the fire. V. May the Lord be with you. R. And with thy fpirit.


V. Dominus vobifcum. R. Et cum fpiritu tuo.

Domine fante.

Let us pray. OLY Lord, almighty Father, eternal God, we, with a lively faith, befeech thee, that the facred body of our Lord Jefus Chrift thy Son, may be to our brother, [or fifter] who hath received it, an eternal remedy both to body and foul. Who liveth. R. Amen.



Pr. P


Eace be to this Pr. AX huic domui. houfe. R. And

P1R. Et omnibus

to all that dwell therein, habitantibus in ea.

Then he gives the fick perfon the crucifix to kiss, and Sprinkles him, the room and all prefent, with holy water, faying the Anthem, Thou shalt sprinkle, as above, p. ccx. Then he fays:

V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made both heaven and earth. V. May the Lord be with you. And with thy fpirit.



V. Adjutorium noftrum in nomine Domini. R. Qui fecit cœlum & terram. V. Dominus vobifcum. R. Et cum fpiritu tuo.

PRAYER. Introeat, as p. ccviii.
PRAYER. Oremus.

ET us pray and befeech our Lord Jefus Chrift, that bleffing he would blefs this house, and all that dwell in it, and that he would appoint a good angel for a guard, and make them all ferve him, and confider the wonderful things of his law: may he drive from them all the power of the enėmy, deliver them from all fear and disturbance, and preferve them in health in this houfe. Who with the Father and the Holy Ghoft liveth and reigneth God world without end. R. Amen.

Let us pray. Exaudi, as p. ccx.

Then is faid the Confiteor. And the Prieft having faid: Mifereatur, &c. and Indulgentiam: he goes on thus:


Pr. TN the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghoft: may all the power of the Devil be extinguished in thee by the laying on of our hands, and the invocation of all the holy Angels, Archangels, Patriarchs, Prophets, Apostles, Martyrs, Confeffors, Virgins, and of all the Saints together. R. Amen.



Of the Eyes.

Y this holy unction, and by his own moft great mercy may the Lord pardon thee whatever thou haft offended by thy fight. R. Amen.


Of the Ears.

Y this holy unction, and by his own moft great mercy may the Lord pardon thee whatever thou haft offended by thy hearing. R. Amen. Of the Noftrils.


Y this holy unction, and by his own great mercy, may the Lord pardon thee whatever thou haft offended by thy fmell. R. Amen.


Of the Mouth.

Y this holy unction, and by his own great mercy may the Lord pardon thee whatever thou haft offended by thy tafte, and by thy words. R. Amen. Of the Hands.

Y this holy unction, and by his own moft great mercy may the Lord pardon thee whatever thou haft offended by thy feeling. R. Amen.

Of the Feet.

Y this holy unction, and by his own moft great

BYmercy may the Load pay

thou haft offended by thy walking. R. Amen.

V. Lord have mercy on us. R. Chrift have mercy on us. V. Lord have mercy on us. Our Father in Secret. V. And lead us not into temptation. R. But deliver us from evil. V. Save thy fervant. R. Who puts his [or her] truft in thee, O my God. V. Send him [or her] help from thy fanctuary. R. And from out of Sion protect him for her]. V. Be to him for her] O Lord, a tower offtrength. R. From the face of the VOL. II.

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V. Kyrie eleïfon. R. Chrifte eleïfon. V. Kyrie eleïfon. Pater nofter. V. Et ne nos inducas in tentationem. R. Sed libera nos à malo. V. Salvum fac fervum tuum. R. Deus meus, fperantem in te. V. Mitte ei, Domine, auxilium de fancto. R. Et de Sion tuere eum. V. Efto ei, Domine, turris fortitudinis. R. A facie inimici. V.Nihil proficiat inimicus in eo. R. Et filius iniquitatis non ap

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