
Vol. I. The Philosophy of Education. By Johann Karl Friedrich Rosenkranz.


Vol. II. A History of Education. By Prof. F. V. N. Painter, of Roanoke, Virginia. $1.50.

Vol. III. The Rise and Early Constitution of Universities. With a Survey of Medieval Education. By S. S. Laurie, LL. D., Professor of the Institutes and History of Education in the University of Edinburgh. $1.50.

Vol. IV. The Ventilation and Warming of School Buildings. By Gilbert B. Morrison, Teacher of Physics and Chemistry in Kansas City High-School. 75 cents.

Vol. V. The Education of Man. By Friedrich Froebel. Translated from the German and annotated by W. N. Hailmann, Superintendent of Public Schools at La Porte, Indiana. $1.50.

Vol. VI. Elementary Psychology and Education. By Joseph Baldwin, Principal of the Sam Houston State Normal School, Huntsville, Texas. $1.50.

Vol. VII. The Senses and the Will. Observations concerning the Mental Development of the Human Being in the First Years of Life. By W. Preyer, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated from the original German, by H. W. Brown, Teacher in the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Part I of THE MIND OF THE CHILD. $1.50.

Vol. VIII. Memory. What it is and how to improve it. By David Kay, F. R. G. S. $1.50.

Vol. IX. The Development of the Intellect. Observations concerning the Mental Development of the Human Being in the First Years of Life. By W. Preyer, Professor of Physiology in Jena. Translated from the original German, by II. W. Brown, Teacher in the State Normal School at Worcester, Mass. Part II of THE MIND OF THE CHILD. $1.50.

Vol. X. How to Study Geography. By Francis W. Parker. Prepared for the Professional Training Class of the Cook County Normal School.

Vol. XI. Education in the United States. Its History from the Earliest Settlements. By Richard G. Boone, A. M., Professor of Pedagogy in Indiana University.

Vol. XII. European Schools. Or what I Saw in the Schools of Germany, France, Austria, and Switzerland. By L. R. Klemm, Ph. D., Author of "Chips from a Teacher's Workshop"; and numerous school-books.

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THE present work belongs to the class of educational writings that deal with the art or practice of teaching. It treats of details of management. In our adopted classification, it falls in the fourth division, coming after (1) history of education, (2) criticisms and reforms, and (3) the theory or science of education.

The art or practice of education of course presupposes the theory of education, for it is the practical application of it. But while theory looks at the subject in view of the full scope of all its possibilities, practice singles out only what is of present utility, and neglects the rest. Theory aims to get a wider and wider view, so as to grasp the subject in all its bearings, and contemplate the entire range of possibility; but practice, on the other hand, strives to narrow its field of view, and specialize its act of attention to the situation that is actually now before it.

The two attitudes of mind are in this respect opposed to each other. The theoretic shrinks from action, and defers it, wishing to keep the question open till all the possible phases of it have been inventoried. The

practical attitude desires to close the question, and de cide at once in view of what is already known.

Doubtless each of these tendencies is one-sided and incomplete, but each has advantages within its sphere. Few minds are nimble enough to move with ease from one tendency to the other. For the most part, the teacher who is theoretically inclined is lame in the region of details of work; while the practically inclined grows narrow-minded, and incompetent to seize new truth. Goethe's aphorism expresses this: "Thought expands, but lames; action narrows, but intensifies."

Again, if the theoretic mind undertakes a work on art or practice, it is apt to waste much energy and force in an attempt to be exhaustive, for it devotes space to considering remote possibilities at the expense of more thoroughness and pertinence in the treatment of those phases that concern the present situation.

The best books on art and practice, therefore, come from those writers who decline to enter upon the exhaustive consideration of their theme; for this would imply an undue expenditure of strength on remote and unimportant subjects. They select rather the most essential or the livest questions, and attack them with a zeal so intense that they move people to action. For action is induced by concentration of the mind on one phase of the subject. The equal contemplation of all phases neutralizes or "lames" action.

That our author, Mr. Howland, has happily chosen the nine topics which he discusses in this volume with so eminent practical wisdom is evident from the following mention of their general bearings.

1. Moral training, treated in Chapter I, for example,

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