
CLARENCE CANNON pointed out that the reason this budget was larger than it looked was because of the device of having supplemental appropriations passed in the current fiscal year and of selling fixed Government assets, such as the paper held by FHA and other Government agencies, in order to produce billions of dollars of cash which could be held over and expended during the fiscal year beginning June 30.

Now, I hope that with the close of CLARENCE CANNON'S career we did not lose the tradition in Congress that we have an obligation to tell the people the truth whether it is on the subject of finance as he so often spoke up or in other areas of vital interest to the American people. I hope that the time never comes when party loyalty will obscure the basic integrity of people in public life so that they hide the facts from their constituents and from the public at large. I cannot imagine any duty which is greater or higher on the part of a Member of Congress than to speak out fearlessly and frankly on every public issue of which he has particular knowledge.

I don't think that any Member of Congress, be he a Republican or a Democrat, owes such loyalty to his own party that he would not frankly give to the American people his best judgment, his best knowledge, his best information on every matter of public concern that comes before him.

I repeat that there are matters in which I disagree with CLARENCE CANNON. These are matters of policy, questions of opinion, but I have the highest respect for the man who never let anything influence his desire to state the facts, to present the record as he saw it, to give the American people the information which he felt they were entitled to have, without regard for who it would hurt, whose toes might be stepped on, or who could possibly have some recrimination against him as a politician. We will miss CLARENCE CANNON on both sides of the aisle in the House of Representatives.

Remarks by Representative Hagen

Of California

Mr. Speaker, I am privileged to join with my colleagues in paying tribute to our late friend and associate, the Honorable CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri.

I recall vividly the first occasion that I became acquainted with the personality and abilities of Mr. CANNON. I was not yet a Member of Congress. In following the Democratic National Convention on television I was struck by the appearance of an alert, elderly gentleman at the right hand of the chairman of the convention advising him on matters of procedure, and I was much impressed both by his demeanor and competence.

Later I came to know him as a colleague and friend.

Mr. CANNON certainly earned the close friendship of the many people in Congress who had occasion to work with him. Truly he led a productive life-a life productive for the common good. His many accomplishments made him a figure of national and international importance, and for such accomplishments standing alone he deserves commendation.

He deserves commendation in another respect. His achievement of a position of great power, honor, and respect did not change the basic simplicity and humbleness of the man. One of the marks of greatness is a refusal to forget the friends who helped one on the way up. CLARENCE CANNON never lost his Missouri character and the smalltown environment from which he developed. That character manifested itself in complete personal honesty and devotion to the welfare of this country.

Remarks by Representative Rhodes
Of Arizona

Mr. Speaker, it was with profound sorrow that I learned of the passing of our great chairman of the Committee on Appropriations, the Honorable CLARENCE CANNON. Mr. CANNON'S service in the Congress and in the Committee on Appropriations will continue always to be one of the bright spots in our country's legislative history. He was truly a great Member of the House in every sense of the word.

I remember as a veteran of World War II the excitement which prevailed when news reached the Armed Forces that the first atomic bomb had been exploded. The true story came out later, of how this project was financed in such a manner as to preserve its secrecy by the ingenuity, fortitude, and farsightedness of CLARENCE CANNON and the Honorable John Taber, of New York. This is only one of the great contributions made to our country by Mr. CANNON. There are many more-so many that it would be impossible to chronicle them in the time which is available.

Mr. CANNON was always considerate to me as a member of his committee and as a colleague in the House. I felt for him a deep and abiding respect, both for his intellect and ready wit, and for his ability as a legislator. I considered him as a friend, and I will miss him.

Mrs. Rhodes joins me in extending our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Cannon and to the bereaved family of the Honorable CLARENCE CANNON. May God rest his soul.

Remarks by Representative Patman

Of Texas

Mr. Speaker, it is impossible to surpass in sincerity or depth of feeling some of the things that have been so well and eloquently said in this Chamber on the passing of our brilliant and beloved colleague, Representative CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri. But I knew him well and intimately, and no measure of closeness to the color and the drama of his personality through the decades could diminish my sense of wonder at his many gifts as both a person and a legislator. He was the living symbol of the quality of endurance, of ruggedness, of forthright honesty intellectually, and in his political strategies and leadership. Probably no Member of this House in our time so remarkably provided living and dynamic proof of the good sense of the seniority process and the invaluable meaningfulness of experience and more and still more experience in the handling of the people's business than CLARENCE CANNON.

Here was a tried and true legislator in his 85th year of whom it could never be said that he was old in the sense that he was inadequate to the immense tasks he shouldered for the good of his country and for the distinction and the prestige of this House. To those of us who have known some of the greatest Americans in the last half century-personally, in some instances even intimately and under the greatest pressures of national and international crises-CLARENCE CANNON, as a man and a leader, stood out like the most American of Americans. For me, as I knew him almost up to the very hour of his passing from us, this, his marvelous identity with the accepted image of an American, of one of us who was as essentially native, as it was possible to be, was the greatest thing about him. One had the feeling that if, out of the vast population of our country, we could in high posts have half a score of such men of character and wisdom as

CLARENCE CANNON, this country would be safe and secure from any of the dangers that beset it.

What I recognized in him was a mind that never flagged, a physical well-being that age and prodigious exertions could not attack. I could imagine no greater single element of loss to this country, no waste more disastrous in the sense of a capacity to make a contribution of leadership to this Chamber, than the resignation of CLARENCE CANNON from public life when he had reached, say, his 70th birthday, 15 years ago. Luckily, whether such persuasions were ever made or not, he, of course, never submitted to them, probably because he was aware in himself of undiminished powers and the fullness of life. For me, as I sat with him, as I talked and listened, as I observed him in committee dealing with the most complicated aspects of the complex fiduciary problems of this country in this century, I had a feeling of immense pride, of warm and personal relationship.

I was proud because CLARENCE CANNON was one of ours. The vital statistics of CLARENCE CANNON'S life have always been well reviewed. I, for one, shall not weary of hearing them again and again. But only for a moment I want to talk, if I may, not about the data per se, but about what they prove in the character of the man. I like to think, because I believe it is true, that for some years as a teacher of history, he chose this career because it enriched his comparative knowledge of the story of his country, and because the subject intrigued his alert and vigorous young imagination. CLARENCE CANNON was a patriot in a profound and a deep sense that derived its strength as much from knowledge to the point of scholarship, as from emotion. He knew what he was patriotic about as a scientist may know his field from intense and devoted research. And this scholarliness, this unrelenting concern with research, with the facts, the detail, the mind- and body-wearying quest for the truth-the whole truth-of any problem, may be said to have been the quality that lent so much effectiveness to his legislative leadership.

When men said of him that he was tough it was this they were referring to. It was toughness of mind, not toughness

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