
unless the unity is actually connected with the former

aggregate, the new totality could not arise-the ouτos, οὗτος, ἕτερος, συνεχὴς—nor the hundred be produced.

Hence, we infer that, as in the composition of every possible thing, three heterogeneous principles must combine their influence to constitute ONE thing, we are constrained to allow this


The root of ONE is three.

As the previous argument is arranged in the form of equations, it may be as well to give a familiar account of this powerful agent in the art of reasoning. Equations express the same quantity in two dissimilar terms. This may be well exemplified by a pair of scales, having a pound weight in one, ouros, and sixteen ounces in the other, repos, which, being held in connexion, ovvexùs, by the beam, are in equilibrium, or equality of evidence, in fact an equation. Here even we perceive the TRIUNE PRINCIPLE exerting its influence by having its three heterogeneous principles all in action at once, all Coeval and Correlative, or the act of judging is totally destroyed. Suppose, for instance, only fifteen ounces were to be placed in one scale instead of sixteen, but yet that the other ounce weight was lying on the table on the same side and near this scale, still the whole

equation would be destroyed. This proves the absolute necessity that all the parts which are to be equal to the whole must actually exert a positive influence on each other, or be in a reciprocal state of action and reaction, which in objects of SENSE always implies contact, as the third element or connecting link, and in principles of REASON three permanent and eternal essences in union, or a spiritual TRINITY IN UNITY.

In the formation of a Circle, these three heterogeneous principles are very apparent. Unless we assume a centre, as a firm point about which the same straight line revolves, we cannot even commence the operation of describing a circle; and, however far we may have proceeded with the revolution of the given line, yet, until we have reached the point in the circumference from which we started, no part of the figure bears the name of a Circle. The very instant, however, that the commencing and final points of the periphery come in contact, the figure is designated by the term Circle. This equation then arises that, in order to generate a Circle, three heterogeneous principles are essentially necessary, and these must be both Coeval and Correlative, or no circle whatever can exist. Hence we


obtain the following equation:

Centre Radius +Periphery



These three heterogeneous principles, once combined, being in a state of permanent and eternal union, in order to produce one essence, is beautifully elucidated in the figure of a Triangle. Whatever priority in point of time may exist in the formation of the symbol of this figure, which is intended to affect SENSE, yet, until the three principles of REASON are acknowledged in our consciousness, no triangle can exist either spiritually or materially. Let us draw three lines, so that when they meet at three points they will form a triangle, yet, till the actual accomplishment of this purpose is effected, we dare not call it even a figure, much less a triangle; but, the very moment that contact has taken place at the final angle, consciousness acknowledges the presence of the three permanent principles of REASON, which have always inhabited ETERNITY, even though they were now first made known or revealed to man. Thus, then, we perceive that this principle of a TRINITY IN UNITY must manifest itself in ETERNITY in all its purity; not only be now and for ever more, but ultimately centre in the Godhead, whose very essence it constitutes, and all its parts must be both Coeval and Correlative. The result of this reasoning, with its various equations, may be conveniently disposed in the following manner :





[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

-a TRIAD OF PRINCIPLES is as much a law of universal nature as the law of gravitation.

Maker Soul + Relation = GOD.


MATTER is Sensation raised by external Objects in SENSE.
is Principle produced by Syllogisms of REASON.



On the Application of the Triune Principle.

At length the pleasing task devolves on us of applying the principle of a TRINITY IN UNITY to that ineffable source of life and light, the GODHEAD. In doing this, we must confidently presume that the details through which we have already travelled have completely established the truth-that the very act of thinking involves the triune principle in its very essence. Should, however, this not be the case, and we have failed to fix for ever this eternal principle, still we may presume to hope that the hints here thrown out may promote the future operations of some more successful adventurer in the bold and hazardous undertaking-settling for ever that most vital point of the "RELIGion of Christ.”

But, on the other hand, if the principle of triads— without which human thought cannot exist, and which ultimately settles and centres in the very Essence of Deity itself-proves to be firmly established, and for ever indelibly fixed in every human mind, then the glorious result that we may venture to contemplate will form so pleasing a consolation and solace to our mind, as, from this blessed CONVICTION, to make us partakers

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