
islanders. But, alas! I now find, with horror and surprise, that the word temperance applies only to the ships, and not to their crews, none probably of which are members of a temperance society, but are merely bound by articles that the voyage shall be performed without any spirits being on board, except as medicine, if needed, and that their sobriety only exists because they cannot get the liquor; when on shore, and unbound by these articles, they are lamentably, in many instances, notorious for drinking to excess; and their immoral conduct, at this place, makes me shudder for the awful and woeful consequences, both as regards themselves, and the daughters of Tahiti. Although great exertion is made and promoted by the missionaries here to stop this overwhelming torrent of iniquity, yet all their measures are abortive, and can never be effected, unless co-operated with on the part of the masters of the shipping. Notwithstanding the disuse of spirituous liquors is rigidly enforced at Tahiti, and no person allowed to have it in their houses, or if the breath of any of the natives smell of it, a severe fine is imposed; yet this bane of the human race is still to be purchased on shore, and the supply is kept up by the American ships, clandestinely landed at times, amongst the supposed empty casks which are sent on shore for water, (an instance of this kind took place a few days ago,) and by other methods. A considerable quantity was brought in last week by an American schooner from Valparaiso, and safely landed; but has since been discovered, the casks destroyed, and their contents totally lost. By what is said, I do not mean to infer that this shocking and gross immorality is confined solely to the crews of the American vessels, because those of the English are perhaps equally implicated; but with this difference, they do not assume the character of being Temperance Ships.""-pp. 5, 6.


Throughout Friend Wheeler's journal, there is abundant evidence of the good understanding and christian feeling which prevailed amongst all parties during this interesting visit. One extract will suffice.

"It is indeed worthy of humble gratitude and thankfulness, to witness how my gracious Lord, from time to time, has opened the way for me amongst the missionaries. The printing-office is established at this place: we looked into it, but as the principal conductor of that work, David Darling, was absent, the press was standing still. Whilst here, we were waited upon by Utami, in the capacity of chief, to request permission to feed us, as they term furnishing strangers with a supply of food, which with them is considered the greatest respect that can be shown to a stranger: but we were compelled to decline their kind attention, as the materials could not be procured from the different parts of the district before to-morrow, and we were bound to return to the 'Henry Freeling' to-night, if practicable, or the chronometers from being locked up in our cabin could not be wound up until we returned on board again. The quantity of food usually furnished at such times is quite preposterous; consisting of a hog, fowls, fish, plantains, bananas, &c., with a quantity of cocoa-nuts, and if hinted at, there is little doubt

but a dog would be prepared, according to the ancient custom of the island. As the chief Utami has undertaken to repair a building for a school, I have agreed to furnish a few pounds of nails, and a lock for the door, for his encouragement to proceed in this useful work. In the course of the day our boat was brought from the place where we landed the preceding evening; and after taking leave of this family, we again re-embarked, and in a short time got safely through the most dangerous pass in the reef into smooth water, and reached the Bay of Papeeti before dark, not a little fatigued, and in much poverty of spirit, and unable to write for want of sleep."-p. 18.

The vivacious manners and the gay loquacity of Tahitian society was likely to scandalize our friends, who are slow of speech and of a sad countenance. Daniel Wheeler therefore felt it to be his duty to reprove these evils in one of his discourses, his own report of which we transcribe.

"There was a large number of the people collected together, and when the usual service of their own was gone through, I stood up, and George Pritchard interpreted for me, as at other times.

"The principal burden that rested upon my mind, was to turn the attention of the people to the light of Christ Jesus in their own hearts, that their conversation might be such as becometh his gospel. I had to tell them, that although I did not understand their language, yet I was fearful for them, seeing that for every idle word a man shall speak, he must give an account in the day of judgment, for by our words we shall be justified, and by our words we shall be condemned; believing, and declaring this belief, that a very loose and wanton conversation was a besetting sin amongst them. I had to remind them of the superior advantages bestowed upon these islands, over many others of this part of the habitable globe, by the introduction of Christianity amongst them," &c.

Another record of his ministrations is as follows.

"(First-day.) At nine A. M. the Tahitian worship commenced. John Davies had previously told me, that if I should have any thing to speak to the people, he himself would interpret for me. When the customary service was gone through, and John Davies came down from his pulpit, I got up, and stood near him.” When the attention of the people was attracted, and stillness prevailed, Daniel Wheeler communicated what was upon his mind, and he adds,— "notwithstanding there was reason to apprehend that many would be able to collect but a small part of what was said, on account of the feeble state of the interpreter, yet it was so evident that the Divine presence and power reigned over all, that I had to appeal to the people as witnesses to the solemnizing influence with which we were favoured. I trust the Lord alone was exalted this day and magnified; and the people turned to their true teacher, Christ Jesus, whose name shall be great in every nation, from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same. Whatever might be the feelings of others on this occasion, I am not aware. It was to myself a highly favoured, precious season, the sense and remembrance of which is

relieving, and still abiding; and although some days have now passed away since this event took place, it yet raises in my heart a tribute of thanksgiving, and a song of praise to my great, and bountiful, and ever-merciful Creator and Preserver."-p. 29.

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Throughout these records it is evident that Mr. Wheeler often enjoyed the services in which he was engaged, and which he has expressed in the peculiar phraseology of Quakerism, such as, solemn covering prevailed' -"the people behaved in a solid manner"-"a covering of solemnity now drew over the assembly"—" a precious covering of solemnity now spread over us"-" it was, indeed, a solid opportunity," &c.

Friend Wheeler has not often attempted any thing like descriptive writing; the following passage will, however, be read with plea


25th. Rising by the break of day, and partaking of an early breakfast, we departed, as soon as the family devotion was over, for Tieraboo, (Tyra-boo) the south-eastern extremity of the island. We landed at Myra Bay, and visited Samuel Henry and family, who is commonly styled Captain Henry, from having been several years the commander of a vessel. He is son to William Henry, the missionary at Tairei. Here the whole process of making sugar was going forward, from pressing the juice out of the cane by rollers, to all the different stages that it passes through, until in the granulated state fit for use. The wind being pretty fresh against us, the journey became tedious, until reaching the narrow neck of the Isthmus which connects the two peninsulas which form the island of Tahiti, when our sail became available, and helped us more speedily forward to the furthermost part of the island, then in sight. The sun was nigh setting when we reached the missionary station to which we were destined; but the beauty, and various scenery of this part of the island served to enliven the last hour of a long day's exposure to the sun, and to quiet in some degree the sensations of hunger and weariness, by which we had long been assailed. The stupendous mountains, however steep and rugged, were clothed in the richest. and fullest manner, with every kind of fruit and forest-tree, which flourish in these tropical climates, where perpetual summer reigns, their luxuriance only now and then interrupted by falls of water hurrying down the steep declivities in beautiful cascades to the vales beneath but the noise of these numerous cataracts is at once overpowered and lost in the roar of the mighty Pacific, whose waves incessantly thunder in endless succession upon the shores and reefs of Tahiti. The rattle of our oars on the ocean's glassy surface as we approached near the shore, soon drew forth the natives, with the missionary, John Muggeridge Orsmond, who were ready to welcome and assist the strangers at their landing."

When he was about to leave this station he received from the deacons of the church, a letter in the native language, which was translated by our missionaries, Messrs. Wilson and Orsmond, as under.

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"Tea-hu-poo, 26th of June, 1835. "Dear Friends.-The ministers with the Brethren and Sisters in London.

"Peace be unto you, in the true God Jehovah, and in Jesus Christ his Son, who came into the world to save sinful men:-we indeed are sinful men. Here is Daniel Wheeler amongst us; and he has made known unto us all the good words of Jesus Christ. And comfort has grown in our hearts; and great pleasure has been to us from his words, concerning the words of Jesus the Messiah.

"It was indeed very great pleasure in his saying to us, Jesus is the pearl of great price. It is a pearl good within, and good without. And many have been the good words that he has spoken to us. Now indeed we know assuredly he has true love to the brethren and sisters in all places where the things of Jesus are held. In that love he has come amongst us; and indeed our love is grown towards him and his son, in their making known on their way the things of Jesus, and in their visit of love to all the brethren, and in inviting all to enter in to Jesus the Messiah.

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Another gratifying proof that the disinterested benevolence of his visit was appreciated by the natives of Tahiti, was given by the Queen remitting the dues which are paid by vessels that anchor in her ports. Her intention was made known in the following note.

"Tahiti, 30th of June, 1835.

"I do away with the money for the anchoring of the vessel. This is the reason why I do away with it, because thine is a visit of love, and not a trading voyage. If it was a trading voyage it would not be done away with; I would still demand the money for the anchoring; but because thine is a visit of love, I have not therefore demanded the money.

(Signed) "POMARE V.

"Health to thee and thy son in your (two) voyaging.

"Na Daniella Wira."

But we must bring this article to a close, by extracting a portion of a letter, dated Oahu, Sandwich Island, 14th of 1st mo. 1836. "Since sailing from Eimeo, we have visited the islands of Huaheine, Raiateia, Tahaa, and Bolabola, and have been similarly favoured at all of them, and at this island also, as far as we have gone, (having declared the ever-blessed truth in two large congregations of the natives; at the last of which, more than two thousand five hundred persons were present, and have had two meetings with the 'half whites," the American and British residents, the seamen of the fleet, and numerous natives that understood English,) with an indu bitable evidence that the everlasting arms were underneath for our support, in every time of trial; I trust to the exaltation of that name, which shall yet be great in every nation; yea, from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same, from pole to pole, the

earth shall be filled with his glory, and resound with the praise of his own works.

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"Although deprived of our kind friend and interpreter before leaving Tahiti; yet, if the question was asked, Lackest thou any thing? Nothing, Lord,' must immediately follow in grateful and humble response. At Eimeo, Alexander Simpson stood by us, (the resident missionary,) not only at Papetoai, the principal settlement where the school is established, but accompanied us by boat to Afaireita and Matea, the distant stations on the island. At Huaheine, Charles Barff, the missionary at that island, came forward unasked, and went with us to the distant isles of Raiateia, Tahaa, and Bolabola, and a valuable assistant we found him; an excellent interpreter, a kind friend, and, from his long acquaintance, and often tried practice amongst the different reefs, a pilot, in whom we could repose the fullest confidence.

"In a former letter, I mentioned for the information and satisfaction of my beloved friends generally, that, when looking forward towards the close of my service at the Society group of Islands, the track towards the equator was the only one upon which any brightness appeared, and which necessarily led to the Sandwich Islands. And when the work was finished at Bolabola, the same route was still the only one open before me.

"On leaving Bolabola, our course was accordingly shaped for the same, as near as the wind would permit us to steer, nothing doubting. For the first three weeks our faith and patience were brought to the test by a succession of opposing and turbulent winds, with much thunder, lightning, and rain in torrents; so that I concluded that if, on reaching the line, we should then be assailed by rough northerly winds, I should be justified in bearing away from their blast, rather than any longer persist in beating our little Freeling' to pieces, by contending with elements, against which the firmest resolution is ever but labour in vain. Believing, in that case, that the will would be graciously accepted for the deed, by him, who knows the integrity of all hearts. I find that I am now infringing upon the pages of my journal. It must suffice for me to say, that just as the sun went down, on the 23rd of 12th mo., we could plainly distinguish the lofty mountains of Owhyhee, (now Hawaii,) at a distance of full eighty miles; and on the 26th anchored safely in the harbour of Honolulu at Oahu, all in excellent health, after a passage of six weeks and two days from Bolabola, crowned with loving-kindness and tender mercy. Here we found that we had gained a day, it being the 26th on board, and the 25th on shore, of the 12th mo. The highest mountain at Owyhee was covered with snow when we passed it. It is said to be full one thousand feet higher than the Peak of Teneriffe. It is, at present, quite uncertain, unto which of these islands we shall next bend our course, after being liberated from this: and, from the present season of the year, it is scarcely to be expected that we shall meet with any ships likely soon to return to England; but, perhaps through the medium of America, further opportunities may present for me to write again."-pp. 56, 57.

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