
The G. G. (before figure of Aladdin's uncle, selling new lamps for old) - Here you are, you see! "Ali Baba," got 'em all here, you see. Never read your "Arabian Nights," either? Is that the way they bring up boys nowadays?

Percy. Well, the fact is, grandfather, that unless a fellow reads that kind of thing when he's young, he doesn't get a chance afterwards.



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IN the second of two interesting papers on the manners, customs, superstitions, and religions of South African tribes (Journal of the Anthropological Institute, vol. xix. No. 3, and vol. xx. No. 2), the Rev. James Macdonald, who has had ample opportunities of studying the subject, The Aunt (still quoting). "In the fa- has a good deal to say about the doctrine mous work," Bobby, "by which we know of souls which prevails among the aborigMasûdi, he mentions the Persian Hezar ines of South Africa. It is extremely Afsane-um-um-um - nor have commenta- | difficult, he explains, to discover what the tors failed to notice that the occasion of | people really believe about the spirit the book written for the Princess Homai world, so many and varied are the tradiresembles the story told in the Hebrew tions relating to it. There are, however, Bible about Esther, her mother or grand- certain outstanding facts common to all; mother, by some Persian Jew two or three and of these Mr. Macdonald gives a clear centuries B.C." Well, I never knew that | and instructive account. before! This is "Sindbad and the Old Man of the Sea"-let's see what they say about him. (Reads.) "Both the story of Sindbad and the old Basque legend of Tartaro are undoubtedly borrowed from the Odyssey of Homer, whose Iliad and Odyssey were translated into Syriac, in the reign of Harun-ur-Rashid.' Dear, dear, how interesting, now! and, Bobby, what do you think some one says about "Jack and the Beanstalk?" He says: "this tale is an allegory of the Teutonic Al-fader, the red hen representing the allproducing sun; the moneybags, the fer. tilizing rain; and the harp, the winds." Well, I'm sure it seems likely enough, doesn't it?

[Bobby suppresses a yawn; Percy's feelings are outraged by receiving a tin trumpet from the Lucky Tub; general move to the scene of the Hampstead Tragedy.

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All human beings are supposed to have souls, but their souls are not believed to be entirely confined to the body. A man's soul may, it is thought, occupy the roof of his hut, and, if he changes his residence, his soul does so at the same time. Macdonald takes this to be a loose and indefinite way of expressing "the belief that a man's spirit may have influence at a distance from the place where he is himself at any time." The people often use the word zitunzela- from isitunzi, shadows-to express their ideas of human spirits and the unseen world generally ; |and this is “ the nearest description that can be obtained." A man is constantly attended by the shadows or spirits of his of one who dies without speaking to his ancestors as well as his own, but the spirit children shortly before death never visits his descendants except for purposes of evil. In such cases magicians or priests offer costly sacrifices to prevent misfortune and death.

Before the Hampstead Tableaux. Great importance is attached to dreams Spectators. Dear, dear, there's the or visions, which are supposed to be due dresser, you see, and the window, broken to spirit influence. When the same dream and all; it's wonderful how they can do it ! | comes more than once, the dreamer conAnd there's poor Mrs. 'Ogg-it's real sults the magicians, who profess to rebutter and a real loaf she's cutting, and ceive revelations through dreams. If the the poor baby, too! Here's the actual dreamer has seen "a departed relative," casts taken after they were murdered. Oh, the magician says, "Ile is hungry." Then and there's Mrs. Pearcey wheeling the a beast is killed; the blood is collected, perambulator-it's the very perambula- and placed in a vessel at the side of the tor! No, not the very one .they've got | hut farthest from the door; the liver is that at the other place, and the piece of hung up in the hut, and must not be eaten toffee the baby sucked. Have they really! until all the flesh of the animal has been Oh, we must try and go there, too, before used. The "essence" of the food is the children's holidays are over. And this "withdrawn" by the spirit during the is all? Well, well, everything very nice, night, and after a specified time all may be I will say. But a pity they couldn't get eaten except the portions which the magi the real perambulator! cian orders to be burned.

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Ancestor-worship is not only professed | not a blow was struck, and every man took by the South African tribes, but "they to his heels, making for the nearest hidactually regulate their conduct by it." ing-place in the mountain or forest. That Says Mr. Macdonald : army never reassembled. Black-hearted fear utterly demoralized it."

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"If a man has a narrow escape from accident and death, he says, 'My father's soul saved me,' and he offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving accordingly. In cases of sickness, propitiatory sacrifices are offered to remove the displeasure of the ancestors, and secure a return of their favor. Should any one neglect a national custom in the conduct of his affairs, he must offer sacrifice to avert calamity as the consequence of his neglect. When offering propitiatory sacrifices, the form of prayer used by the priest is: Ye who are above, accept our offering and remove Our trouble' In freewill offerings, as in escape from danger, or at the ripening of crops, the prayer takes the following form: 'Ye who are above, accept the food we have provided for you; smell our offering now burning, and grant us prosperity and peace.'

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Animals are not supposed to have souls; neither are inanimate objects. But spirits may reside in inanimate objects, and their presence has an influence on many customs and habits. A striking example of such influence was afforded during the rebellion of 1879, when Umhlonhlo, after the murder of the British resident, was one day marching in a leisurely manner across country with his whole army. The forenoon was hot, and not a cloud was to be seen. Presently the magicians noticed on the horizon a peculiarly shaped cloud "It rose rapidly in one mass and 'rolled upon itself. Its movements were intently watched till it approached the zenith and passed over the sun. This was an evil omen. For some unknown cause the spirits were mortally offended, and had come over the army in shadow at noonday. In grief and sorrow their backs were turned upon their children, and the result of this would be certain defeat and disaster. There was, however, no immediate danger. That morning's scouts had reported that there were no troops within many miles of their line of march, and they could repair to some sacred place to offer sacrifices and make atonement. While they were discussing which place to repair to for this purpose, the van of a small column of cavalry appeared unexpectedly over a rising ground. Dismay struck into every heart. The war minister urged his men to form into order of battle. No one answered his summons. He did his best to organize an orderly retreat, but in vain;

Water or river spirits play a great part in South African mythology. They inhabit deep pools where there are strong eddies and under-currents. They are dwarfs, and are of a malignant disposition, which they display by greedily seizing on any one who comes within their reach. They are, of course, greatly feared; and the popular dread of them is shown in a way which has been known in many different parts of the world. Mr. Macdonald gives the following example:

"Some years ago a number of Gcaleka girls were, on a fine summer day, bathing in the Bashee. One of them got beyond her depth, and began to struggle in the water and cry for help. Her companions promptly raised the alarm, and two men working close by ran down to the water's edge. She was still struggling feebly, but to the onlookers it was a clear case of being 'called 'by the river, and they made no attempt to save her. The body was recovered by the magicians the same day, when it was found she had been drowned in less than five feet of water. All this came to the ears of C. G. H. Bell, Esq., the English resident, and he cited the parties, magicians and all, to appear before him in court. The two men not only admitted that they could have waded to the spot where they saw her struggling, but also said the water would not be more than breast deep.' They had made no effort to save her, as it would be 'improper and dangerous to interfere when one is called by the river.' Mr. Bell tried to argue them out of such absurd notions, but to little purpose, and finally came to the conclusion that 'six months hard' might be more effectual in eradicating superstition than all his philosophy, and six months hard it accordingly was."

Mr. Macdonald says there is no periodical process of purging or driving away spirits. Without the presence and aid of magicians, ordinary people dare not interfere with these mysterious powers, however malignant and destructive they may become. Although a man is guarded by the spirits of his ancestors, they do not protect him from demons or from wizards and witches. A certain measure of protection can, however, it is supposed, be obtained by the use of charms provided by magicians.. On one occasion, when war was being carried on with England,


the magicians gave the soldiers a charm | volcano in the immediate vicinity. I do against English bullets. It was the blue flower of a species of rhododendron. "Those who carried this talisman rushed forward against columns of infantry without a shadow of fear or hesitation, and only when men began to bite the dust in all directions did the nature of the delusion break upon the army, and panic ensue."




not say it is not so in real life. I only say that in life nobody cares. If he is meeting his sweetheart or combating his enemy at the moment, cesspool, corpse, and volcano are all blotted from his mind. He does not look out of the window to analyze a smell and consider the miserable fate of humanity or the geological conditions of the earth. He does not care a farthing candle if the whole thing is going to explode to-morrow. At that moment he is all upon the present passion, and his being thrills. It is this sympathetic thrill of emotion that I miss in so-called realists. Writers appear to have become infected with a desire to imitate painters. LaboI AM an idealist, so they tell me. At rious and minute description became the least there are several gentlemen whom disease of literature. We can make our everybody agrees to call realists whose hero speak, we can make him move, we talents I admire extremely, but whose can make him think, we can make him works I should not care to write, even if travel, we can let him grow old, we can I were able. I do not know whether they let him die and even hear what his survivadmire my talents, but some of them are ors say of him. But one thing we cannot kind enough to assure me that they would do: we cannot tell him what he looked rather die than write my works. I believe like. Observe the efforts of artists to realthe realists, or rather some of the sillier ize characters, even the most elaborately of them, object to invention altogether, described. Every draughtsman makes a and must have everything a document, as new thing of them. One-sense literature they call it, and taken out of a note-book. can only serve by a half-miraculous tour This is a question of sentiment. I sus- de force, and that sense is the sense of pect most of our inventions are docu- sight. I believe they are blinded, on the mentary enough, and taken out of the one hand, by a technical preoccupation, note-book of the memory. I will give you by the supposed necessity of perpetual a couple of examples from my own case. minute and always original observation; Some five or six years after I had written while they are blinded, on the other hand, "Treasure Island" I picked up Washing. by the habit of living in towns, in a mean, ton Irving's "Tales of a Traveller," and poky, hole-and-corner civilization, where there I find Billy Bones, with his voice, they live in clubs and restaurants, never his manner, his talk, his sabre cut, his sea seeing people in the open air, in their chest, and all that is Billy Bales's. I had working clothes and undergoing healthy read it long ago and, if you will allow me toils and dangers. Pierre Loti and De a bull, I had forgotten but my memory had Maupassant are the two that are by far the remembered. Again, I fondly supposed most sympathetic to me in their methods, I had invented a scene when Alan Breck and the only two of whom I absolutely quarrels with one of the McGregors in a know that they have had some good expe house in Balquidder. Here in Sydney, rience of the open air and of a healthy not two days ago, a gentleman informs life. I am like a Highland skipper, of me that I had read the outlines of that whom I once asked the meaning of a scene, even to the names of the three Gaelic name, and who replied, seemingly principal characters engaged, in "Pit- in physical agony: "A canna say it, but a cairn's Criminal Trials." We authors all feel it in ma breest." Any way that I rearrange that matter of observed life with could put it in words would sound somewhich our memories are charged, and the thing far harsher than I mean. I will deal most we can mean by the word invention perfectly frankly with you. I do not know is some happy congruity or surprise in what idealism means. I do not know the method of arranging it. The realists what realism means. I try to represent will not let themselves enjoy anything. what seems to me conspicuous and repreThe moment anything enjoyable appears sentable in the world in which I live. I they must remind the reader that there is try to give pleasure or to awaken intera cesspool under the kitchen floor, a est. I see the defects, I see the inherent corpse in the back parlor cupboard, and auntruths.

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WHERE'ER I go, whate'er I see,
Whatever ladies smile on me,
This, this the only truth can be,
That love's a burden if not free.

The bee, that hums a few brief hours,
Is free to kiss a thousand flow'rs;
And free are bird and wind and sky,
Then, lovely ladies, why not I?
I love you all, petite or tall,
'Whate'er your beauty or your grade is,
Coy or coquette, blonde or brunette,

I love you all, bewitching ladies!
But if perchance one maid there be,
Who takes my passion seriously,
I' faith I scarce know how to woo,
Loving a thousand as I do.

I tell her she is sweet and fair,
I praise her lips, her eyes, her hair;
But if the truth I must aver,
Why, this is what I say to her:

"I love you all, petite or tall,

Whate'er your beauty or your grade is, Coy or coquette, blonde or brunette,

I love you all, bewitching ladies! "

So, ladies, let me live and love,
From flow'r to flow'r of beauty rove,
With your sweet eyes to smile on me,
I am a captive, but yet free!
With you to fire me, like the sun,
How can my heart be true to one?
So let me live, to none a thrall,
Because-because I love you all!
I love you all, petite or tall,

Whate'er your beauty or your grade is, Coy or coquette, blonde or brunette,

I love you all, bewitching ladies! Temple Bar. FREDERIC E. WEATHERLY.


Two battered hurdles,
A heap of stones,
A hayband wrapping
The hurdles' bones.

A sack in tatters,

And in it thrust

Straw half-rotten

And grass half dust.

There through the Autumn
A grey old man
Began to hammer

Ere day began;

And there, while lingered
A ray of light,
He sat and hammered

From dawn till night.
And through December
He hammered still,
Though cold and ragged,
And old, and ill.

"The House?"

To die instead,

Or go on living

"No, better

On naught but bread."
And so through all of
The long grim frost
He worked, as grimly,
Counting the cost.
The windy wayside
Was bare and bleak,
The icy east blew
Week after week.
His eyes grew dimmer,
His back more bent,
Slower and slower

His hammer went.

But he hammered early,
He hammered late,
Till his heap had gathered
To yonder gate.

He hammered, hammered
Till all was done,
The whole heap finished
To its last stone.

The last stone broken,

He did not stir;

He seemed a watcher

Or listener.

He sat, nor heeded

The cold snows blownHis own heart broken, Himself a stone. Longman's Magazine.


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