
self admits, churches not having apos- the eighty-seven questions which Bishop tolical orders, that of Scotland for Marsh, within our own memory, proexample, have been nearer to the pounded to candidates for ordination. standard of orthodoxy that the majo- We should be loth to say that either of rity of teachers who have had aposto- these celebrated prelates had intruded lical orders, how can he possibly call himself into a Church whose doctrines upon us to submit our private judg-he abhorred, and that he deserved to be ment to the authority of a Church on stripped of his gown. Yet it is quite the ground that she has these orders? certain that one or other of them must Mr. Gladstone dwells much on the have been very greatly in error. John importance of unity in doctrine. Unity Wesley again, and Cowper's friend, he tells us, is essential to truth. And John Newton, were both Presbyters of this is most unquestionable. But when this Church. Both were men of ability. he goes on to tell us that this unity Both we believe to have been men of is the characteristic of the Church of rigid integrity, men who would not England, that she is one in body and have subscribed a Confession of Faith in spirit, we are compelled to differ which they disbelieved for the richest from him widely. The apostolical suc-bishopric in the empire. Yet, on the cession she may or may not have. But subject of predestination, Newton was unity she most certainly has not, and strongly attached to doctrines which never has had. It is matter of perfect no- Wesley designated as "blasphemy,which toriety, that her formularies are framed might make the ears of a Christian to in such a manner as to admit to her tingle." Indeed, it will not be disputed highest offices men who differ from each that the clergy of the Established other more widely than a very high Church are divided as to these quesChurchman differs from a Catholic, or tions, and that her formularies are not a very low Churchman from a Presby-found practically to exclude even scruterian; and that the general leaning pulously honest men of both sides from of the Church, with respect to some her altars. It is notorious that some of important questions, has been some- her most distinguished rulers think this times one way and sometimes another. latitude a good thing, and would be sorry Take, for example, the questions agitated between the Calvinists and the Arminians. Do we find in the Church of England, with respect to those questions, that unity which is essential to truth? Was it ever found in the Church? Is it not certain that, at the end of the sixteenth century, the rulers of the Church held doctrines as Calvinistic as ever were held by any Cameronian, and not only held them, but" serves to illustrate the difficulty in persecuted every body who did not which governments entangle themhold them? And is it not equally cer- selves, when they covenant with arbitain, that the rulers of the Church have, trary systems of opinion, and not with in very recent times, considered Calvin- the Church alone. The opinion passes ism as a disqualification for high pre-away, but the gift remains." But is it ferment, if not for holy orders? Look at not clear, that if a strong Supralapsathe questions which Archbishop Whit- rian had, under Whitgift's primacy, left gift propounded to Barret, questions a large estate at the disposal of the framed in the very spirit of William bishops for ecclesiastical purposes, in Huntington, S. S.* And then look at the hope that the rulers of the Church * One question was, whether God had would abide by Whitgift's theology, he from eternity reprobated certain persons; would really have been giving his suband why? The answer which contented stance for the support of doctrines the Archbishop was "Affirmative, et quia voluit." which he detested? The opinion would

to see it restricted in favour of either
opinion. And herein we most cordi-
ally agree with them. But what be-
comes of the unity of the Church, and
of that truth to which unity is essen-
tial? Mr. Gladstone tells us that the
Regium Donum was given originally to
orthodox Presbyterian ministers, but
that part of it is now received by their
heterodox successors.
66 This," he says,

have passed away, and the gift would | sents as her distinguishing glory, that have remained.

This is only a single instance. What wide differences of opinion respecting the operation of the sacraments are held by bishops, doctors, presbyters of the Church of England, all men who have conscientiously declared their assent to her articles, all men who are, according to Mr. Gladstone, ordained hereditary witnesses of the truth, all men whose voices make up what, he tells us, is the voice of true and reasonable authority! Here, again, the Church has not unity; and as unity is the essential condition of truth, the Church has not the truth.

it is, in fact, a bundle of religious systems without number. It comprises the religious system of Bishop Tomline, and the religious system of John Newton, and all the religious systems which lie between them. It comprises the religious system of Mr. Newman, and the religious system of the Archbishop of Dublin, and all the religious systems which lie between them. All these different opinions are held, avowed, preached, printed, within the pale of the Church, by men of unquestioned integrity and understanding.

Do we make this diversity a topic of reproach to the Church of England? Far from it. We would oppose with all our power every attempt to narrow her basis? Would to God that, a hundred and fifty years ago, a good king and a good primate had possessed the power as well as the will to widen it! It was a noble enterprise, worthy of William and of Tillotson. But what becomes of all Mr. Gladstone's eloquent exhortations to unity? Is it not mere mockery to attach so much importance to unity in form and name, where there is so little in substance, to shudder at the thought of two churches in alliance with one state, and to endure with patience the spectacle of a hun

Nay, take the very question which we are discussing with Mr. Gladstone. To what extent does the Church of England allow of the right of private judgment? What degree of authority does she claim for herself in virtue of the apostolical succession of her ministers ? Mr. Gladstone, a very able and a very honest man, takes a view of this matter widely differing from the view taken by others whom he will admit to be as able and as honest as himself. People who altogether dissent from him on this subject eat the bread of the Church, preach in her pulpits, dispense her sacraments, confer her orders, and carry on that apostolical succession, the nature and importance of which, accord-dred sects battling within one church? ing to him, they do not comprehend. Is this unity? Is this truth?

And is it not clear that Mr. Gladstone is bound, on all his own principles, to It will be observed that we are not abandon the defence of a church in putting cases of dishonest men who, which unity is not found? Is it not for the sake of lucre, falsely pretend clear that he is bound to divide the to believe in the doctrines of an esta- House of Commons against every grant blishment. We are putting cases of of money which may be proposed for men as upright as ever lived, who, the clergy of the Established Church differing on theological questions of in the colonies? He objects to the the highest importance, and avowing | vote for Maynooth, because it is monthat difference, are yet priests and pre-strous to pay one man to teach truth, lates of the same Church. We there- and another to denounce that truth as fore say, that on some points which falsehood. But it is a mere chance Mr. Gladstone himself thinks of vital whether any sum which he votes for importance, the Church has either not the English Church in any colony will spoken at all, or, what is for all prac-go to the maintenance of an Arminian tical purposes the same thing, has not or a Calvinist, of a man like Mr. Froude, spoken in language to be understood even by honest and sagacious divines. The religion of the Church of England is so far from exhibiting that unity of doctrine which Mr. Gladstone reprc

or of a man like Dr. Arnold. It is a mere chance, therefore, whether it will go to support a teacher of truth, or one who will denounce that truth as falsehood.

That tares are mixed with the wheat is matter of regret; but it is better that wheat and tares should grow together than that the promise of the year should be blighted.

This argument seems to us at once to | for giving assistance to Jesuit misdispose of all that part of Mr. Glad-sionaries who might be engaged in stone's book which respects grants of converting the Siamese to Christianity. public money to dissenting bodies. All such grants he condemns. But surely, if it be wrong to give the money of the public for the support of those who teach any false doctrine, it is wrong to give that money for the support of the Mr. Gladstone, we see, with deep reministers of the Established Church. gret, censures the British government For it is quite certain that, whether in India for distributing a small sum Calvin or Arminius be in the right, among the Catholic priests who miniswhether Laud or Burnet be in the right, ter to the spiritual wants of our Irish a great deal of false doctrine is taught soldiers. Now, let us put a case to by the ministers of the Established him. A Protestant gentleman is atChurch. If it be said that the points tended by a Catholic servant, in a part on which the clergy of the Church of of the country where there is no CaEngland differ ought to be passed over, tholic congregation within many miles. for the sake of the many important The servant is taken ill, and is given points on which they agree, why may over. He desires, in great trouble of not the same argument be maintained mind, to receive the last sacraments of with respect to other sects which hold, his Church. His master sends off a in common with the Church of Eng- messenger in a chaise and four, with land, the fundamental doctrines of orders to bring a confessor from a town Christianity? The principle that a at a considerable distance. Here a ruler is bound in conscience to propa-Protestant lays out money for the purgate religious truth, and to propagate pose of causing religious instruction no religious doctrine which is untrue, and consolation to be given by a Cais abandoned as soon as it is admitted tholic priest. Has he committed a sin? that a gentleman of Mr. Gladstone's Has he not acted like a good master opinions may lawfully vote the public and a good Christian? Would Mr. money to a chaplain whose opinions Gladstone accuse him of "laxity of are those of Paley or of Simeon. The religious principle," of "confounding whole question then becomes one of truth with falsehood," of " considering degree. Of course no individual and the support of religion as a boon to no government can justifiably propa- an individual, not as a homage to gate error for the sake of propagating truth?" But how if this servant had, error. But both individuals and go- for the sake of his master, undertaken vernments must work with such ma- a journey which removed him from the chinery as they have; and no human place where he might easily have obmachinery is to be found which will tained religious attendance? How if impart truth without some alloy of his death were occasioned by a wound error. We have shown irrefragably, received in defending his master? as we think, that the Church of Eng- Should we not then say that the masland does not afford such a machinery. ter had only fulfilled a sacred obligaThe question then is this; with what tion of duty? Now, Mr. Gladstone degree of imperfection in our ma- himself owns that "nobody can think chinery must we put up? And to this that the personality of the state is question we do not see how any ge- more stringent, or entails stronger obneral answer can be given. We must ligations, than that of the individual." be guided by circumstances. It would, How then stands the case of the Indian for example, be very criminal in a Pro-government? Here is a poor fellow, testant to contribute to the sending of enlisted in Clare or Kerry, sent over Jesuit missionaries among a Protestant fifteen thousand miles of sea, quartered population. But we do not conceive in a depressing and pestilential clithat a Protestant would be to blame mate. He fights for the government;

he conquers for it; he is wounded; he | to answer its main end best when it is is laid on his pallet, withering away constructed with a single view to that with fever, under that terrible sun, end. Mr. Gladstone, who loves Plato, without a friend near him. He pines will not quarrel with us for illustrating for the consolations of that religion our proposition, after Plato's fashion, which, neglected perhaps in the season from the most familiar objects. Take of health and vigour, now comes back cutlery, for example. A blade which to his mind, associated with all the is designed both to shave and to carve, overpowering recollections of his earlier will certainly not shave so well as a days, and of the home which he is razor, or carve so well as a carvingnever to see again. And because the knife. An academy of painting, which state for which he dies sends a priest should also be a bank, would, in all of his own faith to stand at his bed-probability, exhibit very bad pictures side, and to tell him, in language which at once commands his love and confidence, of the common Father, of the common Redeemer, of the common hope of immortality, because the state for which he dies does not abandon him in his last moments to the care of heathen attendants, or employ a chaplain of a different creed to vex his departing spirit with a controversy about the Council of Trent, Mr. Gladstone finds that India presents "a melan- But does it follow from hence that choly picture," and that there is "a governments ought never to pursue large allowance of false principle" in any end other than their main end? the system pursued there. Most ear-In no wise. Though it is desirable nestly do we hope that our remarks that every institution should have a may induce Mr. Gladstone to recon- main end, and should be so formed as sider this part of his work, and may to be in the highest degree efficient for prevent him from expressing in that that main end; yet if, without any high assembly, in which he must al-sacrifice of its efficiency for that end, ways be heard with attention, opinions so unworthy of his character.

We have now said almost all that we think it necessary to say respecting Mr. Gladstone's theory. And perhaps it would be safest for us to stop here. It is much easier to pull down than to build up. Yet, that we may give Mr. Gladstone his revenge, we will state concisely our own views respecting the alliance of Church and State.

and discount very bad bills. A gas company, which should also be an infant school society, would, we apprehend, light the streets ill, and teach the children ill. On this principle, we think that government should be organized solely with a view to its main end; and that no part of its efficiency for that end should be sacrificed in order to promote any other end however excellent.

it can pursue any other good end, it ought to do so. Thus, the end for which a hospital is built is the relief of the sick, not the beautifying of the street. To sacrifice the health of the sick to splendour of architectural effect, to place the building in a bad air only that it may present a more commanding front to a great public place, to make the wards hotter or cooler than they ought to be, in order that the We set out in company with War-columns and windows of the exterior burton, and remain with him pretty may please the passers-by, would be sociably till we come to his contract; monstrous. But if, without any sacria contract which Mr. Gladstone very fice of the chief object, the hospital properly designates as a fiction. We can be made an ornament to the meconsider the primary end of govern-tropolis, it would be absurd not to ment as a purely temporal end, the make it so. protection of the persons and property of men.

We think that government, like every other contrivance of human wisdom, from the highest to the lowest, is likely

In the same manner, if a government can, without any sacrifice of its main end, promote any other good work, it ought to do so. The encouragement of the fine arts, for example,

We will not at present go into the general question of education; but will confine our remarks to the subject which is more immediately before us, namely, the religious instruction of the people.

is by no means the main end of go- | vernment exists, and is on this ground vernment; and it would be absurd, in well deserving the attention of rulers. constituting a government, to bestow a thought on the question, whether it would be a government likely to train Raphaels and Domenichinos. But it by no means follows that it is improper for a government to form a national gallery of pictures. The same may We may illustrate our view of the be said of patronage bestowed on policy which governments ought to learned men, of the publication of pursue with respect to religious inarchives, of the collecting of libraries, struction, by recurring to the analogy menageries, plants, fossils, antiques, of of a hospital. Religious instruction is journeys and voyages for purposes of not the main end for which a hospital geographical discovery or astronomi- is built; and to introduce into a hoscal observation. It is not for these pital any regulations prejudicial to the ends that government is constituted. health of the patients, on the plea of But it may well happen that a govern-promoting their spiritual improvement, ment may have at its command re- to send a ranting preacher to a man sources which will enable it, without who has just been ordered by the phyany injury to its main end, to pursue these collateral ends far more effectually than any individual or any voluntary association could do. If so, government ought to pursue these collateral ends. It is still more evidently the duty of government to promote, always in sub-assistance should be given to any perordination to its main end, every thing son who declined spiritual attendance, which is useful as a means for the at- would be the most extravagant folly. taining of that main end. The im- Yet it by no means follows that it provement of steam navigation, for would not be right to have a chaplain example, is by no means a primary to attend the sick, and to pay such a object of government. But as steam chaplain out of the hospital funds. vessels are useful for the purpose of Whether it will be proper to have such national defence, and for the purpose a chaplain at all, and of what religious of facilitating intercourse between dis- persuasion such a chaplain ought to tant provinces, and of thereby conso-be, must depend on circumstances. lidating the force of the empire, it may be the bounden duty of government to encourage ingenious men to perfect an invention which so directly tends to make the state more efficient for its great primary end.

sician to lie quiet and try to get a little sleep, to impose a strict observance of Lent on a convalescent who has been advised to eat heartily of nourishing food, to direct, as the bigoted Pius the Fifth actually did, that no medical

There may be a town in which it would be impossible to set up a good hospital without the help of people of different opinions and religious parties may run so high that, though people of different opinions are willing to contriNow on both these grounds, the in- bute for the relief of the sick, they struction of the people may with pro- will not concur in the choice of any priety engage the care of the govern- one chaplain. The high Churchmen ment. That the people should be well insist that, if there is a paid chaplain, educated, is in itself a good thing; and he shall be a high Churchman. The the state ought therefore to promote Evangelicals stickle for an Evangelical. this object, if it can do so without any Here it would evidently be absurd and sacrifice of its primary object. The cruel to let an useful and humane deeducation of the people, conducted on sign, about which all are agreed, fall those principles of morality which are to the ground, because all cannot agree common to all the forms of Christianity, about something else. The governors is highly valuable as a means of pro- must either appoint two chaplains, and moting the main object for which go- | pay them both; or they must appoint

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