
Leontius of Constantinople, his time, and testimony to the
scriptures, iii. 76 to 78

Leucius, a follower of Marcion, and one of the chief of
the Doceæ, iv. 627, 636; had different names, 630;
his time, ii. 231. iv. 627; his opinions, ii. 230, 231.
iv. 627, 628; not a Manichee, 630; an account of his
writings in general, 629, 630; author of an apocryphal
book entitled Travels of the Apostles, i. 411; said to be
author of the Gospel of Peter, 415. iv. 636; of the History
of the nativity of the virgin, 632; the Protevangelion, or
Gospel of James, 632, 633; the Gospel of Nicodemus, or
Acts of Pilate, 635, 636; said to have interpolated the Gos-
pel of the infancy, 634; writers who mention him, ii.
230, iv. 625, 626, 630; remarks upon his books, ii. 231,
iv. 633, 634; these forgeries prove the truth of canonical
scripture, 639

Leusden, (J.) quoted, ii. 545, 546

Libanius, sophist of Antioch, his time, works, and character,
iv. 355, 356; averse to Christianity, yet friendly to some
Christians, ibid.; flourished many years as an author, i.
444; his letter to Priscian, president of Palestine, con-
cerning the Manichees, ii. 144; Theodore of Mopsuestia
and Chrysostom his scholars, 526; extracts out of his
epistles, iv. 356, 357; out of his other works, 357, 358;
recommends moderation in things of religion, ibid. and
362; his Oration for the temples to Theodosius, A. D. 390,
with remarks, 358 to 369

Liberius, Bp of Rome, how treated by Constantius, iv. 373
Libertines, who they were, i. 62, 63

Library at Cesarea, repaired by Euzoïus, ii. 317; use of by
Euthalius, iii. 38. See Pamphilus

Library, Four Letters of Dr. Lardner's published in that
periodical pamphlet in 1761 and 1762, v. 465 to 472
Licinius, marries Constantine's sister Constantia, ii. 326;
wars between him and Constantine, 327; his perse-
cution of the Christians, and the time of it, 262; put to
death, 340

Lightfoot, (Dr.) his account of the power of the Jews, con-
sidered, i. 56; quoted and commended, iii. 302, 311, 313,
314, 316, 397, note, 548, 549 notes, 553, 555 to
557, 572

Limborch quoted, v. 390, 392, 410, 411, 418
Linus, one of the first bishops of Rome, i. 291, 368, 374
Livia, Augustus's wife, called Julia by Josephus, i. 216
Locke, (J.) quoted, v. 390, 391, 411, 414, 415

Logos, a letter concerning the question whether the Logos
supplied the place of a human soul in the person of Jesus
Christ, v. 373 to 431

Lollia Paulina, how her head when cut off was examined by
Agrippina, i. 13

Longinian, the correspondence between him and Augustine,
iv. 491, 492.

Longinus, the critic, disciple of Ammonius Saccas, i. 504;
his time and character, iv. 202, 203; put to death by
Aurelian, i. 624; speaks honourably of the lawgiver of the
Jews, iv. 203; whether he has mentioned the apostle
Paul, 204; a curious observation upon one of his frag-
-monts, received from Mr. Merrick, ibid.
Lord's Day, mentioned by Commodian, ii. 73; and by Gau-
dentius, Bp of Brescia, 524; appointed to be a day of
rest by Constantine, 339; esteemed a festival by the early
Christians, 431 to 434

Lord's Prayer, delivered but once, i. 512; how read by
Origen, 565, 566; the doxology wanting in soune copies,
513, 566. See Matt. vi. 13, in the list of various readings.
Lowman, (M.) quoted, iii. 451, v. 386, note. 419
Lowth, (W.) corrected, i. 546; quoted, v. 397, 403
Lucanus, said by Origen to have corrupted the scriptures,
i. 563

Lucian, presbyter of Antioch, his history, ii. 109 to 111;
his editions of the Seventy and of the New Testament,


[ocr errors]

109, III, 112, 116; his martyrdom, i. 627, ii. 110, III;
his apology for the Christian religion, 110, 113, 114; a
creed ascribed to him, 114; his opinion upon the doc-
trine of the Trinity, 115; many of his disciples Arians,
110; his character, ibid.; said to have been a favourer of
Paul of Samosata, or Sabellianism, i. 627; his apology
quoted, iv. 60

Lucian of Samosata, his time and works, iv. 149; a passage
from him concerning Peregrinus, in which is a copious
testimony to the Christians of his time, 150 to 152; his
account of Alexander, who set up an oracle in Paphlago-
nia, 152; passages from his True History, wherein there
seem to be allusions and references to the book of the
Revelation, 152, 153; extracts from the Dialogue Philo-
patris ascribed to him, where are references to the Reve-
lation and other books of the New Testament, 153 to 156
Lucifer, Bp of Cagliari, his history, works, opinions, cha-
racter, and testimony to the scriptures, ii. 449 to 45 [
Lucius, Bp of Rome, his history, ii. 42, 43

Lucius, Arian Bp at Alexandria after Athanasius, ii. 318
LUKE (ST.) THE EVANGELIST, his history from the New.
Testament, iii. 187; who he was, his profession and
country, ii. 371, 380, 406, 418, 548, 550, 552, 553, 602,.
604, 605, 630; iii. 39, 86, 87, 96; whether the same as
mentioned Col. iv. 14. iv. 521, 605, 630; and Rom. xvi.
21, iii. 32. Testimonies of ancient writers to his gospel
and the Acts, iii. 188 to 191. Remarks upon those tes-
timonies, shewing that he was not a painter, nor a slave ;
doubtful whether he was a Syrian; was a physician and
a Jew by birth, and an early believer, though not one of
the seventy; may be the same as Lucius of Cyrene; was
a writer of two books divinely inspired, a companion of
Paul, and acquainted with the other apostles, 191 to 199;
his character, 2c2 to 203, 7 note i; not certain that he
died by martyrdom, 199

The time and place of his writing, ii, 470, 488, 550,
iii. 75, 86, 87, 90, 91; his gospel and the Acts written,
A. D. 63, or 64, 199, 200; he wrote his gospel in Greece,

200 to 202

He wrote a gospel and the Acts, according to Irenæus,
i. 366, 367; and Clement of A. 399, 400; and Tertul-
lian, 419 to 422; his gospel referred to by Justin M. 344 ;
by the martyrs at Lyons, 361; upon what grounds his
and St. Mark's gospels were received by Papias and Clement
of A. 339, 398, 399; by Irenæus, 376, 377; Tertullian,
420, 421; his gospel said to be Paul's, 420; said by Ori-
gen to have been written for Gentile converts, 532; write
ten more especially for Gentiles, ii. 553; for all in gene-
ral, 602; the occasion of writing his gospel, ii. 229; the
third evangelist wrote a gospel, and the Acts his second
book, 371, iii. 51, 52

Observations upon his gospel, chiefly the Introduction,
iii. 203 to 206. See also 155 to 157. A Letter from Dr.
Morgan (writer of the Moral Philosopher) and Dr. Lard-
ner's answer concerning the first chapter of his gospel, v.
Observations upon The Acts of the Apostles, iii. 206 to
212; alterations in his gospel by Marcion, iv. 611 to 616.
See Four gospels.

Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene, i. 13, 14, 18

Lysias, his good character, i. 40, 104, 122; his post and
power at Jerusalem, 58, 104, 122


Maccabees, those books how quoted by Cyprian and others,
ii. 29, 30; not a part of the Jewish canon, according to
Origen, i. 556; not received as canonical by Jerom, ii.,
540, 541; nor by Rufinus, 573; see 579; nor by Gre-
gory, Bp of Rome, iii. 69; see also 80; the first book
accurate history, the second not so, v. 467. Inquiry into

the truth of the history of the seven brothers in the second
book, 467 to 472
Macharus, John the Baptist said to have been beheaded there,
iii. 534, 536; how taken by the Romans, 528
Macknight, (Dr.) quoted and commended, iv. 238 in the
notes, v. 184, 459, 460, 484

so far as relates to the history of our Saviour's resurrection,
V. 522 to 543; concerning the time of the application to
Pilate for a guard to the sepulchre, 522, 523; the visit to
the sepulchre attempted by some of the women, 524 to
528; their preparation of the spices, 528 to 531; their jour-
ney to the sepulchre, and the appearances of our Lord on the
day of his resurrection, 531 to 543

Macrina, Basil's grandmother, i. 598, 605

Macrobius quoted, i. 183, 184; was a heathen, ibid. and iv.
392, 393; his time and works, 392; his testimony to the
slaughter of the infants at Bethlehem, 393, 394; what he
says of Numenius, 205

Macrobius, a Donatist writer, ii. 299

Madaura, the correspondence between the people of that
place and Augustine, iv. 489 to 491

Maffei, (Scipio) rejects the fragments ascribed to Irenæus,
i. 376; quoted, iii. 61, 62

MAGDALEN HOUSES, a Letter to Jonas Hanway, Esq. on
this subject, v. 459 to 464; Mary Magdalene not the
woman mentioned, Luke vii. 37, 459 to 461; not only
most protestants are of this opinion, but also the learned
Benedictine editor of Chrysostom's works and Du Pin, 463.
It was not Mary the sister of Lazarus, 462. A book re-
ferred to, entitled Thoughts on the plan for a Magdalen
house, 464, note

Magians, or wise men from the East, did not find Jesus in a
stable but in a house, iii. 88

Magic often imputed to Heretics, ii. 513, 514, 559; what
makes a magician, 514

Maimonides quoted, v. 395

Majorinus, first Bp of the Donatists at Carthage, ii. 295, 297
Malala, an historian of no great credit, iv. 30

Malchion, presbyter of Antioch, his history, ii. 74; remarks
upon it, 75; he directed in the council of Antioch, when
Paul of Samosata was deposed, 75, 76; his opinion upon
the doctrine of the Trinity not certainly known, 76; his
testimony to the scriptures, ibid.; he convicted Paul of Sa-
mosata, i. 621, 623, 624

Mamertinus, his panegyric upon Julian, iv. 315, 316
Mammaa, mother of the emperor Alexander, sends for Ori-
gen, i. 523; said to have been a Christian, iv. 179
Man, his excellence, according to the Manichees, ii. 194,
195; how made, ibid.; said by them to have two souls, ib.
MANI, his history and doctrine, from Socrates, ii. 140, 141;
was put to death by a king of Persia, 142, 144, 166, 168;
the anniversary of his death kept by his followers, 142,
207; his dress, 143; lived under several kings of Persia,
142; his name and his parents, 163 to 165; whether he
ever was a slave, 165; his qualifications, 165, 166; be-
lieved antipodes, 166; the accounts given of him by
Eastern writers, and remarks upon them, 166, 167; his
time, 168 to 170; his predecessors, 170, 171; his works,
171 to 175; the genuineness of a saying ascribed to him
disputed, 175; his followers had many large books, ilid. ;
his opinions, 176 [and see Manichees]; his pretensions,
and whether he was an impostor, 177 to 179; reasons for
thinking him an impostor, with remarks, 179 to 182; ad-
ditional observations, 183 to 186; called himself apostle,
181; his three chief disciples, 150, 151; whether he had
twelve disciples, 180

MANICHEES, passages of ancient authors concerning them,
ii. 139 to 144; authors, who wrote against them, 144 to
148; they were in many places, but not numerous, 144,
148; eminent men among them, 149 to 155; their ec-


clesiastical constitution, with an account of their Elect,
and Auditors, 155 to 158; their manners vindicated from
aspersions, 158 to 160; how they were persecuted, 161,
162; their opinions in divers points the same as those of
other Christians, 176, 177; their belief of the divine per-
fections, 186, 187; they believed God to be almighty,
but denied his immensity, 187; whether they believed
two gods, ibid.; they believed God creator, and a consub-
stantial trinity, 187, 188; whether they worshipped the
sun, 188; they believed two principles, 188 to 191; sup-
posed the creation of the world to be occasional, 191,
192; their account of the creation of the world, and the
formation of man, 191 to 194; they condemned mar-
riage, 195; whether they held free will, 196, 197; be-
lieved the transmigration of souls, 19S; denied the resur-
rection of the body, ibid.; believed a future judgment, 199;
whether they believed the eternity of hell torments, ibid.;
their true character, 184, 185, 235; vindicated from
charges brought against them, 240 to 243; their notion
of Christ, see the word Christ; their worship, see Wor-
ship; their doctrine concerning the scriptures, see Scrip-


Manichæism, the time of its rise, ii. 140, 168 to 170; its
character, 184, 185, 235; form of abjuring it, 153
Manton, (Dr. T.) quoted, v. 321

MARC; his time, country, and sect (called Marcosians), iv.
577; accused of magical arts, 578; observations on the
accusation, 579; the Marcosians unjustly accused of being
Docetæ, and holding two princip'es, ibid.; Irenæus's ac-
count of their opinion of Christ hardly intelligible, 580;
they received the scriptures of the Old and New Testa-
ment, believed the facts recorded in the gospel, and prac-
tised baptism and the Lord's supper, 580 to 582; what
books of the New Testament they acknowledged, and their
apocryphal books, 582

Marcella, wife of Porphyry, her character, iv. 210
Marcella, mother of Potamiana, and martyr at Alexandria,
in the time of Severus, iv. 166

Marcellinus, Ammianus, his time, and work, and character,
iv. 371, 372; extracts from his history, 372 to 374; his
character of Constantius, 373; of Julian, 374, 375, 378;
of the Christian religion, 373; his account of Julian's de-
sign to build the temple at Jerusalem, 325, v. 44; his
credulity, iv. 328, 329

Marcellus, sent into Judea by Vitellius, i. 49
Marcellus, Bp of Apamea, in Syria, his remarkable zeal in
demolishing heathen temples, iv. 473 to 475
Marcellus, an eminent Christian in Mesopotamia, ii. 143;
whether the letter from Mani to him be genuine, ibid. 174
Marcellus, Bp of Ancyra in Galatia, a Sabellian, i. 598; how
treated by Eusebius, ii. 359; his time, opinions, charac-
ter, and testimony to the scriptures, 395 to 397
Marcia, concubine of Commodus, said to have been favour-
able to the Christians, iv. 186

Marcian, Bp of Arles, favoured the Novatians, ii. 53
Marcian, a Novatian Bp, and a learned man, ii. 54, 55
Marcianus, to whom Irenæus inscribed one of his works, i. 364
MARCION, what Polycarp said to him, i. 375. See the con-
tents of his chapter in vol. iv. ; a general account of him
from Irenæus, iv. 588, 589; and Epiphanius, 590, 591; the
time in which he lived, 589, 590; Epiphanius is suspected
of inventing the story of his deceiving a young woman,
591, 592; his opinions, his notion of the Creator, and
distinction between good and just, 594 to 598

The character of Marcion, what books of the New
Testament were received by him, and how he treated them,
iii. 357 to 361, 462 to 464, iv. 610 to 624. Rejected the
Old Testament and the God of the Jews, 608 to 610; the
genealogy and baptism of our Saviour, 611, 612; the
Acts of the Apostles, 617; the epistles to Timothy, Titus,
and the Hebrews, and the Catholic epistles, i. 424, iv. 618;

4 B

and the Revelation, i. 420. He received the epistle to
Philemon, i. 424; his New Testament consisted of two
books, a Gospel (that of Luke) and an Apostolicon, ten
Epistles of Paul, and these altered, 367, 420, iv. 611, 617;
his alterations in Luke's gospel, 611 to 616; in the ten
epistles he received, 618 to 623; asserted that the epistle
inscribed to the Ephesians was sent to the Laodiceans, i.
423, iv. 622

Authors who wrote against Marcion: Justin M.i. 342;
Dionysius of Corinth, 352; Theophilus of Antioch, 383;
Philip, Bp of Gortyna, in Crete, 439; Irenæus and Mo-
destus, ibid.; Bardesanes, 441, 442; Tertullian, 419; Hip-
polytus, 495, 496

Marcionites (The) were numerous, iv. 594; they were Ne-
cessarians, yet believed a future judgment, and that the
souls of the virtuous would be happy, 598, 599; they ad-
mitted the miracles and principal facts recorded of our
Saviour, and his death and resurrection, 603 to 605; they
believed that Christ was not a real man, 601, 602; nor
the Christ foretold by the Jewish prophets, 603; their
manners were virtuous, and they had many martyrs, 606;
they extolled virginity, 606, 607; they had public wor-
ship and ordinances, 607, 608; they were charged with
corrupting the scriptures, i. 352, 420, 430, 431, 563; an
argument hence in favour of the authenticity of the New
Testament, iv. 624

Marcionite woman, a martyr in Valerian's persecution,
iv. 196

Mariamne, the second daughter of Herod Agrippa, i. 16; di-
vorced her first husband and married the Alabarch of Alex.
andria, 47, 213 note

Marinus, the remarkable history of his martyrdom in
Cæsarea in the time of Gallienus, iv. 199

Marinus, successor of Proclus, in the chair of philosophy at
Athens, in 485; and author of the life of Proclus; extracts
from that life, iv. 419 to 421; his native country, 423
MARK (ST.) THE EVANGELIST; his history from the New
Testament, iii. 175, 176; from other writers, 176, 177;
whether he was John Mark, and nephew to Barnabas, ii.
551, 603, 626, iii. 84, 86, 174, 175, 179; said to be one
of Christ's seventy disciples, ii. 406, 418; is said to be a
companion and disciple of Peter, i. 338, 368, 394, ii. 367,
418, ii. 551, 603; a fellow labourer of Paul, according to
the Constitutions, ii. 438; for a while he attended Paul
and Barnabas, iii. 175; was acquainted with Peter and
other apostles, ibid.; was with Paul at Rome, 176; proba-
bly was with Peter afterwards, ibid.; said to have been
Peter's interpreter, or that Peter dictated the gospel of
Mark, i. 339. 420, 532, ii. 367, 548, 550, 551, 552, 560,
603, 604. The occasion, time, and place of writing it, i.
337, 338. 339, 395 to 399, ii. 367, 368, 470, 488, ii.
551, 603, 606, iii. 51, 74, 75, 86, 91; it was written at
Rome about the year 64, iii. 181, 182; testimonies to it
with a view of ascertaining the time of it, and the evange-
list's station and character, 178 to 180; remarks on these
testimonies, 180, 181

His gospel referred to by Justin M. i. 344; received
by Archelaus, ii. 139; by Titus of Bostra, 147. He is
said by Augustine to have followed Matthew as an
abridger, ii. 583, 584; which sentiment is examined, 584;
he has things omitted by Matthew and Luke, 626, 627.
Observations on his gospel, from which it is evident that
he did not epitomize St. Matthew, iii. 184 to 186, 245
to 249

He is said to have been the first Bp of Alexandria; by
Jerom, ii. 550, by John Cassian, iii. 18; buried at Alex-
andria, according to Jerom, ii. 552. The first commentary
upon his gospel, 625, 626 See Four gospels
Mark, a Novatian Bp in Scythia, ii. 55

Mark, a magician of Egypt, ii. 499

Marriage, condemned by the Manichees, ii. 195, 196, 198.

Marriages, Second, condemned by the Novatians, 49, 50.
Marshal (N.) quoted, ii. 8, 21, 22, 30; his edition of Cy-
prian's works in English commended, 10; corrected, 24.
Martial, his time and writings, and testimony to the forti-
tude of Christians, iii. 615, 616

Martin, Bp of Tours, reproves Ithacius, and intercedes with
the emperor for the Priscillianists, ii, 501; his judgment
concerning the right manner of treating Heretics, 501,
506, 511; he petitions that tribunes may not be sent into
Spain to try Heretics, 506; his opinion concerning the sal--
vation of the fallen angels, 538

Martyrs, how respected by the Novatians, ii. 50; cruel suf-
ferings endured by them in Dioclesian's persecution, 118
to 120; divers, who suffered with Pamphilus, or near his
time, 119; spoken of as intercessors, iii. 4; excessive re-
spect shewn them, 15

Martyrs at Lyons, a large account of their sufferings, iv. 82
to 91; remarks upon that history, and the uses of it, 91 to
95; whether they had among them gifts of the spirit, 94.
Marullus sent into Judea by Caligula, i. 49

Mary, our Lord's mother, the same as the mother of James
and Joses, iii. 87, said to be of the tribe of Levi, ii. 229;
see i. 460; why she went to Bethlehem at the time of the
assessment, 147; died in Judea, and did not go with John
to Ephesus, iii. 219; how aspersed by the Jews, 488, 553
Other Maries, three of that name at the foot of the cross of
Jesus, ii. 476; Mary Magdalene, Mary sister of Martha
and Lazarus, and the woman that was a sinner, supposed
to be all one, iii. 72; according to Theophylact there are
four Maries in the gospels, 87. See Magdalen houses.
Mary, a woman of good condition in Jerusalem, who killed
her child for food in the siege, iii. 518, 568
Massada, the remarkable siege and surrender of that place,
iii. 528

Massuet, the Benedictine editor of Irenæus, quoted, iii. 461,
iv. 519; and often elsewhere

Maternus, (Julius Firmicus) his history, and testimony to the
scriptures, ii. 408

Matter, what powers the Manichees ascribed to it, ii. 190,
ICI; names by which they called it, 187, 189
Levi, ii. 550, 551, 626, iii. 157; said by St. Mark to have
been the son of Alpheus, 158 note; his history, 157 to
159; testimonies of ancient writers to his gospel, 150 to
161; seems to be referred to by Barnabas, ii. 289; by
Clement of R. 293 to 294; see 302; by Hermas, 306, 307;
referred to in the second epistle ascribed to Clement of
R. 303; referred to by Ignatius, 316; by Polycarp, 328;
in the epistle of the church of Smyrna, 333; referred to
by Athenagoras, 378; by Theophilus of Antioch, 384;
received, and said to have been written in Hebrew, by
Papias, 338; by Irenæus, 365; see also 390; received
by Justin M. 343, 344; said by Origen to be universally
received, the first written, and delivered to the Jewish be-
lievers in Hebrew, 532; received by Archelaus, ii. 139;
what Faustus says of it, 211, 213; it was of great autho-
rity and universally received, 213

Remarks upon the testimonies for discovering the true
time of it, iii. 161 to 163; characters of time in the gospel
itself, 163, 164; it was written in Judea, or near it, in 63,
64, or 65, p. 163; see also 155; when it was written, ac-
cording to Eusebius and others, ii. 388, 389; the time,
according to Irenæus, and said by him to have been written
for the Jews, i. 365; there was a Hebrew gospel in the
time of Hegesippus, 357; said by Cosmas to have written
the first soon after the death of Stephen, at the request
of the Jewish believers, before he left Judea to go abroad,
iii. 51; compare that with what is said by the author of
the Imperfect Work, 65; supposed by Isidore of Seville,
to have been written about eight years after our Lord's as-
cension, 76; to the like purpose Theophylact, 86; and

Euthymius, 89; but Nicephorus say's about fifteen years, 91;
said by Epiphanius to have written first, because he had
been a publican, that sinners might have encouragement to
repent, ii. 417, 418; to the like purpose another writer,
iii. 65.

The language in which it was written, iii. 165 to 167;
the opinion that it was written in Hebrew examined, i.
338; whether Origen was of that opinion? 573, 574.
This evangelist, as Eusebius says, having first preached to
the Hebrews when he was about to go abroad to other
people, delivered his gospel to the Hebrews in their own
language, ii. 368; written in Hebrew, according to Cyril,
of Jerusalem, 410; and Epiphanius, 417; said, in the
Synopsis ascribed to Athanasius, to have been written in
Hebrew, published at Jerusalem, and translated into
Greek by St. James, 405; by St. John, iii. 87, see 89;
written in Hebrew, according to Augustine, ii. 583; and
Chrysostom, 603; and Isidore, iii. 74; compare that with
what is said by the author of the Imperfect Work, iii. 65;
whether written in Hebrew, and the sentiments of divers
learned moderns about it, ii. 390, 391; said by Jerom
to have written his gospel in Hebrew, in Judea, for the
use and at the request of the Jewish believers, 550, 551;
his Hebrew gospel said by Jerom to be in the library at
Cæsarea and at Beræa, 120, 551; nevertheless he did
not consult it when he corrected the Latin version before in
use, 569.

How Matthew quotes texts of the Old Testament, ii.
551, 568, 569; the beginning of his gospel quoted by
Isidore, iii. 8; Theodoret, 12; and Cosmas, 52. A Com-
mentary upon this gospel, called The Imperfect Work, 62;
the occasion, design, and character of this gospel, according
to the same, 65; this go-pel was received by the Naza-
ræan Christians, 485. It is not certain whether this evan-
gelist died by martyrdom, 158 note ", 159. A Letter con-
cerning the omission of our Saviour's ascension by St. Mat-
thew and St. John, i. p. xxxviii, xxxix

The first chapter of this gospel quoted by Justin M. i.
344; Tertullian, 421, 422; Novatus, ii. 60, 61; the se-
cond chapter referred to by Ignatius, i. 317; Hegesippus,
356; in the Sybilline verses, 452, 453, 454; by Victorinus,
ii. 93; the first and second acknowledged by Cerinthus,
iv. 570

Matthias, his Traditions, how quoted by Clement of A. i.
410; and see Gospel.

Maturus, one of the martyrs at Lyons, iv. 86, 88

Mavilus, a martyr in Africa, in the time of Severus, iv. 167
Maxentius favours the Christians, and gives them liberty in
Africa, ii. 297, 333

Maximian Herculius, put to death by Constantine's order,
ii. 326

Maximilla, a Montanist prophetess, the time of her death,
i. 489; a report concerning the manner of it, 491
Maximin, Bp of Antioch, successor of Theophilus, i. 414
Maximin I. or the Thracian, his time and persecution, iv.

186, 187; his persecution said to be local, and of the
Christian clergy only, ibid.; nevertheless it may have been
general of all clergy every where, 300; and at the same
time there was a persecution of other Christians in Pontus
and Cappadocia, 187

Maximin II. his letter to Sabinus in favour of the Christians
in 312, iv. 288, 289; his fuller edict in favour of the
Christians in 313, P. 292.

Maximin, an Arian bishop, ii. 318
Maximus, an ecclesiastical writer of the second century, i. 413
Maximus, Bp of A. after Dionysius, i. 613
Maximus of Madaura, the correspondence
Augustine, with remarks, iv. 466 to 468
Maximus, the philosopher, and favourite of Julian, his history
and character, iv. 453

Meir, an eminent Jewish rabbi, iii. 550, 551

Melancthon quoted and commended, v. 300

between him and

Melania, how commended by Palladius, ii. 535
Melchisedechians, supposed to be a branch of the Theodo-
tians, followers of Theodotus the banker, iv. 662
Meletians, their time, i. 129, 130

Meletius, his character not rightly given by Athanasius, i.
129 to 131

Melito, Bp of Sardis, his history and testimony to the scrip-
tures, i. 358 to 360; his catalogue of the books of the
Old Testament recited, ii. 545; his apology quoted, iv.
52, 53

Melmoth, (Mr.) his translation of Pliny's Epistles quoted, iv.
13, 23

Menoch, a Manichæan woman, i. 174
Mensurius, Bp of Carthage, ii. 296, 297

Merrick, (J.) a curious observation upon a fragment of Lon-
ginus, communicated by him to the author, iv. 204
Messiah, or Christ, the ground and reason of that character,
v. 426 to 429; the expectation of his coming general in
the time of our Saviour, iii. 504, 505, 589; that Jesus is
the Messiah, 593

Methodius, Bp in Lycia, his history, ii. 98 to 100; omitted by
Eusebius, 98; and why? 101; testimonies to him, 102; his
martyrdom, 100; his works, 100, 101; he wrote against
Origen, 98, 99, 101; against Porphyry, 98, 100; select
passages from him, 103; charged with Arianism, and
other errors, 103 to 105; whether he was a Millenarian ?
104; preferred to Origen, without reason, 102; his testi-
mony to the scriptures, 105 to 107

Metras, a martyr at Alexandria, before the publication of
Decius's edict, iv. 193

Michaelis (J. D.) quoted, v. 408 note b

Middleton (Dr.) quoted, with disapprobation, iv. 551.
Mill, (J.) what books of the New Testament he supposes
to be owned by Clement of Rome, i. 303; his opinion
concerning a various reading of Rom. chap. i. in Clement's
epistle, 296; and his quotation of Matt. xxv. 41, p. 295;
concerning Tatian's altering St. Paul's expressions, 354;
concerning a reference in Theophilus, of Antioch, to Acts
XV. 20. p. 385; says that Clement of A. distinguishes
apocryphal books from canonical, 407; that Tertullian did
not place the epistle of St. James in the canon, 429,
quoted, 499, 500, 501, 507, 565, i. 647, ii. 14, 18, iii. 100
note; quoted and commended, ii. 218, 231
Millenarians, their opinions, i. 614, 639, 640, iii. 44
Millennium, expected by Commodian and many orthodox
Christians, i. 641, ii. 73; by Lactantius, ii. 277; crude
notions of it embraced by some, 459, rejected by others,
477, 479 See iii. 44

Miltiades, author of an apology for the Christian religion, and
other works, i. 383

Ministerial office, (The) its value, according as it is performed,
iii. 599

Minucius Felix, his history and character, i. 477, 478; his
testimony to the New Testament, 479

CHRIST'S MIRACLES, the design of them, v. 339; the evan-
gelists did not record them all, 337, 338; they aimed at
brevity in relating them, 341; a summary account of them
in Arnobius, iv. 249, 254; in Lactantius, 283, 284; in
Eusebius, 365; were healing and beneficial, iii. 55. See
the word Woolston

Miraculous gifts and powers said to be in the church, after the
times of the apostles, i.336, 436, 468. ii. 253, 268, 366, 408,
472, 487, 617, iii. 13, 59. See likewise the chapter of
Gregory, Bp of Neocæsarea, i. 592, 594, 606; and Dio-
nysius of A. 610, 611; Cyprian, iii. 9; and large extracts
relating to this from Chrysostom, 617. See also iii. 13, 67,
73. Accounts of miracles in church history not always to
be relied upon, iv. 331, 332; miracles had ceased, iii, 66,
67, 73, 81

MISHNA, the time and author of that work, iii. 547, 548;
extracts out of it, 550 to 552

Moderation commended, especially in great men, iv. 53

Moderation, (Christian) not understood by Greg. Nazianzen,
ii. 471; nor by Amphilochius, 473, 474

Moderation of Christians to be known to all men; a sermon,
v. 297

Modestus, an ecclesiastical writer of the second century, i. 439
Mæragenes, wrote memoirs of Apollonius Tyanæus, iv. 256,
259, 260

Moine, (A. le) quoted, v. 397, 408, 427

Mole's (T.) letter concerning Dæmoniacs, v. 475 to 477
Monasteries, approved by Basil, i. 599; disliked by the Neo-
cæsareans, 606

Monks mentioned with great dislike by Julian, iv. 346, by
Libanius, 360, 361, 365, by Eunapius, 382, 383, and by
Rutilius, 395

Montanism, the time of its rise, i. 360, iv. 669. Several who
wrote againt it: the churches of Vienne and Lyons, i.
360, 361; Serapion, Bp of Antioch, 414; Cl. Apollina-
rius, 439, 440 ; Apollonius, 479; Caius, 482; Asterius Ur-
banus, 489, 499. How described by Firmilian, 577; two
parties among them, 579; they were numerous, and sub-
sisted a good while, iv. 669; probably some were in the
Unitarian or Sabellian scheme, 672; were very strict,
fasted much, and condemned second marriages, 673;
would not re-admit those who had been guilty of great
sins after baptism, 673, 674; and were Millenarians, 674;
the accounts of their mysteries, a mere calumny, 674, 675;
their testimony to the scriptures, 675

MONTANUS, the place of his birth, and the reproaches cast
on him, iv. 670; his companions and their prophecies,
670 to 672; a report concerning the manner of his death,
i. 491
Montfaucon, (Bernard) his opinion of the Synopsis Scrip-
turæ, and the Clementine Homilies, i. 472; censured, i.
272; quoted, 336; his opinion of Eusebius's Arianism,
362; his opinion concerning Marcellus considered, 396;
his figures of the gems called Abraxei examined, iv. 549
to 551; it is wonderful that he did not perceive they were
of Pagan origin, 551

Moon, see Sun and Moon

Moore, (T.) quoted, v. 417

Morris, (J.) his sermons referred to, v.411 note

Mosaic account of the creation, and of the fall of man, v.
446 to 458

Moses, a martyr at Rome, ii. 44; the time of his martyr-
dom, 51

Mosheim (J. L.) quoted and commended, ii. 272, iii. 251,
374, 433, 434, 606, 609 notes; his account of the Chris-
tian Agapæ, or love feasts, iv. 24.; some of his observa-
tions upon Pliny's epistle concerning the Christians, criti-
cised, 27, 28, 31 to 33, 40 note a. His observations upon
M. Antoninus commended, 76; and upon his deliverance
in Germany, and the Thundering Legion, 104 to 106;
his account of the persecution of Severus examined, iv.
168 to 170; his observations upon the martyrdom of Ma-
rinus, 199; upon the edict of Valerius Maximian in
favour of the Christians, 283, 284; upon Dioclesian's
persecution, 293 to 294; and upon the Christianity as-
cribed to Philip, 188; receives the Philosophy of Oracles,
as written by Porphyry, 238; allows that in the lives of
Pythagoras, written by Porphyry and Jamblichus, he is set
up as a rival with our Saviour, 269 note"; his opinion.
concerning a disturbance caused in the church by Ammo-
nius and others, rejected, 238; his fine observation, shew-
ing the obscurity of Apollonius Tyanææus, 260, in the
notes. His observations upon the story of the cross ap-
pearing to Constantine, 329; upon the treatment given by
Constantine to Gentile people, 438; upon the conduct of
Christian Magistrates afterwards, 496; and upon Dr. War-
burton's Julian, 326, note i

Moyle, (Walter) commended, i. 477; his observations upon
the history of the thundering Legion quoted with appro-
bation, iv. 98, 102, 103, 106, and note; his opinion

concerning the age of Lucian and his station, iv. 149; and
concerning the age of the Dialogue called Philopatris, 153
Municipal places, their privileges, and that they could not
inflict capital punishments, i. 43

Muscus, a Jewish writer mentioned by Anatolius, iii. 78:
Musanns, an ecclesiastical writer, i. 439
Musonius, Bp of Neocaesarea, his great character from Basil,,
i.. 600;, another Musonius of that city, 594


Narcissus, Bp of Jerusalem, his great age, and other things
concerning him, i. 445, 446, 492

Natalis, a remarkable history of him, i. 486, 487
Nathanael, learned, as well as sincere, ii. 611
Nativity, see Jesus

Nazaraan Christians, their opinion concerning Christ, ii.
235, note; iii. 483; v. 387, 388, and notes; and
the observance of the rites of the Mosaic law, iii. 483,
484; received St. Paul and all the apostles of Christ, and
all the books of the New Testament, iii. 483 to 485, note b;
they subsisted in the fourth and fifth centuries, 485;
v. 388

Naxarite, his vow, i. 114, 115

Nebuchadnezzar, two computations of his reign, i. 194
Nectarius, an honourable Gentile, who interceded for the
people of Calama, when they had transgressed the Imperial
laws, iv. 479

Neocasareans, their character, i. 597, 598, 606; said to
have been Sabellians, 598, 599, 600; defended them-
selves by the writings of their first bishop, Gregory Thau-
maturgus, 599

Nepos, an Egyptian Bp and Millenarian, his writings and
character, i. 614, 615, 633, 634

Nero permits the wall raised by the Jews in the court of the
temple to remain, i. 101; the first emperor who perse-
cuted the Christians, 107; his persecution, the time of it,
iii. 283, 284; testified, by Tacitus, 611; Sulpicius Se-
verus, 612; Martial, 615; Juvenal, 616, 617; and Sue-
tonius, 619; the time of his death, 511; supposed by
some ancient Christians to be antichrist, ii. 91, 94, 95;
an inscription concerning the Christians in his time,.
iii. 608
Nerva, favourable to the Christians according to Dion
Cassius and Orosius, iv. 185; did not resign the empire to
Trajan, i. 199

Nestorius, his opinions, and how treated by Cassian, iii. 18
Nestorius, high priest of Greece, how he saved Athens by
worshipping Achilles with Minerva, iv. 414
Nethinims, who they were, v. 490

Nevita, made consul by Julian in 362, bis character,
iv. 315

New Testament, see Testament

Newton, (Sir Isaac) an examination of his opinion con-
cerning the time of the Revelation, and St. John's banish-
ment into Patmos, iii. 222 to 225

Nice, (The council of) ii. 336; the occasion of it, 348;
convened by Constantine, 348; the number of bishops
present, 348, 349; were chiefly of the eastern part of the
Roman empire, 349; who presided in it, ibid.; it's time
and duration, ibid.; whether the bible was placed before
them, ibid.; the points debated by them, with their creed,
and epistle and canons, 350; did not compose any cata-
logue of the books of scripture, ibid.; the creed signed by
almost all the bishops, ibid.; their sentence upon Arius,
ibid.; judgments of ancients and moderns upon this council,
350, 351; their several decisions, with remarks, 35
to 354

Nicephorus, patriarch of Constantinople, his Stichometry,
iii. 47 to 49

Nicephorus Callisti, his time, and testimony to the scriptures,
iii. go to 92

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