

condition.-DR. JOHNSON.


He would give no direct answer as to the circumstance of the money! A constable was despatched with the girl, and the cash No species of writing seems more worthy of cultiva. to the amount of thirty pounds, was found tion than biography, since none can be more de- The accused acknowledged the hiding of lightful or more useful;-none can more certainly the money, but acknowledged it with so enchain the heart by irresistibie interest, or more widely diffuse instruction to every diversity of many hesitations, and answered every question with such apparent unwillingness, such apparent unopenness, that all doubts of his guilt were now done away, and the magistrate committed him for trial. Thomas Harris kept the Rising Sun, aj Harris was brought to the bar at York public house, about eighteen miles from summer assizes, which happened about York, on the road to Newcastle. Harris a week after his commitment, in 1642.had a man and a maid-servant: the man, Morgan deposed the same as before the whose name was Morgan, he kept in the justice. The maid-servant and the conthree-fold capacity of waiter, hostler, and stable deposed to the circumstance of the gardener. James Gray, a blacksmith, money; the first, as to the prisoner's travelling on foot to Edinburgh, stopped hiding, and and both as to the finding of at Harris's, supped, and lay there. Early it. And the magistrate gave testimony in the morning, Morgan went secretly to as to the confusion and hesitation of Harthe magistrate, and gave information that ris on the discovery.

his master, Harris, had just then murder- Harris, on his defence, endeavored to ed the traveller, James Gray, in his bed. invalidate the charge, by assertions that A warrant was issued, and Harris was the whole of Morgan's evidence was apprehended. Harris positively denied false; that the money which he buried the charge, and Morgan as positively was his own property, honestly come by, affirmed it; deposing that he saw Harris and that he buried it there for its better on the stranger's bed, strangling him, but security; and that his behavior before that he came too late to save him; and the magistrate on this particular, arose that Harris's plea was that the deceased from the shame of acknowledging his nawas in a fit and he was assisting him.-tural covetousness-not from any conMorgan further deposed that he instantly sciousness of guilt. The judge then sumretired, and made a feint, as if going down med up the evidence, remarking strongly stairs, but creeping up very softly to an on the circumstance of the hiding of the adjoining room, he there, through a key. money, and the weakness of the prisoner's hole, saw his master rifle the breeches of reasons for so hiding it; and the jury, the deceased. just consulting together two minutes,

Harris preremptorily denied every part brought in a verdict of-guilty. of this story from beginning to end; and Harris was executed pursuant to his the body having, by order of the magis- sentence, persevering in his declarations trate, been inspected, and no marks of vi- of innocence, but desiring all persons to olence appearing thereon, Harris was guard against the effects of an avaricious nearly on the point of being discharged, disposition; for it was that sordidness of when the maid servant also, desired to be temper which had led him, he said, into

She deposed that almost directly general distrustfulness, and that into the after her master came down in the morn- expedicnt of hiding his money; which ing, as she must conceive from the travel- circumstance had alone furnished the ler's room, she saw him go into the gar-means to his enemies, (for what reason den, (being, unknown to her master, in a they were so, he said, he knew not, but back wash-house which overlooked it,) whom he forgave,) for bringing him to. saw him take some gold out of his pocket, an ignomineous death, wrap it in something, and bury it at the The truth of the case at last came out. foot of a tree in a private corner of the Harris was indeed entirely innocent!place. Morgan and the maid were not only felHarris turned pale at the information! low-servants, but sweethearts. Harris's

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From Chamber's Edingburgh Journal.

suspecting covetous temper was well had two attacks of the appoplexy, some known to both, and the girl once, by ac-time previous to his death, and that be cident, perceived her master burying was never master of five pounds at one something, discovered the same to Mor-time in his life. gan; he, acting as gardener, took an opportunity when at work, to dig for it; it proved to be five guineas; he left it, and informed the girl of it. They settled it not to touch the money, but to keep watching their master, as they had no doubt but he would add to it; and when it arose to It is about seventy-two miles from Roua good sum, they agreed to plunder the en to Paris, by what is called the lower hiding-place together, marry, and with the road which is generally considered the spoil, set up in some way of business. As most beautiful of the two, and which is they imagined so it happened; they got se- even thought by many to lead through the veral occasions to see the stock increasing, loveliest part of France. We accordingly but, being equally covetous with their took passage in the Diligence, going by master, the golden harvest was not yet that route, and left Rouin early in the ripe. morning of the 13th of August, in the One day, in a quarrel, Harris strikes same sultry, close dry, zephyrless weather his man Morgan several times. Morgan which we had been already passing undetermined on revenge. At this fatal der.

period arrived James Gray: Morgan Nothing occurred on our journey worth finds him next morning dead in his bed. mentioning, till we arrived at the town of The diabolical thought strikes Morgan of Louviers, where the passengers stopped first charging Harris with the murder and to breakfast. Whilst my friend and I robbing of Gray, and then plundering his were enjoying ourselves with this meal, master's hiding place, whilst he (the mas-our party was augmented by the presence ter) shall be in prison. Morgan com- of a highly intelligent French mauufactu municated his intention to the maid; she rer, and we were preparing ourselves to approved of it; they consult and fix the receive a great deal of valuable informaplan, and Morgan gives the information tion from him, when, much to our horror, to the magistrate, as before related.-up strutted a little forward, talkative, ofThe girl unexpectedly finds the accusation fensive, creature of an apothecary, from not sufficiently supported, and fears that Oxford street, who had been passenger her sweetheart, of whom she is fond, with us in the Elizabeth packet from will be punished for perjury, if her mas- Brighton. With ineffable presumption, ter is released; who indeed, unfortunately, he claimed us as old and familiar friends. had just hinted as much before the justice. We received him with a degree of cold The expedient, strikes her to sacrifice the ness which might have sunk a thermome hidden money and her master, for the ter to zero. But he was not one to besafety of her paramour; and the idea, as easily repulsed. He had secured a place the reader already knows, fatally suc- in the same department of the Diligence ceeded. in which we travelled, and he could there

The whole of this stupendous piece of fore neither be shaken off nor altogether wickedness came to light in the beginning prevented from anuoying us with his abof the year 1643 on a quarrel between surdities. He endeavored to intrude his Morgan and the girl, who, after the death vulgar observations and jockularities upon of Harris, had lived together as man and every occasion in the course of our fore wife. They were taken up in consequence, noon's journey, and made us quite ashamand committed to prison, but escaped the ed of him as our countryman, when the punishment due to their crime, by both party sat down to dinner at Mantes.of them dying of a jail disease. The wretch turned up his nose at every

Harris's innocence was still further thing that was brought to him; vowed lustrated, by its being found out that James it was execrable, fit only, for an English Gray, the supposed murdered person, had pig; that no man accustomed to high

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life, as he had been, could dine on such and whilst he abused the wine, as "absotrash; at the same time, however, eating lutely trash," he very coolly helped himglutionously of almost every dish upon self to one or two tumblers filled with the the table. In short, this impertinent crea-half-emptied bottles of those to the right ture filled every Body with disgust, though and left of him. Whilst so employed, his French politeness confined the expression eyes happened to light upon the young Enof it to their most significant national shrug.glishwoman, of whose pleasing appearThere was one young Englishwoman ance I have already spoken. seated near to us at the table, whose My dear creature!" said he in a tone, comeliness of features, and modest lady- although meant for a whisper, was heard like dress and behavior, served to put us all over the room. "Where could my


again in good humor with our country. stupid blind eyes have been wandering all She seemed to command more than or- this time?"

dinary respect from the French gentle- And raising from his chair, and hurrymen, and especially from the two monks, ing down the table, he squatted himself who, gornondisors as they were, found down beside the lady.

time to be civil to her. Although she "Mrs. Brookes! my dear madam, I am would have past as nothing extraordinary all enchantment at this most happy and among her own country-women, yet, unlooked-for meeting! Where have you when transplanted here among some guz-been, my angel, for these many weeks zung vulgar provincialles in antiquated past? I have missed you from town most dresses, and huge bunches of glaring rib-cruelly. Now that I have found you, bons she appears like a lovely pearl lying angelic creature! I shall never submit to Samong oyster shelfs and the rude debris have my services refused. I can be of of the shore. Some little time after we the greatest use to you in this here foreign had been seated at the table, we were a country. I speak French comme ung nugood deal surprised to see Monsieur leve, as I may say, and I know all the peuConducteurchtet, and after occupying a ple de qualite in Paris, both English and vacant seat as a matter of course, began French. My introductions will be of into help himself very liberally to what was expressible consequence to you-them next to him. This is very different from French like to have to do with people of our usages in England, but it is not with-some importance. Moreover, I shall be out its advantages to the traveller; for happy to escort you to the French operathe conducteur has thus an interest in al- the Jairdeng Tivoli-and all them sort of lowing plenty of time for the destruction polite amusements."

of the various good things provided for "Sir," exclaimed the lady, rising from dinner. This is very different indeed from her place and interrupting him, her cheeks the few hurried moments permitted by crimsoned with blushes, yet with an air the impatient guard to an English stage- of dignity which absolutely struck the coach to the passengers, for bolting down little man dumb, "I am utterly at a loss unchewed morsels of some tough, though to comprehend how you can thus dare to twenty times cooked fowl. Here the insult me. Though I have more than once well-satisfied composure of the conducteur before suffered by similar attempts at insures the company against any thing persecution from you whilst in my house like unseasonable interruption. A desert at Park-lane, you are so utterly unknown followed the dinner, in which we had a to me that I am not even acquainted with delicious melon and a basket of grapes, your name. I therefore beg that you may the first of the season. Even cafe and hereafter cease to trouble me with your classe cafe were not neglected, but gone impertinence, otherwise I shall be under through with the greatest deliberation. the necessity of seeking protection from As Monsieur le Conducteur had joined the police." And gathering up her gloves, in the repast somewhat later than the rest, reticule, and parasol, she called to her so he continued to prolong it for some time maid to follow her, and hastily left the after every one else had done. The little room.

apothecary, having well gorged himself, "Hang me but she's a game one !" had drank off his own bottle of vin de pays, cried the discomfitted little apothecary,

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turning to us, and apparantly not altogeth-[ceivable politeness. We found him to be er relishing the smile of satisfaction that a very superior man, and extremely well was playing over our countenances, as informed. Talking of the comparative well as over those of all present. "She's merits of the troops of the two nations, he blood to the backbone, as my friend Lord very liberally bore testimony, to those of John would say. But ha, ha! lovers' quar the British. He said that our cavelry rels! She has often been this way with ine were unquestionibly the finest in the world. before-a mere tantarum. I'll bring her He seemed to have a respect for the preto by and by. She is the widow of a Cap- sent dynasty, now that they were placed tain Brookes of the dragoons-husband on the throne of France. He admitted killed at Waterloo-shot through both that perhaps the peace of Europe required temples by a musket-ball-melancholy the retirement of Napoleon, but a few case-only six weeks married-the poor well-directed observation soon bought fellow left her a large estate in Hartford-out his admiration, nay, is love and en shire, a good clear five thousand a-year, thusiasm, for the banished emperor. "He and a nice house in town. Quite unpro-was the darling of his amy," said he in tected, poor thing! I must not abandon French, "and unquestionably, the greatest her. Gentlemen, my heart tells me that I general in the world.". Phool cried must not." These last words were utter-the apothecary, in his bad French; he ed with a tragedy air that was perfectly was a mere child to Wellington He was amusing, and the little man strode out of a charlatan-a mere humbug !•No tenthe apartment with all the dignity of a eral at all. Any tolunteer captain in the young Roscius. "Bah!" cried the con- British service could have beat, him!" ductuer, casting a look of whimsical per- The officer looked at the little man at first plexity after him, "que faut li fiare avec with anger, then with cotempt, and finally te bete LA?" and swallowing his scald- with something bordering on pity. "Sir," ing cup of coffee with wry faces and a said he, with a marked air of control over "peste!" he hurried out after the apothe-himself. "I believe the opinion which you fary in no very good humour. We fol- seem to hold of the emperor is a very sin lowed to see the result. The little man gular one.”

was in the act of opening the door of the "Singular or not," replied the other, "it interieur, where the lady and her maid is nevertheless very true.fe, was nohad already taken shelter. "Stop, that is thing of a general compared to our British not your place, sir," cried the conducteur commanders. Ay, ay! you French.al in French-" your place is in the galerie; ways did very well till you were brought this way, sir!-this way, I tell you!" A against the British, and then one British gentle murmur of "bravo!" escaped from bayonet was always a match for tea or, every one present, and the baffled apothe- twenty French ones."

tary took refuge in his old place from the "Monsieur!" cried the French, officer," half-suppressed laughter of the spectators. in a tone that showed he could longer On taking our seats in the vehicle, we restrain himself. But seeing the storm. found a french officer of cavalry already that was coming, we interfered, and by there. He was a tall, handsome, extreme- using some soothing language to the officer ly well-dressed and very gentleman-like and some pretty strong expressions in Engmän, in the prime of life, though rather lish to the apothecary, we succeeded in fattish in person; a circumstance to be at- quieting the one, and in cowing the other. tributed to his having lost a limb, and be- Quiet, if not peace, being for some time ing thereby curtailed of necessary exer- restored, we had leisure to look at the cise. Unhumbled by his recent defeat, the country we were passing through The pert and rude apothecary gave this gen- first vineyards we saw were halfway be tleman the trouble of rising to accommo- tween Rotten and Paris. But though they date him with that side of the carriage sound well in name, they are, wretched where his weak eyes would be least affect- things in reality to look upon. Our hop ed by the light. Though it was almost grounds in England are magnificent com painful for him to move himself, the stran-pared with them. They accompanied us der accommodated the puppy with incon-all the way to Paris from where we first

saw them, being intermixed with small to her or to him. Our little apothecary fields of potatoes, hemp, or grain, and ap-threw himself with all hast, out of the galple and pear trees. But notwithstanding. erie, and bustled up to Mrs. Brookes, to its intrinsic richness, the face of the coun- offer her his assistance. She was vexed try is but meagre of beauty or interest. and tormented by him. At last, a FIACRE We passed along one side of the royal for- appeared. Come, madam," cried the little man, est of St. Germain, formally fenced with a huge wooden paling, and intersected" here is a hackney coach; better get into now and then with long straight alleys. it to be out of the crowd; let me offer you There are deer, and. I believe, wild boars my arm;" and, saying so, he was in the in it. France has ceased to abound in the act of forcing her arm into his, when the smaller game, such as pheasants, partridg- FIACRE drove up, and out jumped a tall es, and hares, which used to be seen flock-handsome English officer. The lady aling upon the high roads previous to the re- most screamed with delight.

volution. There is nothing remarkable in "Thank heaven, there is Captain' the town of St. Germain, but we enjoyed Brookes!" cried she." Henry, my hus a very fine view as we descended the hill band!-my dear Henry!

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in leaving it, comprehending some grand "Jane; my dear wife!" cried the officer reaches of the Seine, with numerous cha- as she half threw herself into his arms. teaux embosomed in banks of wood; but I am so glad you are come to protect still there was a certain air of French for mality in it all. By this time we had en- "From whom, my love!" demanded joyed partial peeps now and then of some the captain, in a tone of extreme displeaof the towers and domes of Paris, but the sure.

traveller, who approaches it by this route "From that person there," said the laenjoys no general view of the city. The dy pointing to the apothecary, "that is entrance to it, is very grand and imposing. the, person who persecuted me so much in A very broad road, with a central pave- England, and who seems to have followed ment running between superb rows of trees me for the same purpose to France. But extends in one unbroken straight line for do not mind him, Henry, for he is some perhaps three or four English miles. As low insignificant fellw."

we drove over this, carriages and equest-1 "Sir," said the captain, in a voice rians began to thicken, but those bustling so loud as to call the attention of mazes that distinguish the environs of Lon-all the bystanders, "if you again dare to don were altogether absent. We entered give this lady the the smallest molestation; the Champs Elysees by the Barriere de nay ifyou dare but to show that face withNeuilly, where we noticed the half finished in half a league of the place where she remasonry of the triumphal arch begun in sides, I'll pull out that proboscis of thine 1806, and we proceeded by, the long Ave-like a telescope. Get along with you, you nue de Neuilly. Here the throng of human rascal!" and with one kick, he sent the beings and the hum of men became great- astonished apothecary halfway across the er; equipages of all varieties became more street, and landed him plump in the kennumerous; and the embowered walks and nel, whence he only gathered himself up the alleys under the trees, were alive with as the fiacre containing Captain and Mrs: gay figures of both sexes. Numerous Brookes, had driven away. groups were seated in the shade on chairs,

The little man, now considerably humof which thousands are placed for hire; bled, was collecting together his few arti and on the shaven turf of little opening cles of baggage, to take his departure; and lawns, parties of young men were seen en- seeing another facre appear he waved gaged in all sorts of athletic games. Plea- his hand with the intention of approprating sure seemed to be the universal object of it to himself. It drove up; he opened the pursuit. door in haste, to take shelter in it; but inOn our arrival at the Bureau des Dili- stead of entering it, he started back with gences, a great deal of time was lost, as horror, dropped in the street the smal usual, before each traveller could secure box and bundle he carried, and hastily all the articles of luggage which belonged turned to flee. But his effort was vain,

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