
although implied, because the poet needs his space to mention the various creatures who are to share in this praise.— Ye dragons], the great sea monsters, cf. Gen. 12. The mention of dragons here with the elements of nature and apart from the other animals of v.10 is singular. W. R. Smith's suggestion (Religion of Semites, p. 161), that they may be a personification of the water spirit, certainly gives a meaning better suited to the context. It is quite possible that the original was nothing more than the comprehensive "seas."-8. The various elements of the thunderstorm are mentioned in heaped-up terms: Fire, of lightning, hail, snow, vapour; summed up in the Storm- as doing His word], obeying the law imposed upon them; for the "word" here is the word of command, syn. with "decree." -9. Mountains and all hills, Fruit tree and all cedars] are given as specimens of creatures of the land. All in their way praise Yah.

Str. IV. A synth. triplet and a syn. triplet.-10. Ye wild animals and all cattle], domestic animals, Creeping things and winged bird], including all kinds of animals. These begin this Str. with the imv. praise Him, implied, just as a similar couplet begins Str. II., its counterpart, followed by the same line with the jussive v.13a = v. 5a But a glossator, noting the omission of any reference to mankind, supplied it by inserting a tetrastich, which is entirely out of proportion in its comprehensiveness to the mention of other creatures in the Ps. 11-12. Mankind is comprehended in kings of earth and all peoples, princes and all governors of the earth, young men and also maidens, old men together with children.-13. A reason is assigned here, as in the counterpart v." : For His name alone is exalted || His majesty is above earth and heaven], cf. 82 104'. The divine glory as manifested is the theme for praise of the earthly beings, as the creator and sovereign was of the heavenly beings.-14. The praise of all His favoured ones]. This line is syn. with the previous couplet, only in the climax it unites the pious people of God in the praise which sounds through universal nature. A glossator was not satisfied with this modest reference to Israel, and so he prefixes to this line: And He exalted the horn of His people; and appended: of the sons of Israel, a people near to Him], which, while appropriate enough in the mouth of the congregation, was not so well suited to the worship of Yah by all nature.

because ;הללויה prob. the original here and v. was [הללו את יהוה 1 have each two beats, and only a single accent should מן הארץ and מן השמים


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ɔx-bɔ] as Qr., 6, Aq., 2, I, S, T, and 10321. 1 Kt. is too short for measure. prefixes xal, but with an interp. of it as an additional object to the "stars."-4. ] is unnecessary gl. — 5. ] cited from 339, to which prefixes from the same passage: ori autòs eÎñev kal ¿yevýŋσav, making the Str. overfull.] Niph. pf. ‡ ¬¬ Qal (1) shape, fashion, create, Ps. 8918.48; (2) transform 5112. Niph. (1) be created, here as 10430; (2) be born 2232 10219.-6. adds to this v. kai els tòv aiŵva TOû alŵvos, making the Str. overfull. may] subord. with indef. subj.; ] the sea monsters, dragons; strange here at the beginwould be more in accordance with the context.] is smoke connected with earthquake, cf. 188 11983 Gn. 1928 (J). The is not in and prob. not original. — ] prob. m is explan. gl. It spoils the measure. -11-12. These verses are a late gl. to introduce mankind of all classes. The symmetry of the Ps. is destroyed thereby.-14. 07] consec. Hiph. impf. D. This is a late gl. to bring into the Ps. a glorification of the people; so also the last 1. — von bɔb abar] is not in GB; but in . A. R. T. It is a proper || to v.13e, and gives a suitable conclusion to the Ps.

cf. Jb. 145.-7.

.תהמות ning with



Ps. 149 is a summons to the congregation of the afflicted but favoured people of God to sing in fresh outburst of song with music and dancing in celebration of a recent victory (v.1-3). Yahweh has adorned them with a glorious victory, which they celebrate with songs in their mouths and swords in their hands (v.+6). Vengeance is to be taken on the nations; their kings and nobles are to be made prisoners in accordance with a written judgment, a splendid thing to the favoured ones (v.7-9).

SING to Yahweh a new song:

Let His praise (resound) in the congregation of the favoured:
Let Israel be glad in his great Maker:

Let the sons of Zion exult in their King.

Let them praise His name in the dance,

With timbrel and lyre make melody to Him.

SINCE Yahweh delighteth in His people,
Adorns the afflicted with victory;

Let the favoured exult with glory:

Let them jubilate at (their great tabernacle):
Let exaltations of 'El be in their throat,

And a two-edged sword in their hand.

To execute vengeance on the nations;
(To execute) chastisements on the peoples;
To bind their kings with chains,
Their nobles with fetters of iron;

To execute the judgment written

Is a splendour for all His favoured ones.

Ps. 149 is a Hallel, with no at the beginning and close in , and at the beginning in 6. S omits it both at beginning and end. It has the same structure as other Hallels; but is more warlike, and is doubtless expressive of the vengeful military spirit of the Maccabean wars. There are only verbal glosses.

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Str. I. A syn. hexastich.-1-3. Sing to Yahweh a new song], a fresh outburst of praise in celebration of the recent victory, as 333 961 981, based on Is. 4210. — || Let His praise resound], as G, V, J, PBV., Bä., is to be preferred to AV., RV., JPSV., which regard "His praise" as the object of the vb. "sing."- || be glad || exult Let them praise His name || make melody to Him.- Those who are to participate in this public celebration of the victory are the congregation of the favoured], phr. a.λ., those who are the special objects of the divine kindness, the pious people of Yahweh, cf. v., also 2223.26 10732; not with a specific reference to the "Chasedim of the Maccabean period, who constituted a party in Israel, and who therefore would hardly appear in a national Ps. They were evidently the same as the afflicted people of v.. They are || with the sons of Zion v. | Israel.-in his great Maker], emphatic pl., cf. Is. 54, not sg. "maker" of EV'.- || their King], the usual recognition of the supreme kingship of Yahweh, cf. 146. — The celebration is not merely with song; it is also in the dance, usual in religious festivals, cf. Ex. 1520 Ps. 877 118 150, and with musical instruments, of which are mentioned timbrel and lyre, cf. 1503.4.


Str. II. Two syn. and an antith. couplet. -4-6. Since], assigning the reason of the celebration. Yahweh delighteth in His people]. They are the special objects of His good pleasure and His favour, cf. 147".— He adorns with victory]. The victory which Yahweh hath bestowed covers them with splendour and glory, and has become their ornament. Let the favoured exult with glory], with glorification, as 29o. — || jubilate || Let exaltations of 'El be in their throat], songs exalting God, as 661; all resum

ing the call to celebrate of v.13.

Those called to celebrate are His people the afflicted || the favoured, cf. v.". The place of celebration can be no other than the temple. The mention of "on their beds," and Vrss., is therefore striking and improbable.

It doubtless originated from an ancient textual error of a single letter, and we should read: at their great tabernacle], cf. 433 842 1327. — And a two-edged sword in their hand]. The dance in the temple is a sword dance of the victorious warriors, who shout the praise of Yahweh, their victorious king, and wave their swords above their heads.


Str. III. A syn. pentastich and a synth. conclusion.-7-9. To execute vengeance on the nations], in victorious battle.- || chastisements on the peoples], in retribution for the affliction they had brought upon the people of God. To bind their kings || Their nobles], in the completeness of an overwhelming victory, taking them all prisoners and putting them to the humiliation and shame of being bound as common criminals with chains || with fetters of iron], all summed up in: To execute the judgment written], recorded in the sacred writings against the nations, as in Dt. 3241q. Is. 4115 q. Ez. 38, 39 Jo. 312 sq. Mi. 413 Zc. 14. — To do all such things as have been mentioned Is a splendour], resuming the thought of v.", the adornment of victory. -for all His favoured ones]. It is a glorious work, a splendid thing that their God has given them to do in this victory that they are celebrating. A glossator inserted the demonstrative against the measure to make the reference more distinct; but it cannot refer to God, as JPSV., "He is the glory of all His pious servants" or be adj. demonstrative agreeing with splendour, as EV.; but is neuter, summing up the actions previously described.

1. nan] not acc. but nom., as 6, J. Do bar] phr. a.λ. v. 2223. 2. ] sf. 2 m. with pl. emph. Jb. 3510 Is. 545. — "ɔ] La. 42 Jo. 223. —3.] dance, as 3012, cf. 150 Ex. 1520; 6 év xopŵ, I in choro. — † rn] n.m. timbrel, as 813 1504.-4.

] Pi.

vb. Pi. beautify, glorify; however wσel, as v.6a, own by] = on their bed;

favourite word of Is.2, 555 607. 9. 18 Ezr. 727. V, I, exaltabit, interp. of unusual phr.-5. improb.; rd. Down by at their great tabernacle, the temple, as 433 842 1327. -6. ] pl. f. top; exalted words, songs, hymns, elsw. 6617. Gal woeis, cf. Ne. 411 II. Macc. 1527.—p] double edged, pl. intensive,

Is. 4115 cf. Pr. 54.—7. ringin] pl. as 6 éλeyμoùs. The 1. is defective; prefix nwys. — 8. ‡opi] fetters, cf. Jb. 368 Na. 310 Is. 4514. — bina baɔ] cf. 10518. -9. ] interp. gl.-] dem. neuter V as Jb. 311, is, however, gl.

PSALM CL., 2 STR. 63.

Ps. 150 is a summons to praise 'El for His sanctity and greatness (v.1-2), with musical instruments (v.3), also with dancing and accompanying musical instruments (v.); all that hath breath is to take part (v.).

PRAISE 'El for His sanctity :

Praise Him for the spreading out of His strength:
Praise Him for His great might:

Praise Him for the abundance of His greatness:

Praise Him with the blast of the horn:

Praise Him with harp and lyre.
PRAISE Him with timbrel and dance:
Praise Him with strings and pipe:
Praise Him with sounding cymbals :
Praise Him with clashing cymbals :

Praise Yah all ye that have breath:

Praise Yah! (Praise Yah! Praise Yah!)

Ps. 150 is a Hallel, preceded and concluded by

; but the last belongs to the text as 1471, and should be thrice repeated as the concluding line of the Str. In also áλŋλoviá is at the beginning and end of the Ps. The Ps. has remained in other respects unchanged.


Str. I. A syn. tetrastich and a syn. couplet. -1-2. Praise 'El], instead of the usual Praise Yah v.6; the two enclosing Praise Him of every intervening line. The change of and Vrss. to 3 sg. "let praise Him" v. is altogether improbable.—for His sanctity], giving the special theme of the praise, || for the spreading out of His strength | for His great might || for the abundance of His greatness]. is usually interpreted as giving the locality of the praise in v.: "in His holy place," which, if || with the usual interpretation of v. "in the firmament of His strength," must refer to heaven. There is no reference in the Ps. to heavenly beings or things, but to all that have breath on the earth. This inconsistency makes the reference to place in v.1 improbable. 3 mentions instruments of music, which are to accompany the song of praise: the blast of the horn, the harp, and the lyre.

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