Good-morrow to the day so fair. Herrick. III. 310. Good Muse, rock me asleep. Breton. II. 281. Gorbo, as thou cam'st this way. Drayton. II. 337.. Great Captain Medon wears a chain of gold. Davis. II. 370. Greensleeves was all my joy. Anon. II. 394. H. T Hail, thou fairest of all creatures. Wither. III. 88, He first deceas'd; she for a little tried. Wotton. II. 368. He that loves a rosy cheek. Carew. III. 163. He whose active thoughts disdain. Stanley. III. 314. Hear, ye virgins, and I'll teach. Herrick. III. 307. Hears not my Phillis, how the birds. Sedley. III. 395. Hence all you vain delights. Beaumont and Fletcher, III. 63. Hence, away, thou Syren, leave me. Wither. III. 93.1 Here, Cælia, for thy sake I part. Waller. III. 196. Here's to thee, Dick!-this whining love despise. Cowley, III. 279. Honest lover whosoever. Suckling. III. 244. How eager are our vain pursuits. Veel. III. 401. How happy a thing were a wedding. Flatman. III. 383. How uneasy is his life. Cotton. III. 367. How we dally out our days. Gomersall. III. 176. Husband! if thou wilt pure appear. Kendall, II.230. I. I ask not one in whom all beauties grow. Cowley. III. 280. 1 I being Care, thou fliest me as ill fortune. Constable. 11. 306. I cannot eat but little meat. Still. II. 188. I do confess thou'rt smooth and fair. Anon. III. 348. I felt my heart, and found a flame. Lluellyn. III. 370. I find it true that some have said. Willoby. II. 375. I in these flowery meads would be. Walton. III. 127. I laugh sometimes with little lust. Gascoigne. II. 175. I loath that I did love. Ld. Vaux. II. 85. I love thee, Cornwall, and will ever. Freeman. III. 113. I made a posy, while the day ran by. Herbert. III. -125. I muse and marvel in my mind. Scot. II. 124. I must alledge, and thou canst tell. Gascoigne. II. 178. I must not grieve my love, whose eyes would read. I never stoop'd so low as they. Donne. II. 385. I pray thee leave, love me no more. Drayton. II. 340. 1 prithee leave this peevish fashion. Brome. III. 299. I read how Salmacis, sometime, with sight. Turbervile. II. 181. I see there is no sort. Anon. II. 102. I tell thee, Dick, where I have been. Suckling. III. 248. I walk'd along a stream, for pureness rare, Marlowe. II. 328. I weigh not Fortune's frown or smile. Sylvester. II. 331. I, with whose colours Myra drest her head. Ld. Brook. II. 264. I'll tell you whence the rose did first grow red. Anon. III. 338. If all the world and love were young. Raleigh. II. 220. If banish'd sleep, and watchful care. Turbervile. II. 180. If ever Sorrow spoke from soul that loves. Constable II. 305. If marriage life yields such content. Brathwait. III. 103, If mine eyes do e'er declare. Cowley. III. 282. 317. If thou like her flowing tresses. Prestwich. III. 329. If truth may take no trusty hold. John Hall. II. 120. In a grove most rich of shade. Sidney. II. 249. In Bowdoun, on black monunday. Clapperton. II. 127. In court to serve decked with fresh array. Wyatt. II. 48. In going to my naked bed, as one that would have slept. Edwards. II. 141. In hope a king doth go to war. Anon. III. 141. In Thetis' lap while Titan took his rest. Watson. II. 308. In thy fair breast, and once fair soul. Howard. III. 304. In time the bull is brought to wear the yoke. Watson. II. 309. In working well, if travel you sustain. Grimoald. II. 70. Insulting beauty, you mis-spend. E. of Rochester, III. 404. Invest my head with fragrant rose. Heath. III. 319. It chanc'd of late a shepherd's swain. Davison. III. 18. K. Know, Celia, since thou art so proud. Carew. III. 167. Know then, my brethren, heaven is clear. Quarles. III. 122. L. Ladies, fly from Love's smooth tale. Carew. III. 169. Like as the culver, on the bared bough. Spenser. I 234. Like as the damask rose you see. Wastell. II. 359. Like the violet, which alone. Habington. III. 206. Like to Diana in her summer-weed. Green. II. 197. Like to the falling of a star. Beaumont. III. 69. Little think'st thou, poor ant, who there, Fleckno. III. 333. Look, Delia, how w' esteem the half-blown rose. Daniel. II. 316. Lord! how you take upon you still. Cotton. III. 361. Lordly gallants, tell me this. Wither. III. 86. Love and my Mistress were at strife. Breton. II, 286. Love, brave Virtue's younger brother. Crashaw. III. 225. Love in fantastic triumph sat. Behn. III. 359. Love in her sunny eyes does basking play. Cowley. III. 282. Love is a region full of fires. Sir J. Beaumont. III. 59. Love is a sickness full of woes. Daniel. II, 324. Love is the blossom where there blows. G. Fletcher. Love not me for comely grace. Anon. III. 142. Love, when 'tis true, needs not the aid. Sedley. III. 388. Love's sooner felt than seen; his substance thin. P. Fletcher. III. 51. M. Madam, withouten many words. Wyatt. II. 44. Mark how the bashful Morn in vain. Carew. HII. 166. Martial, the things that do attain. E. of Surrey. II. 58. Melancholy hence and get. Shirley. III. 129. Mirth, and nuptial joys betide. Baron. III, 357. Mournful Muses, sorrow's minions. Breton. II. 285, III. 214. My golden locks time hath to silver turn'd. Anon. My heedless heart, which Love yet never knew. My love, I cannot thy rare beauties place. Smith. II. My lute awake, perform the last, Anon. II. 94. My Muse by thee restor❜d to life. Davison. III. 16. My Phillis hath the morning sun. Dyer. II, 186. 245. My true love hath my heart, and I have his. Sidney. My wanton Muse, that whilom us'd to sing, Raleigh. My wife, if thou regard mine ease. Kendall. II. 228. N. Naked Love did to thine eye. Sherburne. III. 259. VOL. III. G g |