
his, her, or their proper parochial church or chapel, or of or from any person or persons going to or returning from his, her, or their usual place of religious worship, tolerated by law, on Sundays or on any day on which divine service is by authority ordered to be celebrated." It was necessary, to exempt from toll, to prove that the person was going to his usual place of worship on the Sabbath or some national holiday, such as Good Friday, Christmas Day, or any other day ordered by authority to be devoted to religious worship. Many applications for advice and assistance had been received as to this subject from different parts of England and Wales. In some instances the persons were not going to their usual place of worship, and therefore were clearly not entitled to exemption. In all the cases within the view of the law, the objections had been removed.-The assessed taxes, particularly in parts of Wales, occupied the attention of this Society. Several of the ministers of the Calvinistic Society imagined that they were entitled to a total exemption, and the Society removed many of the difficulties resulting from that topic. The Society received communications on that head from Llanfrothen, from Dolgelly, and from Hendre-back-Clynog; and the ministers at these several places complain that they had to pay extra duties on horses principally employed in going round the circuits for religious purposes. This was felt to be a very serious evil, and we requested these ministers to apply to the Judges on circuit, who were of opinion that they were included in the exemptions, and these worthy clergymen were afterwards relieved from those pecuniary burdens to which they had before been subjected. Besides these assessed taxes, land tax was claimed for the site of a chapel at Tremerchion, in Wales, and of the Rev. J. G. Pike, at Derby. His (Mr. Wilks's) opinion was, that such a claim was justifiable; but that it should not extend to the church itself, nor to any improvements which might have been made in it. The land tax claimed at Derby was by no means an enormous claim, being only two shilJings a year; but there was a claim made for window duty in a house inhabited by the minister, although that house was in immediate communication with the church. There again this Society interfered, and the result of the interference was, the abandonment of those charges. The charge for chapel rates was also submitted to our consideration, particuJarly in the case of Lendal Chapel, York; but on this subject the Society had no right of complaiut, inasmuch as they

were not subjected to the payment of any greater burden than Churchmen, and so the Society not only advised Mr. Pritchett, but would also have it generally understood by all the various congregations of the Dissenters. All classes of religionists were liable to church rates, to tithes, and Easter offerings; and though the payment of mortuary fees might be hard upon Dissenters, still professing themselves as they did to be Protestant Dissenters, claiming the avowal of manly principles, and determined to act on those principles which they approved and cherished;-if for the full enjoyment of these principles-if for the full and unrestricted exercise of their peculiar worship, they suffered a little more than Churchmen, they had no very peculiar right to complain. The Dissenters, like others, had to pay the church and poor rates, and many cases arising out of the latter had been brought before the attention of this Society; but as these rates operated on all classes, and were legally imposed, every one must know the necessity of submitting to them. The complaints upon this head particularly proceeded from Linton, Cambridgeshire, from Ware, from Baldock, from Castle Town, near Newport, in Monmouthshire, from Croydon, from Wheet wel, in Kent, from Middlewich, in Cheshire, and from Rotherham, in the same county. A thousand illustrations would flow to the mind of any man, to demonstrate to him the absurdity of claiming a tax, where the result of that tax would be to lessen the means of religious instruction; every man admitted its necessity, and the Dissenters should not suffer like others, in order to secure it for all who had as yet not tasted of the heart-consoling sweets which it offered, of the mind-inspiring elevation which it was its natural tendency to produce. The Dissenters asked for no exemptions: all they asked was, that they should not be compelled to endure greater burdens than their neighbours. Where a beneficial income arose from the chapel, let a poor rate be paid. The law made it liable; but, if no such beneficial income arose, if no profit resulted,-if the minister, who piously attended to the spiritual wants and consolations of 350 persons received only about thirty pounds a year, as was the case at Middlewich, then surely uo man in his senses could say that a church, a minister, or a congregation so situated should be liable to the imposition of a church rate. If these edifices for public worship throughout the country were like the proprietary chapels in this metropolis-if the country churches were got up and arranged like

theatres, as many of those in this me- lowed to fall, all would be prostrated; tropolis were; let them pay and let them but as long as he (Mr. Wilks) had a pour their little rills into the great flood head to think, a heart to feel, or a of general taxation. Strange, however, purse to open-as long as this Society to say, these metropolitan churches were existed, Mr. Robinson would be defendnot asked for the rate; and why? Be- ed, and he (Mr. Wilks) was persuaded (Loud cause they had advice at law, because he would be so with success. the ready meaus of resistance to such a applause.)-Upon the subject of Easter charge was at once within their power, Offerings various cases had come from and thus no attempt was made to op- different places-from Pentir, near Banpress. The strong were protected by gor, and from Dudley; but, as he had their strength, the weak were attacked already stated, Dissenters being placed in their weakness; but the outstretched so far in the same situation with others, arm of this Society did not fail to assist they could feel no degradation in bearing and rescue them in the day of their ne- that impost. It was not as Dissenters cessity. In the case of the worthy mi- that they bore, or were called on to nister at Middlewich, mere emolument bear, those burdens, but as Englishmen ; was not obviously his object. Thirty and it was only when those fragments pounds a year was too scanty a pittance of a once dominating papacy were put to reward the active piety and exertions down, that they would properly, natuThe amount of of such an ornament to any religion as rally and wisely cease. the Rev. Mr. Robinson; but he had a the Easter Offering should not offer a recompence awaiting him more glorious subject of much contention, for it was than this world's glory, pride, or power, only twopence a head for each person or wealth. He laboured for that recom- above the age of sixteen, to be paid by pence which he was sure to receive at the housekeeper for every such person. the resurrection of the just. It was ge. He was informed of a case in which the nerally in country towns that this demand demand made on this head was eightof rate was made-generally in some pence, and ten shillings were expended to wretched borough, generally in some enforce it; and a case had come to his village hamlet, where a jealousy existed knowledge in which the costs attending of the established clergyman, because of a demand for Easter Offerings had the erection of a Dissenting edifice; here amounted to the almost incredible sum it was that the wicked demon of oppres- of 501.-The next head of remark was sion stalked abroad-here it was that he the charge made by parish clerks for would lay his imposts-here it was that their fees. At Steventon, near Bedford, he poured forth the full phial of his a man of the name of Parslow, a Diswrath. Several of these cases, as he senter, was required to pay two shillings had already stated, were notified to him; as a fee for the burial of his child, and and that to which he more particularly the demand was refused, because the alluded, by the Rev. Mr. Robinson. He child was buried in the Meeting-House (Mr. Wilks) was really delighted with Churchyard, and because the clerk had not officiated. the correspondence of that gentleman; a correspondence which united to extent of information and soundness of views, a warmth and affection of heart, with an humble zeal, which would reflect credit-the highest credit-on any man in this enlightened country. Mr. Robinson was one of those ministers who received his education at the school of Rotherham; an education which, in its rich fruits and abundaut harvest, would have been au honour to any school or any university in this kingdom. That gentleman's flock amounted to 350 persons; his salary was about 301. a year; and yet such was the place marked out for extortionate assessment. He, however, shall be defended, and his defence is the more necessary, as Cheshire is a High-Church and Tory county. In that county the language of liberty was rarely heard; and there all attempts at extortion should, and he hazarded little in saying, would be put down. If Mr. Robinson were al

Ultimately, however, the parish clerk thought proper not to persevere in his demand, and there the affair would for ever rest. He (Mr. Wilks) now came to a topic on which different opinions prevailed-a topic on which it was necessary that correct opinions should prevail: he alluded to the charge of mortuary fees. Perhaps these mortuary fees were amongst the worst of Catholic impositions-amongst the worst of that system, which made the clergymen of that church not only obtain all they could from the members of their communion while living, but followed them with exactions to the grave- and all these exactions required for the safety of the souls of the departed. Living and dead were tributaries to that church: no home was safe from their inspectionno tomb was sacred from their exaction. He had looked over the canons on this subject, and in doing so he found that in 1378, Simon Langham, Archbishop of

Canterbury, had imposed mortuary fees pro salute animi. However, in a few words, to render the thing familiar, suppose any man had four beasts: one of those was to go to the Lord of the soil, another to the Church, &c., and to do away with this distribution, mortuary fees are instituted and demanded. By the 21st Henry VIII. all such fees received by the Catholic clergy were continued to the Protestant; but that Act stated that such fees were only to be claimed in places where they were before accustomed to be paid. It was important to every man to know how the law stood on this subject; because, in all cases when the demand for mortuary fees was made, the clergyman was bound to prove that the existence of such fees was antecedent to that Act of Henry VIII. There was no doubt that the right existed, that proceedings to enforce it had occurred in the Ecclesiastical Courts; but when the right was denied, these courts could not interpose, and in many instances the claim had been resisted with success. Let the meeting bear this in mind, that the clergyman was always bound to prove the existence of the right or custom to pay such fees, antecedent to the 21st Henry VIII. There was one remarkable case on this subject which had occurred, and which realized the justness of the proverb, that it was better for the "cobbler to stick to his last." It was this: the Vicar of Christ Church, in Hampshire, had made a demand for mortuary fees; that Vicar, he had no doubt, was a very enlightened man; a man not satisfied with ecclesiastical learning alone-with ample theology and biblical acquirements; but who must needs be a better lawyer than lawyers. The Rev. Mr. Clapham had put together some ponderous volumes on the law, and with his twofold knowledge of theology and law, had made a demand on a Dissenter for a mortuary fee. Every one trembled at this demand, because made by a clergyman, but particularly by a writer on law.

He was looked upon as an oracle. It appeared, however, that this theologico-lawyer mis. took the mode of proceeding for the recovery of his demand, inasmuch as an Act of George II., which gave to the clergyman an opportunity of summary proceedings before the magistrates for the recovery of "small offerings," did not include in "small offerings" this said mortuary fee, and Mr. Clapham was defeated in his demand of 108. The mat ter, however, went before the magistrates, who differed in opinion with their brother magistrate, the Rev. Lawyer; and he (Mr. Wilks) hoped that for the sake of his lock the Rev. Lawyer was

more enlightened on subjects of theology and other topics than he evidently was with the law. The Rev. Gentleman was, no doubt, angry with the decision of his brother magistrates, and he (Mr. Wilks) must state for himself, that he was glad the new Don Quixote had been overcome. A similar claim was made by the clergyman at Rotherham, whose wife, for so his (Mr. Wilks's) information stated, was anxious that her husband's fees should suffer no dimunition, particularly in the case of the defunct Dissenter. The demand of ten shillings was made, and resisted, not for the want of means, for the relation of the deceased, he was glad to say, had ample means,-but he felt it his duty to resist what he thought an improper claim. When called upon he answered as became a Hampden" "Tis not the amount of the claim to which I object, but it is the principle which I reject."-The claim was urged-the claim was resisted; the Society co-operated in the resistance, and the claim was eventually withdrawn. (Applause.)

He then said, the long and dreary catalogue of grievances which required the interposition of this Society, and which he was annually obliged to notice, was the subject of riots and disturbances which took place throughout the country at the Dissenting places of public worship. One would have hoped that the demons of persecution would have allowed Christian worshipers to adore their God in peace, and would have respected the sanctuary dedicated to his praise, his honour, and his glory; but, no: and as this grievance increased, the more the diligence of the Society was rendered necessary. To the necessity they were not blind; to remove it they used the most assiduous attention. Schools, as well as churches, were made the scenes of profane riot. The particular scenes of disturbance were Llaudiloes, in Montgomeryshire; Market-cross, Lancashire; Dalton (Ulverston); Crediton, in Devonshire; South Cerney, in Gloucestershire; Chigwell, in Essex; and in the immediate vicinity of this metropolis, at Elderwalk, Islington. The disturbance at Hainault House, near Chigwell, deserved particular notice, from the fact that its amiable owner, Mrs. Nicholson, had devoted certain rooms in her house to the pious object of religious instruction to her neighbours. To annoy her and disturb those who went for instruction, squibs and crackers were thrown, animals even let loose, cockchaffers and birds were flying about, extinguishing the candles; but this, by the exertions of this Society, was put a stop to. The disturbances at South



long drawn aisle and fretted vault ;"

Cerney also demanded a particular no- plause.) The Church did not consist of tice. The Home Missionary who laboured there had for a length of time been subjected to the most cruel persecutions, and these persecutions instigated by persons who should have known better-who should have been actuated by better feelings, and swayed by better sentiments-by persons who should have known, that while they placed a torch in vulgar hands to conflagrate, those they might be desirous of removing would one day or other employ it against themselves. These disturbances were not confined to the lower or more vulgar classes the higher orders encouraged these disgraceful proceedings-these very orders who should encourage the diffusion of knowledge-a strict observance of the law-a becoming respect to the religious scruples of the conscientious; these higher orders instigated those disgraceful occurrences. Every petty vexation had been used towards the worthy Missionary of South Cerney; his saddlegirths were cut in the night time, when returning from administering consolation to one of his flock, whose way to heaven he was no doubt facilitating. In the night time that worthy man was assailed and beaten. The shades of night covered the guilty offenders, and for the time they escaped the punishment they deserved. However, in January last, an interruption occurred, and six persons were taken to Cirencester, and bound over to the Gloucester Sessions, to answer for their outrageous conduct. He was almost ashamed to say it, but the fact was so, that every means was there taken to defeat the ends of justice. Six clergymen were on the bench, and every species of intermeddling was practised; the Grand Jury were had access to; in short, every obstruction took place to prevent justice being done. The advocate, however, who was employed, performed well his duty. It is the business of every man to uphold the independence of the English bar, for every effort made to weaken or destroy the self-possession of the advocate was a vital blow at the best interests of our country. The case came on at the Gloucester Sessions, despite the obstacles to prevent it, and the advocate there declared, that the Dissenters were equally entitled to the benefit and protection of the law, as all his Majesty's other subjects; that the Dissenters, though not endowed, were recognized; that the choral symphonies of Gloucester Cathedral, or its clergy, were to be no more protected than the humbler village people, who were met together, and who loved with humble voices to celebrate Zion's songs. (Ap

It was not the gilded roof or gothic architecture, admirable as the lover of art must ever consider them to be; the Church was the place, however unpretending, where the faithful assembled to worship the common God and Father of all! The rioters were convicted; the magistrates wished some liberality to be extended towards them, for they found out that the penalty of forty pounds given by the Act against persons disturbing public worship must be considered as only one penalty. An application was made to us, and while we would not allow the braggart to awe us into silence, we shewed that the Dissenters could listen to the language of courtesy, and while having a giant's strength, that we were not disposed to use it like a giant. An apology was written-we accepted it; the guilty entered into recognizances to keep the peace, and he hoped the result would be, that these persons and all others would perceive, that the Dissenting clergymen were the ministers of peace-men who sought not to punish but to benefit and bless their fellowcreatures. (Hear, hear.)—The subject of out-door preaching was also referred to the Society, and he owned it was one which he did not approach with much satisfaction. He did not like to limit the right of public worship, but with the facilities which now existed for so laudable an object, he thought it was not needful to excite opposition or spread the flame of discord; the object of the Dissenters being to proceed in their course without producing clamour or giving the shadow of offence. The meeting must be already aware of the transaction which occurred at Islington, where a tent was put up, in which public worship was performed, and much good had been done. There a constable appeared, with orders from the local magistrates to disperse the assembly; neither had a right to do so, and the worthy clergyman (Mr. Dunu) persevered in the work of good. At Colchester a person was apprehended for preaching in the public streets; a bill was preferred against him, but the Grand Jury, to their credit, did not find it.— Next in the order of grievances notified to this Society, were the refusals to bury, a refusal more particularly applying to their friends of the Baptist denomination. By law, all persons baptized in the name of the Trinity, were entitled to sepulture; but the conscientious scruples of the Baptists not allowing them to have their

children baptized in infancy, they could not claim the performance of the rites of sepulture where they resided, although they subscribed like others to the Church. This was a painful subject; it was melancholy to think what custom, nature and religion prompted, should by any law be prohibited; and that under circumstances of the most distressing nature-a parent refused to bury the child in the grave where his fathers lay, over which he had often wept and scattered flowers, and to which his affections were linked by ties which only the heart could feel. The blood curdled within him when he thought of the existence, much less the use, of such a power in any clergyman, that he could turn to gall the tear of weeping widowhood, or agonise the pang of parental distress. The sooner the Legislature applied some remedy to this, the better it would be. (Shouts of applause.)-The registry of baptisms was also another subject which called for immediate legislation, improvement and regulation. As the law now stood, the copy of a baptismal register from the Established Clergyman was held to be the best species of evidence, while that of the Dissenter was ouly regarded in the nature of a memorandum. The Dissenters, therefore, wish to have the baptism of the children registered at the office of the Clerk of the Peace, as a security for the preservation of their pro perty and liberty. The Dissenters had originated societies from which the greatest benefits were derived, and their feelings should be consulted. The most unworthy means were taken to injure their schools, and that by clergymen of the Church of England. He had no hostility to the Established Church, but if its clergy misconducted themselves, they must be censurable for it at the bar of public opinion. He (Mr. Wilks) then cited several instances of their conduct, both as to Dissenting schools and the burial of Dissenting children, and called upon the Dissenters, who were a powerful body, to take the necessary and proper means for the protection of their interests. Whenever the time of a general election arrived, and it was a period that could not now be very distant, he hoped that no candidate would obtain a vote from a Protestant Dissenter, who did not pledge himself to support the repeal of those obnoxious measures, as well as the Test and Corporation Acts, which produced continued inconvenience and degradation to Protestant Dissenters


if their number was much more limited than it really was, and their intellect more imbecile, and their influence less powerful, he could venture to predict to

such candidates that in many parts of England the Dissenting interest was not to be disregarded. In explanation of this assertion, he would mention a fact of recent occurrence, in a borough not more than fifty or sixty miles from the metropolis. That borough had long been contended for (its representation) by the Treasury and the popular party. The elections had cost much money. They had been protracted frequently, and that which he would take the liberty of calling the good cause at length triumphed. At length an election for the High Bailiff of that borough arose, and the people of the popular interest conceiving that they were quite strong enough without the Dissenting interest, declared their disrespect for that assistance. The Dissenters did then what, he trusted, they would always do. They retired at once from the contest, and the popular party was defeated. (Hear.) Since that time, however, the best possible understanding has grown up between them, and the Dissenters were regarded with abundance of courtesy. It was by such efforts as these he had described that he would prepare to repeal the Test Act. He would suggest, however, that no forms should be adopted in their petitions to Parliament

-but that each congregation should prepare their own petition, in order that the Legislature might clearly understand that they had intelligence enough to express their wants, aud language to represent them. (Cheers.) He then detailed some extraordinary proceedings in the Court of the Bishop of St. David's against the Rev. Mr. Thomas, for praying at a grave in a churchyard when the Vicar had appointed the time of burialreceived the fees-and detained the mourners for an hour; and a prosccution in the Court of the Bishop of Oxford by the Curate of Thame, against six females, for complaining of his refusal to admit the corpse of a child into the Church. In the first, the proceedings were stayed and in the last, the clergyman experienced a deserved and complete defeat, accompanied with the payment of all costs. He proceeded to the cousideration of the recent or projected Parliamentary proceedings affecting the rights or honour of Protestant Dissenters, and to which several resolutions refer. He successively discussed the repeal of the Test and Corporation Acts the rejection of the Unitarian Marriage Bill-the grant of £500,000 for the erection of New Churches-and the protection of Dissenting Missionaries in the British Colonies throughout the world. A Bill, too, had within the present Session been introduced, relative to

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