[blocks in formation]

Sujah Dowlah, Nabob Vizier of Oude, ii. 193;
his flight, 195; his death, 217.

Sulivan, Mr., chairman of the East India Com-
pany, his character, ii. 113; his relation to
Clive, 115.

Sumner, Rev. C. R., i. 91.

Sunderland, Earl of, i. 289; Secretary of State,
ii. 335; appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ire-
land, 351; reconstructs the ministry in 1717,

Superstition, instances of, in the 19th century,
ii. 132.

Supreme Court of Calcutta, account of, ii. 200.
Surajah Dowlah, Viceroy of Bengal, his cha-
racter, ii. 99; the monster of the "Black
Hole," 100; his flight and death, 105. 107;
investigation by the House of Commons into
the circumstances of his deposition, ii. 123.
Sweden, her part in the Triple Alliance, ii. 18;
her relations to Catholicism, 140.
Swift, Jonathan, his position at Sir William
Temple's, ii. 44; instance of his imitation of
Addison, 323; his relations with Addison,
350, 351; joins the Tories, 351.

Swiss and Spanish soldiers in the time of Mach-
iavelli, character of, i. 45.

Sydney, Algernon, i. 90; his reproach on the
scaffold to the sheriffs, 343.
Sydney, Sir Philip. i. 235.

Syllogistic process, analysis of, by Aristotle, i.



Talleyrand, his fine perception of character, i.
86; ii. 5; picture of him at Holland House,

Tasso, i. 159: difference of the spirit of his
poem from that of Ariosto, ii. 138; specimen
from Hoole's translation, 324.

Tatler (The), its origination, ii. 340, 341; its
popularity, 343; change in its character, 345;
its discontinuance, 345.
Taxation, principles of, i. 107, 108.
Teignmouth, Lord, his high character and
regard for Hastings, ii. 225.
Telemachus, the standard of morality in, ii.


Tempest, the Great, of 1703, ii. 334.
Temple, Lord, First Lord of the Admiralty in
the Duke of Devonshire's administration, i.
303 his parallel between Byng's behaviour
at Minorca and the king's behaviour at Oude-
narde, 304; his resignation of office, ii. 373;
supposed to have encouraged the assailants of
Bute's administration, 379; dissuades Pitt
from supplanting Grenville, 390; prevents
Pitt's acceptance of George III.'s offer of
the administration, 391; his opposition to
Rockingham's ministry on the question of
the Stamp Act, 394; quarrel between him
and Pitt, 399, 400.

Temple, Sir William, review of Courtenay's
Memoirs of, ii. 1-50; his character as a

statesman, 2-5; his family, 6; his early life,
7; his courtship of Dorothy Osborne, 7, 8;
historical interest of his love-letters, 8, 9;
his marriage, 11; his residence in Ireland, 11;
his feelings towards Ireland, 12; attaches
himself to Arlington, 14; his embassy to
Munster, 14; appointed resident at the court
of Brussels, 15; danger of his position, 15;
his interview with De Witt, 16; his negotia-
tion of the Triple Alliance, 17-19; his fame
at home and abroad, 19; his recall, and fare-
well of De Witt, 20; his cold reception and
dismissal, 21; style and character of his com-
positions, 22; charged to conclude a separate
peace with the Dutch, 24-26; offered the
Secretaryship of State, 26; his audiences of
the king, 26. 28; his share in bringing about
the marriage of the Prince of Orange with
the Lady Mary, 26; required to sign the
treaty of Nimeguen, 26; recalled to England,
26; his plan of a new privy council, 28. 34;
his alienation from his colleagues, 41, 42; his
conduct on the Exclusion Question, 42;
leaves public life and retires to the country,
42, 43; his literary pursuits, 44; his amanu-
ensis, Swift, 44; his Essay on Ancient and
Modern Learning, 45; his Essay on the Let-
ters of Phalaris, 46; his death and character,

Tessé, Marshal, i. 253.

Thackeray, Rev. Francis, review of his Life of
the Rt. Hon. William Pitt, Earl of Chatham,
&c., i. 286; his style and matter, 286, 287.
295; his omission to notice Chatham's con-
duct towards Walpole, 295, 296.
Thales, ii. 129.
Theatines, ii. 135.

Theology, characteristics of the science of, ii.

Thrale, Mrs., i. 174; her position and character,
ii. 296; her regard for Miss Burney, 296.
Thurlow, Lord, ii. 125. 227. 237; his weight in
the government, 227.

Tickell, Thomas, Addison's chief favourite, ii.
339; his translation of the first book of the
Iliad, 353, 354; character of his intercourse
with Addison, 354; appointed by Addison
Under-secretary of State, 358; Addison en-
trusts his works to him, 359; his elegy on the
death of Addison, 360.

Tindal, his character of the Earl of Chatham's
maiden speech, i. 292.

Toledo, admission of the Austrian troops into
(in 1705), i. 255.

Toleration, religious, the safest policy for
governments, i. 60; conduct of James II. as
a professed supporter of it, 333-337.
Tories, their popularity and ascendency in 1710,
i. 259; description of them during the sixty
years following the Revolution, 264; of Wal
pole's time, 291; mistaken reliance by James
II. upon them, 338; their principles and con-
duct after the Revolution, 345; contempt
into which they had fallen (1754), ii. 97; Clive
unseated by their vote, 97; their joy on the
accession of Anne, 330, 331; analogy be-
tween their divisions in 1704 and in 1826,
331; their attempt to rally in 1707, 335;
called to office by Queen Anne in 1710, 343;
their conduct on occasion of the first repre-
sentation of Addison's Cato, 342; their ex-
pulsion of Steele from the House of Com-
mons, 350; possessed none of the public pa-
tronage in the reign of George I., 362; their
hatred of the House of Hanover, 362, 363. 367;
paucity of talent among them, 363; their joy
on the accession of George III., 368; their
political creed on the accession of George I.,

369; in the ascendant for the first time since |
the accession of the House of Hanover, 376;
See Whigs.

Tories and Whigs after the Revolution, i. 92.
Torture, the application of, by Bacon in
Peacham's case, i. 369, 370; its use forbid-
den by Elizabeth, 371; Mr. Jardine's work
on the use of it, 371.

Tory, a modern, i. 260; his points of resem-
blance and of difference to a Whig of Queen
Anne's time, 260.
Toulouse, Count of,compelled by Peterborough
to raise the siege of Barcelona, i. 254.
Townshend, Lord, his quarrel with Walpole
and retirement from public life, i. 289.
Townshend, Charles, fi. 366; his exclamation
during the Earl of Bute's maiden speech,
374; his opinion of the Rockingham admi-
nistration, 392; Chancellor of the Exchequer
in Pitt's second administration, 399; Pitt's
overbearing manners towards him, 401; his
insubordination, 402; his death, 403.
Town Talk, Steele's, ii. 332.

Tragedy, how much it has lost from a false no-
tion of what is due to its dignity, ii. 9.
Trainbands of the City (the), i. 214, 215; their
public spirit, 227.

Transubstantiation, a doctrine of faith, ii. 130.
Travel, its uses, i. 188; Johnson's contempt
for it, 188.

Treadmill, the study of ancient philosophy
compared to labour in the, i. 391.

Treason, high, did the articles against Strafford
amount to? i. 63; law passed at the Revolu-
tion respecting trials for, 343.

Trent, general reception of the decisions of the
council of, ii. 140.

Trial of the legality of Charles I.'s writ for
ship-money, i. 203; of Strafford, 208; of
Warren Hastings, ii. 235.

Tribunals, the large jurisdiction exercised by
those of Papal Rome, ii. 134.
Triennial Bill, consultation of William III.with
Sir William Temple upon it, ii. 44.
Triple Alliance, circumstances which led to
it, ii. 15-18; its speedy conclusion and im-
portance, 18-20; Dr. Lingard's remarks on
it, 19; its abandonment by the English go-
vernment, 21; reverence for it in Parliament,

Tudors (the), their government popular though
despotic, i. 226; dependent on the public fa-
vour, 228, 229; corruption not necessary to
them, 275; parallel between the Tudors and
the Cæsars not applicable, 229.
Turgot, M., veneration with which France
cherishes his memory, ii. 127.
Turkey-carpet style of poetry, i. 126.
Turner, Colonel, the Cavalier, anecdote of him,
i. 80.

Tuscan poetry, Addison's opinion of, ii. 334.


Union of England with Scotland, its happy re-
sults, ii. 68; of England with Ireland, its un-
satisfactory results, 68; illustration in the
Persian fable of King Zohak, 69.
United Provinces, Temple's account of, a mas-
terpiece in its kind, ii. 22.
Unities (the), in poetry, i. 154.

Unity, hopelessness of having, ii. 69.
Universities, their principle of not withholding
from the student works containing impurity,
ii. 150; of Oxford and Cambridge, change in
their position in relation to the government
when Bute became minister, 376.

Usurper (a), to obtain the affection of his sub-
jects must deserve it, ii. 367.
Utility the key of the Baconian doctrine, i. 389.
Utrecht, the treaty of, exasperation of parties
on account of it, i. 261, 262; dangers that
were to be apprehended from it, 262; state
of Europe at the time, 262; defence of it,
263, 264.


Vandyke, his portrait of the Earl of Strafford,
i. 202.
Vansittart, Mr., Governor of Bengal, his posi-
tion, ii. 185; his fair intentions, feebleness,
and inefficiency, 185.

Varelst's portrait of James II., i. 133.
Vattel, ii. 372.

Vega, Garcilasso de la, a soldier as well as a
poet, i. 238.
Vendome, Duke of, takes the command of the
Bourbon forces in Spain (1710), i. 258.
Venice, republic of, next in antiquity to the
line of the Supreme Pontiffs, ii. 128.
Verona, protest of Lord Holland against the
course pursued by England at the Congress
of, ii. 175.

Verres, extensive bribery at the trial of, i. 382.
Versification, modern, in a dead language, i.5.
Veto, by Parliament on the appointment of
ministers, i. 74; by the Crown on acts of
Parliament, 74.

Voltaire the connecting link of the literary
schools of Louis XIV. and Louis XVI., i. 160;
Horace Walpole's opinion of him, 269; me-
ditated a history of the conquest of Bengal,
ii. 125; his character and that of his compeers,
145; his interview with Congreve, 173; com-
pared with Addison as a master of the art of
ridicule, 341, 342.

Vigo, capture of the Spanish galleons at, in 1702,
i. 249.

Villani, John, his account of the state of Flo-
rence in the 14th century, i. 32.
Villa-Viciosa, battle of, 1710, i. 258.
Villiers, Sir Edward, i. 378.
Virgil not so "correct" a poet as Homer, i.
153; skill with which Addison imitated him,
ii. 322.

Vision of Judgment, Southey's, i. 103.


Wages, effect of attempts by government to
limit the amount of, ii. 154.
Waldegrave, Lord, made First Lord of the

Treasury by George II., i. 307; his attempt
to form an administration, 307.
Wales, Frederic Prince of, joined the opposi-
tion to Walpole, 292; his marriage, 292;
makes Pitt his groom of the bedchamber,
295; his death, 298; headed the opposition,
ii. 363; his sneer at the Earl of Bute, 369.
Wales, Princess Dowager of, mother of George
III., ii. 369; popular ribaldry against her,

Wales, the Prince of, generally in opposition
to the minister, i. 291.
Wallenstein, ii. 86.

Waller, Edmund, his conduct in the House of
Commons, i. 333; similarity of his character
to Lord Bacon's, 367.
Walpole, Lord, i. 179. 181.
Walpole, Sir Horace, review of Lord Dover's
edition of his Letters to Sir Horace Mann,
i. 264; eccentricity of his character, 264, 265;
his politics, 265; his affectation of philosophy,

267; his unwillingness to be considered a
man of letters, 267; his love of the French
language, 268; character of his works, 270,
271; his sketch of Lord Carteret, 283.
Walpole, Sir Robert, his retaliation on the
Tories for their treatment of him, i. 261; the
"glory of the Whigs," 274; his character,
274, et seq.; the charge against him of cor-
rupting the Parliament, 276; his dominant
passion, 276; his conduct in regard to the
Spanish war, 277; formidable character of
the opposition to him, 278. 290; his last
struggle, 279; outcry for his impeachment,
279; his conduct in reference to the South
Sea bubble, 288; his conduct towards his
colleagues, 289; found it necessary to resign,
295; bill of indemnity for witnesses brought
against him, 296; his maxim in election
questions in the House of Commons, ii. 97;
his many titles to respect, 177.
Walpolean battle, the great, i. 273.
Walsingham, the Earl of (16th century), i. 235.
Wanderer, Madame D'Arblay's, ii. 313.
War, the Art of, by Machiavelli, i. 46.
War of the Succession in Spain, Lord Mahon's,
review of, 235-234. See Spain.
War, languid, condemned, i. 77; Homer's de-
scriptions of, ii. 332, 333; descriptions of by
Silius Italicus, 333; against Spain, coun-
selled by Pitt and opposed by Bute, 373;
found by Bute to be inevitable, 374; its con-
clusion, 376; debate on the treaty of peace,

War, civil. See Civil war.

Warburton, Bishop, his views on the ends of
government, ii. 78; his social contract a fic-
tion, 78; his opinion as to the religion to be
taught by government, 80.

Warning, not the only end of punishment,
i. 64.

Warwick, Countess Dowager of, ii. 357; her
marriage with Addison, 357.

Warwick, Earl of, makes mischief between
Addison and Pope, ii. 355; his dislike of
the marriage between Addison and his mo-
ther, 356; his character, 356.

Way of the World, by Congreve, its merits,
ii. 173.

Wealth, tangible and intangible, i. 106; na-
tional and private, 107. 119; its diffusion in
Russia and Poland as compared with England,
119; its accumulation and diffusion in Eng-
land and in Continental states, 119.
Wedderburne, Alexander, his able defence of
Lord Clive, ii. 125, 126; his urgency with
Clive to furnish Voltaire with the materials
for his meditated history of the conquest of
Bengal, 125.

Weekly Intelligencer (The), extract from, on
Hampden's death, i. 220.

Weldon, Sir A., his story of the meanness of
Bacon, i. 173.

Wellesley, Marquis, his eminence as a states.
man, ii. 28; his opinion as to the expediency
of reducing the numbers of the Privy Coun-
cil, 28.

Wellington, Duke of, ii. 222. 333.

Wheeler, Mr., his appointment as Governor-
General of India, fi. 204; his conduct in the
council, 205. 207. 212.

Whigs (the), their unpopularity and loss of
power in 1710, i. 259; their position in Wal-
pole's time, 291, 292; doctrines and litera-
ture they patronised during the seventy
years they were in power, 344; exclamations
of George II. against them, 346; their vio-
lence in 1679, 332; the king's revenge on
them, 332; revival of their strength, 333;
their conduct at the Revolution, 339, 340;
after that event, 340; Mr. Courtenay's re-
mark on those of the 17th century, ii. 2;
attachment of literary men to them after the
Revolution, 324; their fall on the accession
of Anne, 330. 343; in the ascendant in 1705,
335; Queen Anne's dislike of them, 343;
their dismissal by her, 343; their success in
the administration of the government, 344;
dissensions and reconstruction of the Whig
government in 1717, 357; enjoyed all the
public patronage in the reign of George I.,
362; acknowledged the Duke of Newcastle
as their leader, 364; their power and in-
fluence at the close of the reign of George
II., 365; their support of the Brunswick
dynasty, 366; division of them into two
classes, old and young, 391; superior cha-
racter of the young Whig school, 392. See

Whig and Tory, inversion of the meaning of,

i. 259.

Whigs and Tories after the Revolution, i. 91;
their relative condition in 1710, 259; their
essential characteristics, ii. 361; their trans-
formation in the reign of George I., 361,
362; analogy presented by France, 361;
their relative progress, i. 259; subsidence of
party spirit between them, ii. 363; revival
under Bute's administration of the animosity
between them, 377.

Whitgift, master of Trinity College, Cam-
bridge, his character, i. 353; his Calvinistic
doctrines, ii. 75; his zeal and activity against
the Puritans, 141.

Wickliffe, John, juncture at which he rose, ii.
133; his influence in England, Germany,
and Bohemia, 133.

Wilberforce, William, ii. 232.
Wilkes, John, conduct of the government with
respect to his election for Middlesex, i. 94;
his comparison of the mother of George III.
to the mother of Edward III., ii. 378; his
persecution by the Grenville administration,
384; description of him, 384; his North
Briton, 384; his committal to the Tower,
385; his discharge, 385; his Essay on Wo-
man laid before the House of Lords, 386;
fights a duel with one of Lord Bute's de-
pendants, 386; flies to France, 386; his
works ordered to be burnt by the hangman,
and himself expelled the House of Com-
mons, and outlawed, 386; obtains damages
in an action for the seizure of his papers,
386; returns from exile and is elected for
Middlesex, 403.

Wendover, its recovery of the elective fran- Wilkie, David, recollection of him at Holland
chise, i. 196.

Wentworth. See Strafford, Earl of.
Wesley (John), Southey's Life of, i. 100; his
dislike to the doctrine of predestination, ii.

Westminster Hall, ii. 199; the scene of the
trial of Hastings, 234.

Westphalia, the treaty of, ii. 134. 144.
Wharton, Earl of, lord lieutenant of Ireland,
ii. 339; appoints Addison chief secretary, 339.

House, ii. 181; failed in portrait-painting,


[blocks in formation]

Temple, ii. 44; coalition which he formed |
against Louis XIV. secretly favoured by
Rome, 144; his vices not obtruded on the
public eye, 167; his assassination planned,
168; Addison's Lines to him, 322; reference
to him, 389.

Williams, Dean of Westminster, his services
to Buckingham, and counsel to him and the
king, i. 378,

Williams, John, his character, ii. 240. 296;
employed by Hastings to write in his de-
fence, 240.

Williams, Sir William, his character as a
lawyer, i. 364; his view of the duty of coun-
sel in conducting prosecutions, 364.
Wimbledon Church, Lord Burleigh attended
mass at, i. 222.

Wine, excess in, not a sign of illbreeding in the
reign of Queen Anne, ii. 337.
"Wisdom of our ancestors," proper value of
the plea of, ii. 319, 320.

Wit, Addison's compared with that of Cowley
and Butler, ii. 341.

Witt, John de, power with which he governed
Holland, ii. 14; his interview with Temple, 16;
his manners, 16, 17; his confidence in Tem-
ple and deception by Charles's court, 20, 21;
his violent death, 22.

Wolcot, ii. 296.

Wolfe, General, Pitt's panegyric upon, i. 294;

Wycherley, William, his literary merits and
faults, ii. 157; his birth, family, and educa-
tion, 157; age at which he wrote his plays,
158; his favour with the Duchess of Cleve-
land, 158, 159; his marriage, 161; his em-
barrassments, 161; his acquaintance with
Pope, 162, 163; his character as a writer,
164, 165; his severe handling by Collier,
170; analogy between him and Congreve,

Wyndham, Mr., his opinion of Sheridan's
speech against Hastings, ii. 233; his argu-
ment for retaining Francis in the impeach-
ment against Hastings, 234; his appearance
at the trial, 286; his adherence to Burke,



Xenophon, his report of the reasoning of So-
crates in confutation of Aristodemus, ii. 129.


York, Duke of, ii. 28; anxiety excited by his
sudden return from Holland, 41; detestation
of him, 41; revival of the question of his
exclusion, 41.

his conquest of Quebec, and death, 307; monu-York House, the London residence of Bacon
ment voted to him, 307.

Woodfall, Mr., his dealings with Junius, ii. 197.
Wordsworth, relative "correctness of his
poetry, i. 153; Byron's distaste for, 159; cha-
racteristics of his poems, 160. 163.

Works, public, employment of the public
wealth in, i. 108; public and private, com-
parative value of, 108, 109.
Writing, grand canon of, i. 236.

and of his father, i. 377. 387.
Yonge, Sir William, i. 291.

Young, Dr., his testimony to Addison's collo-
quial powers, ii. 337.


Zohak, King, Persian fable of, ii. 69





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