[blocks in formation]

Académie des Inscriptions, Prix proposés par l', xvii, 207

Adversaria Literaria, xvii, 204, 453; xviii, 198

Ælian, Emendations of, by J. Stackhouse, xviii, 139

Aneid i, 738, comment on, xviii, 232 Enigma, xvii, 454, by Lord Byron, xviii, 198

Æolic Dialect, xvii, 85
Æschylum, variæ lectiones in, xvii,
178, 340

Æsopi Lucerna; a Latin Epigram,
xviii, 196
Esthetici critici, xvii, 141
Æthiopic MS. xviii, 255
Algebra, whether known to the
Egyptians, xvii, 27
Allegory, Scriptural, opinions of
Origen, Aristobulus, Philo, and
St. Austin, xviii, 229

Alterations of words, which occur in the old version of the Bible, xviii, 154

Av, remarks on the particle, xvii, 65 Anacoluthon, remarks on the, xvii, 207 Anacreon, coincidence between anOde of, and a passage of the Song of Solomon, xviii, 34 Analecta Literaria, published by Professor Wolf, xviii, 204 Anaxagoras, Life, Character, and Philosophy of, xviii, 173; Epitaph on, by Laertius, xviii, 177 Anaximander, sketch of the life of, xvii, 173 Anaximenes, -, xvii, 174 Anster, J., lines on the death of the Princess Charlotte by, xvii, 64 Antediluvians, whether the arts can be supposed to have been cultivated by the, xviii, 299

Antigone of Sophocles, notes on the, xv11, 52 ̓Αντιπεπόνθοντα,

signification and

peculiar use of, xviii, 157 ̓Απορεῖν, sense and frequent use of, in Aristotle, xviii, 342 Arati Diosemea, T. Forsteri Notæ in, xvii, 46. xviii, 19; conjecture on a passage in, xviii, 236 Areopagus, power of the, impaired, xv11, 111

Argenteus codex, new discoveries made in the, xvii, 207 Ariosto compared with Euripides and Milton, xviii, 238 Aristides and Themistocles, xvii, 103; xviii, 7 Aristophanis, Commentarius de carminibus, xviii, 366; Aristophanes, explanation of a passage in, relative to Cleon, xviii, 237 Aristotle vindicated, xvii, 115, 125; xviii, 334; portraits of, xvii, 155; most of the detractors of, among the moderns, were ignorant of his doctrine, xviii, 333; successively proscribed and extolled by the Academy of Paris, xviii, 335 Armenia, conjectures on its being the original Eden, xvii, 4 Arteries, thought by Erasistrates, to be void of blood, xviii, 17 Asclepiades, ignorance and artifices of the sect, xviii, 7 Asphaltitius Lacus, etymology of the name, xviii

Atticisme imaginaire, xviii, 156 Ausonius, new reading of, proposed,

xviii, 238 Avibus, præsagia, ex, xviii, 23 Attributes of God, in the Pagan system, xviii, 75


Babylonians, their knowledge of Astronomy, xvii, 21

Bacon was unacquainted with ancient philosophy, xvii, 114, 235, -and with the doctrine of Aristotle, xviii, 340

Bailey's essay on Hieroglyphics contains some expressions of a doubtful Latinity, xvii, 352

Barker, E. H., Epistola Critica, xvii, 323; remarks on the origin of the term middle, as applied to the Greek verb, xviii, 157 Bdellium of the Bible, xvii, 273 Beddoes's factitious air, applied to con

sumption; a poem on, xvii, 165 Bellamy, J., remarks on the new translation of the Bible, by, xviii, 151, 203; his answer to the Quarterly Review, xviii, 209

Bentleiani Horatii notæ, xviii, 126 Bentley, R., extracts from a letter of, xvii, 204; his judgment on Markland's Horatius, xvii, 13; two letters of Evelyn to, xviii, 200

Bernardum, Pearsoni Literæ ad Edv., xvii, 285

Bhaughulpoor, conjectured to be the Palibothra, xvii, 322

Bible, newly translated by Bellamy, xvii, 221; xviii, 151, 203; whether its text is come down to us perfectly correct, xviii, 153, 209; marginal references necessary for understanding the, ib. 274

Biblical Criticism, xvii, 152, 413; xviii, 273

Bignani Carmen Latinum, xvii, 453
Bigotianus Æschyli codex, xvii, 178
Blondellus, de Episc., xvii, 274
Boissonade's commentary on the
Actiac inscription, xvii, 366
Βολβός Κολχικός, sense of, discussed

Mr. Gail, xviii, 351 Bowyer, anonymous dissertation by, xvii, 135

Britones, quantity of, xviii, 232. Buchanan's Eastern Mss., xvii, 186; xviii, 251

Bunarbashi, springs of, xviii, 145 Busiridis laudatio, a title falsely given to one of Isocrates' works, xviii, 5

Byron, an Enigma by lord, xviii,


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Cleon, satirised by Aristophanes, xviii, 237

Clisthenes of Sicyon, innovations of, xviii, 237

Coincidence between Chambers and Johnson, xvii, 412-Homer, Herodotus, and Procopius, xvii, 208-the Mosaic records and the Greek theogony, as to the general system of the world, xviii,325-Coincidences between an Ode of Anacreon and the Song of Solomon, xviii, 34-Eastern and Gothic Idolatry, xviii, 54 -Theocritus' Idylliums and the Song of Solomon, xviii, 32; of some critical remarks, xvii, 10 Coliseum, the, an English prize-poem, xvii, 100

Comitiale Carmen, xvii, 210 Contradictions, many, to be found in Plutarch, xvii, 110

Controversy among the learned, on the authenticity of some of Cicero's works, xvii, 134

Coray, édition d'Hippocrate, xvii, 89 Cornish words, which seem to have some resemblance to Hebrew,xviii, 103; to Greek, xviii, 107; to Latin, ib. 355

Cornwall, ancient British language of, xvii, 437; xviii, 103, 355 Correspondents, notes to, xvii, 220, 464; xviii, 208, 409 Cos, medical school of, xviii, 9 Cowley retiring into Surrey, xviii, 75; quotes Claudian erroneously, xviii,


Cowper's fable of the nightingale and glow-worm, xvii, 350; singular error in translating a passage of Homer, id. ibid. Cows, mythological, xviii, 54 Critical remarks on the new edition of Stephens' Greek Thesaurus, by G. Hermann, xviii, 181 Crotona, medical school of, xviii.8 Χρυσόνομος, meaning of the word in Æschylus, xvii, 353

Cui and huic used as dissyllables, xviii, 238


Darius, parallel between, and Tippoo Saib, xviii, 236

Death, on the expression, to deliver unto, xvii, 206

[blocks in formation]

Eclipses mentioned by Ptolemy, xvii, 24

Eden, situation of, xvii, 2
Ἔδρακον, a word used by the early
Greeks; why, xvii, 349
Education, Livres sur l', xvii, 95
Egyptian embalmers, xviii, 364
Egyptians and Chaldeans, on the

science of the, xvii, 19; xviii, 1 Elisha, his celebrated expression in the Bible, reconciled with truth, xviii, 203

Elision of diphthongs in Latin verse, xviii, 232

Embalmers, pretended custom of the Egyptians to stone the, xviii, 13; remarks on the Egyptian, ib. 364 Ev, remarks and controversy on the word, xvii, 137; xviii, 457 English words derived from the

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Euripides and Homer, coincidence between, xvii, 206; Eurip. Phœn. illustrated, xviii, 232; compared with Ariosto and Milton, ib. 238; conjecture on a passage of, ib. ibid. Eusebius on Jewish philosophers, xviii, 229

Eve, formation of, from Adam's rib, xviii, 225; opinions of Philo, Eusebius, Origen, and St. Austin, 226 Evelyn, two letters from, to Dr. R. Bentley, xviii, 200 Evening, red or grey, xviii, 50 Examination for the classic medals at Cambridge, xvii, 209; of Mr. Bellamy's new translation of the Bible, xvii, 221

Exodus, remarks on some passages in, xviii, 309


Fabularum de Utilitate, Latinum carmen, xvii, 453 Fictions in Plutarch, xvii, 111

Flaccus, C. V. new reading of, pro-
posed, xviii, 238
Floribus, præsagia e, xviii, 25
Ford's imitation of Strada, xviii, 237
Forster's notes on Aratus, xvii, 46
Franklin, Col. W., on the site of an-

cient Palibothra, xvii, 321 Future, prefixed to the, xvii, 229


Gail, Prof. letter to M. E. H. Barker, xviii, 351; a note on his researches, xvii, 170; notice on his Philologue, xviii, 135; his various publications, xviii, 205 Galien, Traité de, xvii, 91 Generosity valued by the ancients,

xviii, 75 Geometrical query of Plato, xvii, 171 Geometry, whether known to the Egyptians, xvii, 27

Georgics of Virgil, prominent feature of, xvii, 353

Globus Aerostaticus, Oxford prizepoem, xviii, 391

God, idea conceived of, by Aristotle, xvii, 330

God save the King, translated into
Greek, by S. Tricoupi, xviii, 255
Gowen, Bp., his translation of the
Eneid, zviii, 44
Græcorum Poetarum minorum de
Fragmentis, E. H. Barker, xvii,


Greek and Cornish languages, how far the latter may be related to the former, xviii, 107, 111; knowledge of, necessary to a theological student, xviii, 323; dialects, xvii, 80, 84; dramaticauthors collected by Burney, xvii, 434; feminine names in ουσα, xvii, 350; translation from Shakspeare's Henry VIII, by W. S. Walker, xviii, 197; modern proverbs, xvii, 39; MSS. of the Cambridge public library, xviii, 93; ode on the death of the Princess Charlotte, xviii, 193; pastoral poets, an essay on the, xvii, 74, xviii, 30; verse, attempts in, by Cæcil. Metellus, xvii, 354; Sapphic ode, onthe construction of the, xviii, 373 Greeks more indebted, for their medical science, to the Egyptians,

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