

shun, strive with double diligence to make home agreeable to him, and let him see that it is not in the power of a strumpet to surpass you in sweetness of temper, and an obliging behaviour; and, that though he is so abandoned as to forget his duty, you will steadily observe your's. By this means you will in time overpower him by your goodness; you will strike conviction to his soul, and gain the noblest of all conquests; you will recover his heart, and preserve him you love, perhaps, from eternal ruin. This conduct your own conscience must approve, and your children will rejoice in the prudence of their mother. Fam, dear Daughter,

Your affectionate Mother.

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NO wounds, can impart so keen an anguish, as those inflicted by the venomed tongue of slander: nor can any thing betray a meanness of spirit so much as enviously calumniating a fellow-creature, especially where the character is at stake; for, on.. the clearness of the reputation, the most lasting. and rational happiness of man depends.

The pressure of want,, the loss of relatives and friends, and numberless other misfortunes incident to human nature, may give a temporary calamity to the soul; but it cannot be of long duration, if the integrity of the sufferer is unsullied by deInternal consciousness of innocence, will prove the best antidote to this kind of poison, by pronouncing a self-acquittal; but, even then, the baseness of a false accusation will give such a Fang to the mind as will not be readily obliterated.



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The principal grievance effected by calumny is, that against virtue and worth alone are its artillery chiefly directed; and the more illustrious the accused is, the more vehement will be the attack made by those who have not talents to qualify them for a like celebrity. The applause which is due to, and attendant on merit, is certain to raise in the narrow-minded, a desire to destroy its eminence, and reduce the possessor to the obscure level of their own mediocrity. That slander should gain such credit in the world as is too frequently experienced, appears, at first sight, rather unaccountable. One would imagine that these assassins of reputation, by frequent practice, would have their drift detected, and gain no credit with their hearers; and such is certainly the case with the discerning few who meditate on what they hear before they take it into their belief, or venture to repeat it but the majority of mankind act otherwise. The affluent, and even those of easy circumstances, are frequently so confident in their own self-sufficiency, as to be wholly heedless of the welfare of others; and the lower orders of society, being in a great measure dependant on their superiors, are often mean enough to act as they do, and rehearse as they say, without giving themselves the trouble to examine whether it is right or wrong; imagining that a story must certainly be true, because it was told by a lady or a gentleman. But why should we repine? fasting happiness is not to be expected. So long as frailty is the lot of human nature, men will be subject to caprice and passions. Calumny, base as it is, if taken in one point of view, is sometimes serviceable. Were men of extraordinary talents to meet with no opposition in their career, they might, in time, grow forgetful of their duty; and, by the extravagance of their flights, cloud their most brilliant actions.

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actions. But, being checked in their ardor by the insinuating breath of slander, they are taught to remember that they are mortal; are kept in their proper channel; and having the end they aim at, kept clear in view, are enabled to reach the destined port, blessed with the internal satisfaction, and crowned with unfading honor. Then let not misrepresentation, from what quarter soever it may prod, turn you from the path of rectitude; but rather stimulate you to perseverance. Time will expose the fallacy of your opponents, and render your applause more permanent and sure. For

"Envy will merit, as it's shade, pursue ;) And, like a shadow, proves the substance true.” I am, dear Sir, your's, &c.

To a Friend, in answer to his Complaint of the Incontinence of his Mistress.


I AM sorry to learn, that you could suffer, yourself to be so idolatrously fond of any human being, as to be thrown in such a vehemence of passion at the loss of the object of your affections. I own, that when I was last with you, your affairs wore such a settled appearance, that I expected to have heard of your union before this time; and I am fearful that your own delay has, in some measure, been the cause of the alteration you complain of, if any such alteration has really taken place, of which I am not quite certain. I think myself, on the present occasion, better qualified to judge impartially than yourself; for I regard it as a certainty, that people in love are like nobody else but themselves. My advice is, briefly this, scru tinize into your own conduct first, then carefully examine her's, and act as honor dictates. In her conduct,

conduct, she may be actuated by a little female levity (perhaps merely to try your temper) which, though in some measure blameable, is far from being absolutely criminal; for if you expect her not to look at, or speak to any body but yourself, your desires are unreasonable, and you expect what you never will meet with, in her, or any other woman breathing. It is a rule which I beleve admits of no exceptions, that there is no true love but what is liable to be tinctured with jea lousy. A very distresssing anxiety will certainly possess the bosom, at the slightest prospect of fosing the object of our affections. But as that person is worthy of little esteem, who can be regardless of promises and vows, once solemnly made and plighted, so far as to give cause for jealousy it behoves all, who regard their own peace of mind, to avoid giving much way to an impulse which evinces such strength of the passions and weakness of the resolution. If, on a strict examination, you find that she has actually deserted you, in spite of all that has passed between you, and without any provocation on your part; consign her to that contempt she justly merits, and forget her as speedily as possible. But I am not without some apprehensions, that you will find you have injured her by unjust suspicions; if so, let the secret die here; for should she know that she had been suspected by you, it might tend to lessen you much in her esteem.

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Hoping that I shall soon hear of a reconciliation (and consequently, an union.) I remain

Your sincere Friend and Well-wisher.



On Honor.

HONOR is what every one talks of, yet very few practise, or even understand; though a few




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minutes consideration will make its true nature evident. It is that secret effort of the soul, which prompts a man to the practice of the moral duties; and, next to a true sense of religion, forms the ground-work of human happiness. Duelling, whatever be the provocation, cannot be the path of real honor; as the decision is not dependant on justice. Whether a sword or a pistol be the arbitrator, it is evident-that superior skill must rule in one case, and accident in the other. It seems necessary for a man to be able to defend himself; as, in case of an attack on his person or property, redress, or protection, from human laws is not always attainable in an instant: yet, duelling is never to be vindicated, or even excused; as, in all cases, it evinces a blood-thirsty disposition. Honor is that instinctive particle in the human composition, which (if not overpowered by the tyranny of anger, revenge, and other-like destructive passions) will direct the head and hand to rectitudeturn the heart from every thing base and profigate-correct the incroachments of false pride on the mind-and fill the soul with the milk of human kindness. It enables its possessor to look with pity on the titled villain, who, pluming himself with the lustre of his pedigree, stains, by his follies and vices, the station he ought to adorn; the elevation of which his ancestors had merited by their own genuine excellence. The man of real honor, if his ancestry be noble, will endeavour to make himself worthy the name of their descendant, and will transmit their lustre (if not augmented, at least undiminished) to his posterity and, if his origin is humble, the probity of his own heart will excite within him a virtuous emulation, which will render his name superior to oblivion. Any further remarks seem to be unnecessary. If, after.


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