
rules of courtesy, to ask, Whether a bishop, who has sworn to render 'due reverence and obedience' to his metropolitan, has quite acted up to his high obligations, when he ventures most grossly to insult that metropolitan, for no other cause than that of his having conscientiously performed his duty, according to the law of the land? I do not notice this to give offence, but I do refer to it in order to remark, that he who unjustly accuses others of a want of subordination, should at least set an example of subordination in his own person.

"But to return to the more immediate object of my letter. The state of things in this diocese urgently calls for the interference of the laity. We must not rest in bare protests-we must be up and doing. A large body of the clergy are now setting the laity at defiance, and are virtually impugning the law of the landnot only so they are, to use the expressive language of our good archbishop, when Bishop of Chester, undermining the foundations of our Protestant Church, and thus paving the way for the utter annihilation of Protestantism itself. This is a question in which every orthodox Protestant in the land is equally concerned. The downfall of the Church of

England, as a Protestant Establishment, would inevitably lead to the prostration of every Protestant denomination. Every true Churchman then, and every orthodox Dissenter, has a common cause to defend. I believe the time has arrived when minor differences should yield to substantial realities, and that all should unite in one common effort for the defence of the truth. As one of the remedies for counteracting the evils we deplore, I know of none more calculated to benefit our population in a spiritual point of view, than that of establishing a Scripture Readers' Society in connection with the Town Missionary and Scripture Readers' Society in London, or, at least, forming an association upon the same principle, independently of it, for the Diocese of Exeter. I scarcely need remind you that the society in question is composed of Churchmen and Dissenters, acting together as in the Bible Society, with the simple object of bringing sinners to the cross of Christ.

"Such an association as I am now describing, is in active and most useful operation in the county of Gloucestershire-and among the Committee are to be found the names of the Right Hon. Earl Ducie, Lord Moreton, Col. Kingscote, H. Kingscote, Esq., Col. Hutch

inson, Robert Kingscote, Esq., and A. H. Phillpotts, Esq., &c., a sufficient guarantee for the orthodoxy of such a society. Their sixth annual report, lately published, gives a most encou raging account of their proceedings. I now make the proposition for the establishment of a similar institution; Exeter, as being the chief town of the county, seems to be the most natural locality for its formation. I beg, therefore, to say that I shall be most happy to communicate with any gentlemen in the diocese who may be willing to favour the suggestion. "I have the honour to be, gentlemen, "Your most obedient humble servant, "GEORGE ATKINSON. "Torquay, July 7th, 1851."


We have to draw particular attention to the following important letter of our friend, Dr. Marriott. The subject is one which ought not to be taken up in Germany alone; the question demands that we agitate here in England, until we have removed from our Church Bibles the

Apocryphal writings, the authorized reading of which is now such a blot upon the order of our Church Services. It signifies but little, that our Church disclaims for these uninspired, and often foolish and false, writings of men, the authority due only to the word of God. As long as we con found the Apocrypha in our calendar with the true Canonical Scriptures, and read from our desks, in the same way and in the place of the genuine books, we are verily guilty in so far making void the word of God by man's tradition, that we read, avowedly, "for rule of life," what the Bible absolutely rejects or knows nothing of. We perfectly agree with Dr. Marriott, that the "rubbish must first be cleared away, before the truth can be come at;"—and we not only deeply deplore that we ourselves should retain this comparative rubbish of the Apocrypha, but we call on our readers to bestir themselves, first to obtain its removal from their own Church, and then, with free hands, to help men who, like Dr. Marriott, are striving to pull down "one of the chief bulwarks of Rationalism and Popery

in Germany,"-the extensive circulation and authority of the Apocrypha.

"London, August 23rd, 1851.

"Permit me to address a few lines to you respecting the circulation of the APOCRYPHA in Germany, which important subject is especially engaging my attention at the present time. In 1846, and even earlier, I had thoughts of bringing this matter before the German public; but my time being taken up with other important objects, I was obliged to postpone it. Facts that came

to my knowledge during a tour made last autumn in Rhine Bavaria for the circulation of Religious Tracts, coupled with other circumstances occurring at the same time, made me consider it my imperative duty to be no longer silent on the subject.

"The Protestant Catechism used in this part of Germany I will first refer to. Ten of the prophetical books of the Old Testament are not once quoted in it, three only twice, and one once; even Isaiah and Jeremiah are only quoted one sixth part as often as the Apocryphal book Sirach. The first eighteen books of the Old Testament are quoted fortyeight times; the four greater and twelve lesser prophets thirty-six times; but Sirach ninety-five times. The books of Wisdom and Tobias are oftener quoted in the Catechism than the thirty canonical books of the Old Testament. In this part of Germany the Apocryphal books of Tobias and Sirach are more read by the people than any part of the Sacred Volume, and the texts are more frequently taken by ministers from Sirach than from the inspired writings.

"This state of things induced me to apply to the Lutheran Home Missionary Society of the Grand Duchy of Baden,as being the only German Society, with the exception of the Carlsruhe Ladies' Bible Society, which has acted in a decided manner in reference to the Apocrypha. This society very kindly printed at my request, a Testimony against the Apocrypha,' which I circulated a few days after it appeared at a meeting of nine hundred ministers, held last autumn at Stuttgardt, and have since then put nearly 10,000 copies of the same into circulation.

"Last January I printed 10,000 copies of another pamphlet on the same subject, written by Pastor Schiller, of the United Church (Lutheran and Reformed) of Rhine Bavaria, who is one of the best known ministers in this part of Germany.

"In February, Pastor Kraussold, the distinguished Lutheran Minister of Fürth, Bavaria, wrote also a pamphlet on this subject, of which 10,500 copies were printed.

"In April a testimony from Pastor Schroeder, of the Reformed Church of Elberfeld, appeared, of which 10,000 copies were printed. He is known as the author of a Commentary on Genesis, just translated into French, as also of other publications, and is one of the few decided opponents of Popery in Germany.

"In June there appeared a pamphlet from Professor Ebrard, D.D., of Erlangen, well known for his learned work against Strauss. It was a reprint of an article in three consecutive numbers of the 'Magazine of the Reformed Church,' of which he is the chief editor. 10,000 copies were printed of it.


It will be seen that of these five pamphlets, the authors were, two of the Lutheran Church, two of the Reformed Church, and one of the United Church, which it is important to notice, as showing that the Apocrypha question is now being considered by persons of all parties, and can no longer be called by the Germans an English question.' Twenty-five years ago the subject was brought forward in Germany by means of excellent men in Scotland,-the late Robert Haldane, and Dr. Andrew Thomson, but made no progress, from German ministers not taking it up; but such is not now the


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"The before- mentioned five pamphlets had, to a certain extent, awakened attention to this important subject; but the Apocrypha is so deeply rooted in Germany that further steps were necessary to be taken in order to create further interest in the matter, as well as to get publications that would combat all the arguments used in defence of these books. As the Lord had so greatly blessed the German Prize Essays on the Lord's Day question, I considered this would be the best means of acting in regard to this also. The before-mentioned Lutheran Home Missionary Society of the Grand Duchy of Baden has very kindly, at my request, within the last four weeks published a programme for Prize Essays, drawn up in the most decided manner, and which is an important testimony on this matter. It refers first to the importance of the subject, especially in reference to the doctrine of the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures; but to be concise, I will only give the following

two extracts: The Essays must contain a refutation of all the arguments usually brought forward for binding the Apocrypha with the Holy Scriptures, and circulating it with the same.' 'What is the duty of every Christian, of religious societies, and of Bible societies, on this subject? What defence can be offered that contributions collected and given for the circulation of the Word of God should be devoted to the circulation of the Apocrypha ?' The programme for the Prize Essays being issued by a Lutheran society, of whom the excellent and wellknown Professor Stern is President, is highly important, as the Lutheran party, in general, do all they can to defend the Apocrypha.

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"I will now give one or two more facts, selected from many others on this subject: The Psalms, Proverbs, and Sirach,' printed by a German Bible Society, now lies before me; and another society has printed one of the Gospels and Sirach together. All the German Bible Societies, with the exception I believe of one, (and this has only recently omitted it,) print at the close of the Apocrypha, End of the Old Testament.' The worst, however, is that all of them print parallel passages in the canonical books, taken from the Apocrypha, thus confounding the word of man and of God together. At one of the chief schools in a large city, considered the most evangelical in Germany, where I was lately, the Apocrypha was daily read at family worship; and, in a well-known Christian community, which I visited a few months since, and for which money has been collected in Great Britain, the members meet daily, the Apocrypha is read through and commented on as if it were the word of God. I will simply add that Bibles without the Apocrypha are forbidden to be used in schools by the Protestant ecclesiastical authorities of Bavaria !

"I think it unnecessary to enlarge further on this important subject, but should state, that, until the last few months, the subject has not made any material progress in Germany for about twentyfive years: the best proof of which is, that not one of the German Bible Societies existing at that period has given up the circulation of the Apocrypha, though two of them very recently have engaged to take the subject into consideration.

"At a time when Popery is making great efforts, and this especially in Germany, which I could easily shew from my labouring chiefly among Roman Catholics, if it were here the place to do so, it is most important that the Apocrypha, on which it grounds so many of its errors, should be placed in its true light. To prove that the Apocrypha is not the inspired Word of God, is also to attack one of the chief bulwarks of Rationalism, and one of the darlings of Ultra Lutheranism, or, German Puseyism, which is now making great progress.

"When it is remembered what views are prevalent on the great doctrine of the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures, the Apocrypha question must be viewed as one of the most important that can be brought before the notice of the Christians of Germany; even ministers termed evangelical, claim for it a second degree of inspiration! The rubbish must first be cleared away before the truth can be come at.

"For defraying the expences of printing the above-named pamphlets, prize essays, &c., I have received or am promised £94, and have expended, or am under engagements, or morally so, to the amount of about £230. Moreover, two of the pamphlets are nearly out of print, and fresh editions called for. I should here remark, that circulating every year about 200,000 religious tracts, chiefly printed at the expense of the Religious Tract Society, I have the best means of putting into circulation these pamphlets, which, as the Apocrypha is so deeply rooted in Germany, require a very large circulation; and, besides publications on this subject, I desire, as means afforded me, to call attention to the allimportant doctrine of the Divine inspiration of the Holy Scriptures.


"I trust the foregoing statement will interest you, and induce you to render assistance in pulling down, with the blessing of God, one of the chief bulwarks of Rationalism and Popery in Germany, and in upholding and proclaiming the all-sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures, in Germany, where the grand doctrine of their Divine inspiration is so greatly undermined.

"Trusting that this statement will receive your serious attention, "I am, yours truly,


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WE cannot enter into the heart of man; we cannot tell what feelings passed through the breast of England's first Duke, as he knelt before the communion-rail of the parish church of Arundel, and received for the first time, in two kinds, the simple emblems of a Saviour's dying love.

We cannot enter into the heart of man; and therefore we cannot tell with what feelings Archdeacon Manning stood for the first time before a Popish altar, arrayed in the gaudy garments of Rome, and there offered up the consecrated wafer, as containing "the real body, blood, soul, and divinity," of our crucified, ascended, and glorified Lord.

We may, however, imagine the strong contrast which must have presented itself to each of the persons we have mentioned, as they severally took part for the first time in services to which by birth and education they had been utterly opposed.

The Romanists may affect to laugh at the "dropping of this dead bough," as they term the secession of the SEPTEMBER 1851.

Duke of Norfolk. We are the rather glad to know that his heart and his mind had not been with them for a long season, that he had in truth been for some time daring to discern between truth and error, and had been seeking an escape from the clouds of darkness and superstition with which Popery covers and mystifies her votaries.

The policy of Rome, by which she deprives her members of the exercise of God's gift, -the powers of the mind, forbidding them to search for themselves whether what she propounds is in accordance with God's Word, sound reason, and common sense, is altogether a chain of such Satanic artifice and power, as to make it a matter of no ordinary wonder and gratitude when we find one victim escaping from its slavery.

Taught from earliest infancy to believe implicitly what the Church teaches, as truth, however abhorrent the doctrine may be even to the teaching of that version of the Scriptures which Rome itself acknowledges as

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genuine, however opposed to the evidence of the senses, and the exercise of rational judgment, the poor Romanist surrenders himself, for time, to the reception of every lie that that Church may find it her policy to invent or sanction; and enters eternity with no better hope than that afforded by false promises of priestly help, where all human aid is worthless and unavailing.

We are not in possession of the circumstances which have led the Duke of Norfolk to break this chain of a thousand links; to overcome the difficulties caused by the prestige of the ancient faith of the house of Howard, and to abandon a communion which is as false in worldly principles as it is spiritually corrupt and apostate. Whatever may have been the course of examination, aided, no doubt, by recent events, which has issued in this withdrawal from Rome, we can only pray that his Grace's judgment may be more and more informed as to the grand distinctions between truth and its counterfeit. We earnestly trust that the Duke, with many other converts, may be brought to feel, by God's Holy Spirit, that the mere throwing away of false creeds, or the outward reception of a purer faith, are alike worthless, if the heart itself, with all its affections, be not brought to the cross of Christ.

nothing of an altar, a sacrificing priest, or a risen and glorified Saviour transformed by priestly hands into a wafer-cake, given to be eaten by men's mouths as their incarnate God.

We trust that Arundel Church presented a true picture of the primitive simplicity of our faith, and that the strong contrast between that simplicity and the gorgeous mockery of Rome's ritual, did not lose aught of its power by any attempt to add to the truthful solemnity of our beautiful service.

How strikingly must the exquisite language of the Communion office, in all the scriptural harmony of its parts, fall upon ears long accustomed to catch nothing but mutterings in a dead language. How great must the contrast be between our own orderly and quiet administration, and the almost endless round of processions, postures, bowings, and censer swingings.

How moving to one accustomed to receive in one kind only, the wafer-god,—and taught to believe with all the superstitious and disgusting minutiæ of the breviary, that he has carnally, as well as spiritually, swallowed a whole Christ,—to receive from the hands of one who claims no mystical or priestly power whatever, the simple bread and wine, symbols of that dying love which redeemed us all from endless woe.

Assuming, however, that the change The admirable manner in which the in this instance is really spiritual, we Church of England has, in the actual may be allowed to dwell upon the communication of the elements, used feelings which must have passed words plainly separating the spiritual through the mind of the convert to feeding upon Christ by faith, from the Protestant Christianity, as he partook carnal eating and drinking of the of that rite which he must have so bread representing His broken body, often witnessed administered in a and the wine denoting His poured strangely different mode in Romish out blood,-must equally strike those chapels. who are taught to believe that the The Church of England knows wheaten wafer they see is actually

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