




curse, and then, deliberately drawing it without having been able to accomplish forth, cast it on the ground beside her. their object. Lawrence then accompaDegenerate gil!" he said, in accents nied Commodore Bainbridge on a cruise that vainly struggled for calm, "If thou to the East Indies; but they separated hast admitted to thy heart one unworthy near St. Salvador, on the coast of Brazil, thought towards a Moorish infidel, dig the Hornet remaining there to blockade deep and root it out, even with the knife a British ship of war, laden with specie; and to the death-so wilt thou saye this till compelled to retire by the arrival of a hand from that degrading task." seventy-four. Feb. 24, 1813, the Hornet He drew himself hastily from her grasp fell in with the brig Peacock, Captain and left the unfortunate girl alone and Peak, which he took after a furious action of fifteen minutes. This vessel was deemed one of the finest of her class in the British navy. In the number of her men and guns, she was somewhat inferior to the Hornet. She sunk before all the pris oners could be removed. 'The latter was James Lawrence, a distinguished considerably damaged in the rigging and American naval commander, was born at sails, but he hall was scarcely hurt. Burlington, New Jersey, in 1781. He Lawrence returned to the United States; early manifested a strong predilection for where he was welcomed with the apthe sea: but his father, who was a law-plause due to his conduct; but the most yer was anxious that he should pursue honorable eulogy bestowed upon it, was his own profession; and, when only thir-contained in a letter, published by the teen years of age, he commenced the officers of the Peacock, expressing their study of the law; but after the death of gratitude for the consideratien and kindhis father, entered the navy as a midship-ness with which they had been treated. man, in 1798. In 1801, the Tripoli war Shortly after his return, he was ordered having commenced he was promoted, and, to repair to Boston, and take command of in 1803, was sent out to the Mediterrane-the frigate Chesapeake. This he did with an, as the first lieutenant of the schooner great regret, as the Chesapeake was one Enterprise. While there, he performed of the worst ships in the navy. He had a conspicuous part in the destruction of been but a short time at Boston, when the frigate Philadelphia which had been the British frigate Shannon, Captain captured by the Tripolitans. In the same Brooke, appeared before the harbor, and year he was invested with the temporary defied the Chesapeake to combat. Lawcommand of the Enterprise, during the rence did not refuse the challenge, alBombardment of Tripoli, by Commodore though his ship was far from being in a Preble, all the ships of the squadron being condition, for action; and June 1st, 1813, employed to cover the boats during the he sailed out of the harbor and engaged attack: and so well did he execute his his opponent. After the ship had exduty, that the Commodore could not re-changed several breadsides, and Lawstrain the expression of his thanks. Herence had been wounded in the he reinained in the Mediterranean three called his boarders, when he reeved a years, and then returned with Preble to musket ball in his body. At the same the United States, having previously time, the enemy boarded, and, after a been transferred to the frigate John Ad-desperate resistance, succeeded in taking ams, as the first lieutenant. In June, 1812 possession of the ship. Almost all the war was declared between Great Britain oflicers of the Chesapeake were either and the United States, and Lawrence, at killed or wounded. The last exclamation the time in command of the Hornet, a of Lawrence, as they were carrying him few days afterwards sailed with a squad-jbelow, after the fatal wound, was, "Don't ron under the orders of Commodore Rog-give up the ship." He lingered for four ers, for the purpose of intercepting the Ja-days in intense pain, and expired on the maica fleet. They retumped, however, at 5th of June. He was buried at Halifax the end of the following month to Bostons with every mark of honor.

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"Is it possible." returned he, "that a few years passed in India can have wrought such a change, that you cannot recognize your old friend Morris?"

Morris, indeed, it was; and after tho Passing one evening along the piazza first burst of pleasure and surprise, at this of Covent-Garden theatre, I entered the unexpected meeting was over, we left the house, and with some difliculty wedged theatre, and adjourned to a tavern in the my way into the pit, which, owing to the neighborhood, where we partook of a first appearance of a new play, was more light repast. As soon as the supper equipthan usually crowded. age was removed and we were left to ourWhether the fault was in the piece it-selves, "I congratulate you," said I, "upon self or in the acting I cannot say, but, cer-your return to your native country, and ain it is, I felt little or no interest in the almost envy you the feelings arising from performance, and began-as is usual in it, which I have no doubt more than comsuch cases-to look about, and to seek a-pensate for the pain of absence and privamusement in a survey of the company. tion-indeed, the trials of a few years While was busily engaged in scanning spent abroad are not to be regretted, since the face around me, I observed that my they enable us to appreciate and enjoy the own was dilligently perused by a gentle- comforts and delights of home during the man dressed in black, who was sitting rest of our lives." close beside me. I looked at him in my "You are mistaken," replied Morris; turn, and felt a dim and confused remem-" the enviable feelings which you supposo brance of having seen him before. I possess, exist but in your imagination, as

"If I am not much mistaken," said the they once did by anticipation in mine; but stranger, "your name is ?" let not him who has sojourned in a dis "Your acquaintance with my name," tant land, give way to his longings to rereplied I, "confirms the conjecture that I visit the scenes of his childhood and rehad begun to form; that yours is not un- trace the walks of his youth,-let him known to me, though at this moment I can-keep the mountains and the sea betwixt not recollect it, or tell when and where him and his place of birth. Shrined in have seen you." his heart and glowing with the light of


happier days, lies that fairy land of memo- curiosity which their entrance excited ry; but to revisit its scenes would be to among the congregation, I guessed that lash the picture with shade, and to strike they were strangers in that part of the out from it the fair familiar faces that country. There was nothing remarkable gladden our dreams, or touch them with in the appearance of the gentleman, except the dreary traces of time,-let him there- an expression of worldly shrewdness, fore enjoy the beauteous vision as it ex- which 1 felt to be disagreeable; but his ists in memory, but not seek to view the wife had a mild and dignified demeanour, reality with a faded eye and a disenchain- and his daughter was one of those who, ed heart." once seen, are never to be forgotten.

"I am well aware that all our enjoy- "She might then have been about the ments come short of our anticipations, yet age of seventeen; but her countenance had I fear there must have been some untow-more thoughtfulness and feeling than genard circumstances in your case which erally belong, or indeed seem natural to have mingled unhappy associations with such early years. Her features were not the senses which should naturally give rise of that regular description with which to the sweetest emotions." painters and sculptors body forth as their "That is too true," said Morris with a conceptions of perfect beauty, but pos sigh,-"there is in my case a circumstance sessed in a far greater degree, the power of sorrow that well may cloud the bright- of fascinating the beholder; for they beamest day and the fairest scene; and though ed with that light of the soul which the perhaps it is wrong in me to trouble you cunning of the pencil cannot steal; nor with a record of my errors and sufferings, need 1 regret that it had not the power to yet, since by communication we lighten fix upon earth the image of that beauty the burden of our woes, I know you will which is now in Heaven, since the picforgive me." He then began as fol- ture is better engraved on my heart; and lows:there, at least, the cheek hath not lost its

I had nearly completed the course of rose, nor the eye its ray. But to return. education which is generally considered "The service of the day commenced, sufficient for young men destined to seek and the sermon seemed to be a farewell their fortunes abroad, when, through the address to men about to leave their couninterest of an uncfe who had been long try, and to seek a home in a distant land. resident in India, I was appointed to a They were exhorted not to despond be cadet ship in the Company's service. cause their place of refuge lay beyond the "I left the scene of my studies in order great waters, they were reminded that to pay a farewell visit to my relations in God is every-where present, and would be the North Highlands of Scotland, and for with them in the wide wilderness as much that purpose took my seat in the mail as in the haunts of men; that we are at coach, which brought me, at a turn of the best, but strangers and sojourners upon road, within a few miles of my birth place, earth, as all our fathers were, and that where I left it, and, striking off from the having here no continuing city, we seek highway proceeded on foot towards my one to come.

native glen.

"These passages of the sermon seemed "It was Sabbath morning, and as I ad- to give pain to the strangers; by which vanced upon my journey I began to see circumstance I conjectured that they were the 'dwellers of the hills assembling to- a family which had been expected for wards the church, and to hear the chime some time past in the parish, and that the of the bells. Before the commencement gentleman was the person who had taken of divine service, I also had reached it, a lease of the surrounding district for the and entered in along with the humble purpose of throwing it into sheep farms; friends and companions of my early youth. in consequence of which, so many people "In a few minutes a middle aged gen- were about to be turned adrift upon tleman walked in, accompanied by his world, and obliged to seek a home in the wife and daughter, and seated themselves wilds of America.


in a pew almost opposite to the one which "When the service was concluded, the I occupied; and by the stir and bustle of strangers left the church, and passed hasti

through the crowd, who eyed them in sister being the only young woman of a sullen silence as they walked along the rank corresponding to her's in that part glen towards a house lately erected by the of the country, they were often together, proprietor of the district for his new ten- and I had frequent opportunities of enjoyant, by which circumstance my conjec-ing her society and gaining her affections. ture respecting them was confirmed. "From me her young unsophisticated ' "There they go!" exclaimed an aged heart received the indelible impression of woman who had once seen better days, first love, and I in turn became devoted to "there they go, but the blessing of the her. Our attachment was unsuspected by poor goeth not with them! I had hoped," her parents, and indeed was known to no continued she, "to have been allowed to one but my sister, who, although she disdie where I have lived, and to lay me approved of it as imprudent and likely to down in peace beside my fathers: but it end in disappointment, had yet too much may not be, the stranger hath come and sympathy with our happiness to throw left me neither house nor home; yet mark any impediment in the way of our meetmy words. Yon blighted tree was once ings, or deprive us of the pleasure which strong and flourishing; it fed upon de- we felt in each other's society. stuction, for its stem was in the grave, "The time at length approached for my and was nourished by the tears of the widow and the fatherless; but the thunder at that feast of tears I vowed eternal fideldeparture: we had our last meeting, and came at last; it scathed the boughs, and ity, and promised that as soon as my serthe trunk withered; and so shall it fare vices abroad should entitle me to leave of with the despoiler of the poor. The hope absence, I would return, when, with imof his heart, the child of his love shall perish,-even yon young maiden, fair a with the reasonable hope of obtaining the proved prospects, I might solicit her hand flower though she be as ever gladdened consent of her parents.

a cottage or graced a court; but it needs not the vision which is now upon my soul "I took my departure with a heavy to foretell her doom; for there is that on heart, and proceeded to London, where I her pale and thoughtful face, which to the embarked on board a vessel bound for Calcutta. We dropped down the river in experienced eye of a mother, who like me, has seen her own fair daughters drop the night, and having entered the Channel on the following day, bore away in away, speaks of an early grave." the direction of the Land's End, and then

stood out to sea.

"I was much shocked at this speech of the old woman, whose denunciation of death against the young, beautiful, and "The sun was setting in the west, and unoffending girl had something fiendish gilding the green earth, then sinking in the in it, which curdled my blood, and seemed deep; and, oh! what a world of slumbering the curse of the withered heart on which feelings and long-lost memories flashed the prophet spirit had come down before back upon my heart as I beheld the land of death. my birth and my father's grave,' and the

"I arrived at my destination in the eve- scene of my past joys and sorrows, which ning. It was the house of a friend with held all that was dear to me in life, wawhom my sister resided, who was the ning over the waters, faint and far away nearest living relative I had. as the phantom shores of the land of

"We were happy to meet, and had dreams! I watched it as it lessened along much to ask and communicate. I retired the deep to a dark line,-a speck that to bed at a late hour; but the image of glimmered a while through the mist of the fair stranger whom I had seen at tears which obscured my gaze. I dashed church, and which had angrossed my wak-the dew from my eyelids and looked ing thoughts, came back upon my dreams. again; but the vision was gone,ll gone, "I will not dwell upon the minute de--it might be forever. I shall never see tails of the progress of my affection for these shores fade again with such a pang, the fair Emma. Suffice it to say, that I and strange as it may seem, I grieve theresoon became acquainted with the family, at. So blessed a thing is youth, that we where I was a frequent visiter; and my regret the loss even of its sorrows.

"After a voyage of the average length, me a last letter, seemingly calm and paswe reached our destination, where I was sionless; for though my apostacy was received and welcomed by my uncle in the death to her young heart, yet the dignity most flattering manner, and entered with and proper pride of a true woman conthe fairest prospects upon oriental life. cealed the wound. In that letter she abYet still I was a stranger in a distant land, solved me from my engagement to her, whose mode of life were foreign to my wished me every happiness through life, heart,-where day was a season of lan- and bade me an eternal farewell. guid repose, and eve, which at home was "After our correspondence had finally sacred to quiet walks and soothing con- ceased, I heard nothing of her for a contemplations, was the time of enjoyment; siderable time. At length I received a for it wafted me away into the land of packet from my sister, who did not seem memory, and gave me back in vision the to be acquainted with what had happened smiles and sweet faces that were far as her letter did not contain one upbraiding word; yet it was written in a strain which cut me to the heart.


"Would it had continued ever so! but by degrees I began to mingle with and at "It informed me, that, in consequence. length to relish the society among which she feared, of some secret sorrow, her my lot was cast. amiable friend, Emma, had fallen into

"About this time it was my misfortune bad health and low spirits, ending in a to become acquainted with a set of young brain fever, from which her recovery was men whose peculiar boast it was to be imperfect,-that her intellects continued proof against the fascinations of woman, in a disordered state, and that she apor as they expressed it. the cunning of the peared to be rapidly sinking into a desex. Love, as it is felt in young and in-cline. nocent hearts, was to them the inexhans- "It was then for the first time that I tible theme of ridicule, and the existence felt the pangs of remorse; and it was by of female virtue they considered entitled awakened feeling that my reason was ento the same degree of credit as that of abled to detect the miserable sophistry the Phoenix While they confined them- by which it had been deluded, and to be selves, however, to general and sweeping sensible of the absurdity of forming an assertions, their opinions had little or ne estimate of all womankind from the coninfluence upon me; but when these were duct of some of the worst of the sex backed by a multitude of corroborative whom my companions might have known acts and particular examples of derelic-in England or in India, in whose alliantion from virtue, with which their own ces the heart had no share, and with evil experience had supplied them, my whom wealth even if coupled with age mind insensibly but strongly imbibed the and disease, was preferred to every thing poison of their principles, of which the else. I felt ashamed of myself for having baneful effects soon became evident, and I been the dupe of fools, and longed to begun to repent of my vows to the foud, make reparation to the girl whom I had confiding girl who had given me her heart. so deeply wronged, if it might not yet be "For a considerable time I had com- too late.

bated opinions which I saw, if generally! "For this purpose I was just about to. received, must be bitterly subversive of apply for leave to return home, when my the social charities; but the end of suspi- uncle died, leaving me sole heir to his forcion once fairly roused, could not be laid tune, which was considerable. I immeand shook, like an earthquake, the peace diately resigned my situation in India, of my once unsuspecting heart. and embarked in a vessel about to sail

"Hitherto my correspondence with for England. Emma had been both frequent and regular "Once more did I behold the cliffs of but now, although I still duly received Albion soar like a white wall over the sea: her letters, my replies became gradually but they rose upon my gaze with troubled. colder, then less punctual, and at last emotions, for my soul was dark, and cast ceased altogether. She could no longer a shadow over every scene. Immediatemisunderstand my meaning, and wrote ly upon landing, I set off for Scotland,

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