Swift o'er the land the dismal rúmour flies, And bless thine evening walk and morning toil. Meliora, ac plura reponit Persicus orborum lautissimus. h Si potes avelli Circensibus, optima Soræ, Aut Fabrateriæ domus, aut Frusinone paratur, Quanti nunc tenebras unum conducis in annum. Hortulus hic. Vive bidentis amans, et culti villicus horti, Unde epulum possis centum dare Pythagoræis. Possis ignavus haberi, Et subiti casus improvidus, ad cœnam si * And, while thy beds. Some fiery fop, with new commission vain, "In vain, these dangers past, your doors you close, * And leaves, unseen, a dagger in your breast. "Scarce can our fields, such crowds at Tyburn die, With hemp the gallows and the fleet supply. Propose your schemes, ye senatorian band, Whose ways and means† support the sinking land : Lest ropes be wanting in the tempting spring, To rig another convoy for the king.‡ 16 °A single gaol, in ALFRED's golden reign, Could half the nation's criminals contain; Fair justice, then, without constraint ador'd, Held high the steady scale, but sheath'd the sword; ★ Ebrius, ac petulans, qui nullum forte cecidit, Dat pœnas, noctem patitur lugentis amicum ■ Maximus in vinclis ferri modus; ut timeas, ne * And plants unseen. * A cant term in the House of Commons for methods of raising money. + The nation was discontented at the visits made by the King to Hanover. § Sustain'd the balance, but resign'd the sword. No spies were paid, no special juries known, Much could I add, -but see the boat at hand, The tide retiring calls me from the land : १ Farewell! When youth, and health, and fortune spent, Thou fly'st for refuge to the Wilds of Kent; P His alias poteram, et plures subnectere causas: Sed jumenta vocant. १ Ergo vale nostri memor: et quoties te Roma tuo refici properantem reddet Aquino, Adjutor gelidos veniam caligatus in agros. THE VANITY OF HUMAN WISHES, IN IMITATION OF THE TENTH SATIRE OF JUVENAL. LET *Observation with extensive view 2. Impeachment stops the speaker's pow'rful breath, †But, scarce observ'd, the knowing and the bold Fall in the gen'ral massacre of gold; Wide wasting pest! that rages unconfin'd, And crowds with crimes the records of mankind; For gold his sword the hireling ruffian draws, For gold the hireling judge distorts the laws; Wealth heap'd on wealth, nor truth nor safety buys, The dangers gather as the treasures rise. Let Hist'ry tell where rival kings command, C Now fears in dire vicissitude invade, The rustling brake alarms, and quiv'ring shade, * Yet still one gen'ral cryd the skies assails, And gain and grandeur load the tainted gales : Few know the toiling statesman's fear or care, Th' insidious rival and the gaping heir. 3 †once more, Democritus, arise on earth, * Ver. 23-37. + Ver. 38-55. a In the first edition "the bonny traitor!" an evident allusion to the Scotch lords who suffered for the rebellion in 1745. b Clang around. • New fears. Yet still the general cry. |