
God! God, and yet die! and die for sinners! what is all this? am I a sinner?

Fath. Yes, my dear, all of us are sinners.

Child. What, and did God die for me? Jesus Christ die for me!

[The child trembles and cries; the father weeps too, and kisses it, moved to see the Spirit of God visibly working in the heart of the little creature.]

Fath. Yes, my dear, and will save thee, I hope: for he is thy Redeemer.

Child. Then God is not angry with me for my fault in not knowing of him sooner?

Fath. No, my dear, he is reconciled by Jesus Christ, who died to bring thee to God, to make peace for thee by the blood of his cross, and procure pardon for all thy faults. Child. How does he do it?

Fath. He gives repentance and remission. Have you not read in your Bible of repentance, my dear?

Child. I don't know, I believe I have; but nobody told me any thing what it is, and I do not remember, father: is all that in my book too?

Fath. Yes, my dear, I will show it thee there, and explain it to thee: thou shalt not want teaching any longer, if thou wilt but learn.

Child. Indeed I'll learn it, father, with all my heart: shall I know what God is, and what Jesus Christ is, if I learn my book, father?

Fath. Yes, child, all that I have told thee, and a great deal more is there, my dear; and you must read the Bible, and there you will learn it all.

Child. Did you learn it all there, father?

Fath. Yes, my dear.

Child. But did your father never show you where to fina it, and tell you what it meant? for I have read a deal in that book, father; but I never knew what it meant, and you never showed it me, father: you know it was not my fault, dear father; was it? you know I am but a child.

Fath. That's true, child; you will understand i when you are a man.

Child. But, father, could I not understand were showed? I begin to understand a greg you say that I am born with a wicked b I do not repent and believe in Christ, with all sinners, will judge me at last, lastingly; and, father, I understand before, that God has been very gr me a better creature than the b me a soul, father; and all this,

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ue Spirit of God can only teach us to

Child. Why, don't the ministers understand it, and teach folks to understand it? What do they go to church for?

Fath. The ministers are called ministers of the word, that is, expounders of the scriptures; and the preaching of the gospel is one of the ordinary means, as the reading of the word is another, by which the blessed Spirit of God instructs the hearts of his people, and turns them to himself. Reading the word written, that is, the Bible, and hearing the word preached, that is, the sermons preached by God's ministers, are the common methods appointed, by which the knowledge of God is conveyed to us.

Child. Then I must go to church, and hear the ministers preach, as well as read the Bible?

Fath. Yes, child.

Child. Why, father, my mother has carried me to church a great many times; but I thought I was carried there only to show my new coat, and my fine hat. I don't know what the man said, when I went.

Fath. But you were a naughty boy then: you should

Fath. Do that, child! the Spirit of God is God, and therefore can do all things. But it is the peculiar work of the Spirit in this case. The Spirit is your sanctifier; it is the light of your path; it works faith and gives repentance; it puts every good thing into you, and 'works every good work for you: it gives a saving efficacy to every ordinance, and it brings you to Christ, to rely on him for salvation; he brings you to God the Father, whose acceptance in Christ is your life.

Child. And will this Spirit be had by praying to God fo: it?

Fath. Yes, child; for you cannot pray to God in faith without the help of the Spirit; and when the Spirit works in you a disposition to pray, it cannot but answer its own image, and the breathings of the soul, which itself has created: "for the longing soul shall be satisfied."

Child. But, father, you say the Spirit of God has given the word, which you say is the Bible, for my teaching; and yet you say the Spirit teaches: what, do they both teach the same thing?

Fath. Child, the Bible is your rule of life. Though the Spirit is the secret instructor, the scripture is the key of instruction. There you are to learn how God is to be worshipped: how to order your conversation aright: how to perform your duty, and "what it is the Lord thy God requires of thee." There you have an historical account of the whole world: of its creation, the fall, the first condemnation of it to a general deluge, typical of the great deluge of God's wrath, which shall drown all ungodly men for ever. There you have the history of God's church, from the beginning to the fulness of the time, and the fulfilling Old Testament types, and Old Testament promises. There you have the history of our Saviour, of his miraculous conception and birth, holy life, wondrous doctrine, stupendous miracles; his death, passion, resurrection, and glorious ascension. There you have an account of the first mission of the Holy Ghost, and at last the whole doctrine of the

gospel of truth founded on the redemption purchased by Christ. There you have the whole mystery of godliness unfolded; the great wonder of wonders! the immortal to die! and the eternal to begin! the great destruction of sin, the condemnation of the devil, and the salvation of the world. All this is to be seen in the Bible: which being the word of God, you are to read it with reverence, regard it with faith as the word of God, and obey it as your rule.

Child. And to pray for the Spirit to help me to do so, must I not, father? for you told me I could not believe or understand it without the Spirit to assist me.

Fath. That is true, child.

Child. But, father, are you sure that the Bible is the word of God?

Fath. Yes, child, very sure of it.

Child. And that the Spirit of God can only teach us to understand it?

Fath. Yes, child.

Child. Why, don't the ministers understand it, and teach folks to understand it? What do they go to church for?

Fath. The ministers are called ministers of the word, that is, expounders of the scriptures; and the preaching of the gospel is one of the ordinary means, as the reading of the word is another, by which the blessed Spirit of God instructs the hearts of his people, and turns them to himself. Reading the word written, that is, the Bible, and bearing the word preached, that is, the sermons preached by God's ministers, are the common methods appointed, by which the knowledge of God is conveyed to us.

Child. Then I must go to church, and hear the ministers preach, as well as read the Bible?

Fath. Yes, child.

Child. Why, father, my mother has carried me to church a great many times; but I thought I was carried there only to show my new coat, and my fine hat. I don't know what the man said, when I went.

Fath. But you were a naughty boy then: you should

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