
culty 100 sail of the line of battle ships might be built in a year on this plan; and, if necessary, perhaps without the aid of foreign importation. Let the professional reader also consider the ready methods to be adopted for procuring small plank timber, kept in a proper state of seasoning, and the effectual preservative against the dry rot, which may thus be obtained, as well as the encouragement that may be given to the great staple article of our iron manufactories. Yet as all improvements, however beneficial, have to contend with ignorance and prejudice, as well as clashing interests, I recommend to all who wish for further proof of these statements to bring them to a practical demonstration, by models made upon a proportionate scale (as for instance, one on the common and the other on the new system of ship-building), and they will soon find that what I have stated will fully appear.

The owners of steam-packets, barges, and others who have occasion to navigate the shoal waters, among our inland rivers and canals, where little draught of water is essentially necessary, will find these improvements particularly important to them; and any person may know that this is not a theory disproved by practice who will inspect a new ship of 400 tons, the city of Rochester, lately built upon this system at Rochester, or a sailing barge, navigated upon the Regent's Canal, of sixty tous burden, that not only draws less water, but carries onefifth more cargo than other vessels of larger dimensions and greater register tonnage.*

"On the subject of what is termed the dry rot in timber used for ship-building, much has been said and written, and very heavy expenses been incurred by experiments to prevent it, perhaps to very little purpose; yet as it may be considered, in connexion with these improvements, let it be observed that all vegetables possess the tendency to decay from the first moment of existence, although it is more rapid in some cases than in others. Every one knows that if a tree be cut down in a green state and immediately converted into the frame of a ship, covered over with planking, instead of proper time being given for it to season, that it will become rotten in as many months in the first, as it would require years to decay in the latter case. Suppose then his majesty's government intended to prepare materials, such as oak timber, to build a certain number of ships, and required that the timber should be properly seasoned before it was used; with how much greater facility would that timber be seasoned upon the new system than the old plan of ship-building: the new system requires two-inch plank, the old plan large logs of timber, say twelve to sixteen inches square. If this large timber were converted into plank, it would season and become fit for use in onetenth less time than the log out of which the plank was converted.


'These few remarks, from one who has had the experience of building by contract, during a pe

The ship above-mentioned has now been built four years; and has been two long voyages, in one of which she actually got on the rocks near Plymouth, and came off again with very little damage.

riod of twenty-five years, nearly forty ships and vessels of war for his majesty's service, he will now leave to the consideration of all whom it may concern; they contain a few plain facts, that come home to the bosom of every one who is in the least acquainted with such matters; and whoever will give them a fair and impartial investigation will certainly arrive at this important conclusion: viz. that a ship may be built, uniting the greatest possible strength and safety, stow a larger cargo, sail faster, and come to less expense in building than is now generally paid for ships; it therefore becomes the interest, as well as the duty, of all who have a proper regard for the lives of our seamen, or the property of the country, to adopt the new system.'

The following are the most celebrated works on Naval Architecture that have been published by the French and Spanish :-Elémens de l'Architecture Navale, ou Traité Pratique de la Construction des Vaisseaux, by M. du Hamel du Monceau, an excellent work, which possesses the merit of having been the first to illustrate, in a satisfactory manner, the theory and practice of the art. Traité du Navire de Bouguer, which dwells on the matter scientifically, but is rather deficient in the practice, and on the laws of fluids. Théorie complete de la Construction, et de la Manœuvre des Vaisseaux, by Euler. Scientia Navalis a Mathæo Eulero is a learned and conspicuous work. Essai Géométrique et Pratique sur l'Architecture Navale, by M. Vial du Clairbois. Traité Elémentaire de Construction des Vaisseaux, by the same. Manuel de Construction Pratique, by M. de Lironcourt. Traité de la Construction des Vaisseaux, by M. Dumaits de Goimpy. Examen Maritimo, in Spanish, by Don Jorge Juane. This work contains a most excellent theory, founded on experience and practice. A Treatise on Naval Architecture, in Swedish, by Chapman.

Naval architecture is also much indebted to Chevalier de Borda, who was the first founder of the French schools of naval architecture, and applied the principles of Euler to the uniform construction of ships; so that all those of the French navy might be similar with respect to sailing. In 1781 Mr. Marmaduke Stalkartt, of Deptford, published an excellent Treatise on Naval Architecture, or the Rudiments and Rules of Ship-Building, which is exemplified in a series of draughts and plans, with observations tending to the further improvement of that important art. A second edition was published in 1787.

In 1794 Mr. William Southerland, shipwright, &c., published a small book, called the Ship Builder's Assistant; or Naval Architecture: containing the method of drawing the plans of ships, and moulding their timbers; and also the practical rules necessary to be observed in building the hulls of all sorts of ships. To which is added the Scantling, or Mensuration of Ship's Timbers, &c.

published the Elements and Practice of Naval Ar

In 1804 Steel and Co., of Cornhill, London,

chitecture, in one volume, 4to., developing, in a clear and familiar manner, the principles of the art, both theoretic and practical, with all the requisite directions for constructing and completing a ship of every class.

SHIP-CARPENTER. A ship-builder. See CAR


SHIPRAH AND PUAH, two midwives of Goshen, in Egypt, deservedly celebrated in sacred history, and rewarded by the Almighty himself for their humanity, in disobeying the bloody mandate of the tyrant of Egypt to murder the Hebrew boys at their birth. Exod. i. 15-19. Some commentators have expressed doubts whether these worthy women were Egyptians or Hebrews; but we think it hardly admits of a question that they were Hebrews, as otherwise their pagan superstition would have led them to comply with the royal mandate, and to think that at the same time they served their gods, by murdering the children of a race who despised their deities.

SHIP-MONEY, was an imposition charged upon the ports, towns, cities, boroughs, and counties of this realm, in the reign of king Charles I., by writs, commonly called ship writs, under the great seal of England, in the years 1635 and 1636, for the providing and furnishing of certain ships for the king's service, &c., which was declared to be contrary to the laws and statues of this realm, the petition of right and liberty of the subject, by stat. 17 Car. I. c. 14. See Blackstone's Commentaries, vol. iv. p. 30.

SHIPWRECK, MEANS OF PRESERVING LIVES, IN CASES OF. In the Philosophical Magazine we have an account of means for preventing that loss, when the ship is in danger between 200 or 300 fathoms of the shore. The only certain means of saving the crew of a vessel in such a state is to establish a rope of communication from the shore to the ship, by fixing the end of the rope to a bomb or cannon ball, and extending the rope afterwards, in a zig-zag direction, before the mortar or cannon, or suspending it on a piece of wood raised several feet. A rope, so placed, will not break by the greatest velocity which can be given to the bomb or ball; and thus the end of it can be sent ashore by a discharge of artillery. The writer prefers the bomb to the cannon ball. He proposes, however, other means to effect his benevolent purpose. It ought to be remembered that a vessel is never cast away, or perishes on the coast, but because it is driven thither against the will of the captain, and by the violence of the waves and the wind, which almost always blows from the sea towards the shore, without which there would be no danger to be apprehended; consequently, in these circumstances, the wind comes always from the sea, either directly or obliquely, and blows towards the shore. 1st. A common paper kite, therefore, launched from the vessel and driven by the wind to the shore, would be sufficient to save the crew, consisting of 1500 seamen, if such were the number of a ship of war. This kite would convey to the shore a strong packthread, to the end of which might be affixed a cord, to be drawn on board by means of the string of the kite; and with this cord a rope, or as many as should be necessary, might be conveyed to the ship. 2d. A small balloon, of six or seven feet in diameter, and raised by rarified air, would be also an excellent means for the like purpose: being driven by the wind from the vessel to the

shore, it would carry thither a string capable of drawing a cord with which several ropes might be afterwards conveyed to the vessel. Had the discovery of Montgolfier produced no other benefit, it would on this account be of great importance. 3d. A sky-rocket, of a large diameter, would be of equal service. It would also carry, from the vessel to the shore, a string capable of drawing a rope after it. Lastly. A fourth plan for saving the crew of a shipwrecked vessel, is that of throwing from the vessel into the sea an empty cask with a cord attached to it. The wind and the waves would drive the cask to the shore, and afford the means of establishing that rope of communication already mentioned. Mr. John Bell, of the royal artillery, afterwards promoted to a lieutenancy, contrived a similar method of saving persons from stranded ships, in the year 1791, by providing a mortar between 500 and 600 weight, with a chamber, &c., capable of containing one pound of powder, and a bore to admit a leaden ball sixty pounds or upwards. When a ship is stranded, the mortar is to be elevated about 45°, and a rope or deep-sea line is to be fastened by one end to the ball, while the line itself, being coiled round parallel handspikes, may be easily and rapidly unfolded to its full extent. On the discharge of the mortar towards the shore, the ball will carry with it the line or rope, and by burying itself in the earth make that end of the rope fast, while the other end is in the stranded vessel: thus the rope becomes stretched between the vessel and the shore, and a communication thence established by means of rafts. The rafts recommended by lieutenant Bell are each formed by lashing together with ropes five empty watercasks belonging to the ship, and lying above them a seaman's chest, with holes cut in its sides, to prevent its filling, and to allow the person who rides in it better convenience for taking hold; pullies are attached to this chest, through which the rope is to run: the raft is also to be ballasted underneath, to prevent its upsetting. The mortar and necessary balls or shells that would be used on such an occasion might form a part of the ballast of the vessel; and whenever a ship is driving or unmanageable near the shore, the mortar might be brought on deck, and the apparatus prepared. In some cases grapnels may be advantageously fired from common ordnance to answer the same purpose.

The following is a relation of some trials made before a committee of the Society of Arts at Woolwich, in August, 1791. From a boat moored about 250 yards from shore, the shell was thrown 150 yards on shore, with the rope attached to it; the shell was of cast iron, filled with lead; it weighed seventy-five pounds; its diameter eight inches; the rope in the trial was a deep-sea line, of which 160 yards weighed eighteen pounds; the angle of the mortar, from whence the shell was fired, was 45°. By means of the line, lieutenant Bell and another man worked themselves on shore upon his raft of casks; there were many links in the rope, but they were cleared with ease by lieutenant Bell, with the assistance of his match-blocks. The second trial was repeated in a similar manner, and with equal success, the

distortion of them in a storm, he had been wit ness to the loss of several vessels; and, after describing the dreadful catastrophe, he very appropriately observes, that,

shell falling within a few yards of the former place; the gale of wind was brisk, and the water rough. The direction of the shell was nearly from north to south, and the wind blew nearly north-west. In the third trial, the mortar was The horrors of shipwreck at a distance from elevated to 70°; the rope attached to the shell land, a scene I had unhappily too often witnessed, was an inch and half tarred rope, of which every suggested to me also the benefit that must result fifty yards weighed fourteen pounds and a half. from enabling a life or pilot-boat to go over a The shell was of the kind above mentioned; it flat beach, with facility and certainty, to the refell 160 yards from the mortar, and buried itself lief of sufferers. This observation was corroboabout two-thirds in the ground; the line or rope rated by the opinions of various residents on the run cut was about 200 yards, and it required coast, whose assurances gave evidence, too conthe force of three men to draw the shell out of clusive, of the many lives and immense property the ground at that distance. annually lost for the mere want of the means 1 have hinted at: the chief difficulty was, that no boat could be forced over a high and raging surf without some powerful artificial aid. Among other desiderata that have grown out of my researches in this ardent and important work, there is one I presume to think of much worth. Boats, in common, where occasion has required their being launched in cases of shipwreck, have often failed, owing to their want of buoyancy, and other properties of the life-boat. I have devised a simple method of giving to every kind of boat these advantages, and at a most inconsiderable expense. Thus every vessel provided with a boat so prepared, would possess within herself the power of preserving the life of any person fallen or washed overboard, in a high wind and heavy sea; and boats around the coast, by the same means, may be converted into life-boats.'

There can be little doubt that, in many cases when vessels are stranded near the shore, the adoption of the means pointed out by lieutenant Bell would tend to the preservation of many valuable lives; and since a suitable piece of ordnance, with a block carriage and leaden balls, would not cost above eleven or twelve pounds sterling, the expense furnishes no objection of moment. Indeed, in trading vessels, such a piece might farther answer the purpose of making signals of distress, by filling the chamber with powder, and well wadding it, when the report of the firing would be heard to the distance of some miles; and, in defence of a ship, such a gun would be highly useful, on account of the facility which its shortness gives to its loading and firing. The Society of Arts, &c., rewarded Mr. Bell, at that time a sergeant in the royal artillery, with fifty guineas for his invention: they published the particulars in the tenth volume of their Transactions, and thought it expedient again, in the year 1807, to insert a descriptive engraving that had been omitted at that time, with some farther particulars in the twenty-fifth volume. Models and drawings of the whole apparatus are reserved in the society's repository for the instruction of the public.

To save the lives of shipwrecked persons, and to rescue mariners from a watery grave, seems, even in idea, a contemplation so eminently benignant, and in its execution, to a warlike, commercial, and generous nation like this, an undertaking so truly benevolent, so extensively philanthropic, that we cannot sufficiently applaud the humanity of the inventor of an apparatus to save the lives and property of the shipwrecked mariners in the extremity of danger. As there are few in this great nautical nation that are not directly, collaterally, or generally connected with marine affairs and marine adventures, the consideration, therefore, takes strong possession of the feelings of individuals, and of society at large, by the patriotic means of protecting the lives of a class of the most important members of the latter, and giving the former, that kind of moral security, and, consequently, mental happiness, which must arise from the perusal of a small octavo volume, published by captain G. W. Manby, of the royal navy, and an honorary member of the Humane Society.

The captain informs us, that while he was stationed at North Yarmouth, in the year 1807, a place remarkable for the beautiful features its coasts present in a calm, and for the terrific

From this benevolent idea, this treatise, in which captain Manby has reduced theory to practice, has emanated; and we are gratified to find, that parliament has, in the most liberal manner,' been pleased to countenance his undertaking. 'And why,' he philanthropically observes, may not the glorious cause of humanity be fostered on foreign shores? It would be heart-cheering indeed to learn, that the invention of an Englishman had been adopted for the salvation of the shipwrecked in every clime, and on every coast!'

This work contains representations of the apparatus, with directions for using it in the assistance of persons on board stranded vessels on a lee-shore, in the day, as well as in a similar situation at night.

SHIPWRIGHT. The company of shipwrights was instituted in the reign of James I., and consisted of a master, two wardens, and sixteen assistants. It appears in the twelfth volume of the Archæologia, that Mr. Phineas Pett, who had been educated at Emanuel College, Cambridge, and afterwards served his apprenticeship in Deptford dock-yard as a shipwright, was appointed master-shipwright at Woolwich dockyard, in November 1605. He was elected and sworn master of the shipwright's company in April 1606, and their meetings were then held at the King's Head, in New Fish Street. That a new charter was granted in 1612 for incorporating the shipwrights of England, when Mr. Pett appears also to have been ordained the first master. According to Derrick's Memoirs of the Royal Navy, he became an assistant commissioner in Februar", 1630, and a principal commissioner

of the navy in December following. In 1637, by order of Charles I., he built the famous ship named the Sovereign of the Seas, the largest that had ever been built in England; she was afterwards cut down and called the Royal Sovereign. In Pepy's Naval Minutes it is mentioned 'that Shipwright's Hall did anciently view and approve of the draught of the ships that were to be built for the king;' and by the lord high admiral's warrant, dated in April, 1638, carpenters were not to be appointed to ships until they had been examined and licensed at Shipwrights' Hall. It appears from Mr. Pett's Manuscript in the British Museum, that it was customary, in his time, to hire and victual the shipwrights and caulkers on any emergency, and to discharge them when the work for which they were employed was performed. It also appears that there was at that time a small permanent establishment of artificers for ordinary service in each of the dockyards. Previous to the year 1691 the master shipwrights and artificers at our naval ports were borne on board one of his majesty's ships of war, fitted up purposely for their reception. The average number employed in the several dock-yards in the year 1700, were about 1780; and in 1800 the number of shipwrights were 3776, an increase by no means proportionate to the augmentation of the number of ships and tonnage of the navy during that period, which may be accounted for in some degree by the increased quantity of work that is now performed by any given number of artificers in that class, and by the great saving of labor from the introduction of coppering and copper-bolting of ships, as they do not now require docking near so often as formerly, in order to have their bottoms cleaned and their bolts replaced; for the copper bolts do not decay as the iron bolts did.

Under the description of shipwrights are included the persons employed in the occupations of mast-making and boat-building, which in private concerns are generally considered as separate branches: but in our dock-yards, the execution of such work is under the direction of distinct officers, denominated master mast-maker, and master boat-builder. The shipwrights are formed into gangs or companies, over whom officers, called quartermen, are placed; each of those gangs, according to the directions of the Navy Board, should consist of twenty men and six apprentices but the apprentices depend on the proportion they bear to the working shipwrights. The quartermen have the selection of their respective companies; each, according to his seniority, nominating one man in turn, beginning with those who have apprentices.

The artificers and laborers in our dock-yards, when hurt in his majesty's service, are attended by the surgeons, and are allowed 2s. 1d. per day, whatever class they belong to, for six weeks, unless they are able to resume their labor at a shorter period. There is likewise an establishment of superannuation for the different classes, to which they are admitted, if rendered incapable of labor from hurts received, or after an uninterrupted service of thirty years.

A MASTER SHIPWRIGHT is a superior officer

appointed to each of his majesty's dock-yards, to superintend and direct the building and repairing of the different classes of ships, &c. He has the direction and superintendence of nearly the whole operative business of the dock-yard to which he is appointed; in the execution of which he is assisted by other subordinate professional officers, termed 'Assistants to the master shipwright;' one of whom is particularly entrusted with the management and conversion of timber, and is styled timber master,' who has also an assistant for measuring all the timber taken into the yard. It is likewise his duty to inspect the quality of all stores received from contractors, which are used in his department, and to attest their fitness for the service; to survey and value all vessels hired or purchased into his majesty's navy; to keep an account and certify to the navy board the quantity of all works performed by contract in the dock-yard; and to keep an account of the earnings of the respective artificers under his superintendence, and to certify the amount from time to time to the clerk of the check. Over the shipwrights and caulkers, an assistant is appointed, who conducts and directs the execution of the work, which is also considered under the superintendence of the master shipwright.

THE FOREMAN OF THE SHIPWRIGHTS, is one of a class of officers between the quartermen and shipwright's assistants, whose duty it is to direct and superintend the building and repairing of ships, and the several works in the docks. There are also foremen afloat, who are appointed to survey and report to the master shipwright the state and condition of the ships and vessels afloat.

THE SHIPWRIGHTS' APPRENTICES, in his majesty's dock-yards, are boys bound to certain persons under the direction of government, for a term of seven years, who, in the course of their apprenticeship, are instructed by some of the deserving shipwrights, in the art of building, caulking, and repairing ships and vessels. They are now divided into two classes, viz. the superior and inferior.

Superior class. By the king's order in council, September 20th, 1809, a superior class of shipwrights' apprentices, consisting of twentyfive young men of liberal education, has been established at the royal navy college in Portsmouth dock-yard: and on the 5th of November, 1810, the principal officers and commissioners of his Majesty's navy, gave notice that a plan of education had been established for them. The number of students in this class was at first limited to twelve, but have gradually increased to twenty-five.

The period of apprenticeship is seven years, but for a student who may have previously served in an inferior class of apprentices in his majesty's yards for the space of two years, it is only six years, and only five years for a student who may have previously served in the said class for the space of three years. An instructor in the theory of naval architecture is added to the present establishment of the Royal Naval College, to assist particularly in the instruction of the superior class of apprentices.

SHIRA, a river of Scotland, in Argyllshire, which rises in the mountains behind Inverary, and after forming a small lake called Loch Dub falls into Loch Fyne, near Inverary. It gives name to the valley of Glenshira, through which it runs. Its name, in the Gaelic, is Sio-reidh, i. e. always smooth, the opposite of Ao-reidh, i. e. never smooth. See Ao-REIDH.

SHIRAZ, the capital of Fars, a noted city of Persia, esteemed the second in the kingdom, is situated near the ruins of the ancient Persepolis. The distant view is rather pleasing than grand, although much enriched by the lofty domes of the mosques, seen among the trees: on entering the town the houses are found to be small and the streets narrow, and the stranger is impressed with but a mean idea of the place which was long esteemed the second city in the empire. It was the residence of Kurim Khan, and bears evident marks of his munificence. It enjoys a salubrious climate, and its environs have been celebrated by several eminent men, among whom was Hafiz, the Anacreon of the east, who was a native of this city, and whose tomb is about half a mile from it. Without the city are several avenues, leading to beautiful gardens, perfumed with flowers, and refreshed by fountains. The population is about 40,000, and the commerce extensive. It has increased of late years, and is principally carried on with Bushire, Yezd, and Ispahan. Its mosques and other public buildings are more numerous than those of Teheran; and the great bazaar, built by Kurim Khan, is a noble structure, in which the different trades of the city have their respective stations assigned them. See PERSEPOLIS.

SHIRE, n. s. Sax. rcin, from rcıɲan, to divide. A division of the kingdom; a county; so much of the kingdom as is under one sheriff.

His blazing eyes, like two bright shining shields, Did burn with wrath, and sparkled living fire; As two broad beacons, set in open fields, Send forth their flames far off to every shire. Faerie Queene. The noble youths from distant shires resort. Prior. SHIRE is the same with county. See COUNTY. County, comitatus, is plainly derived from comes, the count of the ancient Franks; that is, the earl or alderman (as the Saxons called him) of the shire, to whom the government of it was entrusted. This he usually exercised by his deputy, still called in Latin vice-comes (whence viscount), and in English the sheriff, or shire reeve, signifying the officer of the shire; upon whom, in process of time, the civil administration of it totally devolved. See SHERIFF. In some counties there is an intermediate division between the shire and the hundred; as lathes in Kent and rapes in Sussex, each of them containing about 300 or 400 a piece. These had formerly their lathe-reeves and rape-reeves, acting in subordination to the shire-reeve. Where a county is divided into three of these intermediate jurisdictions, they are called trithings, anciently governed by a trithingThese trithings still subsist in the large county of York, where, by an easy corruption, they are denominated ridings; the north, the east, and the west riding.

which were


SHIRL, or cockle, in mineralogy. See COCKLE.

SHIRLEY (Selina), countess of Huntingdon, See HUNTINGDON.

SHIRLEY (Henry), an English dramatic writer of the seventeenth century, who wrote a number of plays, but only one of them seems to have been printed, viz.The Martyred Soldier, in 1631.

SHIRLEY (James), another eminent English dramatic writer, said to be elder brother to Henry. He was born in London, in 1594, and educated at Merchant Tailor's school, whence he removed to St. John's College, Oxford. He published thirty-nine plays at different times; a volume of Poems in 8vo. 1656; and three Treatises on Grammar. He died in 1666. SHIRT, n. s. & v. a. SHIRTLESS, adj.

Sax. rcync, reynic; Dan. shiert; Goth. and Swed. skut. The under linen garment of a man: to cover with a shirt: wanting this useful garment.

Shift a shirt the violence of action hath made you reek as a sacrifice. Shakspeare. Cymbeline.

I take but two shirts out with me, and I mean not to sweat extraordinarily. Id. Henry IV. When we lay next us what we hold most dear, Like Hercules, envenomed shirts we wear, And cleaving mischiefs.


[blocks in formation]

SHIRVAN, a province in the north of Persia, the largest and most important division of southern Caucasus. It is a triangular peninsula, the point of which stretches into the Caspian; varying extremely in breadth, which, at the extremity of the peninsula, is scarcely sixteen miles, while in the interior part it amounts to 160. It is bounded on the north and east by Georgia and Daghestan: on the south by the Kur, which separates it from Ghilan and Aderbijan. The northern part consists of an extensive plain, enclosed by the mountains that extend towards the sea near Derbend. Numerous streams from the mountains contribute towards the fertility of this plain, at the same time that they render the passage of an army difficult. The plain is interspersed with small woods and clumps of bushes, and the villages surrounded with crchards, vineyards, and mulberry plantations. The second division of Shirvan extends from the coast to the plain watered by the Kur, and is bounded by a higher range of mountains, which run in a south-east course through the province. The higher districts are here the most fertile. The plain along the Kur is about 140 miles in length, and from forty to fifty in breadth. It is in a great degree surrounded with mountains, and being exposed to frequent inundation, is greatly overgrown with rushes. The most elevated tract in Shirvan is that which extends towards Lesghistan. It is intersected by narrow

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