
Dutchefs of Smolensko, Dutchefs of Eftonia, of Livonia, Carelia, Twer, Ingoria, Germia, Viatkia, Bulgaria, and other countries; Lady and Great Dutchess of Lower Novogorod, of Czernigovia, Refan, Roftow, Jaroflow, Belo-Oforia, Udoria, Obdoria, Condiňia, Ruler of all the Side of the North, Lady of Iveria, and Hereditary Princess and Sovereign of the Czars of Cartalinia and Georgia, as alfo of Cabardinia, of the Princes of Circaffia, of Gorfki, &c. Being intent, during all the courfe of the late war, which had extended over every part of the earth, to testify how much we had it at heart to see the calamities thereof terminated, we were inclined, in conjunction with his Majesty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, to employ our good offices, in order to find means of conciliation proper for re-establishing peace and good understanding between the belligerent powers. We have had the fatisfaction to obferve that our common endeavours were not fruitlefs;* and the pacific fentiments, with which the said powers were happily animated, having ripened and ftrengthened fo far that they proceeded to conclude Preliminary Articles, ferving as a bafis to the Definitive Treaties, they invited us, conjointly with his Majefty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, to carry our united mediation into full execution, and to interpofe our good offices in this falutary work, by concurring to confolidate and fully eftablish the peace, the foundations of which were laid by the aforesaid Preliminary Articles, and thus to accomplish the bufinefs of pacification fo happily begun. We, equally induced by the fentiments above exprefled, as by a juft acknowledgment of those which were manifefted to us on the part of the faid powers, did not hesitate, in concert with his Majesty the Emperor of the Romans, to confirm their expectation, and to charge ourself with the important employment which was tendered to us. For this end, we have made choice of, named and deputed, and by thefe prefents do make choice of, name and depute, our minifters plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian Majefty, our beloved and trusty Prince Iwan Bariatinfkoy, lieutenant-general of our forces, knight of the order of St. Anne; and the Sieur Arcadius de Marcoff, our counsellor of Chancery; giving them full power, in our name, and on our behalf, in quality of mediators, jointly with him or them who shall be named for this purpofe and likewife furnished with full powers, on the part of his Majefty the Emperor of the Romans, King of Hungary and Bohemia, co-mediator as well as on the part of the other powers interested therein, to act or interpofe, and aflift with our mediation and good offices, in the arrangement and completion of all fuch treaties, conventions, or other inftruments, as fhall be judged neceflary for the confolidation and entire confirmation of the work begun; and alfo to fign and deliver,, on their part, fuch act or acts as may be required and deemed conducive to the attainment of that end: promifing, on our faith and imperial word, to approve and faithfully perform every thing which fhall have been done, concluded, promised and signed, in virtue of the

prefent full power, by the faid Prince Bariatinfkoy and Sieur Marcoff, as alfo to cause our ratifications thereof to be expedited in the time agreed upon. In witnefs whereof, we have figned these prefents with our own hand, and have caufed the Great Seal of the empire to be fixed thereto. Given at our refidence of St. Peteriburgh, the twelfth of March, in the year of Grace one thousand feven hundred and eightythree, and in the twenty-first year of our reign. CATHARINE.



TEMBER 2, 1783.

In the name of the Moft Holy Trinity.

THE King of Great Britain and the States General of the United Provinces, animated with an equal defire to put an end to the calamities of war, have already authorized their respective minifters plenipotentiary to fign mutual declarations for a fufpenfion of arms; and, being willing to reestablish union and good understanding between the two nations, as neceffary for the benefit of humanity in general, as for that of their respective dominions and fubjects, have named for this purpofe, to wit, on the part of his Britannic Majefty, the most illuftrious and moft excellent Lord George Duke and Earl of Manchester, Viscount Mandeville, Baron of Kimbolton, &c. his ambaffador-extraordinary and plenipotentiary to his moft Chriftian Majefty; and, on the part of their High Mightineffes, the faid States General, the moft excellent Lords Mathew Leftevenon de Berkenroode, and Gerard Brantfen, respectively their ambaffador and ambaffador-extraordinary and plenipotentiaries: who, after having duly communicated their full powers in good form, have agreed upon the following Preliminary Articles.

Art. I. As foon as the Preliminaries fhall be figned and ratified, fincere and conftant friendship fhall be re-established between his Britannic Majefty, his kingdoms, dominions and fubjects, and their High Mightineffes the States General of the United Provinces, their dominions and fubjects, of what quality or condition foever they be, without exception either of places or perfons; fo that the high contracting parties fhall give the greatest attention to the maintaining between themselves, and their faid dominions and fubjects, this reciprocal friendship and intercourfe, without permit, ting hereafter, on either part, any kind of hoftilities to be committed either by fea or by land, for any cause or under any pretence whatsoever: and they fhall carefully avoid, for the future, every thing which might prejudice the union happily. re-established, endeavouring, on the contrary, to procure reciprocally, for each other, on every occafion, whatever may contribute to their mutual glory, interefts, and advantage, without giving any affiftance or protection, directly or indirectly, to thofe who would do any injury to either of


the high contracting parties. There shall be a general oblivion of every thing which may have been done or committed, before or fince the commencement of the war, which is just ended.

Art. II. With respect to the honours of the flag, and the falute at fea, by the fhips of the Republic towards thofe of his Britannic Majefty, the fame custom fhall be refpectively followed, as was practiled before the commencement of the war which is just concluded.

Art. III. All the prifoners taken on either fide, as well by land as by fea, and the hostages carried away or given during the war, and to this day, fhall be restored, without ranfom in fix weeks at latest, to be computed from the day of the exchange of the ratification of these Preliminary Articles; each power refpectively discharging the advances which fhall have been made, for the fubfiftence and maintenance of their prifoners, by the fovereign of the country where they fhall have been detained, according to the receipts, attefted accounts, and other authentic vouchers, which shall be furnished on each fide: and fureties fhall be reciprocally given for the payment of the debts which the prifoners may have contracted in the countries where they may have been detained until their entire release. And all fhips, as well men of war as merchant-fhips, which may have been taken fince the expiration of the terms agreed upon for the ceffation of hoftilities, by fea, fhall likewise be restored, bonâ fide, with all their crews and cargoes: and the execution of this article fhall be proceeded upon immediately after the exchange of the ratifications of this Preliminary Treaty.

Art. IV. The States General of the United Provinces cede and guaranty, in full right, to his Britannic Majefty, the town of Negapatnam, with the dependencies thereof; but in confideration of the importance which the States General of the United Provinces annex to the poffeffion of the aforefaid town, the King of Great Britain, as a proof of his good will towards the faid States, promifes, notwithstanding this ceffion, to receive and treat with them for the reftitution of the faid town, in cafe the States fhould hereafter have an equivalent to offer him.

Art. V. The King of Great Britain fhall reftore to the States General of the United Provinces, Trinquemale, as a fo all the other towns, forts, harbours, and fettlements, which, in the courfe of the prefent war, have been conquered, in any part of the world whatever, by the arms of his Britannic Majefty, or by those of the English East India Company, and of which he might be in poffeffion; the whole in the condition in which they fhall be found.

Art. VI. The States General of the United Provinces promife and engage not to obstruct the navigation of the British fubjects in the eastern feas.

Art. VII. Whereas differences have arifen

between the English African Company and the Dutch West India Company, relative to the navigation on the coafts of Africa, as alfo on the fubject of Cape Apollonia; for preventing all caufe of complaint between the fubjects of the two nations upon those coafts, it is agreed that

commiffaries fhall be named on each fide, to make fuitable arrangements on these points.

Art. VIII. All the countries and territories which may have been, or which may be conquered in any part of the world whatsoever, by the arms of his Britannic Majefty, as well as by thofe of the States General, which are not included in the present treaty, neither under the head of ceffions, nor under the head of reftitutions, shall be restored without difficulty, and without requiring any compenfation.

Art. IX. As it is neceffary to appoint a certain period for the restitutions and evacuations to be made, it is agreed, that the King of Great Britain fhall caufe Trinquemale to be evacuated, as well as all the towns, forts, and territories, which have been taken by his arms, and of which he may be in poffeflion, excepting what is ceded to his Britannic Majefty by thefe articles, at the fame periods as the reftitutions and evacuations fhall be made between Great Britain and France. The States General fhall reftore, at the fame period, the towns and territories which their arms may have taken from the English in the Eaft Indies. In confequence of which, the neceffary orders fhall be fent by each of the high contracting parties, with reciprocal paffports for the ships which fhall carry them, immediately after the ratification of thefe Preliminary Articles.

Art. X. His Britannic Majesty, and their High Mightineffes the aforefaid States General, promise to obferve fincerely, and bonâ fide, all the articles contained and established in this prefent Preliminary Treaty; and they will not fuffer the fame to be infringed, directly or indirectly, by their respective subjects: and the said high contracting parties guaranty to each other, generally and reciprocally, all the ftipulations of the prefent articles.

Art. XI. The ratifications of the prefent Preliminary Articles, prepared in good and due form, fhall be exchanged in this city of Paris between the high contracting parties, in the space of one month, or fooner if it can be done, to be computed from the day of the fignature of the prefent articles.

In witnefs whereof, we the under-written, their ambaffadors and plenipotentiaries, have figned with our hands, in their names, and by virtue of our full powers, the prefent Preliminary Articles, and have caufed the feals of our arms to be affixed thereto. Done at Paris, the second day of September, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-three. L. VAN BERKENROODE. (L. S.) BRANTSEN. (L. S.)


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1acks of rupees near Baroach, the English do now, at the request of Madhoo Row Scindia, cont to relinquish their claim to the faid country a favour of the Pefhwa.

Art. V. The country which Seeajee and Futty Sing Gwickwar gave to the English, and which is mentioned in the 7th article of the treaty with Colonel Upton, being therein left in a flate of

IN VIRTUE OF THE POWERS DELEGATED fufpenfe; the English, with a view to obviate all





IT is ftipulated and agreed to, between the Honourable the English Eaft India Company and the Pefhwa, through the mediation of Madhoo Row Scindia, that all countries, places, cities, and forts, including Baffeen, &c. which have been taken from the Pethwa, during the war that has arifen fince the treaty fettled by Colonel Upton, and have come into the poffeffion of the English, fhall be delivered up to the Peshwa. The territories, forts, cities, &c. to be reftored, shall be delivered within the space of two months from the period when this treaty fhall become compleat, (as hereafter defcribed) to fuch perfons as the Peshwa, or his minifter Nana Furnavefe, fhall appoint.

Art. I. It is agreed between the English Company and the Pefhwa, that Salfette, and three other islands, viz. Elephanta, Caranja, and Hog, which are included in the treaty of Colonel Upton, fhall continue for ever in the poffeffion of the English. If any other islands have been taken in the courfe of the present war, they shall be delivered up to the Peshwa.

Art. III. Whereas it was ftipulated in the 4th Article of the treaty of Colonel Upton, that the Pefhwa and all the chiefs of the Marattah ftate do agree to give to the English Company for ever all right and title to the city of Baroach, as full and compleat as ever they colleed from the Moguls or otherwife, without retaining any claim of Chout, or any other claims whatever; fo that the English Company fhall poffefs it without participation or claim of any kind.' This article is accordingly continued in full force and effect.

Art. IV. The Peshwa having formerly, in the treaty of Colonel Upton, agreed, by way of friendfhip, to give up to the English a country of three

future difputes, now agree, that it fhall be reftored; and it is hereby fettled, that, if the faid country be a part of the established territories of the Gwickwar, it fhall be reftored to the Gwickwar, and if it fhall be a part of the Pefhwa's territories, it fhall be reftored to the Peshwa.

Art. VI. The English engage, that having allowed Ragonaut Row a period of four months, from the time when this treaty fhall become compleat, to fix on a place of refidence, they will not after the expiration of the faid period afford him any fupport, protection, or affiftance, nor fupply him with money for his expences. And the Pethwa on his part engages, that if Ragonaut Row will voluntarily, and of his own accord, repair to Maha Rajah Madhoo Row Scindia, and quietly refide with him, the fum of 25,000 rupees per month fhall be paid him for his maintenance, and no injury whatever fhall be offered to him by the Pefhwa or any of his people.

Art. VII. The Honourable English Eaft India Company and the Pefhwa being defirous that their refpective allies fhall be included in this peace, it is hereby mutually ftipulated, that each party fhall make peace with the allies of the other in the manner hereinafter fpecified.

Art. VIII. The territory which has long been the established Jagheer of Seeajee Gwickwar, and Futty Sing Gwickwar, that is to say, whatever territory Futty Sing Gwickwar poffeffed at the commencement of the prefent war, fhall herepoffeffion; and the faid Futty Sing fhall, from after for ever remain on the ufual footing in his the date of this treaty being compleat, pay for the future to the Peshwa the tribute as ufual, prefervices, and be subject to fuch obedience, as have vious to the prefent war, and fhall perform fuch long been established and cuftomary. No claims Peshwa, for the period that is past. fhall be made on the faid Futty Sing, by the

Art. IX. The Pefhwa engages, that whereas the Nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, having concluded a treaty with him, hath difturbed and taken poffeffion of territories belonging to the English and their allies, he fhall be made to relinquish them, and they fhall be restored to the Company and the Nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn. All prifoners that have been taken on either fide during the war, fhall be releafed; and Hyder Ally Cawn longing to the English Company and their allies, fhall be made to relinquish all fuch territories beas he may have taken poffeffion of fince the ninth the date of his treaty with the Pefhwa; and the of the month Ramzan, in the year 1180, being faid territories fhall be delivered over to the English and the Nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn within fix months after this treaty's being compleat: and Hyder Ally Cawn hall afterwards abftain from the English in fuch cafe agreed, that so long as


hoftilities against them and their allies, and fo long as he thall continue in friendship with the Peihwa, that they will in no refpect act hostilely towards him.

Art. X. The Peshwa engages, on his own behalf, as well as on behalf of the Nabob Nizam Ally Cawn, Ragojec Boufala, Syna Saheb Souba, and the Nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, that they fhall in every refpect maintain peace towards the Englifh and their allies the Nabob Afophaul Dowlah Behader, and the Nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn Behader, and hall in no refpect whatever give them any disturbance. The English engage, on their own behalf, as well as on the behalf of their allies the Nabob Afophaul Dowlah, and the Nabob Mahomed Ally Cawn, that they fhall in every refpect maintain peage towards the Pehwa, and his allies the Nabob Nizam Ally Cawn, Ragojee Boufola, and Syna Saheb: and the English farther engage on their own behalf, as well as on the behalf of their allies, that they will maintain peace alio towards the Nabob Hyder Ally Cawn, under the conditions specified in the 9th article of this treaty.

Art. XI. The Honourable the Eaft India Company and the Peshwa mutually agree, that the veffels of each fhall offer no difturbance to the navigation of the veffels of the other: and the vellels of each fhall be allowed accefs to the ports of the other, where they shall meet with no moleftation, and the fulleft protection fhall be reciprocally afforded.

Art. XII. The Pefhwa, and the chiefs of the

Marattah ftate, hereby agree, That the English fhall enjoy the privilege of trade as formerly, in the Marattah territories, and fhall meet with no kind of interruption: and in the fame manner, the Eaft India Company agree, that the fubjects of the Peshwa fhall be allowed the privileges of trade without interruption in the territories of the English.

Art. XIII. The Pefhwa hereby engages, that he will not fuffer any factories of other European nations to be established in his territories, or those of the chiefs dependent on him, excepting only fuch as are already eftablished by the Portuguese, and he will hold no intercourfe of friendship with any other European nations: and the English on their part agree, that they will not afford afliftance to any nation of Deocan, or Hindoftan, at enmity with the Peshwa.

Art. XIV. The English and the Peshwa mutually agree, that neither will afford any kind of affiftance to the enemies of the other.

Art. XV. The Honourable the Governor General and Council of Fort William engage, that they will not permit any of the chiefs, dependents, or fubjects of the English, the gentlemen of Bombay, Surat, or Madras, to act contrary, at any place, to the terms of this treaty: in the fame manner the Pefhwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan engages, that none of the chiefs or fubjects of the Marattah ftate fhall act contrary to them.

Art. XVI. The Honourable Eaft India Company and the Peshwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, having the fulleft confidence in Maha Rajah Subadar Madhoo Row Scindia Behader, they

have both requefted the faid Maha Rajah to be the mutual guarantee for the perpetual and invariable adherence of both parties to the conditions of this treaty; and the faid Madhoo Row Scindia, from a regard to the welfare of both ftates, hath taken upon himfelf the mutual guarantee. If either of the parties fhall deviate from the conditions of this treaty, the faid Maha Rajah will join the other party, and will, to the utmost of his power, endeavour to bring the aggreffor to a proper understanding.

Art. XVII. It is hereby agreed, that whatever territories, forts, or cities, in Guzzerat, were granted by Kagonaut Row to the English, previcus to the treaty of Colonel Upton, and have come into their poffeffion, the reftitution of which was ftipulated in the 7th article of the faid treaty, shall be restored agreeably to the terms of the laid treaty.

This treaty, confiting of feventeen articles, is fettled at Salbey, in the camp of Maha Rajah Subadah Madhoo Row Scindia, on the 4th of the month Jemmad ul Suany, in the year 1187 of the Hegera, correfponding with the 17th of May 1782, of the Chritian æra, by the faid Maha Rajah, and Mr. Dávid Anderfon. A copy hereof fhall be fent, by each of the abovenamed perfons, to their respective principals at Fort William, and Poonah; and, on both copies being returned, the one under the feal of the Honourable the Eaft India Company, and fignature of the Honourable Governor General and Council of Fort William, to be delivered to Maha Rajah Madhoo Row Scindia Behader; and the other, under the feal of the Peihwa Madhoo Row Pundit Purdhan, and the fignature of Bellajee Pundit Nana Furnaveie, to be delivered to Mr. Anderfon; this treaty fhall be deemed compleat and ratified, and the articles herein contained fhail become binding on both the contracting parties.

(Written in the Marattah character, by Ragoo Bhow Dewan.) In all feventeen Articles, on the 4th of Jemmad ul Akher, or the 5th of Jeyt Adeck, in the Shukul Pattah, in the year 1182.”

Subfcribed in the Marattah character, by Mahajee Scindia, on the fame day. Agreed to what is above written,



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cumftance is truly alarming, and demands the immediate attention of government; who ought to penetrate the true caufe of fo ferious an evil, and endeavour to counteract it's ruinous effects. If an univerfal confidence in our funds is once loft, the fun of Great Britain will indeed fet!

The fall of stocks has been charged on the exportation of the English gold coin, as well as on the new channels of commerce opened by the peace; and perhaps it may, in fome measure, be fairly afcribable to thefe caufes: but, whatever may be the caufe, melancholy must be the effect of that lofs of public credit which we have too much reafon to dread, if proper measures are not hastily purfued to avert the threatening danger.

At the beginning of this month, an alarming difeafe among the horned cattle made it's appearance in Nottinghamshire, but it happily turned out to be merely local.

The refolutions of the Dungannon Volunteers, in Ireland, feem to promife much ferious, but not unexpected bufinefs. If thou art wife, Hibernia, be fatisfied with what has been conceded, left Britannia should perceive that she has already granted too much!

Nothing material from America has this month transpired; but we are in daily expectation of important intelligence from that quarter.

The attempt of the Spaniards against Algiers has by no means been fuccefsful; and they have returned into port with very little additional honour. A report has been pretty freely circulated



Madrid, Auguft 12.

this month respecting fome new difturbances in South America, but we can by no means vouch for it's authenticity.

We have no certain intelligence that Ruffia and the Porte have as yet commenced hoftilities, though news to this effect feems to be hourly expected by all Europe. France and England, it is faid, are both determined to preserve a perfect neutrality; but, though both these last powers have, we believe, had quite enough of war for the prefent, we cannot bring ourselves to expect that they will long remain inactive, fhould this event take place. Indeed, the meditated conteft between thefe powerful empires feems likely to involve all Europe; and it is from this confideration alone, that we ftill think the Grand Seignior may be prevailed upon, by his European friends, to accommodate matters with the Emprefs. In the mean time, the Emperor of Germany keeps up a most powerful army, and is daily making the greatet exertions poffible for the establishment of a respectable navy; the King of Pruffia is ready to take the field on the flighteft occafion; Poland is under perpetual alarm; Denmark and Sweden are indefatigable in strengthening their marine; and even the little Republic of Venice is likewife increafing her naval power.

Nor have France and Spain fo haftily disbanded their armies, or laid up their ships of war, as might naturally have been expected, did there not appear at least a strong probability that their affiftance would foon be wanted.


ON Antonio Barcelo informs our court, that fince he left Ca.thagena, he had conftantly met with contrary winds; but on the 29th of July he arrived before the Bay of Algiers. The fwell, and the winds, did not permit him to begin the attack before the 1ft inftant; and, during that interval, he was joined by fuch of the fhips of his fquadron as had parted on the paffage. That day, the weather becoming calm, though the fea continued very rough, he formed his line of battle; the 18 bomb-ketches formed the front; the 13 gun-boats were placed in the wings to fupport them, and the boardingboats, xebecks, bilanders, and other veffels of war, ready to act against the enemies fhips, if any attempted to come out. At half past two the firing began, and did not end till fun-fet, when the bomb-veffels had expended all their ammunition. Three hundred and eighty bombs were thrown that day; and the Algerine batteries threw 30 bombs, and 1075 bullets, which pating over the Spanish line, killed only two men, and wounded two others. The next day, at half past two, a fresh attack was made, which lafted two hours, during which twentytwo embarkations with oars came out of Algiers, when the gun-boats obliged them to take thelter again. The bomb-ketches threw 375 bombs, which fet fire to two places in the eaft, towards the Moles, where it lafted an hour, and in the

centre of the town, where it continued all the evening.

D. Joachim Mofcofo, commander of the brig Fincaster, who brought thefe difpatches, adds, that having been fent off in the night of the zd, he could not get away till the next day at eight o'clock; fo that he faw the third attack, which took place in the morning, from half paft fix till three quarters after feven, when the wind freshening, he purfued his courfe. He thinks that this attack has had more fuccefs than the two preceding ones; but could not difcover it's effects, on account of the fmoke produced by the fire of the Algerine batteries, which was fiercer than that of the day before.

Smyrna, Auguft 18. The plague is much abated in our environs; the fogs are diffipated, and we begin to enjoy a pure and ferene air.

Madrid, Aug. 19. The expedition against Algiers is at an end. The fleet returned to Carthagena the 11th inftant: the following are the moft interefting particulars that have occurred. After the attack of the 1ft, 2d, and 3d inftant, a fresh attempt was made by Don Barcelo, on the 4th, which lasted two hours. During this time 558 fhells, and 490 bullets, were fired off, by which means the town was fet on fire at the four corners. The enemies fallied out with eleven gallies; but thefe were so successfully repulfed by Serjeant-Major Don Guievechea, that feveral of them were driven on fhore along the

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