
Memorial Tributes

Tribute by Senator Symington

Of Missouri


WEDNESDAY, May 13, 1964.

Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may yield to the able and distinguished senior Senator from Missouri [Mr. Symington] for the purpose of enabling him to introduce a bill in memory of the late Representative CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri, and to make any remarks that he may deem appropriate to make at this time, with the understanding that by so doing I shall not lose my right to the floor.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered.

Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, tomorrow afternoon, the Honorable CLARENCE CANNON, one of the great statesmen of our time, will be taken to his last resting place in Elsberry, Mo., his hometown in the northeast part of our State for all of his 85 years.

The Nation will honor his memory for the some 53 years he served in Washington; and the more than 18 years during which, with superb effectiveness, he carried the responsibilities of chairman of the House Appropriations Committee.

The people of northeast Missouri could never forget Mr. CANNON'S personal friendship, expressed during long and devoted service to all of them over the years of his service in Washington.

One of the works which will stand as a monument to CLARENCE CANNON is a multipurpose dam and reservoir-the

first in north Missouri-soon to be built in Ralls County, not more than an hour's drive from his farm home in Lincoln County.

Mr. CANNON's standard as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee was that public investment must be recovered with ample margin of benefit to the people; and when the project now known as Joanna Dam was proved to have met this standard, Mr. CANNON became its champion and saw it through to approval by the Congress.

Several years ago, when it first appeared certain this project would be built, a number of leaders in his district suggested that it bear his name.

However, with characteristic modesty, Mr. CANNON declined the honor during his lifetime.

Because of his great interest in the development of Missouri, especially its rural areas, and because this dam, to which he contributed so much will be close to his permanent resting place, on behalf of my colleague, Senator Edward V. Long of Missouri, and myself, I introduce, for appropriate reference, a bill to rename the Joanna Dam the Clarence Cannon Dam and Reservoir, as a permanent memorial to the memory of our honored and beloved colleague, a great Missourian and a great American, Hon. CLARENCE CANNON. I ask unanimous consent that the text of this bill be printed.

The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill will be received and appropriately referred; and without objection, the bill will be printed.

The bill (S. 2835) authorizing the change in name of the Joanna Dam and Reservoir, Salt River, Mo., to the Clarence Cannon Dam and Reservoir, introduced by Mr. Symington (for himself and Mr. Long of Missouri), was received, read twice by its title, referred to the Committee on Public Works, and ordered to be printed as follows:

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Joanna Dam and Reservoir, Salt River, Missouri, authorized by the Flood

Control Act of October 23, 1962, in accordance with the provisions of House Document Numbered 507, Eighty-seventh Congress, shall hereafter be known and designated as the Clarence Cannon Dam and Reservoir, in honor of the late Representative CLARENCE CANNON of the Ninth Congressional District of Missouri. Any law, regulation, document or record of the United States in which such project is designated or referred to under the name of the Joanna Dam and Reservoir, Missouri, shall be held and considered to refer to such project by the name of Clarence Cannon Dam and Reservoir.

Mr. SYMINGTON. Mr. President, I thank the able and distinguished senior Senator from North Carolina for yield


Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, it was a privilege to yield to the distinguished senior Senator from Missouri for the purpose of introducing a bill to name a dam and reservoir in Missouri in honor of the late distinguished Representative CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri. Representative CANNON had a long and honorable career in public life. All of us who were privileged to know him and to appreciate the fine work he did in behalf of his country over the years will be conscious of the fact that we shall not see his like again. He was a distinguished Member of Congress.

Mr. SYMINGTON. I thank the able Senator from North Carolina for his gracious remarks, especially because of the high regard in which the Senator from North Carolina is held not only in the Senate but throughout the Nation. I know that Mrs. Cannon and her two gracious daughters will be most appreciative of the Senator's statement.

Tribute by Representative Mahon

Of Texas

Mr. Speaker, I think it appropriate to include the resolutions adopted by the Committee on Appropriations on Monday last:


Whereas early on the morning of Tuesday, the 12th day of May, 1964, the Honorable CLarence Cannon, full of years and full of honors, and in his 42d consecutive year as a Member of the House of Representatives and after more than half a century of service to the House and the country, answered the last rollcall and joined the congress of the hereafter; and

Whereas throughout his nearly 35 years as a member of the Committee on Appropriations Mr. CANNON, with a rare capacity for superior, dedicated, and indefatigable labor, and fired by the zeal of the true patriot he was, steadily and persistently directed his efforts to the enforcement of economy in the public expenditure; and

Whereas Mr. Cannon, with great dignity and high distinction, served as chairman of the Committee on Appropriations for nearly 19 years, a period almost twice as long as that of any of the other 22 men who served as chairman in the 99 years the committee has existed; and

Whereas throughout his illustrious legislative career Mr. CANNON, combining the gifts of brilliance and uncommon courage and tenacity, was, as the occasions demanded, a forceful advocate and a fearless defender of the preeminence of the House of Representatives in money matters, believing, in the words of the Federalist, that the power over the purse was the most complete and effectual weapon with which any constitution can arm the immediate representatives of the people for obtaining a redress of every grievance and for carrying into effect every just and salutary measure; and Whereas in the words of the President of the United States, Mr. CANNON left a distinguished imprint upon the decisions and policies of our times; and

Whereas no set of resolutions, however fragmentary of design, should be concluded without noting that Mr. CANNON, a man of eminent and varied public services and accomplishments, was an

internationally known parliamentarian and universally regarded as the greatest authority on the parliamentary rules, precedents, and practices of the House of Representatives: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That we, the members of the Committee on Appropriations, sharing the universal feeling of grief at the unexpected passing of this illustrious son of the soil and servant of the people, have lost a courageous leader, of dignified bearing and commanding presence; a wise counselor whose opinions bore the weight of ripe experience; and an understanding friend; and, be it further

Resolved, That we extend our deepest sympathy to Mrs. Cannon and others of the family, to his relatives, and others of that wide circle of admiration and universal respect; and, be it further

Resolved, That these resolutions be entered in the journal of the committee, a copy sent to Mrs. Cannon, and arrangements made to include a copy in the appropriate ceremonial proceedings of the House of Representatives.

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