
pass their ends upon that Church the easier, Divide & impera, being a piece of Policy that is well understood, and has been much practifed by the Roman Church. And if this was their drift in fending him back to his Diocefs, they were not out in their Policy, for Mar Jofeph was not fooner in the Serra, than the whole Bifhoprick was divided, fome adhering to Mar Abraham, and others to Mar Jofeph, as their true Prelate.

But Mar Jofeph finding Mar Abraham's Party to be much the more numerous, by reafon of the Coinmunication he had had with the Latins, did thereupon betake himself to the course that all diftreffed People, who preferr their own Intereft to that of the Publick, take, and complains to the Portuguezes of Mar Abraham, not only as an Ufurper, but as a most bitter Enemy to the Roman Church.

The Viceroy, who was glad of this occafion, ftraightways dispatch'd an Order to the Governour of Cochim, to have Mar Abraham apprehended, and to fend him Prisoner to Goa, in order to fend him to Rome, which was executed accordingly. But the Ship whereon Mar Abraham was Embarked, being forced by stress of Weather into Mazambique, a Port belonging to the Portuguezes in the Southern Coafts of Africk, he made a fhift to escape, and by the way of Melindo and Ormus, to get to the Patriarch of Babylon, from whom having received new Briefs to Fortifie his Title, he refolved to return to his Bishoprick;


but having afterwards confidered better on the matter, and being fenfible, that if he went thither without the Pope's Order,that the Portuguezes would quickly make the Serra too hot for him, he altered his Mind, and refolved to try his Fortune at Rome, and to take a Journey thither over Land; being come to Rome, after having abjured his ancient Faith, and reconciled himself to the Church, and promifed to reduce that of Malabar to its obedience, he obtained of Pius the Fourth, all fuch Briefs as were any ways neceffary, having alfo the Title of Arch-Bishop, which he and his Predecellors had enjoyed, given him therein.

But being at Venice, in his way home, the Divines there discovering, as it is faid, both from. the Nature of the Opinions that he had abjured, and from his own Confeffion, that he had never been lawfully Ordained, did oblige him to receive all Orders, from the first tonfure to the Priesthood. He was ordained Prieft by the Bifhop of St. Salvador and Confecrated a Bifhop by the Patriarch of Venice.

This Venetian Confecration, if it is not a downright Naggs-Head Story, is a Scurvy reflection upon the Pope's Infallibility, who herein was not only deceived in a matter of Fat, in giving Briefs to one, as an Arch-Bishop, who really was not at all in Holy Orders, but he must also have been deceived in a matter of Doctrine, in being Ignorant, that fome of the Opinions which had been Abjured before him by Mar Abraham, were of A 3 fuch

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fuch a nature as to incapacitate him for Orders. While Mar Abraham was in this Voyage, Mar Jofeph finding himself in the quiet Poffeffion of his whole Bishoprick, did not torbear to profess and teach the Doctrines he had abjured in Portugal. The Bishop of Cochim, who was his next Neighbour, having heard thereof, acquainted the Arch-Bishop of Goa therewith, and he Don Anrique, the Cardinal Infante, who at that time Governed Portugal in the Minority of his Nephew Don Sebaftian, and the Cardinal informed the Pope of the whole matter.

Thefe repeated Tyrannies of the Portuguezes in the Indies, of dragging ancient Bishops thus out of their own Country and Diocefs, and tumbling them fo about the World, I cannot but reckon among thofe violent Injuftices for which Manuel de Faria in the very laft words of his Afia Portuguefa, tells us, God has punished them fo vifibly. The obfervation is fo remarkable, and to this day fo litterally true, as I have been told by feveral intelligent Portuguezes, that I fhall fet it down in the Author's own words. "Ponderacion muy "notable ay en efto, y es, que dequanta perfona "paflaran a la India ya como Governadores, ya


como Capitanes, ya como Mercadores, aunque "efto ultimo fiempre fue de todos: y de quantos "deftos alcançaran groeffiffimas haziendas, no fe "ve oy in el Reyno de Portugal ninguna cafa o "Mayo razgo que fe fundafle con ellas, o lo me་་ nos que fea cofa de importancia: ni tam poco ay en la India alguna cafa grande defta calidad:

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σε aunque tambien aya avido allá Portuguefes q ❝iuntaron mucho y uvo algunos de a million,y de "dos milliones y de a tres,y a un de a quatro,ye'l no


luzirfe a nadie confiderablemente tanta hazien"da como tantos iuntaron, fe hade entendar, que fue,y es,y fera pero por una de dos razones,o por ambas, la primera porq' permetiendo Dios efte "viaie folo para dilatar fu nombre, y verdedero "culto, eftos navigantes trataron por la mayor


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parte de lo material de la facrilega codicia, co"metiendo muchas maldades, para hartarse, en "vez de tractar de la religion: y otra porq' lo "mas defto fue ganado por medios injuftos de ti"ranias, robos, y toda fuerte de infolencia, como "confta de muchos lugares deftas Hiftorias. It is remarkable, that among all the Perfons who have gone to the Indies, whether as Governours, Captains, or Merchants, of which fort most of them were in truth, there has not been one that has raised a Family of any confideration out of the Goods they have got in thofe Parts, either there or in Portugal, tho' there have been feveral of them that have got there, one, two, three, or four Millions. Now, that nothing that's confiderable of all thefe vast Treasures,, fhould any where appear, must be for one or both of thefe two Reafons, first, that whereas God permitted • the Discovery of this Voyage, only for the propogation of his Name, and true Worship (but not by fuch barbarous Methods as the forementioned I dare fay) thefe Travellers have, for the most part, pursued the ends of a Sacrilegious Covetonfefs, committing many Injustices to fill their Coffers, instead of having

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any regard to Religion; the other is, because the most of thofe Riches were gained by the unjust means of Tyrannies, Robberies, and all fort of Infolencies, of which you have many Instances in the foregoing Hi


Pius V. upon this Iffued forth a Brief, bearing date the 15th. of January 1567. directing it to Dom Jorge, Arch-Bishop of Goa, and commanding him to use all diligence to have Mar Jofeph forthwith Apprehended and fent to Rome, in pursuance whereof he was seized, and fent Prisoner to Portugal, upon the first Ships that went, whence he was carried to Rome, where he died.

Neither were the Violences they made use of to Convert Infidels, any whit inferior to those they exercised upon the poor Chaldean Chriftians, by which they came to provoke the Infidel Princes to that degree, that they had like to have loft all that they had in the Indies by it. For the Hidalcaon who Befieged Goa in the Year 1570. both in his Letters to the Viceroy Don Luis d' Ataide, and in the Speech he made to his Captains, when he first communicated to them his defign of driving the Portuguezes out of the Indies, gave thofe Violences for the chief cause of his War. Those Letters and Speech being too long to be here. Inferted, I fhall only fet down fo much of them as relates directly to this matter.

In his first Letter to the Viceroy, after having complained of fome other Grievances, he tells him, That he was certainly informed that at Ormus,

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