
Remarks by Representative Feighan

Of Ohio

Mr. Speaker, today we pay tribute to my great and beloved friend, CLARENCE CANNON, whose passing brought sorrow to all who were privileged to know him.

It was my good fortune to come to know Chairman CANNON shortly after the start of my first term in Congress. That was 21 years ago. As a freshman Member of Congress, his kindliness toward me, his patience and understanding in the face of my many queries remain as one of my fondest memories of our friendship. That friendship grew closer over the years and those warm human traits of character which I found in our early acquaintance remained the hallmark of my departed friend.

Many Members of this body, present and past, shared this memorable experience with Chairman CANNON. There were no limits to his circle of friends, no limit to his kindness, no limit to his patience and no limit to his interest in and concern for the problems of any Member who sought his wise counsel. These virtues of our departed colleague will be sadly missed in the days and years ahead, for they are rare traits in any generation.

The future will record Chairman CANNON as a parliamentarian without equal in the annals of the House of Representatives, as a longtime chairman of the Appropriations Committee, whose independence of mind and decision gave renewed dignity to Congress, as a Member whose great accomplishments became legendary in his lifetime, and as a man whose positive work in vital aspects of our national life during 41 years of selfless service to the Nation will survive the test of time. All these tributes are richly deserved by our friend who sought none of them during a long, purposeful, good, and happy life.

To his dear wife and children, Mr. CANNON, as he was known to countless millions in our land, left a priceless heritage. They have my sympathy in their great loss. To Mrs. Cannon, whose steadfast companionship with one of the finest gentlemen I have ever known in my journey through life, I extend my deepest sympathy.

Remarks by Representative Chelf

Of Kentucky

Mr. Speaker, every Member of the House of Representatives will miss our colleague, the late CLARENCE CANNON. He left the imprint of his knowledge and his personality upon not only the membership but the actual House itself. He was the author of the very parliamentary procedure followed here and that, alone, would be an everlasting testimonial of the highest order to him.

His vast store of information, along with his vigilant efforts to effect necessary legislation and yet preserve the sound economy of our Nation, over his long years of service here, made an invaluable contribution to the history of Congress and our country.

We shall miss him sorely but we are grateful for the privilege of having been associated with him in a common endeavor and for his many outstanding accomplishments. He was a great American and a noble son of old Missouri. He loved both with a passion.

It is my fervent prayer that God will give comfort to his family.

Remarks by Representative Whalley

Of Pennsylvania

Mr. Speaker, in stature he was small, but in the respect and esteem in which he was held by the Members of the House of Representatives he was a giant. It is difficult to imagine the appropriations process in the House without his stern presence and his equally stern insistence on economy in the administration of the Federal Government. His understanding of the legislative branch of the Government was immense, his knowledge of the uses to which the funds appropriated by Congress were put by the executive branch was extraordinary, his concern for his constituents and the welfare of his district was profound, and his love for his country was infinite.

The Members of both Houses of Congress join with President Johnson who knew and admired Mr. CANNON when both served together in the House of Representatives in his statement of praise for this redoubtable son of Missouri.

Mr. CANNON left a distinguished imprint upon the decisions and policies of our times

The President said—

We shall miss his counsel, his candor, and the courage with which he held steadfastly to his convictions.

It was in 1911 that the Speaker of the House, the Honorable Champ Clark, brought CLARENCE CANNON to Washington as a temporary clerk in the Speaker's office. He remained to the end of his life. He served as Parliamentarian of the House until his own election to fill Speaker Clark's seat as a Member. He was sworn in for his first term on March 4, 1923, and won reelection every 2 years through 1962, when he was chosen for his 21st consecutive term. As a parliamentarian he was widely accepted as the greatest authority in the country, and in addition to his early duties as House Parliamentarian he served as parliamentarian of Democratic

National Conventions from 1920 to 1960. His achievements as chairman of the House Appropriations Committee are known to every Member of the House of Representatives.

His courage and honesty, his determination and his knowledge, his love for this House, his devotion to his friends and his country, all will be terribly missed.

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