
a part of his village as a gift to the Mission. At the beginning of last year, I was told of his intention to do so, but the opposition of his neighbours seems to have prevented his hitherto executing his wish: at last he has made a firm resolution, notwithstanding all their threats. He is childless, and has otherwise no suitable relations; and rather than that, after his death, the whole should fall into the rapacious hands of his neighbours, he wishes to present a part to the Mission, valued at about 101 Rupees: He desires that a School be established on the Estate. He meant to gain Heaven by this charity; but I undeceived him on this subject, and told him, plainly, that without the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ he could not be saved.

The Congregations exhibit an encouraging increase during the last year. There are now 53 Catechist Stations, with 205 Villages; 1855 Families or Houses, containing 6243 souls, which form now our Congregations. This is an increase of 1938 souls in the course of the year, since July last. May the Lord Jesus Christ be soon glorified throughout this land!

Extracts from Rev. B. Schmid's Journal.

April 9, 1829-Whilst instructing the Preparandi, a man from Tutecoryn came in, who had a charm tied round his arm, and asked for the Gospel of St. Luke, saying, that he had St. Matthew and Mark in his possession. As, on examination, I found that he was entirely unacquainted with the contents of these two Gospels, I thought it useless to give him a third, and exhorted him to read the others with more attention; but offered him a little Tract, explaining and applying Christ's Parable of the Merchant, who sought and found the precious pearl. He looked at it with great contempt, and said, "Of what use is such a little book? This is not the Vedam; this verse has not been revealed by God, but only by Christ:" and in this strain he went on for some time. Intending to speak with him more fully afterward, I requested him to sit down and hear my instructions, which he did; but when, at the conclusion, I knelt down to pray, he disappeared, as if afraid of some enchant


April 30-During this month I was much occupied in revising my Translation of the Homily on Pentecost, for the Calcutta Prayer-Book and Homily So

ciety. I likewise looked over my Chronology of Universal History, which I have sent to the Corresponding Committee for printing; and revised an English Pronouncing Vocabulary, which I had formerly compiled for our English Schools.

May 7-A busy time with the Catechists and Schoolmasters as usual; and the pressure of business increases with every month. Who is equal to this great work?

May 19 -This evening, set off for Mooneinjahpettah.

May 29 Arrived safely again in Palamcottah. I visited, in this journey, the Congregations in eleven villages. In Mooneinjahpettalr I baptized the old sick father of our Catechist there, who had long been in the service of the Tanjore Mission as Schoolmaster, but who had become impressed with the truth of Christianity, by reading the Translation of the New Testament and our Tracts; and who had requested his son, before he knew that I would come to his

place, to convey him in a cart to Palamcottah, that he might receive Baptism before his death, which he is expecting. He had, before this, often requested Baptism, but we deferred it. In Kaloogooviley, I baptized 15 Adults and 1 child; and in Poodoor, 2 men, I woman, and 6 children of persons who had formerly been admitted to this Ordinance. Most of those in Kaloongooviley had wished for Baptism for one or two years, and I was greatly pleased with their Christian knowledge, although none of them can read. Óne, very poor and unable to work, whose wife had just met with a serious accident which brought on her a dangerous sickness, spoke so joyfully of the salvation of Christ, and of the care of the Creator, that I was astonished. Another said, that he had been greatly shaken in his mind, by hearing in a PrayerMeeting the verse Blessed are the pure in heart; and that he had obtained the assurance of the forgiveness of his sins. Another, after his awakening, began to learn the Alphabet from the Catechist, by attending the School when his fieldlabour allows it. The Catechist related to me many pleasing instances of a total change of mind and conduct. Of the two men whom I baptized in Poodoor, one is on the brink of the grave: he declared that the worship of the Father had given him no blessing, but that he was convinced that, through the Son, Christ,

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he would obtain salvation, and had already found joy and peace. I gave him, in Baptism, the name Koomâradâsen (Servant of the Son). The other man had been, some time back, recommended by the Congregation as a Schoolmaster for their Children: I took him to Palamcottah to learn the system; and here he approved himself so well, that he has been received among the number of Preparandi, that he may become Assistant Catechist. The woman who was there received into the Christian Church is likewise very old: she had been formerly much addicted to the worship of the evil spirits, attending at all sacrifices and dances, and was very quarrelsome: since she became acquainted with Christianity, she removed to this place, and has become quite an altered character, according to the united testimony of the Congregation. In Kaloongooviley, five Soodras attended the Service, and said afterwards to the Catechist, Your Minister speaks very fair: this Religion is so holy, that no man can live as he says: does he himself live as he says?" The Catechist replied, “By the grace of God all men could live so, if they believed; and that faith is the gift of God." In Veeranalloor, where I arrived quite unexpectedly on Sunday night, I found the Prayer-House in such a state, that I concluded that there had not been Divine Service performed in it for several days past. The Catechist confessed this; and alleged as the cause the very busy time of the Shanars at this season of the year. When the people heard of my arrival, they came together for Prayer: in my Address, I took occasion to tell them that the Lord would not bless their labour if they neglected the Means of Grace entirely to which the Headman replied in a lively manner, That is true: we have experienced this last year, when we likewise neglected Divine Service: the Lord sent fevers, whereby we lost more, even in a temporal respect, than we gained by not coming to Prayer." Several others expressed their conviction of the truth of this declaration; and they promised that this should not occur again. It was evident to me that it is the Catechist's fault; and he was sharply reproved. This was the only unpleasant circumstance which I witnessed during the tour among the Congregations; and I have returned with the clear conviction, that Divine Knowledge and Divine Life are steadily increasing in all the Congregations; although not so


rapidly as we could wish, yet I think I can say more so than we could expect, considering the depth of ignorance and the power of habit from which they have to come out. Often I was constrained to say to myself, "Of a truth, this is the work of the Holy Spirit!' In all the Stations which I visited, I conversed with Heathens who had just come forward, and several of them attended Divine Service for the first time; especially in Mooneinjahpettah, and Kaloongooviley, or rather in its vicinity, there seems to be a stir amongst the Heathens; and in Tadenkoollam, the Mahomedan, Meerâmenâ visited me, together with the Son of the late Priest and several Mahomedan Youths, and discussed about Mahomedanism and Christianity for more than two hours, many Heathens listening. I offered them suitable books, which they took with hesitation; but afterwards they came again, and earnestly requested more. Meerâmenâ, I hear, is resorted to by the other Mahomedans of the village, as their arbiter and advocate: he is an intelligent and temperate man.

May 30, 1829-All the Schoolmasters from the neighbourhood of Palamcottah and many other people were assembled. After having finished some business connected with the School, I gave an account of my tour; and, after having requested one of the young Heathens, whom I am preparing for a Schoolmaster, and who has accompanied me, to relate what he had observed among the Christian Congregations, I concluded with an earnest Address to the Heathen Schoolmasters, not to let their time of Grace pass away by continuing to halt between two opinions. They seemed to go away with thoughtful countenances.

May 31: Sunday-Performed Divine Service in Tinnevelly, and baptized the infant of a Native Christian. The Service, and the Introductory Address, were attentively listened to by many Heathens standing outside.

June 3-Received application for several Schools, but could not accede to the request, particularly because there are no well-qualified Masters.

June 20 Six Brahmins, from a village where a School has been established at the request of four Brahmins there, came to me, and complained that the Soodra Schoolmaster, who had been placed there on their own recommendation, did not prove clever; and requested

me to employ one of their own number as Schoolmaster. When I observed to them, that I had not seen some of them before, nor had they subscribed their names to the request for the School, they replied, that they had not then known what Christianity was; but that since, by reading our books, they had been convinced of its excellency. It appears to me, that the wearing off of their prejudices has also encouraged the Brahmin Schoolmaster to offer his services to us, I examined him he understands Tamul; and, as the Soodra Schoolmaster is really not clever, I ordered him to come with me to Satangkoollam, and appointed the Brahmin in his stead. They declared, without hesitation, their conviction that Idolatry leads to many sins, but that Christianity is a holy Religion. More Brahmin Boys already attend the School than Soodras: this is certainly the Lord's doing, for which we ought to be thankful and take courage.

The great Heathen Feast has been celebrated in Tinnevelly; during which the decay of Idolatry in this District be came more evident than ever before: very few, comparatively, came from the villages to draw the Idol Cars; and when the Police Peons called on the Brahmins and other influential persons in several villages to send their people, they are said to have replied, that the inhabitants of the different towns ought to draw their own Cars; and when the Peons importuned them, they threatened that they would become Christians. Without the

assistance of a rich Pariar and his dependants, it is believed the Cars could not have been drawn through the streets as usual; and once, when the great Car was so much shaken that the Idol had almost fallen down, the people made various remarks on the vanity of these Idols; and a Brahmin said, We see that Christ gets the upper hand." These things admonish us to be now more cautious than ever before, in our proceedings; but at the same time to abound also in prayer and zeal, forasmuch as we see evidently that the Lord has arisen, and exerts His Mighty arm to assume to Himself the victory: let us only quietly and humbly follow His hints, and boldly enter where He openeth. In Tinnevelly itself a crisis in the conflict between light and darkness, or rather between Christ and the Wicked One, seems to be drawing near. May God grant that it pass over without violent convulsions!

June 26,1829.-General Examination of 10 Schools which are nearest to Palamcottah: 212 Children were present. A novel appearance it was, to see some nice Brahmin Boys amongst the Children: some Girls were also present. They were rewarded with money and clothes; and when we gave, at the conclusion, a number of Children's Tracts to the best readers as additional rewards, the children pressed with such eagerness round the table, that we were obliged to give two large parcels of Tracts to the Masters for distribution amongst them at their discretion.



AN Abstract of the Annual Report, in One Sheet, has been prepared for the use of the Associations, as intimated in the Circular of the Committee of the 10th of August last. Such Associations as may wish to use this Abstract, for circulation within their respective Districts, instead of printing a Local Report, are requested to apprise the Secretaries, as early as possible, of the number of copies which they may require. Should the Abstract be thus used generally by the Associations, a considerable saving would, it is conceived, be effected to the Funds of the Society.

PROCEEDINGS OF ASSOCIATIONS. Yorkshire-May 9: Sermons by Rev.T.Woodrooffe; Morning, at St. John's Church, Hull, Coll. 271. 6s. ;

Afternoon, at St. Mary's, Coll. 8. 178.; Evening, at Drypool, Coll. 97. 16s.: by Rev. R. Mayor; Evening, at Christchurch, Coll. 157. 6s. by Rev. B. Ward, Morning, at Beverley Minster, Coll. 67. 108.; Afternoon, at St. Mary's, Coll. 77. 88. by Rev. J. Graham, at Malton, Colls. 81. 17s. 6d. - May 10: Anniversary of the Hull and East Riding Association; Rev. T. Dikes, Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meet ings, 667. 168.-May 10: Sermon by Rev. B. Ward, at St. John's Church, Coll. 227. 18. - May 12: Anniversary of the Beverley Association, Rev. W. Gilbee Chn., Coll. 137. 38. 4d.-May 12: Meeting at Hesle, Rev. J. Scott, Chn., Coll. 47. 138. 6d.-May 13: Anniversary Meeting at Whitby; Richard Moorsom, Esq. Chn., Coll. 87. 16s. 7d. - May 14: Malton Anniversary, Rev. Binns, Chn., Coll. 6l. 2s. 6d.-May 16: Sermons by Rev. F. Leicester; Morning, at St. Saviour's, York, Coll. 261. 10s. 5d.; Afternoon, at Holy Trinity, Coll. 77. 148.; Evening, at St. Michael-leBelfrey, Coll. 291. Os. 10d.: by Rev. T. Woodrooffe; Morning, at Tadcaster, Coll. 97. 78. 2d.; Afternoon, at (St. Crux, Coll. 147. 8s. 1d.: by Rev. B. Ward, Morning and Afternoon, at Thirsk, Colls. 127. 98. - May 17: Tadcaster Anniversary; Rev. T. Richardson, Chn., Coll. 77. 12s. 10d.-May 18: Anni


versary of the York Association; W. Gray, Esq. Chn.; Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, 1207. 18. - May 19: Meeting at Easingwold; Rev. W. Gray, Chn., Coll. 47. 138. May 20: Meeting at Thirsk; Rev. Metcalfe, Chn., Coll. 77. 10s. - May 21: Association formed at Richmond, Rev. Barnes, Chn., Coll. 87. 108. 3d. May 23: Sermons by Rev. T. Woodrooffe, Morning and Afternoon, at Middleham, Colls. 121.: by Rev. B. Ward, Morning, at St. Paul's, Leeds, Coll. 427. 08. 4d.; and Afternoon, at Roundhay, Coll. 107. 10. 11d. - May 24: Anniversary of Leeds Association; Hall, Esq., Chn., Coll. 77. 88. 4d. May 25: Anniversary Meeting at Middleham; Rev. E. Otter, Chn., Coll. 41. 88. 6d. May 26: Sermon, by Rev. F. Leicester, at Boroughbridge: Coll. 127. Os. 2d. May 27: Association formed at Boroughbridge.— May 23: Sermons by Rev. G. Hazlewood; Morning, at St. Paul's, Sheffield; Coll. 177. 8s. 3d.; Afternoon, at Attercliffe, Coll. 47. 18s.; Evening, at St. Philip's, Coll. 87. 38. 1d.-May 24: Anniversary of the Sheffield Association, Henry Walker, Esq.. Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, including 78. from Park Boys' Sunday School, 237. 68. 6d.

Derbyshire-May 9: Sermons by Rev. J. Hartley, Morning, at St. Werburgh's, Derby, Coll. 251. 158.9d.; Afternoon, at Langley, Coll. 8. 98. 6d. ; Evening, at St. Michael's, Coll. 47. 08. 5d. by Rev. G. Hazlewood, Morning and Evening at Ashbourne, Colls. 312. 08. 7d.; Afternoon, at Parwich, Coll. 117. 19s. 8d.: by Rev. R. Simpson, Morning and Evening at Matlock, Colls. 147. 158. 7d.; and Afternoon at Bonsal, Coll. 57, by Rev. P. Gell, Morning and Evening at Chesterfield, Colls. 217.: by Rev. T. Hill, Afternoon, at Bolsover, Coll. 27. 58. 10d.-May 10: Meeting at Staunton, Henry Smith, Esq. Chn., Coll. 127. 98. 5d. - May 11: Anniversary of Derby Associa tion, Sir Matthew Blackiston, Bart. Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, 684. 168. 2d, — May 12: Ashbourne Meeting; Sir M. Blakiston, Bart. Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, 21. 18. 5d. -- May 13: Matlock Meeting, Edward Radford, Esq. Chn., Coll. 117. 18. 6d.-May 14: Anniversary of Chesterfield Association, Rev. T. Hill, Chn., Coll. 81, 108.-May 16: Sermons by Rev. G. Hazlewood, Morning at St. Peter's, Derby, Coll. 211. 48.7d.; Afternoon, at St. John's, Coll. 287.118. ld. ; Evening, at Ockbrook, Coll. 267. 88. 11d.: by Rev. G. Woodhouse, at Melbourne, Coll. 137. 158. 6d.

Lincolnshire-May 16: Sermons by Rev. J. Hartley, Morning, at Navenby, Coll. 67. 38. 4d.; Afternoon, at Ancaster, Coll. 47. 108.; Evening, at SilkWilloughby, Coll. 127. 178.-May 18: Lincoln Association; Rev. G. Quilter, Chn., Coll. 227. 88. 10d. -May 21: Gainsborough Association; Rev.G.:Beckett, Chn., Coll. 157. 78. 8d.

Nottinghamshire-May 19: Meeting in the Morning at Collingham, Rev, J. Mayer, Chn.: Coll.

67. 12s.; and in the 'Evening at Newark, Rev. J. Storer, Chn., Coll. 121. 38. 6d. -May 20: Retford Association; the Senior Bailiff, Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, 181. 48. 6d.

Leicestershire-May 2: Sermons by Rev. J. Owen, Morning at Upper Broughton, Coll. 27. 178.; Afternoon at Grimstone: Coll. 37. 28.-May 9: Sermons, by Rev. J. Babington, Morning, at Burrow, Coll. 21.; Afternoon, at South Croxton, Coll. 17. 168. by Rev. E. Hoare, at Keyham: Coll. 37. 18,; by Rev. W. Richards, at Cosby, Coll. 37.-May 16: Sermons, by Rev. E. Bickersteth, Morning, at St. Martin's, Leicester, Coll. 261. 8s. 6d.; Afternoon, at Barkby, Coll. 81. 88. 6d. ; Evening, at St. Mary's: Coll. 251. 108. 4d.; by Rev. R. Mayor, at Desford, Coll. 71. 28. 9d. by Rev. G. Bugg, Morning, at Cossington, Coll. 51. 18. 6d.; Afternoon, at Rothley, Coll. Bl. 68. 6d. by Rev. J. Sankey, at Stony Stanton, Coll. 51. Os. 2d. ; by Hon. and Rev. H. D. Erskine, at Oadby, Coll. 67. 18.-May 17: Leicester Anniversary Meeting, T. Babington, Esq., Chn, Coll. 61. 138. 5d. -May 18: Rothley Meeting, T. Babington, Esq., Chn., Coll. 67. 148. 8d.-May 19: Lutterworth Association, Rev. R. H. Johnson, Chn., Coll. 251. 128. 10d. Edmonton-June 13: Sermons by Rev. F. Leices ter, no Coll. June 15: Anniversary of the Association; Rev. T. Sale, Chn., Coll. 7. 108. 2d.

Godstone-June 13: Sermons by Ven. Archdeacon Hoare, Colls. 217. 58. 10d. — June 16: Anniversary, Vén. Archdeacon Hoare, Chn., Colls. after Morning and Evening Meetings, 317. 118. 2d. Hackney June 2:

Anniversary Meeting, Sir George Rose, Chn., Coll 1411. 6s. 3d. Dover-June 15: Formation of Association: Pres. J. P. Plumptre, Esq.; Vice Pres. James B. Wildman, Esq.; Benjamin Harrison, Esq.; Treas. J. Finnis, Esq.; Secs. Edward Knocker, Jun., Esq.; William Wickes, Esq. Coll. 187. 2s. 6d.

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Rochford-May 2: Sermons, Morning, by Rev. Bailey; and Afternoon, by Rev. R. Mayor; Colls. )including 21. 178. 10d. collected at Meeting, 157. 108. 6d.

The following Associations have been formed in South Wales :

Brecon May 20: Pres.-Vaughan, Esq.; Treas. and Sec. Rev. R. Bevan, Coll. 37. 10s. 8d.

Merthyr Tydvil - May 21: Treas. Mr, George Pierce; Secs. Rev. E. Jenkins, and Rev. J. Jones, Coll. 37. 108. 10d. Sermons, in English and Welsh, by Rev. D. Rees, and Rev.J. Jones, Colls. 81. 16s. 5d. Swansea-May 23: Sermons, by Rev. E. Jenkins, in English and Welsh, in St. John's Chapel, Colls. 57. 198. 2d.-May 24: Formation of Auxiliary; Treas. 'J. Grove, Esq.; Secs. Rev. B. Evans, Rev. H. Williams, Rev. J. Phillips, Coll. 47. 158. Collection from the Parishioners of Llandeevy and Llangenith, by Rev. S. Phillips, 67.


Mediterranean Mission-In a Letter, dated Jidda, Nov. 30, Mr. Gobat states, that he and Mr. Kugler, accompanied by two Abyssinians, had, by the Providence of God, proceeded thus far on their way to Abyssinia. It was their intention to leave Jidda on the 3d of December, in an Arab Vessel, which would convey them to Massouah.

Western-India Mission-Letters have been received from Messrs. Dixon and Farrar, under date of the 7th and 11th of January. Mr. Dixon was residing

with Mr. Mitchell at Bandora, and pursuing the study of Mahratta; and Mr. and Mrs. Farrar were stationed at Bas


Australasia Mission-Despatches down to the end of December, and beginning of January, have been received from New Zealand; by which it appears that all the Members of the Mission were in good health. The Rev. S. Marsden, with one of his daughters, left New South Wales on the 16th of February, on another visit to New Zealand.

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The Committee thankfully acknowledge the receipt of a Paper Parcel of Fancy Articles from Mrs Sheppard, for Schools in India; a Paper Parcel from the British Ladies' Maternal Society; a Box of Fancy Articles; a Box from the late Mrs E. Nicholas, Bewdley; a Paper Parcel from Mrs W. Williams; a Box of Fancy Articles, for Schools in India, from Friends in Gloucestershire, by Mrs Maitland; a Paper Parcel from the Countess of Tyrconnel; also 6 Copies of aVol. of Sermons from Rev. Warrell Fenn of Kirby Le Soken; and Sundry Books from Mrs Parnell of Dublin.

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