
vice, be it Monday, Tuesday, or Thursday, if my Circum: stances will admit of no other day: but elfe rather Wednesday, Fryday, or Saturday, for a Reifon in ch. 4, §. 2; and because then we have commonly Prayers at Chuch before the Sacrament; and because on thofe days all the cafual Fafts of our Church, and the fettled days of Abftinence too are ap pointed to be kept; except the Monday and Tuesday before Ho ly Thursday, and the Vigils before Christmas, and before the Saints-days when they happen otherwife by the day of the Month; And fo the 30 January for the Martyrdom of King. CHARLES I, Anno 1648. And the 24 September for the dreadful Fire of LONDON, Ao. 1666. But never on Sundays. As all the accidental Thanksgiving-days, and the fixed Feafts are always obferv'd on Sunday, Munday, Tuesday, or Thursday, except the 5 November for the discov. ery of the Gunpowder Treafon 40, 1605.and the 29 May for the Reftauration of K. CHARLES II. 4o. 1669. and Christmas, and the Saints days when any of 'em, by the day of the Month fall on Wednesday, Fryday, or Saturday. See the Tables after the Kalendar.


$. 46. Jill go to my Father, and will fay unto Him, Father, I have finned againft heaven, and before Thee; And am no more worthy to be called thy Son. S. Luk. 15. 18. 19.

§. 41. A General Confession.

O Almighty God, I thy poor finful creature, full of anguish and confusion for my Offences against thy Majefty, do make bold to come unto Thee because Thou art the Father of our Lord Jefus Chrift, and for his fake inclinable to fhow me mer-cy; Thou art the Maker of me, and all things, and Thou hateft nothing that Thou haft made, but haft pity on all the works of thy hands; fo that I am incouraged to make my Supplication unto Thee, O Thou Fudge of all men, for it is in thy power for ever to acquit or to condemn me: I tremble and blush to be found a finner against fo infinite a Power and Goodness,but I must not add Hypocrifie to my Dilobedience; wherefore I acknowledge freely, and bewail most bitterly my manifold offences ofall kinds, from the leaft of my fins to the greatest of my crimes and wickedness. All and every one of which Llong and frequently from time to time with many pro

Part I. voking aggravations most grievously have commited: O Lord, who can tell how oft I have offended, ✯ By Here I must thought, in vain and evil imaginations, by call to mind fome Word, in falfe, uncharitable, or blafphe of the greatest of my particular fins mous fpeeches, by Deed, in ungodly, in thoughts, unjuft, or intemperate actions? For alas, by words, or actions, all and every one of thefe ways I have daily finned against thy Divine Majefty turning there by thy Loving-kindnefs into Displeafure; and provoking Thee to anger, I have given Thee caule most justly to let loofe thy wrath and indignation against me to my utter ruine, if thy mercy do not help me : My guilt is evident, my danger ap. parent, and my eftate is most deplorable; wherefore I do moft paffionately and carneftly repent me that ever I did commit them. And am heartily forry with all my foul for these my fo many and so abominable misdoings. When I look upon the bafenefs and prefumption of thefe vile offences The Remembrance of them doth pierce my heart with fhame and forrow and is molt grivous unto me. When I behold thy favor which I have forfeited, and eternai Damnation which I have deferved thereby, the burden of them prefleth down my foul with a load of terror and amazement that is intollerable. Yet fince Thu calleft all that are heavy laden, I must not defpair of thy pit, but in this great diftrefs I do befeech Thee to Have mercy upon me, and fince my neceffity forceth me to be importunite, I will cry again Have mercy upon me. I know Thou art a moft merciful Father, & tho' by fin I am unworthy to be called thy child, yet I hope thy bowels will yern upon me; I ly proftrate and helplefs, begging of Thee for thy dearly beloved Sonour Lord Jefus Chrift's fake, and by the merits of his Cross and Paffion to forgive me freely and fully for all that is past, from the beginning of my life untill this prefent moment. Lord, make me an Inftance of thy mercy, and grant when I have received fo excellent and undeferved a favor, that may be fo ingaged thereby. as that for ever hereafter I may beware of falling back into the like fin and mifery: Convert me, I be feech Thee, as well as pardon me, and inable me most obediently to ferve and most intirely to pleafe Thee by fpending the reft of my time in newness of life, and all holy converfation, which, thro' the help of thy Grace; I do here vow and refolve upon, that this mighty change may tend to the Honor and glory of thy Name, who haft fo wonderfully delivered me. All

which I moft heartily beg through Jefus Christ our Lord, to. whofe interceffion for me do Thou fay Amen, and it fhall be to me according to thy word. Amen.

§. 42. Lord I befeeeh Thee, mercifully to hear my Prayers, and fpare me, and all thofe who confefs their fins unto Thee, that I and they whofe confciences by fin are accused, by thy merciful Pardon may be abfolved, thro' Jefus Chrift our Lord. Amen.

§. 43. Chou has promifel, O Lord, that before we call Thou wilt anfwer, and whilft we are yet fpeaking Thou wilt hear. Ifa. 65. 2p.

A now in the anguifh of my foul I cry unto Thee: hear Lord, and have mercy. Baruch 3.1, 2.

§. 44. paopet Pialms, the 31. 39, and 40. THESE and all the Pfalms' referr'd to in this Treatife to be of Mr. Tindall's Tranflation, as in our Liturgy.

§. 45. LORD, hane mercy upon me. CHRISC, have mercy upon me. *. LORO, have mercy upon me. *. Many, by mistake, speak ont the 3d after the Minifter.

§. 46. Father which art in Heaven; Hallowed be thy Name. Thy Kingdom come.

* I pray to, becaufelhave offended, and need the help of, every Perfon in theTriniy. as . 27.

Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us day by day our daily bread. And forgive us our trefpafles', as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temp tation; but deliver us from evil. Amen. S. Luke 11.

*. 47. Lord, jave thy fervant; That putteth his trust in Thee.

SEND him help from above; And evermore mightily de fend him.

HELP me, O God my Savior; And for the glory of thy Name deliver me: be merciful to me a finner for thy Name's and fake.

LORD, bear my prayer; and let my cry come unto Thee. §. 48. THE firit Leflon, Ifa: 53. Who hath believed &c. §. 49, PSILM 44. We have heard with our ears &c. S.50. The fecond Leffon, Heb. 11. 35. Others were tortured &c to with tears ch.12. v.17.

§. 51. PSALM 56, Be merciful unto me, O God, &c, §, 52. TH' Apoftles Creed (as after my Almanack) ftanding, as our Church injoyns; and, when say it in the Church

we turn towards the Communion Table, as is our ancient Cufiom. I BELJEDEin God the Father Almighty &c. Glory be to the Father, and c.

§. 53. DOCTOR Comber in his Comp. to the Temple, (after having prov'd that the twelve Apostles were the Corpofers of this Creed, and delivered it down by Tradition, [as we have the Sunday Sabbath, Baptism of Infants, e. ] By Authority By Reafon, and By anfwering the contrary Arguments urged by fome against this ancient Truth,) has this Notion,,, I do not fee (fays he) any inconvenience, if we fhall believe the ,, Creed Divinely inspired; that as there are three Perfons in ,, the Trinity, and three Principal Graces, Faith, Hope, and ,,Charity; fo each Perfon may give us a proper Rule for each ,, ofthefe Graces.The Father hath given us the Commandments to direct our Charity; The Son the Lord's Prayer to exercise our Hope; and, it is probable that, the Holy Ghoft indited ,, this Creed for the entertainment of our Faith: Nor will this ,, be derrogatory to the Holy Scripture, fince it is the fame ,, Doctrine which is in Scripture; We all grant the Holy Ghoft indited the Parts, why then not the whole?


S. 54. Reverently ftand up at making a Confeflion of my Chriftian Faith, to fhow that I fight under Chrift's Banner, and am ready to spend my Life and Fortune in his Service, to vindicate the Honor of his Name, and his Religion, And I bow at the Name of Jefus, (as the Cuftiom of our Church is) to declare my belief of his Divinity by externally Worfhipping Him, and to acknowledge his Authority and Power.

$55. AND 1, I give my poffitive and particular affent to the whole Creed, and every Article thereof, as an undoubted Oracle from his Mouth who neither will nor can deceive me. And altho' the words, I believe, be but twice actually rehearsed, yet 1. conceive them virtually prefixt to every Article, and to every part, or fingle Truth contained in that Article, as I believe in God. I believe that God to be the Father. I believe that Father to be Almighty. &c. 2, I make a particular applicetion of every Article, that it may produce those Effects, and ferve those Ends for which it was reveal'd, viz. to affist my Devotions, and direct my Life, as after my Kalendar. 3I heartily thank my gracious God for making these Divine Truths fo manifeft to me, which are fo neceflary that I cannot be without them; fo evident that I am infinitely affured of them, and yet fo Myfterious that all the Wisdom of


the World (without the help of Revelation) could never have difcover'd them unto me. For which caufe I fet the Gloria Patri at the end of it.

§. 56. INSTEAD of th' Apostles, I fay S. Athanafius's Creed (as after my Almauack) if I happen to Falt on the Eve or Vigil of Christmas- Eafter- Afcenfion- or Whitfun-day, or of th' Epiphany, S. Matthias, S. John Baptift, S. James, S. Bartholomew, S. Matthew, S. Simon and S. Jude, S. Andrew, or Trinity-Sunday; it being ordered to be said on thofe days by our Church.

S. 57. S. Auguftine faith, THERE be two kinds of wicked Men; Wicked Believers, and Wicked Unbelievers; The wicked Infidel Believes contrary to the Faith of Chrift; The wicked Believer Lives contrary to it. And it shall be more tollerable for the men of Sodom in the day of Judgment than for fuch.

§. 58. Cun Thou me, O good Lord, and fo fhall I be turned: Be favorable, O Lord, be favorable tome who turn to Thee in weeping, fafting, and praying: For Thou art a merciful God, Full of compaffion, Long-fuffering, and of great pity. Thou spareft when I deferve punishment, And in thy wrath thinkeft upon mercy. Hearme, O Lord, for thy mercy is great, and after the multitude of thy mercies look upon me; thro' the merits and mediation of thy blessed Son Jefus Christ our Lord. Amen.

§. 59. GRANE, Lord, I befeech Thee, that the course of this world may be fo peaccably ordered by thy Gover Dance that thy Church may joyfully ferve Thee in all godly quietness thro, Jefus Chrift. Amen.

§. 6o. Bield Thee bumble thanks, O-Fleavenly Father, that Thou haft vouchsafed to call me to the knowledę e of thy Grace, and Faith in Thee; increase this knowledge and confirm this Faith in me evermore, for the Love of thy only Son our Savior Jefus Chrift. Amen.

Here Iadd, ifI faft on a Wednesday, this Prayer.

S, 61. O Thou my crucified Savior, Glory be to Thee for caufing thy Sufferings to be registred in the Gofpel, there f have read and remember the Wonders and Triumphs of thy Almighty Love, for which I will always adore and praife Thee. I Remember, O gracious Lord, how Thou, who thoughteft it no Robbery to be equal with God, waft made in the fashion of frail Man, of the vileft and most contemptible of Men; For Thou tookeft upon Thee the from of a very

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