
our ordinary life wends on. It may be prudent for a poet not to bewitch too persistently, but to let his willing thrall descend now and then from the empyrean, and touch hard, actual ground. Is it not one of the causes of Shakespeare's enduring power, that although he takes with us the highest and most distant flights, yet he is certain to descend anon and remind us that we are of English flesh and blood? The scenes of Scott's "Talisman" are, if I remember rightly, all laid in the East; but although the romancer introduces charmingly the Saracens and their customs, yet he takes care that his readers' relationship to the subject shall be kept in view, by making his chief characters the Crusaders and their ladies. It may be, I presume to think, a question of literary art whether an author may not identify himself and entrance his readers too exclusively with his foreign theme.

Whether I am right about the cause of the declension of Moore's popularity or not, I cannot but think the neglect of him a thing to be regretted. He was, without doubt, a true poet. He wanted the robust spirit which has always found readiest way to the hearts of Normans, Danes, and Saxons, but he has merits and beauties which it is sin and folly to ignore. The sweetness of his numbers; the aptness of his imagery, which he draws from such a multitude of sources; the intimacy with his subject, which he was always at pains to acquire; the gorgeous imagination from which he compounds his views and stories, are all characteristics which can rarely be found in such degree and such profusion as in his verse. I have before spoken of the plainness with which he expresses his meaning. If he has not all a poet's excellences, he has a great number of them. And he has passages which may be said to be without equals of their kind. Take, for instance, the description of Nourmahal's charms in "The Light of the Harem;" where again shall we find anything so exquisite? Grant that the impressions are those which an Eastern rather than a Western mind would receive from a lovely girl, yet where is the other poet who could have so vividly and thoroughly set them before us? In respect to his own class of subjects he had indeed the "vision and the faculty divine." If we compare Moore's Zelica with Constance de Beverley in "Marmion," we shall perceive in some sort how it is that Moore, though he could delight the English mind for a time, could not confirm his grasp of it. The two heroines have

in their stories and their destinies enough of resemblance to make a comparison suitable. Zelica is in a prominent place throughout the tale. Our interest centres in her; and without doubt the poet has done his utmost to make that interest ab. sorbing. We have little more than a glimpse of Constance in that fearful scene in the vaults of Holy Island. Yet no reader, as I fancy, will say that his longer acquaintance with Zelica has given her an advantage over the Constance who comes and passes in one gloomy tableau: he will rather maintain that Constance in her five minutes' opportunity, took a firmer hold of his affection than Zelica after her sad passage through the cantos of "The Veiled Prophet." Constance belongs to the stream of tradition with which we have been familiar from childhood: the poet has given us the points of her case, with which we are able and delighted to amplify out of our own stores. Of Zelica we understand what the poet has told us, but beyond that we cannot go: we are not sufficiently enlightened as to the lives of damsels on the banks of the Amoo or in a Persian harem to be able to expand the figure. Thus, to our Western apprehension, Zelica is the fragment, and Constance the distinct form.

I have been considering these poems as productions for which the world is in debted to the authors of them, and which the world could not obtain from any other source. No doubt, as regards the works of Moore and Scott, I was justified in my view, for those poets flourished in days when thought-reading was not invented. But how is it to be with authors in the future rather, how are we to know who is properly the author of a work or notwhen a thought-reader may insinuate himself into the minds of an inventer, pirate his thoughts while they are yet unuttered, and hurry them before the world as his (the robber's) own? Such a proceeding, as one perceives, would be far more complicated and far more difficult to expose than any of the clever tricks, whereof we have been told, of purloining music scores, appropriating cartoons, or mak ing off with manuscripts. Mr. Pecksniff when he stole Martin Chuzzlewit's archi tectural design and paraded it as his own, was at last detected and denounced. But how bring home his dishonesty to the metaphysical thief? If we are to do any thing at all in that line we must have psy. chical experts, able to trace the thought. thief; and on the evidence of these detec tives, disputes between authors would

have to be decided. A formidable array ¦ real affections, they would reduce what is of cases we then shall certainly have; now the most absorbing pursuit in the because there will be the grievances not world almost to a matter of cool routine, alone of those real authors whose concep- ruin the gay science, impose a check on tions may have been usurped, but the deceitful promises to marry, and spoil the claims of pseudo-originators, who will ac- business of some of the law courts. On cuse the publishing authors of having the other hand, they might, no doubt, by stolen from them; for it will be easy for a disclosing tender secrets, which but for rogue to accuse a Tennyson or a Brown- them would never have been known being of having made a reputation by rob-yond the bosoms where they were cherbing his (the rogue's) brains.

ished, give rise to curious complications As I go on trying to forecast the future which, in the present state of things, of this thought-reading, I perceive that a never can arise. In fact, thought-readers, gifted metaphysician, able not only to pen- supposing them to be few in comparison etrate another mind, but to exhibit the of society at large, might order much terworkings of the said mind for the amuse-restrial business according to their own ment of a company of spectators, as a mag. fancies. The coats of darkness and the nified drop of water is sometimes exhib. seven-leagued boots which delighted the ited, might become a very prominent and infancies of our forefathers, dwindle to popular artist. What thousands would but paltry auxiliaries beside the thoughtrush, and pay handsomely, to see the reading power. Again, if listeners are mind-springs of a Jay Gould laid bare; to liable to hear things disagreeable to themfollow a natural philosopher in his specu- selves, what harrowing discoveries are lations, rational and irrational; or to pry thought-readers like to make concerning into the intricate musings of a great in the sentiments of others towards them! ventor, and observe ideas as they flit, With all their superhuman powers, there unite, separate, disagree, disappear, and is no doubt they are subject to afflictions, return in the creative limbo before they which may make them objects of pity to take tangible form! Suppose yet farther the most short-sighted of mortals. And that some profane showman should under- to say nothing of positive afflictions, what take to manifest to us the workings of perplexities must they not encounter? that tortuous mind which is ever puzzling The outside of society is so different from and mystifying other minds, and which is the inside, that a person who is cognizant said to occasionally deceive and wheedle of both sides must often feel himself awkitself: how would men rush to behold the wardly placed. ever-fermenting elements out of which The last observation that I shall at are evolved massacres, confiscations, and present make on this subject is that, as dishonorable deeds, and in which resides against thought-readers, language will no the faculty of conveying gross falsehood longer be an effectual means of veiling without logically lying! our hearts, perhaps the necessities of the Is it not a pity, is it not indeed exasper-new conditions may cause our race to deating, that the thought-readers should velop some new faculty, hitherto unsuswaste their great powers in hunting for pected, by which thought-readers may be pins and in detecting the numbers of hid- thrown off the scent, and perhaps conden bank-notes, when they might be ren-founded through their own devices. dering so many real benefits to society? Lest any one should be busy in exam. If they would only now reveal to the po-ining my thoughts at this moment, I will lice, where the dynamitards are laying make the readers of "Maga a present of their torpedoes, or let the British public them. They have been suggested by a know (it would be useless to inform the name which met my eye, when, a minute government) what particular Russian plots since, the wind turned over a leaf of the are being hatched on the north-western book which is lying by me. I am thinkfrontier of India, they would be our de- ing of years ago when this same name was fenders and best friends. Crimes, follies, owned by a fat old farmer, whom I used and misfortunes innumerable might be frequently to see on market-days. He prevented if only thought-readers would was remarkable for his adherence to the be useful instead of being simply aston- very old-fashioned method of having his ishing and amusing. There is, however, money always in coin, and in his own one province in which, whether for good keeping. Whether or not he had a strongor ill, thought-reading might work an en- box, which he let all the world see, I do tire revolution. If they would only let not remember; but I think it will be lovers into the secret of their mistresses' judged from what I am about to say of

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make the acquaintance of ministers when visiting foreign countries. It is the means of obtaining the key to doors generally closed, to consulting documents otherwise inaccessible, and to getting out of prison if by mistake you happen to be one day thrown therein.

him, that he was more likely to have kept | and the minister for foreign affairs, M. de his means hidden somewhere. He had Kálnoky, at 3 P.M.. It is always well to to pay upwards of £4,000 once in settlement of some transaction concerning land, and he brought the whole of this amount in his cart, in specie, to the market-town. The thing was talked about: I heard of it, but at first did not quite believe it. However, after a while I had an opportunity of hearing the fact confirmed The Home Office is a sombre-looking by the conveyancer to whom the money palace, situated in the Judenplatz, a dark had been paid. My informant added that and narrow street in old Vienna; the it had been transported, packed in a milk-apartments are spacious, correct but bare; pail; and that when the farmer was the furniture severe, simple but pure eighjeered at, by some one present at the pay- teenth-century style. It resembles the ment, for trusting his cart-men with loose abode of an ancient family who must live coin when he would not trust a bank, he carefully to keep out of debt. How differsaid: "Trust 'em! no, I didn't: I told ent to the government offices in Paris, 'em 'twas a lot of shot I was sending where luxury is displayed everywhere in away, now that the shooting was over.' gilt panellings, Lyons velvets, painted He was ceilings, and magnificent staircases - as, for instance, at the Financial and Foreign Offices! I prefer the simplicity of the official buildings of Vienna and Berlin. The State ought not to set an example of prod. igality. The Comte Taaffe is in evening dress, as he is going to a conference with the emperor. He, nevertheless, receives my letter of introduction from one of his cousins most amiably, and also the little note I bring him from my friend Neumann, who was his professor of public law. The present policy of the prime minister, which gives satisfaction to the Tscheks and irritates the Germans so much, is not unjustifiable. He reasons thus: What is the best means to ensure the comfort and contentment of several persons living together in the same house? Is it not to leave them perfectly free to regulate their lives just as they think well? Force them to live all in the same way, to take their meals and amuse themselves together, and they will be certain, very shortly, to quarrel and separate. How is it that the Italians of the canton of Tesino never think of uniting with Italy? Because they are perfectly satisfied to belong to Switzerland. Remember that Austria's motto is Viribus unitis. True union would be born of general contentment. The sure way to satisfy all is to sacrifice the rights of none. "Yes," I said, "if unity could be made to spring from liberty and autonomy it would be indestructible."

Upon my word, though, I must give over gossiping, and get back with my two or three volumes to shelter, for I can no longer doubt that those clouds are in earnest. Provided that I have not to run for it I don't care; but who will warrant me for even a couple of minutes? There! I am on my feet once more, at any rate. And now, how to convey my books. I will just tie them together with that cord which has been hanging over the hammock to assist me when it should be my pleasure to turn out, and then if I have luck Ah, here is the boy in buttons, and a nice thoughtful boy he is! Between us we can carry all, and dispense with the tying up. So now I start at once with a fair prospect of being housed before the storm begins. That was a rather vivid flash. There is going to be a pitiless pelting, for the wind is rising. But I think I shall do it.

From The Contemporary Review.

I ARRIVE at Vienna at ten o'clock and alight at the Münsch hotel, a very oldestablished one, and very preferable, in my opinion, to those gigantic and sumptuous Ring establishments where one is a mere number. I find awaiting me a letter from the Baron de Neumann, my colleague of the University of Vienna, and a member of the Institut de Droit International. He informs me that the minister Taaffe will await me at eleven o'clock,

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for the clergy. Probably a statue as high as the Hradsin Cathedral will be raised in his honor at Prague, if he persuades the emperor to be crowned there.

some articles in the Revue des Deux | the chancellor, is composed of three minMondes, in 1868-9, I tried to show that isters viz., those of foreign affairs, this was the best solution of the question. finances, and war; it alone settles foreign Count Taaffe is still young; he was born policy, and the Hungarian element is domin 1833, Feb. 24. He is descended from inant here. Count Taaffe's principal resian Irish family and is a peer of that coun- dence is at Ellisham in Bohemia. Bailli try, with the title of Viscount Taaffe of of the order of Malta, he possesses the Correw and Baron of Ballymote; but his Golden Fleece. He is, in fact, in every ancestors left their home and lost their respect, an important personage. In 1860 Irish estates on account of their attach- he married the Countess Irma de Czaky ment to the Stuarts. They took service, of Keresztszegk, by whom he has had a then, under the dukes of Lorraine, and son and five daughters. He has, thus, one of them distinguished himself at the one foot in Bohemia and the other in siege of Vienna in 1683. Count Edward, Hungary. All unanimously admit his exthe present minister, was born at Prague. traordinary aptitudes, his indefatigable His father was president of the supreme energy, and his clever administration; but court of justice. He himself commenced in Vienna they complain that he is too his career in the Hungarian administra- aristocratic, and has too great a weakness tion under the Baron Bach, who, seeing his great aptitudes and his perseverance, procured him rapid advancement. Taaffe became successively vice-governor of Bohemia, governor of Salzburg, and finally governor of upper Austria. Called to the ministry of the interior in 1867, he signed the famous Ausgleich of December 21, which forms the basis of the present dual empire. After the fall of the ministry, he was appointed governor of the Tyrol, and held that post to general satisfaction for a space of seven years. On his return to power he again took up the portfolio of the interior, and was also appointed pres-nounced, I think of Metternich. It was ident of the Council. He continued to here he resided. In 1812 Austria decided pursue his federalist policy, but with more the fall of Napoleon. Now, again, she success than in 1869. The concessions holds in her hands the destinies of Euhe makes to the Tscheks are a subject of rope; for the balance changes as she both grief and wonder in Vienna. It is moves towards the north, the east, or the said that he does it to secure their votes, west; and I am about to see the minister for the revision of the law of primary who directs her foreign policy. I exeducation in favor of reactionary cleri- pected to find myself in the presence of calism. Those who are of this opinion an imposing-looking person, with white must forget that he has clearly shown his hair, and very stiff; so I was agreeably leaning to federalism for more than six-surprised on being most affably received teen years.

What is more astonishing is the contradiction between Austria's home and foreign policy. At home the Slav movement is encouraged. All is conceded to it, with the exception of the re-establishment of the realm of St. Wenceslas, the road to which is, however, being prepared. Abroad, on the contrary, and especially beyond the Danube, this movement is opposed and suppressed as much as possible, even at the risk of dangerously increasing Russia's influence and popularity. This contradiction may be explained after this wise. The "Common" ministry of the empire is entirely independent of the ministry of Cis-Leithania. This "Common" ministry, presided over by

At three o'clock I proceeded to see Count Kálnoky at the Foreign Office in the Ballplatz. It is very well situated, near to the imperial residence, in a wide street, and in sight of the Ring. Large reception-rooms, solemn-looking and cold; gilded chairs and white and gold panellings, red curtains, polished floorings, and no carpets. On the walls portraits of the imperial family. While waiting to be an


by a man of about forty, dressed in a
brown morning suit, with a blue cravat.
An open and very pleasing expression,
and eyes brimming over with wit. All
the Kálnoky family have this particularity,
it appears. He possesses the quiet, re-
fined, yet simple and modest distinction
of manner of an English nobleman.
many Austrians of the upper class, he
speaks French like a Parisian. I think
this is due to their speaking six or seven
languages equally well, so that the partic
ular accent of each becomes neutralized.
The English and the Germans, even when
they know French thoroughly, have still a
foreign accent when speaking it; not so
the Austrians. Count Kálnoky asks what
are my plans for my journey. When he

hears that I intend studying the question of the Eastern railways, he says:

to St. Petersburg, the most important of all diplomatic posts, and, on the death of "That is our great preoccupation at the Haymerlé, he was called to Vienna as present moment. In the West they pre- foreign minister, and thus in three years tend that we are anxious for conquest. he advanced from the position of a cavalry This is absurd. It would be very difficult officer, brilliant and elegant it is true, but for us to make any which would satisfy with no political influence, to be the the two parties in the empire, and it is in arbiter of the destinies of the Austrian fact greatly to our interest that peace Empire, and consequently of those of should be maintained. But we are dream- Europe. How may this marvellously ing of different sorts of conquests, which, rapid advancement, reminding one of the as an economist, you can but approve. I tales of the grand viziers in the "Arabian speak of conquests we are desirous of Nights," be accounted for? It is genmaking for our industries, trade, and civ-erally considered to be due to Andrassy's ilization. For this to be possible, we friendship. But the real truth is very want railways in Servia, Bulgaria, Bosnia, little known. Count Kálnoky is even and Macedonia; and, above all, a connec- cleverer as a writer than as a speaker. tion with the Ottoman lines. Engineers His despatches from foreign courts were and diplomatists are already at work, and really finished models. The emperor, a will soon succeed, I hope. I do not think most indefatigable and conscientious any one will complain or throw blame on worker, reads all the despatches from the us when a Pullman car takes him com-ambassadors, and was much struck with fortably from Paris to Constantinople in three days. We are working for the benefit of the Western world."

It has been said that speech was given to diplomatists to conceal their thoughts. I believe, though, that when Austrian statesmen deny any ideas of conquest and annexation in the East, they are expressing the true intentions of the imperial government. The late Chancellor de Haymerlé expressed similar opinions when I saw him in Rome in 1879, and in a letter which I received from him shortly before his death. Baron Haymerlé was better acquainted with the East and the Balkan Peninsula than any one. He had lived there many years, first as dragoman of ths Austrian embassy, and afterwards as a government envoy, and he was a perfect master of all the different languages of the East.

The present chancellor, Count Kálnoky, of Körospatak, is of Hungarian origin, as his name indicates; but he was born at Littowitz, in Moravia, December 29, 1832. Most of his landed estates are in that province, amongst others Prödlitz, Ottaslawitz, and Szabatta. He has several brothers, and a very lovely sister who has been twice married, first to Count Jean Waldstein, the widower of a Zichy, who was already sixty-two years of age, and secondly, to the Duke of Sabran. Chancellor Kálnoky's career has been very extraordinary. He left the army in 1879, with the grade of colonel, and took up diplomacy. He obtained a post at Copenhagen, where he appeared destined to play a very insignificant part in political affairs. Shortly after, however, he was appointed |

those from St. Petersburg, noting Kálnoky as destined to fill high functions in the State. At St. Potersburg he charmed every one by his wit and amiability, and in spite of the distrust felt for his country became persona grata at the court there. When he became chancellor, the emperor gave him the rank of major-general.

It was thought in the beginning that his friendship for Russia might lead him to come to terms with that power, and perhaps also with France, and to break off the alliance with Germany; but Kál. noky does not forget that he is Hungarian and the friend of Andrassy, and that the pivot of Hungarian policy, since 1866, has been a close alliance with Berlin. In the summer of 1883 the German papers more than once expressed vague doubts as to Austria's fidelity, and public opinion at Vienna, and more especially at Pesth, was rather astir on the subject. Kálnoky's visit to Gastein, where the emperor Wilhelm showed him every mark of affection, and his interview with M. de Bismarck, where everything was satisfactorily explained, completely silenced these rumors. At the present, the young minister's position is exceedingly secure. He enjoys the emperor's full confidence, and, apparently, that of the nation also, for, in the last session of the Trans- and GisLeithanian Delegations he was acclaimed by all parties, even by the Tscheks who are just now dominant in Cis-Leithania. Count Kálnoky is hitherto unmarried, which fact, it is said, renders Vienna mothers despairing and husbands ur easy. I pass my evenings at the Salm-Lichtensteins'. I had already the pleasure of

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