
tacked by regular soldiers was ever | dress, with a casket of jewels in his more completely routed. The little hand, he let himself down at night band of Frenchmen, who alone ven- from a window of his palace, and, actured to confront the English, were companied by only two attendants, swept down the stream of fugitives. embarked on the river for Patna. In an hour the forces of Surajah Dowlah were dispersed, never to reassemble. Only five hundred of the vanquished were slain. But their camp, their guns, their baggage, innumerable waggons, innumerable cattle, remained in the power of the conquerors. With the loss of twenty-two soldiers killed and fifty wounded, Clive had scattered an army of near sixty thousand men, and subdued an empire larger and more populous than Great Britain.

In a few days Clive arrived at Moorshedabad, escorted by two hundred English soldiers and three hundred sepoys. For his residence had been assigned a palace, which was surrounded by a garden so spacious that all the troops who accompanied him could conveniently encamp within it. The ceremony of the installation of Meer Jaffier was instantly performed. Clive led the new Nabob to the seat of honour, placed him on it, presented to him, after the immemorial fashion of the East, an offering of gold, and then, turning to the natives who filled the hall, congratulated them on the good fortune which had freed them from a tyrant. He was compelled on this occasion to use the services of an interpreter; for it is remarkable that, long as he resided in India, intimately acquainted as he was with Indian politics and with the Indian character, and adored as he was by his Indian soldiery, he never learned to express himself with facility in any Indian language. He is said indeed to have been sometimes under the necessity of employing, in his intercourse with natives of India, the smattering of Portuguese which he had acquired, when

Meer Jaffier had given no assistance to the English during the action. But, as soon as he saw that the fate of the day was decided, he drew off his division of the army, and, when the battle was over, sent his congratulations to his ally. The next morning he repaired to the English quarters, not a little uneasy as to the reception which awaited him there. He gave evident signs of alarm when a guard was drawn out to receive him with the honours due to his rank. But his apprehensions were speedily removed. Clive came forward to meet him, embraced him, saluted him as Nabob of the three great provinces of Bengal, Bahar, and Orissa, listened graciously to his apologies, and advised him to march without delay to Moorshedabad. | a lad, in Brazil. Surajah Dowlah had fled from the The new sovereign was now called field of battle with all the speed with upon to fulfil the engagements into which a fleet camel could carry him, which he had entered with his allies. and arrived at Moorshedabad in little A conference was held at the house of more than twenty-four hours. There Jugget Seit, the great banker, for the he called his councillors round him. purpose of making the necessary arThe wisest advised him to put himself rangements. Omichund came thither, into the hands of the English, from fully believing himself to stand high whom he had nothing worse to fear in the favour of Clive, who, with disthan deposition and confinement. But simulation surpassing even the dishe attributed this suggestion to trea- simulation of Bengal, had up to that chery. Others urged him to try the day treated him with undiminished chance of war again. He approved kindness. The white treaty was prothe advice, and issued orders accord- duced and read. Clive then turned to ingly. But he wanted spirit to adhere Mr. Scrafton, one of the servants of the even during one day to a manly reso- Company, and said in English, "It is lution. He learned that Meer Jaffier now time to undeceive Omichund." had arrived; and his terrors became "Omichund," said Mr. Scrafton in insupportable. Disguised in a mean | Hindostanee, "the red treaty is a trick.

You are to have nothing." Omichund | blunder. That honesty is the best fell back insensible into the arms of policy is a maxim which we firmly behis attendants. He revived; but his lieve to be generally correct, even with mind was irreparably ruined. Clive, respect to the temporal interest of inwho, though little troubled by scruples dividuals; but with respect to societies, of conscience in his dealings with In- the rule is subject to still fewer exdian politicians, was not inhuman, ceptions, and that for this reason, that seems to have been touched. He saw the life of societies is longer than the Omichund a few days later, spoke to life of individuals. It is possible to him kindly, advised him to make a mention men who have owed great pilgrimage to one of the great temples worldly prosperity to breaches of priof India, in the hope that change of vate faith; but we doubt whether it scene might restore his health, and was be possible to mention a state which even disposed, notwithstanding all that has on the whole been a gainer by a had passed, again to employ him in breach of public faith. The entire the public service. But from the mo- history of British India is an illustrament of that sudden shock, the un- tion of the great truth, that it is not happy man sank gradually into idiocy. prudent to oppose perfidy to perfidy, He who had formerly been distin- and that the most efficient weapon guished by the strength of his under- with which men can encounter falsestanding and the simplicity of his hood is truth. During a long course habits, now squandered the remains of of years, the English rulers of India, his fortune on childish trinkets, and surrounded by allies and enemies loved to exhibit himself dressed in rich whom no engagement could bind, garments, and hung with precious have generally acted with sincerity stones. In this abject state he lan- and uprightness; and the event has guished a few months, and then died. proved that sincerity and uprightness We should not think it necessary to are wisdom. English valour and Engoffer any remarks for the purpose of lish intelligence have done less to directing the judgment of our readers, extend and to preserve our Oriental with respect to this transaction, had empire than English veracity. All not Sir John Malcolm undertaken to that we could have gained by imitatdefend it in all its parts. He regrets, ing the doublings, the evasions, the indeed, that it was necessary to em- fictions, the perjuries which have been ploy means so liable to abuse as for- employed against us, is as nothing, gery; but he will not admit that any when compared with what we have blame attaches to those who deceived gained by being the one power in Inthe deceiver. He thinks that the Eng- dia on whose word reliance can be lish were not bound to keep faith placed. No oath which superstition with one who kept no faith with them, can devise, no hostage however preand that, if they had fulfilled their cious, inspires a hundredth part of the engagements with the wily Bengalee, confidence which is produced by the so signal an example of successful". yea, yea," and "nay, nay," of a Britreason would have produced a crowd tish envoy. No fastness, however of imitators. Now, we will not dis- strong by art or nature, gives to its cuss this point on any rigid principles inmates a security like that enjoyed of morality. Indeed, it is quite un- by the chief who, passing through the necessary to do so: for, looking at territories of powerful and deadly enethe question as a question of ex-mies, is armed with the British guapediency in the lowest sense of the word, and using no arguments but such as Machiavelli might have employed in his conferences with Borgia, we are convinced that Clive was altogether in the wrong, and that he committed, not merely a crime, but a

rantee. The mightiest princes of the East can scarcely, by the offer of enormous usury, draw forth any portion of the wealth which is concealed under the hearths of their subjects. The British Government offers little more than four per cent. ; and avarice has

tens to bring forth tens of millions of rupees from its most secret repositories. A hostile monarch may promise mountains of gold to our sepoys, on condition that they will desert the standard of the Company. The Company promises only a moderate pension after a long service. But every sepoy knows that the promise of the Company will be kept; he knows that if he lives a hundred years his rice and salt are as secure as the salary of the GovernorGeneral and he knows that there is not another state in India which would not, in spite of the most solemn vows, leave him to die of hunger in a ditch as soon as he had ceased to be useful. The greatest advantage which a government can possess is to be the one trustworthy government in the midst of governments which nobody can trust. This advantage we enjoy in Asia. Had we acted during the last two generations on the principles which Sir John Malcolm appears to have considered as sound, had we as often as we had to deal with people like Omichund, retaliated by lying and forging, and breaking faith, after their fashion, it is our firm belief that no courage or capacity could have upheld our empire.

Sir John Malcolm admits that Clive's breach of faith could be justified only by the strongest necessity. As we think that breach of faith not only unnecessary, but most inexpedient, we need hardly say that we altogether condemn it.

understood so much of their feelings, that he thought it necessary to apologise to them for having avenged them on their most malignant enemy.

The shower of wealth now fell copiously on the Company and its servants. A sum of eight hundred thousand pounds sterling, in coined silver, was sent down the river from Moorshedabad to Fort William. The fleet which conveyed this treasure consisted of more than a hundred boats, and performed its triumphal voyage with flags flying and music playing. Calcutta, which a few months before had been desolate, was now more prosperous than ever. Trade revived; and the signs of affluence appeared in every English house. As to Clive, there was no limit to his acquisitions but his own moderation. The treasury of Bengal was thrown open to him. There were piled up, after the usage of Indian princes, immense masses of coin, among which might not seldom be detected the florins and byzants with which, before any European ship had turned the Cape of Good Hope, the Venetians purchased the stuffs and spices of the East. Clive walked between heaps of gold and silver, crowned with rubies and diamonds, and was at liberty to help himself. He accepted between two and three hundred thousand pounds.

The pecuniary transactions between Meer Jaffier and Clive were sixteen years later condemned by the public voice, and severely criticised in ParOmichund was not the only victim liament. They are vehemently deof the revolution. Surajah Dowlah fended by Sir John Malcolm. The was taken a few days after his flight, accusers of the victorious general reand was brought before Meer Jaffier. presented his gains as the wages of There he flung himself on the ground corruption, or as plunder extorted at in convulsions of fear, and with tears the point of the sword from a helpless and loud cries implored the mercy ally. The biographer, on the other which he had never shown. Meer hand, considers these great acquisiJaffier hesitated; but his son Meeran, tions as free gifts, honourable alike to a youth of seventeen, who in feeble- the donor and to the receiver, and ness of brain and savageness of nature compares them to the rewards begreatly resembled the wretched cap-stowed by foreign powers on Marltive, was implacable. Surajah Dow-borough, on Nelson, and on Wellinglah was led into a secret chamber, to ton. It had always, he says, been which in a short time the ministers of customary in the East to give and redeath were sent. In this act the Eng-ceive presents; and there was, as yet, lish bore no part; and Meer Jaffier no Act of Parliament positively pro

hibiting English functionaries in India | what would be thought of such a from profiting by this Asiatic usage. transaction? Yet the statute-book no This reasoning, we own, does not more forbids the taking of presents in quite satisfy us. We do not suspect Europe now than it forbade the taking Clive of selling the interests of his em- of presents in Asia then. ployers or his country; but we cannot At the same time, it must be adacquit him of having done what, if not mitted that, in Clive's case, there were in itself evil, was yet of evil example. many extenuating circumstances. He Nothing is more clear than that a gene- considered himself as the general, not ral ought to be the servant of his own of the Crown, but of the Company. government, and of no other. It fol- The Company had, by implication at lows that whatever rewards he receives least, authorised its agents to enrich for his services ought to be given themselves by means of the liberality either by his own government, or with of the native princes, and by other the full knowledge and approbation means still more objectionable. It was of his own government. This rule hardly to be expected that the servant ought to be strictly maintained even should entertain stricter notions of his with respect to the merest bauble, with duty than were entertained by his masrespect to a cross, a medal, or a yard ters. Though Clive did not distinctly of coloured riband. But how can any acquaint his employers with what had government be well served, if those taken place and request their sanction, who command its forces are at liberty, he did not, on the other hand, by stuwithout its permission, without its died concealment, show that he was privity, to accept princely fortunes conscious of having done wrong. On from its allies? It is idle to say that the contrary, he avowed with the there was then no Act of Parliament greatest openness that the Nabob's prohibiting the practice of taking pre-bounty had raised him to affluence. sents from Asiatic sovereigns. It is Lastly, though we think that he ought not on the Act which was passed at a not in such a way to have taken any later period for the purpose of prevent-thing, we must admit that he deserves ing any such taking of presents, but praise for having taken so little. He on grounds which were valid before that Act was passed, on grounds of common law and common sense, that we arraign the conduct of Clive. There is no Act that we know of, prohibiting the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs from being in the pay of continental powers, but it is not the less true that a Secretary Meer Jaffier could be upheld on the who should receive a secret pension throne only by the hand which had from France would grossly violate his placed him on it. He was not, induty, and would deserve severe punish-deed, a mere boy; nor had be been so ment. Sir John Malcolm compares unfortunate as to be born in the purthe conduct of Clive with that of the ple. He was not therefore quite so Duke of Wellington. Suppose,-and we beg pardon for putting such a supposition even for the sake of argument, that the Duke of Wellington had, after the campaign of 1815, and while he commanded the army of occupation in France, privately accepted two hundred thousand pounds from Lewis the Eighteenth, as a mark of gratitude for the great services which his Grace had rendered to the House of Bourbon;


accepted twenty lacs of rupees. would have cost him only a word to make the twenty forty. It was a very easy exercise of virtue to declaim in England against Clive's rapacity; but not one in a hundred of his accusers would have shown so much self-command in the treasury of Moorshedabad.

imbecile or quite so depraved as his predecessor had been. But he had none of the talents or virtues which his post required; and his son and heir, Meeran, was another Surajah Dowlah. The recent revolution had unsettled the minds of men. Many chiefs were in open insurrection against the new Nabob. The viceroy of the rich and powerful province of Oude, who, like the other viceroys of the

used his power ably and vigorously for

Mogul, was now in truth an independent sovereign, menaced Bengal the advantage of his country. He sent with invasion. Nothing but the talents forth an expedition against the tract and authority of Clive could support lying to the north of the Carnatic. In the tottering government. While things this tract the French still had the aswere in this state, a ship arrived with cendency; and it was important to despatches which had been written at dislodge them. The conduct of the the India House before the news of the enterprise was intrusted to an officer battle of Plassey had reached London. of the name of Forde, who was then The Directors had determined to place little known, but in whom the keen the English settlements in Bengal un-eye of the governor had detected milider a government constituted in the tary talents of a high order. The sucmost cumbrous and absurd manner; cess of the expedition was rapid and and, to make the matter worse, no splendid. place in the arrangement was assigned While a considerable part of the to Clive. The persons who were se- army of Bengal was thus engaged at lected to form this new government, a distance, a new and formidable dangreatly to their honour, took on them- ger menaced the western frontier. The selves the responsibility of disobeying Great Mogul was a prisoner at Delhi these preposterous orders, and invited in the hands of a subject. His eldest Clive to exercise the supreme autho- son, named Shah Alum, destined to be, rity. He consented; and it soon ap- during many years, the sport of adpeared that the servants of the Com- verse fortune, and to be a tool in the pany had only anticipated the wishes hands, first of the Mahrattas, and then of their employers. The Directors, of the English, had fled from the paon receiving news of Clive's brilliant lace of his father. His birth was still success, instantly appointed him go- revered in India. Some powerful vernor of their possessions in Bengal, princes, the Nabob of Oude in parwith the highest marks of gratitude ticular, were inclined to favour him. and esteem. His power was now Shah Alum found it easy to draw to boundless, and far surpassed even that his standard great numbers of the which Dupleix had attained in the military adventurers with whom every south of India. Meer Jaffier regarded part of the country swarmed. An him with slavish awe. On one occa- army of forty thousand men, of vasion, the Nabob spoke with severity to rious races and religions, Mahrattas, a native chief of high rank, whose fol- Rohillas, Jauts, and Afghans, were lowers had been engaged in a brawl speedily assembled round him; and with some of the Company's sepoys. he formed the design of overthrowing "Are you yet to learn," he said, "who the upstart whom the English had elethat Colonel Clive is, and in what sta-vated to a throne, and of establishing tion God has placed him?" The chief, his own authority throughout Bengal, who, as a famous jester and an old Orissa, and Bahar. friend of Meer Jaffier, could venture to take liberties, answered, "I affront the Colonel! I, who never get up in the morning without making three low bows to his jackass!" This was hardly an exaggeration. Europeans and natives were alike at Clive's feet. The English regarded him as the only man who could force Meer Jaffier to keep his engagements with them. Meer Jaffier regarded him as the only man who could protect the new dynasty against turbulent subjects and encroaching neighbours.

It is but justice to say that Clive

Meer Jaffier's terror was extreme; and the only expedient which occurred to him was to purchase, by the payment of a large sum of money, an accommodation with Shah Alum. This expedient had been repeatedly employed by those who, before him, had ruled the rich and unwarlike provinces near the mouth of the Ganges. But Clive treated the suggestion with a scorn worthy of his strong sense and dauntless courage. 'If you do this," he wrote, "you will have the Nabob of Oude, the Mahrattas, and many more, come from all parts of the confines of


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