
Remarks by Representative Martin

Of Massachusetts

Mr. Speaker, death has taken from us one of our ablest and most dedicated leaders, Congressman CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri.

In the long history of this body, few men have served as many terms, and few have contributed so much to its traditions of service to the American people.

Congressman CANNON began his career in the House on March 4, 1923, just one term ahead of my own service in this body. He served 21 consecutive terms, a remarkable record exceeded among present Members only by the distinguished Congressman from Georgia, the Honorable Carl Vinson.

Mr. CANNON will live in American history and in the traditions of this body for his distinguished contributions to orderly procedure. He was Parliamentarian of the House for three terms, his first term being under Champ Clark, and parliamentarian of the Democratic National Convention for 40 years. His rulings were based upon a complete knowledge of our legal and political precedents. He was the author of a book defining parliamentary procedure.

As chairman of the House Appropriations Committee for many years, he played a major role in shaping the policies and the programs of our country. Few men had a wider or more thorough grasp of the Nation's finances than the distinguished Missourian.

CLARENCE CANNON will be missed by all of us who knew him and who were privileged to work with him in the public interest. He will be missed by the American people.

I join with my colleagues in extending our heartfelt condolences to his family and to the people of his Missouri district. The country has lost a faithful servant it will sorely miss.

Remarks by Representative Gary

Of Virginia

Mr. Speaker, I join my colleagues in the Congress today in paying tribute to CLARENCE CANNON, who was one of our distinguished leaders in the House of Representatives. It will be many years if ever, in fact, before the Congress sees the like of CLARENCE CANNON again. Though somewhat frail of frame, he was a vigorous and sometimes vehement warrior for what he thought was right. He was a champion of economy, and he was never above debating the question in spirited and picturesque language that left no doubt as to where he stood. But, above all, he was a dedicated public servant who was familiar in every detail with the rules he helped to establish. His work, "Cannon's Procedure of the House of Representatives," for many years has been the legislative bible on the floor of the House.

It is reported that as a young lawyer he told friends he was coming to the Capital to see how the wheels turn. He stayed to become one of the wheels. From 1941 he served as chairman of the Appropriations Committee, and it can be safely said that in this capacity he saved this country literally billions of dollars. It was my privilege to serve with him for nearly two decades as a member on that committee which was an experience I shall always cherish.

Mr. CANNON's great influence is reflected in the swift action that has been taken this year on the appropriations bills in the House. Already nine regular bills for fiscal year 1965 have been cleared by the House. Only three remain in our committee. This speedy action resulted from a schedule announced by Chairman CANNON early in the session. The schedule was designed to complete the business of the Congress before the political conventions this summer.

I extend my heartfelt sympathy to his wife and his family whom he loved so dearly.

With the passing of CLARENCE CANNON the Congress has lost one of its ablest and most colorful Members, the Nation has lost one of its most dedicated public servants, and I have lost a revered friend whose counsel, advice, and assistance have been invaluable to me in charting my course in the Congress.

Mr. Speaker, a truly great and good man has been taken from our midst.

He so lived that when his summons came to join

The innumerable caravan, which moves

To that mysterious realm, where each shall take

His chamber in the silent halls of death,

He went not, like the quarry-slave at night

Scourged to his dungeon, but, sustained and soothed

By an unfaltering trust, approached his grave

Like one who wraps the drapery of his couch
About him, and lies down to pleasant dreams.

Remarks by Representative Stubblefield
Of Kentucky

Mr. Speaker, it was with a heavy heart and profound regret that I learned of the passing of a great American.

The country, as well as the Congress, has suffered a grave loss with the death of our distinguished colleague, CLARENCE CANNON, Who has served his country in the House more than 40 years. In length of service, he was second only to the distinguished gentleman from Georgia.

Since coming to the Congress in 1923, Mr. CANNON served in many capacities and always with outstanding ability and distinction. As chairman of the important Appropriations Committee, he left his mark on every appropriations bill that has been approved by the Congress in recent years. As a parliamentarian he knew no par and has left an indelible imprint on the future operations of the Congress through his authorship of "Cannon's Procedure” and other works on parliamentary law.

I felt a genuine sense of personal loss at the passing of a good friend. I well remember his many kindnesses and great courtesy when I first came to Congress. His sympathetic understanding meant much to a green Congressman, and I am truly grateful to him for all the help he has extended to the members of the Kentucky delegation and the sympathy he has shown to Kentucky's needs.

I join with my distinguished colleagues today in paying tribute to a man of great ability, dedication, courage, and humanity, who will be sadly missed by all of us.

My deepest sympathy goes to his wife and the other members of his family.

Remarks by Representative Joelson

Of New Jersey

Mr. Speaker, if I should attain old age I hope I may live it with the verve, youthful spirit, and sense of dedication that were all a part of CLARENCE CANNON, of Missouri.

Chairman CANNON was a vigorous adversary when he felt opposition to be required. Yet underneath his sometimes gruff exterior he was a man of genuine warmth, kindness, and geniality.

One of my prized mementos of Washington is a corncob pipe he gave me when I first visited him upon my selection as a member of the Appropriations Committee. At that time he reminisced about his years in Congress and his philosophy of government and life. As a new member of the committee, I was made to feel entirely welcome and at ease. He has rendered great service to his Nation which mourns his loss.

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