CONTENTS. On the ath of a Young Lady--"Hush'd are the winds". 3 To E-"Let folly smile" Epitaph on a Friend-" Oh, friend! for ever" 4 On leaving Newstead Abbey-"Through thy battlements" an English Gentleman," &c. -" Dear simple girl". the Prometheus Vinctus, &c. -" Great Jove" 10 The First Kiss of Love" Away with your fictions" 15 Granta. A Medley-" Oh! could Le Sage's" On a Distant View of the Village and School of Harrow-on- the-Hill-"Ye scenes of my childhood" Woman-" Woman! experience might" ... .... 30 31 Oscar of Alva. A Tale-"How sweetly shines". The Episode of Nisus and Euryalus-"Nisus, the guardian" 38 Translation from the Medea of Euripides-"When fierce" Elegy on Newstead Abbey" Newstead! fast-falling".... 59 Childish Recollections When slow disease" 63 .... To George, Earl Delawar-" Oh! yes, I will own 81 To the Earl of Clare-" Friend of my youth" 82 To Samuel Rogers, Esq. -" Absent or present" Address, spoken at the opening of Drury Lane Theatre, Satur- |