


PHILADELPHIA, March 18th, 1872.

DEAR SIR AND BROTHER-I have been a Masonic student a third of a Century, and a close reader, and believe myself to be well booked up in the contents of the Books of Constitutions published by authority of the Grand Lodge of England in the last century. And when nearly twenty years ago I made the discovery that the ancient charges in Dermott's Ahiman Rezon were verbatim copies of Anderson's Constitution, 1738 edition, and that Anderson himself had made the changes from the 1723 edition, which changes were attributed to Dermott, I did not know then, (as I accepted, as all other Masons have, Anderson's Constitution as the law and gospel of Masonry,) that there were any other important differences between the two. But recently I devoted some time to a close examination of these Anderson Constitutions, and was astonished at the result. These Books are of no authority whatever, they are not reliable, they contradict each other, and the whole aim of the author, the Grand Lodge and Anderson, was to misrepresent, mislead and deceive. As a result of my investigation I have prepared a "Review of Masonry in England from 1567 to 1813" for publication, for the benefit of the Craft universal. The Book, which will form a volume of 200 pages, will be out in May ensuing, bound in cloth, and printed on good paper. I have fixed the price at one dollar per copy, so as to be within the means of every Freemason. The authorities refered to in the Review, and quoted, are Anderson's 1723 and 1738 Editions, Entick, Blaney, Northouck, Lawrie, Preston, Oliver and Sandy. I confess at being surprised that the fraternity have been deceived so long. But the Grand Lodge publications of the last century were all written in the interest of the then existing Grand Lodge, which was formed in Revolution, and completely ignored the existence of the Mother Grand Lodge. The publication of this Book is a necessity, and as such will

be appreciated by the Craft, and to cause its contents to be universally known, its pages have been limited so as to not extend its cost beyond one dollar. Every Freemason will be interested in his Brother Masons' having a copy so that the Masonic mind may be properly directed, a spirit of enquiry elicited, and credence given to no book or statement, without due examination, however widely such may be accepted. Yours fraternally,

Philadelphia Pa.


At the last annual election of this Commandery, the following named Knights were clected to the three highest offices, viz:

Ellery I. Garfield, Em. Com.

M. S. Smith, Gen.

Eugene Robinson, Capt Gen.

There was great unanimity of feeling, and the rejoicing at the result was universal. Sir Knight Garfield has been the Capt. General of the Commandery for several years, and to him is the Commandery indebted more than to any other, for the honors that have been won in Baltimore and wherever it has appeared in public parade. These are all gentlemen of high social standing, of good taste, and possess that culture so necessary to make the work of the Commandery just what it is designed to be, impressive and beautiful. A future which shall far transcend the glory of the past awaits this body, and it is a future for which every Sir Knight will labor with that self-sacrificing zeal which characterized the Knight Templars of old. With joined hands and knit hearts we press on to the better days that await us.



Sir Knight, Edward G. Marshall, M. D., died at Madisin, Wi.s, March, 20th, ult. The Dr. had been, for years, one of the Assistant Medical Superintendents of the Insane Asylum of this State. About a year snice, a wider field, and a more lucrative position, at Madison, Wis., wats offered him in the State Asylum for the Insane.

In the performance of his professional duties in that institution, it became necessary for him to make a postmortum examination of a case that had died in the Institution. Unfortunately, a "hang-nail," on one of his fingers, admitted the poison of the deal body to his blool, from the effects of which, after eight days of agony he died.

Dr. Marshall received the honors of Knighthood from Kalamazoo Commandery, No 8. of which he was a member when he died. His high intellectual endowments and acquirements-his gentlemanly and Knightly qualities-and his many virtues as a man and a Mason, endeared him to all, and will cause his memory to be long cherished by his brethren.

A detachment of Sir Knights, from Madison Commandery escorted his remains to Chicago, where they were met and relieved by a detachment of Peninsular Commandery, No. 8. by whom the remains were brought to Kalamazoo, on the 23d of March. Here the friends rested over the Sabbath, and the remains lay in State at the asylum of the Commandry till Monday. On Sunday a Service of Sorrow was held, conducted by Rev. Dr. Foster, of St. Johns' Episcopal Church, which was largely attended.

On Monday, the sad cortage proceeded on its way to Syracuse, N. Y., where the remains were buried.

A detachment of his brethren of the Commandery again attended, aiding in all needed services to friends and their dead, until their arrival at Syracuse, when, without further ceremony, he was buried on Tuesday, 26th ult. Thus passed away, in the very bloom and prime of brilliant and useful manhood, a man, a gentleman and a Mason. Peace to his ashes.


At a Special Communication of Chesaning Lodge No. 194, F. and A. M. held at their Lodge Room, March 3rd, A. D. 1872, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted.

Whereas, This Lodge has been called upon to render the last services of respect to a deceased Brother, WM. P. ALLEN;

Resolved, That the death of a Brother is always an occasion for serious contemplation to the living; reminding every Mason of the important change that awaits him, and it is more particularly so when, as in this instance, a friend is stricken down in the vigor of his manhood and the heighth of his usefulness.

Resolved, That it is our duty at this time to bear testimony to the fidelity, honesty and integrity with which Brother Allen discharged all his dutice, to his family, his

neighbors and his Lodge; and we can best render service to the living and tender honors to the dead, by offering the record of his life as a model for those who survive him.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family of the deceased; the Chesaning Times, and MICHIGAN FREEMASON, for publication; and that the Lodge be draped in mourning for thirty days.


J. L. HELME, W. M.

At a Special Communication of Chesaning Lodge, No. 194 of Free and Accepted Masons, held at Masonic Hall in the Village of Chesaning, County of Saginaw, Mich., March 11th, 1872, the following preamble and resolutions were reported and adopted:

Whereas, It has pleased the Supreme Ruler of the Universe in the dispensation of His Divine Providence to call from this life our worthy and beloved Brother, WILLIAM H. MARSDEN, and

Whereas, We deem the occasion appropriate to the expression of the sentiments of affection entertained for him by every member of this Order, who enjoyed his acquaintance while living, and especially those of the Lodge to which he belonged, and of which he was an active member; therefore,

Resolved, That in the death of Brother Marsden, we recognize that inscrutable wisdom, which while it removes from our midst an esteemed Brother, from the domestic circle a kind husband and indulgent father, from society a valuable citizen and good neighbor; admonishes us not only of the uncertain tenor of life, but of the utility of the practical virtues which he exhibited in his daily intercourse with the world, and in his attachment and devotion to the principles of his profession as a man and a Mason.

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Resolved, That as members of this Lodge we offer our condolence and sympathy in this sore affiction, to the bereaved wife and friends of our deceased Brother, and that in compliance with his special request, and in discharge of the duty imposed by considerations of brotherly love and esteem, we will proceed in a body to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory, prescribed by the usages of our ancient and honorable Order.

Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions be forwarded by the Secretary under the seal of this Lodge, to the wife of the deceased, and also to the editor of the Chesaning Times and MICHIGAN FREEMASON, with the request that they publish the same.

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By the courtesy of R. W. John Leech, P. G. C. of Indiana, we have laid upon our table a copy of "DIGEST OF MASONIC LAW," compiled and arranged by George W. Chase. This volume assumes to be a complete code of Regulations, Decisions and Opinions upon questions of Masonic Jurisprudence. It is made up of the decisions of the Grand Masters of the various jurisdictions, which have been passed upon and sustained by the several Grand Lodges. Though in many instances it is of necessity more or less contradictory, yet, all in all, it is a very valuable book, and no Masonic library can be esteemed complete without it.

Macoy & Sickles, Publishers, 432 Broome Street, New York

THE FREEMASONS' HYMNAL.-A collection of original and selected Hymns, Odes and Songs for the use of Lodges, Chapters and Commanderies, by W. Malmene, Professor of Vocal Music, Washington University. It also contains Master Mason and Knight Templar Funeral Services. This is a neat volume of Hymns, and will be found very convenient for the brethren under various circumstances. Orders received by Geo. L. Babington, Southwestern Book and Publishing Co., St. Louis Mo. $4,50 per doz. 50 cts. single copy.

SWEDENBORGE RITE and the Great Masonic Leaders of the 18th Century. By Samuel Beswick. Masonic Publishing Company, 432 Broome Street, N. Y. Of these Rites we are not so advanced as to be a competent judge. We therefore say nothing.

VICK'S ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE FOR 1872.-We are in receipt of this beautiful Annual, a Floral Guide for the culture of everything beautiful in the way of flowers and ornamental shrubbery. It makes a book of 120 pages, and is illustrated with several colored pictures of great beauty. It contains a complete catalogue of all the flowers with cultivation, and the prices of seeds, and shrubs. Also of garden vegetables, garden seeds, &c., &c., for culinary purposes. Any of our readers who desire aught in the way of rare seeds, plants, roots, bulbs or cuttings, may rely on JAMES VICK OF ROCHESTER, N. Y. If they need instructions in floral science, we advise them to send 25 cts. for Vick's Catalogue and Floral Guide.

JABEZ CAPPS & SON, OF MT. PULASKI, ILLS., are engaged in the Nursery business, and finer stock than theirs we have never seen put upon the market. Those in need of young trees for orchards, will be furnished with the very best the market affords, from these honest dealers. We thank these brothers for their Catalogue, and wish them abundant success in their laudable undertaking.



PAW PAW, Feb. 20, A. D. 1872.

DEAR SIR AND BROTHER. - The Lodges are hereby notified that at a Regular Communication of Paw Paw Lodge, No. 25, held as above, Mr. S. S. Hatt, of Paw Paw Lodge, No. 25, was expelled. By order of the Lodge.

Yours Fraternally,

L. H. ANDERSON, Secretary.

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