May summon and examine witnesses. The Board au- 5. In order that they may be the better inthorized to summon formed of the several matters and things and examine parconnected with the health of the Island, and ties. may be the better enabled to form correct opinions respecting the same, the said Board of Health is hereby authorised and empow ered to summon any person or persons before them and to examine such person or persons on oath, (which oath they are hereby authorised to administer,) touching such matters and things and any person or persons neglecting or refusing to attend the said Board after being duly summoned, sball incur a penalty not exceeding five pounds and any person who upon such examination shall wilfully and corruptly give false evidence shall be liable to be prosecuted for perjury. The Board of Health authorised saries. Establish dispensaries. 6. Should cholera, small pox or yellow fever, appear to establish dispen-shall be lawful for the Board of Health to in any part of the Island, it establish dispensaries in such localities as they may deem expedient, and to have the same properly supplied with medicines and other necessaries for the use of the sick, and to certify the expenses to the Governor in Executive Committee who are hereby authorised and empowered to issue warrants to the Treasurer of the Island for payment of the same. The Vestries in Close burial grounds. 7. If it appear to the Board of Health case of over-crowd- that the mortality in any of the parishes ing in the church- shall at any time be such as to make it un terment. safe to the public health to inter the bodies yards to provide of the dead in the burial grounds of any other places of inof the churches or chapels, the vestries of such parishes shall provide some other fit and proper grounds for that purpose. And the Commissioners of Health may provide for the removal of the bodies of the poor, and shall take care that the same are decently interred and all due precautions used to prevent the spread of infection therefrom. No lands formerly used as a cholera burial ground shall be used for any other purpose nor shall any grave in such land be reopened. Prevent spread of diseases. In case of threat Health its prevention or 8. If any part of this Island be threatened with or affected by any epidemic, ened disease, the endemic, or contagious or infectious disease, Board of it shall be lawful for the Board of Health to make orders for to make and give such orders and directions mitigation. as by them may be deemed necessary for the prevention or mitigation of any such disease, and from time to time in like manner revoke, renew, and alter any such orders and directions, and substitute such new orders and directions as to such Board may appear expedient. And the said Board may by any such orders and directions require the Commissioners and Inspectors of health of the several parishes, to superintend, aid or execute such orders and directions. And Orders to be ap all such orders and regulations shall forth- proved by the Govwith be reported by them to the Governor for ernor. Penalty on vio his approval and sanction. And if any person cee ding ten pounds. and to draw for the SANITARY COMMISSIONERS, POWERS AND DUTIES. Appointment. 9(1.) The Commissioners of Health in each of the parishes other than Saint Michael's shall be the representatives for the time being in the House of Assembly of the parish, and members of the vestry of the parish not exceeding five in number, to be appointed by the vestry on the twenty fifth day of March or within twenty one days after in each year and as often thereafter as may be necessary; provided always that notwithstanding the expiration, dissolution, or prorogation of the House of Assembly the powers and authorities of the representatives as Commissioners of Health shall in no way be affected, but shall continue as if the House of Assembly were in session. (2) The Highway Commissioners for the City of Bridgetown shall be also the Commissioners of Health for the parish of Saint Michael. (3.) Should any Commissioner appointed by a vestry be absent from this Island for three months without leave which leave the vestry are hereby empowered to give, or die or resign, he shall be deemed to have vacated his office and the vestry is hereby authorised to appoint another in his place. To appoint Inspectors. Commissioners of 10. The Commissioners of Health or the Sanitary Inspectors, er persons to be Sanitary Inspectors, to aid Health to appoint major part of them, shall appoint fit and prop necessary sums and assist them in the execution of this Act and in carrying out the orders and directions of the Board of Health, and the bye the Parochial Treasurer. on laws made and to be made in pursuance of the provisions of this Act. And the said Commissioners of Health shall assign, out of the funds at their disposal, such rate of remuneration to the Sanitary Inspectors as they may deem sufficient for their services. As there may be occasion, the said Commissioners, or the major part of them, shall draw orders on the Parochial Treasurer of their respective parishes, for the sums of money raised for sanitary purposes; and it shall not be lawful for the said Treasurer, and he is hereby expressly forbidden, to apply any part of such money to any other parochial purposes whatsoever. To make bye-laws. The Commission not the Vestries, to make bye-laws. 11. (1.) The Commissioners of Health appointed and to be appointed under the ers of Health, and authority of this Act, shall from time to time make such bye-laws as they may deem necessary to ensure cleanliness within their respective parishes, and promote the health of the inhabitants; and the said Commissioners shall submit all such bye-laws to the Board of Health, and to the Governor in Executive Committee for approval aud confirmation, and on their being approved and confirmed, and published three times in the Official Gazette of this Island, they shall be binding on all persons to whom they relate : And the said Commissioners of Health may repeal or alter any such bye-laws by any subsequent bye-laws, to be approved, confirmed, and published as aforesaid: provided that no such bye-laws be repugnant to the laws of England or of this Island, or to the provisions of this Act. Penalty on viola (2.) If any person shall violate any byelaw made, confirmed, and published as afore- tion of bye-laws. Their duties. Commissioners of be raised by the Vestry. said, or shall refuse to observe any directions given to him by the Commissioners and Inspectors of Health, under the authority and for the purposes of this Act, such person shall, for every such offence, be liable to a penalty not exceeding the sum of five pounds. To carry out rules and bye-laws. 12. The Commissioners shall be, and they are hereby authorized and required to see that the rules and regulations of the Board of Health and the bye-laws made by them respectively are duly observed within their respective parishes. To estimate sums required for sanitary pur poses. 13. (1.) The said Commissioners shall, Health to estimate between the twenty fifth day of January sums required for and the twenty fifth day of March in each sanitary purposes, year, make a return to the vestries of their and the amount to respective parishes of the sums of money which shall appear to them to be required for ordinary sanitary purposes for the ensuing year; and in cases of sudden exigency, such as the unexpected appearance of dangerous epidemics, requiring further sums, the Commissioners shall from time to time make a special return thereof to the vestries of their parishes; and the vestries are hereby required to raise and place in the hands of their Parochial Treasurer all such sums of money as may from time to time be called for by the Commis sioners of Health in any return which may be so made to them as aforesaid; such sums to be specially raised by the vestries under the authority given to them by this Act as may be deemed necessary. |