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vered incessantly. "Des Pesses, too," to believe that what tormented him she said, "has importuned me with were morbid scruples. After which offers of his services, and I have had I placed Rose's letter in his hand. others who annoyed me, whom you do" See," I said, "if anything can excuse not know."

"I am becoming," her letter ended,
66 more and more miserable. Oh!
brother, can you not find me some asy-
- some convent which would not
refuse to shelter a girl so utterly aban-
doned, and would offer an asylum to
her virtue, and her honor? Patrick
has forsaken me, no doubt. I have
never heard from him since he left me.
He has cast off an unwelcome burden,
and has gone to seek service in some
foreign court. George is in prison;
nothing is left me but my honor, and
the hope I have in Heaven.”

She gave me her address and begged
me to write at once to her.

you for not taking the means placed in your power for her deliverance?”

The letter so greatly affected him that he said no more in opposition to my wishes. Before leaving the prison the jailer told me that both he and the messenger of state had been paid in full.

It was by Sara's order. Patrick, in the midst of his grief, could not refrain from expressing his sense of her thoughtfulness and generosity. We went at once to her. A priest whom I had sent for was to be in readiness. Dilnich and I were to be the only persons present.

Sara was a little disconcerted when we entered. She blushed deeply, and Patrick was no less embarrassed. I hastened to put an end to this.


On receiving this letter I was fortunately alone. I fell on my knees, but | could not pray. Nothing seemed distinct. I shed a flood of tears, and then presenting to you my brother," I said words came to me in which to suppli- to Sara, "I bring you one who is yours cate him who is the father of the already by all kinds of right; and it fatherless, for that poor child, Earl will be his happiness to find his duty C's beloved daughter, now reduced combine with his most tender inclinato labor with her own hauds for the tions. What you have done for him bread she ate ! and the favors he has received already, unite you by ties as strong as marriage; it needs only the Church's blessing to hallow them. This day, I trust," I added, looking at Sara, “to call you my sister-in-law."

I went back to the Castle. It was nine o'clock. I wanted to pay all dues to the jailer, and to deliver Patrick from prison without touching the money of Sara, but unhappily, I found I had not enough left to settle the jailer's bill in full. He consented to take my word.

I entered Patrick's chamber. I told
him Sara Fincer was in Dublin. "She
is anxiously expecting," I said, "to
see you.

She came last evening to
bring us further help." Patrick in-
"Tell me no more,"
terrupted me.
he said, "I see what her generosity has
forced me to. My love I cannot give
her, my hand I may. I acknowledge
all her excellencies, and feel ashamed
of being so unworthy. A man is not
master of his own affections. If I
marry her she will be unhappy. Do
you think it right to bring upon her
such a misfortune ?" I exhorted him
at much length to consider his honor,

Sara did not speak. She bowed her head. I had not yet given Patrick a chance to open his lips, but now he addressed a few kind words to her, polite rather than affectionate, but expressing a wish that a little more time might be allowed him to prove that he deserved her goodness.

I dreaded delay. I turned to Dilnich, asking him if he did not think the marriage should take place at once. He was, of course, of my opinion, and the priest I had sent for arriving at that moment with his two acolytes, I took Sara's haud and placed it in that of Patrick. He looked at me with piteous eyes. To give him courage I said: "Think how pleased Rose will be to hear of your marriage."

A few words made them man and | to himself. His wife was full of the wife. I was full of joy, and thanked most tender cares for him. Touched

God for having permitted the accomplishment of my wishes.

by her solicitude, no doubt, he took one of her hands, and kissed it respectfully. The doctors whom we called in, said he was in a high fever. They attributed it to his having ventured too soon into the open air after having come out of prison. They ordered him to stay in bed, where he was not to be disturbed for some hours.

Whatever might be Patrick's feelings, he was too much a gentleman not to accept the obligations of his situation; he kissed his wife after the ceremony; and as for her, she looked radiantly happy. It was necessary to have some law papers drawn up to confirm the religious marriage, and Sara insisted that not only should all her property, so far as possible, be made over to her husband, but she even opportunity of returning to his chamoffered him her keys. ber. I made no excuses to the com

Reassured by this opinion we went back to the dining-room, but so great was my anxiety that I took an early

Dilnich then insisted that we must pany, nor would I suffer Sara to dine with him to celebrate the occasion. accompany me. He asked, with the bride's consent, Patrick, as I entered, gave a deep three of his friends to join us. When sigh. I kept silence, but, finding that they arrived they were accompanied, to he would not speak, at last I began by my great astonishment, by no less a saying that I trusted no bad conseperson than Lord Lynch. He at once quences would ensue from his fainting embraced Patrick with great demon- fit. He stopped me, and speaking in strations of friendship. He said he had a low voice, said: "The consequences been several days in Dublin, and, hear- I apprehend have nothing to do with ing of what was going on from friends of Dilnich, he had asked permission to accompany them, and to assure us that nothing in the past had impaired his feelings of regard.



my health and my life. I have offered up both. Heaven must do with them what it will." "Hush!" I said. "Listen while I exhort you." Spare me," he replied. "I repeat that I We placed ourselves at table. Even have sacrificed myself to your views, to Patrick seemed to lend himself to the your wishes, and to the interests of my general gaiety. Dilnich was very lively, family. What can you ask more ? " and, when the wine had circulated," But Sara," I resumed, "surely you Lord Lynch took upon himself to say will find in Sara a wife Again that the bridegroom was indebted to he interrupted me. "I shall faithfully him in part for his present happiness, perform all that I have promised you and that he congratulated himself upon with regard to her," he said. "I shall his share in bringing this marriage respect her, for I know her worth. about. His allusions were not under- admire her goodness not less than you stood by Sara, but I saw Patrick change do, and I acknowledge her charms ; color, and I tried to turn the conversa- all that gratitude and attention to her tion. A few moments after Patrick wishes can do shall be hers. It was rose and left the room. I followed for you, who insisted on uniting us, to him, hoping to bring him back, after strengthening his courage by a brief exhortation. All the guests, however, followed me, fearing my brother was seriously ill. We found him sitting with his face buried in his hands. We gathered round him. He tried to rise but sank unconscious on the floor.

We raised him, and applied restoratives. It was not long before he came


tell her how little I could give.
share in what has taken place was
blind submission. I have given myself
for the interests and honor of my fam-
ily. I told you what you were doing.
And more," he added, in a low tone of
indifference, "it is for you to assume
the responsibility of your own acts.
All is yours. If you have led Sara to
expect more than I have promised,

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more than I can give,
undeceive her. Tell her I am gloomy,
melancholy, and morose; but add that
I shall always treat her with respectful
consideration. That is all she can ex-
pect, and all I promised you."

it is for you to | ances of his sincere affection, offering me complete control over all his property in Ireland, to do what I liked with it. I thanked Lord Lynch for his frankness, and for the regard he entertained for my sister. I said I was on the eve of going to Paris myself to look after the affairs of Rose, that I had great influence with her, and that no doubt she would listen to my advice in what concerned her marriage. I could not, however, conceal from Lord Lynch that I was much troubled by what he told me about a hole in the wall. answered that he had left a respectable woman in charge whom he had engaged as maid to wait on Rose, and to be present at their marriage. He had also lodged his servants in the

I was thunderstruck. I could not see anything wrong in what I had done. I had had the best of motives. Before I could answer I heard Sara at the door, and thinking that her tenderness might be what was best for him at such a moment, I went out and left them alone.

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house, and see that no harm came to her. But I was hardly reassured.

Lord Lynch took the earliest opportunity of speaking alone to me. After telling me what I already knew concerning Rose, he added, that after he had discovered her retreat, she had refused to see him, or to accept any neighborhood with orders to watch her succor from his hand. He had then taken a lodging next door to the house that she was in, and had secured a Lord Lynch wanted to speak to room adjacent to the one she occupied. Patrick, but I assured him I would He had made an auger-hole through rather do so myself. I found Sara sitthe wall that divided them, and was ting by his bed with her hand in his. not only able to watch her when she I told him Lord Lynch's story. Sara thought herself alone, but could by a was indignant that Rose should be violent shove knock down the parti- watched in secret, and carried off tion. He had resolved to do this-to against her will. "You would be off carry her - and had everything cruel," she cried, "should you consent prepared for the abduction, thinking it to such a thing, or should you marry was no cruelty to a young girl to com- Rose to any one against her will. I pel her to exchange poverty for wealth know Lord Lynch is rich- but what and happiness. But on the eve of his have riches to do with happiness? enterprise he had been seized with Rose is my sister now. Bring her scruples, and dreaded lest he should back to Ireland. Let her live with us. bring dishonor by his act on our family I ask it," she said, turning to Patrick, or his own. He therefore determined" as the first favor I have ever sought not to act without obtaining her from you." brother's sanction. He had gained So my journey was fixed for the permission to see George in prison, next day, and Sara insisted upon furwho, after telling him that for his own nishing the necessary funds. Lord part he would gladly see him the hus- Lynch announced his intention of goband of his sister, added that, with ing with me, but before my departure, regard to the plan proposed, he would I took a moment when I was alone say nothing, the decision must rest with Patrick to renew my exhortations, with Patrick and with me. It was to but he implored me not to aggravate secure our assent that Lord Lynch had his sufferings, and to spare him words. abandoned affairs of pressing impor-"I cannot," he said, repulse Sara tance in France, and had come to Dub- when she is trying to do everything for lin. He brought a letter from George, me. I can only hope that such tendersimply saying, that he gave his consent ness and complaisance as I can show to a marriage between his sister and will satisfy her." Lord Lynch; and he sent me assur



It seemed to me indeed useless at

that time to say more. I could only | cealed this affair from all of us. And confide him and his wife to him whose who could be the happy lover whom

she preferred to Des Pesses, to Lord Lynch, to the duke, who at least was an accomplished man of the world? I was trying to think who he could possibly be as I sat in my own lodgings, when my servant informed me that a gentleman asked leave to speak to me. He would not give his name, and said his person was unknown to me.

"He entered, and his appearance was in his favor. He began by asking by what right I had taken a letter from his servant. I answered that I had a right to know anything that concerned

hand can alone set right what none other can; but before I left, Patrick, to my surprise, sent for me. "Alas!" he said, "I must confide to you now what I have hitherto kept from you. Des Pesses is not in Paris. He was my true friend, devoted to my service. I had told him in confidence all my relations with Mademoiselle de L, and he has gone to Germany to find out where her father has taken her. Should he succeed, I promised him my good offices with Rose. I thought I should be able to advance his suit, for she had liked him greatly until Mademoiselle de C, as I was her George persuaded her that he was not a fit match for her. But Rose's indifference when I spoke of Des Pesses, made me at last suspect that some one else might have secured her interest. One day, when I had gone earlier to the convent than usual, I found a servant out of livery standing at the gate. I asked him what he was there for. He told me he was waiting for some note or message from a lady who was boarding at the convent, and to whom he had just sent in a letter. Is it Mademoiselle de C ?' It was. 'Very good,' I answered; 'I shall keep your secret.' But when he had received his answer, and was at a short distance from the convent, my servant and I, who had followed him, made him give up the letter.

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"It said: "I will never listen to any proposals, even from you, which would be unbecoming to my station or my birth. Never renew such offers if you wish me to retain the good opinion I have of you. Have I not done enough for you in disclosing what I now regret? Wait patiently for better times. Then I will respond to you without cause for self-reproach. But till then it is your duty not to make an ill use of your knowledge of the feelings I entertain for you, or of my present position.'

brother. He excused himself at once for the tone he had taken in putting the first question, and then began to speak of Rose. He congratulated me on being the brother of so charming a person.


'Yes,' I answered, 'she is young and attractive, but she is also entitled to respect by her birth and by her virtue.'


"I quite agree with you,' replied the stranger; but I am not here on my own account, but on that of another.' So saying, he rose, and without giving me his name, or that of his principal, he left me, refusing to be accompanied to the door.

"I naturally lost no time in questioning my sister. Rose is frankness itself. She offered to tell me everything.

'But first,' she said, casting her eyes down, 'since you know him, brother, tell me his name.' This strange question, which I could not answer, made me more anxious than before.

"She told me that at the first ball she went to with the duke and with George, she had met a gentleman who at first sight pleased her; she, however, had thought little more of him until after George had removed her from your care, when she found him by her side at church. He whispered to "I was perfectly amazed. My first her that he was not there by chance, feeling was astonishment at the care and owned the sentiments with which with which a girl, open-hearted as I she had inspired him. She said she had always considered Rose, had con-had done wrong to listen to him, but



all he said had given her confidence. | stand,' I said. And after a further However, when she told him that her conversation, which threw no light on hand must depend on the consent of the name, station, or fortune of the her brothers, he answered sadly that stranger, I left her, determined to find there was an obstacle in the way of him out. his declaring himself at present; all he could do was to make known to her his sentiments in secret, and endeavor to make such an impression on her as might induce her to wait till he could declare himself openly.

"I was offended at first,' she said, 'when he spoke thus, and went afterwards to another church to avoid hin. I saw him again at the ball at the Hotel de Carnavalet, but had not spoken to him.'

"I asked her," said Patrick, "why she said nothing to any of us about this. I was afraid,' she said. 'I had, as you know, almost given my consent to marry Lord Lynch when I saw Mademoiselle de L with you, aud felt what it would be to me to have him for my husband. After I came to this convent I was told one day that a gentleman wished to speak with me through the grating in the parlor. I thought it was you or M. des Pesses. It was the stranger. "I only ask," he said, "permission to love you, and to cherish the hope that one day I may be yours. I will not even ask to see you, if you will grant me leave to hope that when that day arrives, which cannot be far off, you will accept me as your suitor." I made him no reply. He has never come back, but he now and then sends me a letter. It is always full of offers of service, and he assures me that he will not try to see me till he is in a position to offer me his fortune and his hand.'

"I placed two men near the convent gate, with orders to send me word at once if any one enquired for my sister. I stayed in my own house, hoping to receive a second visit from the gentleman who had called on me. I waited thus three days, and nothing came. My money was nearly exhausted, and I thought my best course would be to come at once over to Ireland, and see if any help might be looked for from you. Des Pesses, who had been detained in France by his father's death, set out at the same time for Germany. From him I borrowed one hundred pistoles, but Rose resolutely refused to let me accept anything from him for her assistance.

"On reaching Killerine," continued Patrick, "I kept this matter to myself, because I did not wish to add to your uneasiness. Knowing all that I do I could not for a moment think of favoring the project of Lord Lynch, and I am astonished that George, both proud and honorable, could have dreamed of such a thing. I would like to caution you when you see Rose not to think you will eradicate by good advice the feeling that she has for her unknown lover. Now that she has told me her secret, she will be constant to him. Place Rose at once in safety in some convent. As to George, I think in time he may be suffered to leave France, as was the case with the Earl of R- You will easily get access to him in prison, and he will tell you how to proceed with your solicitations on his behalf."

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" he

"Brother,' she continued, 'I cannot tell you how much I have been affected by his disinterestedness, and I own I "And when you see Des Pesses,' have wept for myself, that I should be said, as I was leaving him, "what in a position which obliges me to look will you tell him? Perhaps he will coldly on the adoration of a man so have discovered the retreat of Madenoble and so charming. I could not moiselle de L- Perhaps she will refrain at last from returning him an have charged him for me with some answer, and expressing a vague hope new proof of her tenderness and her that some day when his affairs and fidelity. How will you justify me in mine appeared more favorable, all diffi- his eyes for the step that I have culties might be over.' 'I under- taken? The good opinion of a good

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