
It is not very easy to keep clear of concordances and marginal references, and so to put the question that the children may be obliged to search the Scriptures for themselves in order to find the texts required. It might be a help, then, if teachers so occupied were occasionally to compare notes, and furnish one another with subjects which they have used in their own classes; and your excellent periodical (if you would allow us to do so) would furnish us with the best means of making an exchange, which might be found mutually advantageous. By way of beginning, I send a few subjects that have been used in my own class, and hope in return, if you approve the plan, to derive benefit from those which may be furnished by others.- I am, Sir, your obedient servant,

The Christian loves what God commands.
Pleasantness of true religion.

Duty of searching the Scriptures.

God only can enable us to understand the Scriptures.
The door of mercy will one day be shut.

Shortness and uncertainty of life.

"Grace" used for " 'God's good will towards us."

"Grace" used for "God's good work in us.”

C. C.

Examples of prayers not immediately answered, or not in the way expected.

Man's wicked actions overruled for God's glory.

Christ while on earth knew all things.

Christians are not to seek to exalt themselves.

The evils of tale-bearing.

The true Christian loves the house of God.

Duty of supporting missions.

Duty of forgiving injuries.

Duty of confessing our sins to God, and our faults to each other.

We should pray for our minister.

Nine different Simons are mentioned in the Bible. Where?
Instances of our Saviour's praying for others.

"Justify" meaning "to make righteous."

"Justify" meaning "to pronounce or shew to be righteous.' Encouragements to prayer from every book in the Bible. (This may be given in parts, and a list will be found in the "Friendly Visitor" for June last.)

Examples of resisting the Spirit.

Figures representing the union of Christ to believers.

Union of believers with each other.

We must practise what we know.

Only God's grace can keep us from falling.

We should always be ready to help those who are in need.

God's service is perfect freedom.

Where is the 69th Psalm quoted in the New Testament? (Six times.) Types of Christ in the Old Testament, (or simply in Lev. &c.)

Examples of early piety.

Examples of persons punished for their pride.

Examples of envious people.

.Examples of good women.

Examples of wicked women.

Prophecies of our Lord's being the Son of David.

On avoiding evil company.

God bears long with sinners.

Texts in which the THREE Persons of the blessed Trinity are spoken of together.

Emblematic actions used by the prophets.

God will take care of his own people.

We can only come to God through Jesus Christ.

All that our Saviour said on the Cross.

The songs of heaven.

Teachers who do not know it will find "The Mine Explored" very useful little book, though it is not all that we want.


DEAR SIR,-In your correspondence last month I observed some remarks on the ignorance of Sunday-school children as to the real intention of the "Missionary Box" into which they put their money. "I believe the statement of the writer to be quite correct, and think that perhaps the simple explanation which I enclose might be usefully read, occasionally, in our schools.

Would it not be well only to allow the missionary box to be brought out at stated times-monthly or quarterly-this has a tendency to keep up the interest, and so give to the character of a privilege, rather than an every-day tax upon their purses.

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As it is very desirable that the poorest child should partake of it, when reward tickets are given, and have a certain value, we have allowed the children to put them into the box, by which means the evil of teazing their poor parents for halfpence has been prevented, and no child who is diligent at school is unable to contribute. They can all give what they have first earned,

"Christian ministers and Sunday-school Teachers feel that the amount raised for missionary purposes is a very small proportion of the good which they derive from any collections. They feel, with St. Paul, when he said, "Not because I desire a gift: but I desire fruit that may abound to your account." (Phil. iv. 17.) Trusting that these few hints may, by the divine blessing, further the object of your useful little publication,

Bristol, Nov. 14th, 1845.

I remain yours truly,

"Perhaps some of you do not know what the Missionary Society is for, so I will explain it to you.

"There are a great many countries a long way from England, where the people have never heard of God. They have no Bible, and no clergyman to teach them; they have no schools, and never learn to read. Instead of praying to God, they pray to frightful images, made of wood or stone, and call them gods, though they cannot help them, or hear what they say. These people are called heathens. You have been told what is the only way to go to heaven. You know that Jesus died upon the cross for us, so that if we believe in him, our sins may be pardoned, and we may go to heaven for his sake. But the poor heathens do not know any thing about either heaven or Jesus Christ. They do not know how to be good, and so they are wicked and miserable.

"But there are some very good clergymen who have gone into some of these far countries to teach them what the Bible says, and to tell them of Jesus Christ; and these clergymen are called Missionaries. Now it is surely our duty to do all we can to help them, since God has been so kind to us as to place us in a land where we are taught to know and love him. Every body who is able, and has any money to spare, should help the missionaries by giving some, for you know that they cannot go into countries a long way off if they have no money. Each of you ought to give what you can, if it is but a penny or a halfpenny. But there is another way in which you may all help, even if you have no money. You may all pray. You should pray to God both for the missionaries and the poor people they go to teach. You should pray that the missionaries may be kept safe in all the dangers they have to go into, and have the help of God in all they have to do; and that the heathens may be turned from their idols, to know, and love, and serve him."




No. 22.




POLICY as well as duty recommends the divine injunction, "Overcome evil with good." The purest philosophy is here blended with the distinguishing virtue of Christianity. The principle of love, is the purest and the sweetest which can actuate the human heart. Where this prevails, a halo of peace is thrown over the community in which it dwells, and men with men enjoy a reciprocity of feeling, and a mutual regard for each other's interests; the jarring of conflicting passions never disturbs such happy friendship; "each esteems other better than himself;" and confidence and fidelity are mutually experienced. Such is the love of Christianity: a love so strong and so lasting, that the most untiring persecution cannot wear it out; which forgives the greatest injuries, and benefits the greatest enemies. A love so broad, that heaven and earth are not too wide for its exercise; which, whilst it holds with deathless vigour to its great Creator, extends itself to all the inhabitants of the world. Love in reality, without dissimulation. "Love that suffereth long and is kind; envieth not; vaunteth not itself; doth not behave itself unseemly; is not easily provoked; thinketh no evil; beareth all things:" the very bond of peace, and of all virtues. How few, indeed, possess such a love! yet such is no more than is required of us.

Amongst the different classes of individuals who compose the Christian church, we might suppose that none possessed this blessed principle more than Sundayschool Teachers. The nature of their office-and their voluntarily taking such an office-would naturally bring us to such a conclusion.

[blocks in formation]

While the political and commercial worlds are torn and rent by strife, and envy, and mistrust, we should hope to find in them a little community, carrying on a labour of love, bound by the same motives, armed by the same zeal, and united in the closest bonds of friendship and unalloyed regard; a happy family, in which all that is lovely, all that is pure, all that is of good report, are cherished and nourished to the utmost extent. But, alas! it is not always so: we find, to our sorrow, that even amongst them, there sometimes exists a seeming indifference to each other's interests, an apathetic coldness, a disregard to the more sensitive amongst them, till it bursts into open disunion.

When Satan cannot tempt Christians to serve him by the commission of gross sins, he sometimes throws in brands of contention, and stirs up the hearts of some to strife and perverseness, in the most unimportant matters, to weaken and retard their efforts. How often, when all is going on smoothly, and when the little band humbly lift up their heads, as lights in the midst of the surrounding darkness, pursuing the work of the Lord with diligence and prosperity-how often does Satan throw up some root of bitterness, and spread, by this cause, disunion and opposition among them!

In all quarrels, there is generally fault on one side, sometimes on both; and too often pride and ill will are the supporters or the causes. In worldly men, this is almost always the case; while, in professors of religion, bigotry, shortsightedness, intolerance, and sometimes indeed the former, are the distinguishing blemishes. But where true Christianity reigns in the heart, neither one nor the other appear.

In the exercise of true Christian charity, it is of importance to observe, that some minds are so constituted or shaped, by early education, that they cannot concur in many of the opinions of others: their conscience, more tender, shrinks with alarm from what others, with equal sincerity, may practise without compunction; that is, in matters of mere form, where no principle is involved; and for the sake of peace, it becomes absolutely necessary to bear with the tenderness of such consciences,

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