
GLOSSARY.-V. 48. My master's brother's daughter; properly, my master's brother's son's daughter. This illustrates what we said on Genesis xi. 29.-V. 53. Jewels, (margin,) vessels.-V. 55. A few days. It seems most probable, that as days are often put in Hebrew for years, this meant a full year, ten months.-V. 63. To meditate, (margin,) to pray.

GENERAL REMARK.-Our first great duty is to pray and look out for the leadings of God's providence; our next, to follow them when they are given. Abraham's servant and Rebekah's parents are an instance of those who do this. He prays that God would direct him; and when the way is pointed out, he takes it; they, too, though we do not hear of their praying, take it when it appears to be divinely pointed out: "The thing proceedeth from the Lord," &c. This is to follow in the path of blessing.


LUKE xiv. 16-24.-The King's Great Supper.


QUESTIONS.-Verse 16. Who was speaking these words? What was the story he began to tell them? What was this parable in answer to? (See verse 15.) What did Jesus mean to shew by it?That while they said, "Blessed," &c., they were themselves refusing to partake of this feast. Whom did Christ mean by a certain man"?-God the Father inviting the world by Jesus Christ. What did he mean by the "great supper"?-The blessings which were offered to men by the Saviour. Whom by the many that he bade?The Jews, to whom the Gospel was first preached.-V. 17. Whom did the King send to gather in the guests? Whom may this mean? -Either his Son, who went about inviting men to come to him, or the disciples, who were appointed to do this.-V. 18. What did those who were bidden do? What was the excuse of the first?V. 19. What of the second?-V. 20. What of the third? Were these good excuses? Why not?-Because they were invited, and ought not to have let these matters interfere. Whom did these persons represent?-The Jews, who, from some worthless excuse or other, refused to come to Christ for salvation?-V. 21. When the servant told his master, what did he do? Whom was the servant to fetch in? Whom do these represent?-The poor in spirit, publicans and sinners, the weary and heavy laden. (See Matt. xi. 28. Luke xv. 1, 2. and vii. 34, 39.)-V. 22. When the servant had fetched these in, was there still room?-V. 23. What was he now to do? Did not Christ and his disciples use every entreaty to persuade people to come and be saved? (See Matt. xxiii. 37.)—V. 24.

Were the men who were bidden to be admitted to the supper? If we neglect Christ's salvation, can we expect to be admitted to its blessings? What does Christ promise to those who receive him? (Rev. iii. 20.)

GLOSSARY.-V. 16. Bade many. (See Matt. xx. 16.)—V. 18. With one consent, with one accord, or as though they had determined among themselves to refuse.-V. 23. Compel, constrain. Use every endeavour to persuade them. It is the same word which is used. (Matt. xiv. 22.)

GENERAL REMARK.-Many are bidden to the Gospel-feast, the "feast of good things;" but how few accept the invitation! They let earthly trifles keep them away from eternal life! The poor, the maimed, and the halt alone come in. Surely, the ingratitude and sin of those who turn away will reap its reward at last: "None of those men," &c. But happy will their condition be who enter in. "Blessed is he that shall eat," &c. Among which of these two classes have we cast in our lot?


GENESIS XXV. 27–34. and xxvi. 1-11.-The History of Isaac and his Two Sons.

QUESTIONS.-Verse 27. Who were these boys? Whose sons were they? What was Esau's occupation? and Jacob's?-V. 28. Which of his parents loved Isaac most? and which Jacob ?—V. 29. What was Jacob doing when Esau came from the field? Was Esau tired?-V. 30. What did he ask Jacob to let him have?—V. 31. On what condition was Jacob willing to let him eat?-V. 32. How did Esau consider it over? Was it right to set lightly by his birthright? What were the blessings attached to the birthright?-A double portion of the father's property, his choicest blessing, &c.V. 33. What did Jacob make him do? and did he sell his birthright? -V. 34. Did he care about it? What does St. Paul call him? (Heb. xii. 16.) What do you mean by "profane" ?—An irreligious person; one who had no fear of God before his eyes. Does it shew that we are without the fear of God when we despise our privileges? -xxvi. 1. What was there in the land at this time? Where did Isaac go? Have we heard of Abimelech before, and whose friend was he? (xxi. 27.)—V. 2. Was he not to go down into Egypt? -V. 3. Why not?-V. 5. Why were all these blessings promised to him?-V. 7. Whom did the men of Gerar ask about? What did Isaac call her? Had he a wife? (xxiv. 67.)-What made him say she was his sister? Was it right?-V. 9. When Abimelech found it out, what reason did Isaac give of his conduet? Ought we,

for any reason, to do what is wrong? Will God bless us if we do not tell the truth?

GLOSSARY.-V. 27. Esau, (Hebrew,) made. His appearance in infancy was like that of a full-grown man. Dwelling in tents, as a a shepherd, looking after flocks. Jacob, supplanter.-V.30. Edom, another name of Esau, called so from this circumstance: his descendants were hence called Edomites, and their country Idumoa. -V. 34. Lentiles, a kind of pulse or beans. A traveller mentions pottage made of these lentiles, in Barbary, as being of a red or chocolate colour. It was considered in Egypt a great luxury.—xxvi. 1. Abimelech, probabably the son of the one mentioned before.-V. 7. Sister, or cousin as she was.

GENERAL REMARK.-Esau despised his birthright, and sold it "for one morsel of meat." He shewed his unconcern for this privilege, which had been bestowed on him as the first-born, and his want of respect towards God, who had given it to him. This sin brought evil consequences on him afterwards. How many of us disregard our spiritual privileges, our religious advantages! Let us take heed lest this bring upon us God's displeasure, who has said that much shall be required of him that hath much.


LUKE XV. 1-10.—The parable of the sheep and the pieces of silver.

QUESTIONS.-Verse 1. Who were these that drew near to Christ? and what for? Who were the publicans?-Persons who for a certain sum gathered the taxes which were paid to the Romans. Who were the sinners?-Persons who had led wicked, profligate, and abandoned lives.-V. 2. What did the Pharisees and Scribes murmur at? Were they inwardly better than these people? (Matt. xxiii. 25.) What did Christ receive these sinners and eat with them for?-In order that he might convert and bring them to repentance. -V. 4. Relate this parable of Jesus. How many sheep had he lost? Would he leave all the rest, and go after the one? Would not this shew his great love for the lost?-Vv. 5, 6. And when he had found it what would he do ?-V. 7. Would there be, likewise, rejoicing in heaven over one sinner repenting? Would there be any that really do not need repentance? But are there not some, such as these Pharisees, who fancy that they do not need it? Can we expect salvation, unless we repent? (Luke xiii. 3.)—V. 8. Relate this next parable.-V. 9. When she had found the one piece, what would she do?-V. 10. Would there be also joy in heaven over a returning sinner? Have we repented that they may rejoice over us?

GLOSSARY.-V. 1. Publicans, such as Levi and Matthew. They were persons placed in the Roman provinces, who got what they could by contracting for the taxes gathered by the Romans. The surplus which they collected was their profit.-V. 7. Some have made a distinction between repentance and sorrow for sin. As though the former expresses that violent grief which profligate and abandoned persons, on turning to God, exhibit; the latter, that of persons who have been uniformly correct. This, I think, is inadmissible; because all, without exception, in the Bible, are said to need repentance; and outwardly correct conduct, where the heart is wandering from God, would be as great a cause of grief or true conversion as very dissolute behaviour. Need no repentance, or fancy that they do not, as these murmurers. (Comp. xix. 26. v. 31, 32.) There is joy over sinners repenting, rather than, &c. (Compare xviii. 14.)

GENERAL REMARK.-There is joy in the presence of God's angels over one repenting; there is sorrow over the careless and hardened sinner; and if among the angels, how much more with Him who died to save the sinner! Oh! let us hasten to manifest true repentance for our sins, that that joy may be felt for us; or if we have already, to renew our repentance, that they may renew their joy.


GENESIS Xxvi. 12-35.-Isaac's Intercourse with the Philistines. QUESTIONS.-Verse 12. Was Isaac blessed with prosperity this year?-V. 14. When he became so great, how did the Philistines feel towards him? Do not wicked people often feel envy at others? What is envy a fruit of? (Gal. v. 19, 21, part.)-V. 15. How did the Philistines shew their hatred of Isaac? When had Abraham dug them? (See xx. 1.)-V. 16. What did Abimelech wish?-V. 17. Was Isaac willing to go? What did this shew ?-V. 18. What did he do with the wells which had been filled up?-Vv. 19, 20. When Isaac had digged in the valley, and found a spring of water, what did the herdmen of Gerar do? Was this right, when he had so kindly removed from them just before?-V. 21. And the next well; did they strive for that? Is God pleased with us when we quarrel with each other? (Gal. v. 14, 15.)-V. 22. What did he call the name of this well, and why so?-V. 23. Where did he now remove to? Was not this a proof that he was willing to forego his own?— V. 24. What did God say to him when he appeared? Was not this kind in God to promise him all these blessings, just when he had been giving them up ?-V. 26. Who came to Isaac from Gerar?—

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V. 28. What had they come for?-V. 29. What was the covenant to be made for? Had Abraham ever made a covenant with these same people? (xxi. 23, 24.)-V. 30. Did Isaac agree? Did not this shew that he was willing to forgive their injuries to him? Why ought we to forgive others? (Matt. vi. 14, 15.)-V. 34. How old was Esau when he married? Whom did he marry?-V. 35. Was this pleasing to his father and mother? Why?-The Hittites were of the idolatrous inhabitants of Canaan, with whom it was not good for a religious person to marry. (See xxiv. 3.)

GLOSSARY.-V. 12. An hundredfold, a very large increase. (See Matt. xiii. 8.)-V. 20. Esek, (margin,) contention.-V. 21. Sitnah, (margin,) hatred.-V. 22. Rehoboth, (margin,) room.-V. 33. Beersheba. Called so in Abraham's time, but the name had been probably forgotten, and the well filled up; so that, when he opened the well, he renewed the name.

GENERAL REMARK.-When we love and fear God, we shall shew it in every department of life: in our intercourse with others--our tempers, our habits, our feelings. Isaac did this. When the Philistines envied him, and asked him to go away, he went. He did not "resist evil." When they strove with him about one well, he left it, and went to another. And when, after all, they came to make a covenant with him, and be at peace, he is willing to forgive and forget all, and unite with them. Oh! let us really fear God, that we may shew the like dispositions, when we are called to do so.


LUKE vi. 36-42.-Some of the Duties we owe to others. QUESTIONS.-Verse 36. In what are we to be like God? Is he merciful? (Joel ii. 13.) And even to the wicked? (See Matt. v. 45.) If God is merciful to our great transgressions, ought we not to be merciful to the light ones of others?-V. 37. Why are we not to judge others? nor to condemn? Why are we to forgive? If we forgive others because of our love to Christ, may we not hope to be forgiven?-V. 38. Are we to give to others? Why? If we refuse to give to the poor of what little we have, can we hope that God will give to us? Does not God say that he will give back to those who are bountiful? (Prov. xix. 17.) How will God give back to us?-In his own way, either in spiritual or temporal blessings.V. 39. What was this parable which Christ spake to the people? Can you tell me whom he meant by these blind leaders? (Matt. xv. 12, 14, part.) How were they so?-They pretended to teach them God's will, but were leading them to ruin and destruction.-V. 40.

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